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MrPADDY:They work alongside Opay, reason they call Opay registered numbers for them to come and get loan... Most of their numbers start with 020, so when they call me I end the call immediately, so far only their 020 numbers have been calling making it easy to end the calls... |
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Mhen, things dey occur, I no really dey enjoy like that, but suffering is far from me, I am grateful. |
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Kobojunkie:Not only disrespecting her, he is not even sexually attracted to her, not his spec but he lived with her for a good period of time got pregnant, saw all the red flags, went ahead with the wedding and yet still blaming the lady. The fault is all his, cause the girl knows what he wants and did all she could to get it, but he on his part refused to reject what he does not like and still waste his life savings on a mere party... @op,how do you throw a party and expect to get sprayed a reasonable amount to get your money back, which form of investment is that? 1 Like |
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EmperorCaesar:Same here ooo, @klass99,I hardly have time to visit Nairaland as much as I used to but each time I come I want to read from those I follow, but it's always not funny each time I see your comments gone, thanks to those who quote you sha, they are the ones who make me see some lines from you but I have to use the search option to read you... Happy Sunday from here.... |
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I was prepared for it, I already have it at the back of my mind that things could go wrong, cos I legit insulted my roommate then with his attitude when he experienced it, and I have been involved in married people cases even as a teenager when they brought their case to my dad for advice or to settle any animosity, he calls me to sit and listen when he is advising them. When it finally happened, I was more concerned about the money I loaned her... The only heartbreak I think I suffered were the genuine one or two friends I never got to date due to one reason or another. |
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Quality20:It's certain you have never been to the villages, where I Wan even start from, the ones that sleep with their teachers from secondary school, those with poor hygiene, their reasoning capacity and mindset, the ones with no ambition and won't even see reason with you when taking important decisions/actions, their views about life generally and many more, if they are learned and schooled in a town or city and have some decency in them is still okay but seeing them as village girls and SSCE holder, oga, you will be at a LOST big time. 1 Like |
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22o62021:Those students of UNN that beat you in front of your parents those days are now parents of the said children been talked about on this thread... They only know how to create fear in children that are not theirs and not train children, they are two different things.. 1 Like |
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gabmanuel:This line of yours, I have always thought about it, what exactly is special about the word marriage if not it been an official recognition of intimate friendship, for me it's just a word especially for those who cohabit and tolerate one another for many years even with one or two children involved suddenly starts having issues the moment it is now termed marriage officially. Seen many cases and I still can't wrap my head around it. 1 Like |
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LetsDestroyAPC:What is the big deal there, my mum sold lots of things including palmoil, groundnut oil, cement, provisions, Garri, beans, rice and lots more both in wholesales and retail at one point in time, she has her own building and still earns from her business till now but on a smaller scale cos of age, while my dad who is now retired only earns from his pension and his tenants sef don't pay regularly, my point is him going to school and going into that business should give him an edge, before you lambast me, I worked for about three and half years, lost my job,saved up and I am into the business my mum is doing but on a smaller scale, I can only grow from there with time. 2 Likes |
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Bobloco:There is no propaganda here, the fact remains, whoever is/were sent to disrupt the status quo of illegal exportation will in no time join them be cause of the huge money involved, you have to be there and witness it to know how far, yes govt does not want it but who the govt will send there for strict monitoring also wants to live large and in no time blends in and joins the rest. 4 Likes |
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Exmilitant:Gold old days, one thing that I still remember about imperial leather is the way that sticker on the soap remains till the last days without falling off. 1 Like |
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[quote author=Epositive post=123392932]Na drugs own worse Especially that Tetracycline ![]() On your way to the shop, you were so assured you will get it right after repeating it. But immediately you greeted the chemist, you're in trouble. ![]() Chemist: what do you need my boy? Me his boy: Was never a victim cos mum sold most things that we needed at home, we just enter shop and pick, but this tetracycline and Flagyl came to my mind when I first saw this on Facebook, because my elder sister will always forget whenever she was sent to buy it, me I just stick with capsule 💊red and yellow when my turn reach. |
