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MY NAME IS CHARLES I was popularly known in school as Charlie champagne I studied Chemical Engineering I was admitted into the University in 1996 as a basic student By 1997 having completed my basic studies started studied in the Department of Chemical engineering. In my 2nd year I was elected the DIRECTOR of SOCIALS of the NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES ENGINEERING STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (NUESA) , At the expiration of my tenure lots of students were pleading that i step up to the highest student ruling body SUG ,considering my effectiveness for far,this offer I declined,because i had to put my academic records in order In my 4th Year I finally succumbed to pressure as i may say, contested for the office of the Director of Socials,this i won with a landslide victory. As the Director of socials alot happened!!! Some i would not want to remeber cos if i do tears run down my eyes. I could proudly say that the first ever black miss world was my student, i was the DOS,in fact on the 7th Dec, the day she won the beauty peagant we have already planned a show for that day, which she(AGBANI DAREGO)was to be a presenter,a nominee nd luckily a recipient of of an award,the climax of the night came went i was informed that AGBANI has won the miss world contest, i could not hold back the joy in me, i had to break all the protocol of the show jumped up 2 the stage in ARENA and anounced to the entire UNIPORT students ,in my words "AGBANI IS THE QUEEN",the whole of Arena was throw into a carnival ground thsi was how the show ended and people danced,drank till the next morning. I will not forget in a hurry the demonstration i single handedly spearheaded in the university against the MAN O WAR! when the started all sorts of humilation,victimization and abuse of the privilege given to them by the university authourity,I chased all of them packing from the university;and guess what we searched there rooms one by one , we found 23 short guns,12 locally made pistol,tear gas,swords and other military weapons! One begins to ask are these students(undergraduates or cadete member) After about 2 week there was a meeting among the SUG the University authourity and the MAN O WAR once again peace returned on campus. During my administration, i founded and funded the popular STUDENS AGAINST THE SPREAD OF AIDS(SASA) This organisation grew so big that SFH and UNICEF began to sponsor its activities Today SASA is existing in over 152 Universities in the world SASA has also produced NASA (NIGERIANS AGAINST THE SPREAD OF AIDS) At the National convention of the Alumni in july 2005, i was elected the PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER(WORLDWIDE) Presently, I am studying In Germany. PLS CHECK OUT OUR NEWLY DEVELOPED GROUP;AT UNIPORT ALUMNI(WORLDWIDE) GROUP AT HI5 we need people like you! |
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