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Klass99: Seriously, I can't deal with so many things that just require one having to do what is within your means while working hard to improve your finance and live the dream life we all wanted. I sell things and sometimes humans can be annoying, both young and old, male and female especially when it comes to money. All these, when I think of it I just can't deal most times and wonder if I will ever want to live with someone as husband and wife. Then some in-law wahala, and one thing I can guarantee is I won't give anyone trouble, and my parents won't either. But can I get that guarantee? For how long will I form Macho, I only had that strength to cope with my parent cos they fed and accommodate me, don't think I can take that from anyone else, but in all I am taking my time and be in a good place financially. Even my Landlady don dey disturb me, and I know my mum told her about it, but I am not one to fall for such pressure. My abs are almost gone, no more hard work and I have been lazy to do exercises cos I am not use to it, it was work and daily lifting of heavy things that made me had them which I don't do again. Do have a great day... |
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Berrityga: The problem with you is that you have decided to run with a narrative when people have marital issues, there are one thousand and one reasons for it depending on the individuals involved at least the husband has shared his part, it can't always be cheating. 1 Like |
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Carcholce:The season film part got me laughing out loud in the middle of the night. When I finally get married (still doubtful about the possibility), if wife, in-laws, bring any kind of trouble I don't like that will stress me out, I will just back out, in fact I will have special savings to that effect so that I won't be wasting time and suffering mental health issues, the peace I have been experiencing for the last few months of staying alone now cannot be compared to anything else for now. @klass99,I don't even have a TV to start with for me to view African magic, and no regrets following you because you surely know how to get this sort of threads. @OP, please do what is best for yourself, I personally don't even like the smell of Alcohol or smoke of any kind not to talk of coming close to another who stinks of it for sex and still waste the family resources on it. Try listen to Naija Info on Saturdays 7am and you will get to know more on how to navigate issues like this. 2 Likes |
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My only fall back plan for now is to keep saving, stay away from woman make mistake no go happen because my parents dey pray everyday make their only son marry,minimise my spending and if worst comes to worst I will swallow my pride and ask my mum for loan to expand my business. Above all, I am taking things one step at a time and not considering my age(that is where the main pressure is, especially from folks who will compare you with your peers) because the truth of the matter is that with the current economic situation, even back up can vanish within the twinkle of an eye. |
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xpressionx:The fact that POS was not popular does not mean that he is not one of the very few people who knew about it then. |
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Oyindamolah: MISTAICEY02288:One thing I have realized is that, school education makes us to understand English and give us ability to read, write and comprehend things easily but not necessarily to make business decisions at a go and be a success at it instantly especially for those of us that did not study professional courses, even those who do still have to learn on the job. Business is another ball game entirely as mistakes will be made and your education will not save you in many instances than it will save you in some. A teacher once told us in secondary school that you are only literate in the language you are taught, the moment you get to a place where your known languages are not spoken you automatically become an illiterate and same applies to business, and funny enough most teachers are teaching because it's a plan Z for them and are not actually equipped with the actual knowledge to make students business savvy in the future. 5 Likes |
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macphilip:Most cases, it only becomes bad when it drains one beyond one's financial capacity. If you engage in any one of these and you are close to me but you no come bill me to rescue you from important things you could have used that money for, you are good to go even if I will not in any way support it. Whoever indulges in it will know with time if it's bad or not when there is health complications as a result of the choice of their vices. |
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mukthar2000:I read that write up and I can't just believe someone will still blame a woman in that situation for not doing enough, when the man is not even using the little money he gets for himself but to give it all out to the bet company. He comes back home expecting food meaning he could not even spare himself small ₦300 to load his belly with bread and beans. |
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@dearlove2me.. He is already deep into it, and I doubt prayer will solve this aspect of him coupled with him been jobless, which means what ever freebies he gets or small runz job he does he gambles the money away without thinking of the home front including a baby. You know what to do and whatever your family or his says/do/want will only be to save themselves of the embarrassment of having a family member divorced. Give him a timeline (it's not necessary he knows about it), speak calmly with him, ask him of his plans going forward, do all within your capacity as expected of a good woman/human while documenting them and also saving for any eventualities, at the end of the timeline if you are comfortable with the outcome you take your decision without considering anybody outside you and your baby. This I have always done when dealing with people who pose a threat to my peace of mind. Never married though. |
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Goddyrichie:It can never finish that I know, but with witnessing what befalls those before them, there will likely be one or two persons with a change of mind. |
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Rickmann:And not be in debt... Peace of mind is highly underrated.. 7 Likes |
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Sucre6:Left to me, I just want them to live long and live their old age in misery and regrets recollecting their days of illegal boom and seeing those they scammed flourishing and happy and telling it as lessons to the younger generation directly from the horses' mouth. 13 Likes |
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ukaface: Nope, increasing tithe and offering is just what comes along with it, the main reason is to rewin souls that has been won by other churches in the most appropriate way right to them alone. lomprico:I liked that you mentioned Winners, they are right beside my house, and they won't stop sharing flier to me to come to their service, I collect but never make the mistake of giving them my mobile number like I don't have my own church to attend, na only them know way to God. lomprico: Trustedpronet:The best, when you meet the truly dedicated members especially amongst the old people, them no dey bother you with money, the only reason I don't allow them wait and preach to me again is because this my adult life now needs all the time either to make money or relax... 1 Like |
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fasho01:so true, saw a short video on Youtube's National Geography Channel about a Nigerian Goay been taking to the hospital and the owner was crying just because it had a bloated stomach, saying the animal is having unbearable pain. I was just laughing considering how they are been treated here in Nigeria with confirm cane to put them in order. 1 Like |
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madscientist88:It's okay if he was single but not with children to cater for, he needs to work thrice as hard and not settle for less unless that happiness and peace of mind will be cut short unexpectedly. |
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Samantha124:Maybe what the person is trying to say is this, since most don't have properties that will cause fight amongst family members especially the single ones without children, then it's not necessary. For me, once child/ren is/are involved, it's a must have. My dad read his to the hearing of all his children after having a near death experience many years ago and he is still very much alive, although my mum never liked the idea because she felt it will make us unserious. |
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Klass99:I'm good.. They won't kill me, they will only be surprised that I am not in for partying and won't give in to any ridiculous demand either from them or church.. |
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hedonido: hedonido:Chai, you misunderstood it all and went ballistic. Hope you know some people bait others with little things just to have them coming back to them and enslave them for their own selfish gains, a good example is politicians. As for the teaching how to fish part, it's far more honorable to give out information that will liberate another and won't in any way diminish your worth than having it to yourself and feeding them crumbs to make you lord over them and making them feel you are doing them huge favors. The Nigerian masses are a good example during election campaign. As for me not appreciating what others give does not mean I don't appreciate, I only don't encourage it to continue because I always feel indebted to the person especially if I can afford such and if I can't afford it, I rather reject and say thank you if it is something I can respectfully reject. For the guy in my place of work I mentioned, he gets some extra cash on a regular which I could say no to then but overlooked and his mode of appreciation was to be giving me Olosho and alcohol, this mode of kindness or help will be rejected a thousand times at one attempt of it. |
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Gkay1:You even undermine yourself by saying you are not a pastor because even some pastors engage in one of the three vices listed by you. |
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Klass99:Read this to a point and went back to check the name only to find out it was you.. On point Sha, I will shock many people when it comes to burial of my parents, they will not expect it, that is if I even inform anyone sef. Dad already said he wants it simple and no dance around or morgue deposit of corpse but I know family who have never been there will want to overdo or his church people will be asking for extra ordinary events cause of his position.. Make God Sha grant all of us long life and good health. As for will, since I started living alone, I jokingly told my sister, it's time I sent her my bank details, the only thing I did was to write all the passwords in a book and yet to send it to her. 1 Like |
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