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Religion / Re: I Started Masturbating At 4 After Seeing My Mum Go Unclad - Man Tells Pastor by Chrisharry(m): 2:09pm On Apr 06, 2017
Start masturbating at 4 after seeing his mother nekkid.... Bwaaaah, what won't these criminals in robe use to get traffic to their establishment.
Let me guess, the criminal in robe was able to save this mad man from his predicament, with holy water?

Ladies. There is nothing wrong with being nekkid in front of your kids, unless you have a demon child
. You seriously need deliverance. You must be an agent of the devil.
Religion / Re: "Dead Boy Resurrects At Lord's Chosen Charismatic Ministries" - Member Claims by Chrisharry(m): 9:40pm On Mar 27, 2017
Some of the comments here are heartbreaking. Is it that you people don't belive in miracle again or because it is from the Lord's Chosen? Miracles happen every day. If you hear that a babalawo woke a dead man, you will not doubt it. You will be the first to get to his house the next day for your own miracle. But when you heear that a man of God prayed and something happened, your doubt antenas will become active. I hav not heard a moslem speaking despicable things against their imams. But we Christians devour eachother

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Religion / Re: ​Stephanie Otobo Holds An Interview With TVC News, Exposes Apostle Suleman More by Chrisharry(m): 10:15am On Mar 15, 2017
All these wahala because Suileman spoke out against the killing of Christians! There is God o! Thiis wouldn't stop me from speaking out next time.


NYSC / Re: Ebe Corper, Francisca Okonkwo Dies In Accident In Enugu (Photos) by Chrisharry(m): 4:42am On Mar 10, 2017
cry What exactly is the purpose of life? Why is this question so tough to answer? I'm considering gifting my whole life to whoever can give me a satisfactory answer to this question. It seems better not being born.

The purpose of life has been grossly misrepresented and misinterprinted by man. The preacher in the book of Ecclesiates chapter 12 verse 1 says '. Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh when thou shall say, I know no pleasure in them'. Again in verse 13 of the same chapter, it finalizes the matter. It say ' Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God and keeep his commandment for this is the whole duty of man'
Did you make anything out of that? The purpose why God created us is to worship and serve him. In serving God,you are worshiping him. Why did God create cows, goats,monkeys and the rest of them? None of anything created is an accident of creation. All these animals provide food for man. They were created to serve man. Horses and donkeys for transportation and also for meat just like cows and fowls and goats. But man is the only creature created in the image of God to worship God. Every other things we are doing aside this purpose is off point. The devil has not kept quiet over this. He covets the worship of man. He succeeded in turning many into idolatory and occultism thereby destroying that purpose in many lives. Many are also not committed to this worship purpose even though they are not into idolatory and occultism. When we worship God, he protects us from evil which comes from Satan which includes untimely death. May the Lord protect us all in Jesus Name.

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Politics / Re: Man Installs Windmill To Generate Electricity, Tired Of Nigeria's Erratic Power by Chrisharry(m): 10:21am On Feb 22, 2017
I have used inverter for the past four years in my house. It is better than generators. A good battery can serve you for three years. We have varieties of inverter in various capacities. But the one I have been using is 12volts and it surpports my television, five energy saving bulbs and a fan which we use in the night for a good night rest. The more the batteries, the longer the duration of service or performance. Interestedly, my inverter is homemade. I produced it and it has been very efficient. Well, unfortunately, I use NEPA to recharge the batteries. In the absence of NEPA, I use generator to recharge. Your generator cannot work throughout the night. So when you off your generator, the inverter comes into a good use. Windmills is a dynamo or alternator turning device to generate DC power. Inverter is better than it.


Crime / Re: People Killed By Fulani Herdsmen In Kaduna (Graphic Photos) by Chrisharry(m): 10:10am On Feb 21, 2017
You mean this happened yesterday night after the pastor Suileman saga? What is the acting president doing? Don't Christians have somebody in Osinbajo?

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Family / Re: Is There A Probability Of Cheating? by Chrisharry(m): 11:19pm On Feb 17, 2017
Why do some women enjoy anal sex? There is. No clit there to stimulate an orgasm. 11inch down her front bum? Na well dey there?
Romance / Re: Pregnant Nigerian Girl Abandoned By Babydaddy Shows Off Her Baby Bump (photos) by Chrisharry(m): 9:51am On Feb 06, 2017
Anu mpama. Onuku. You are a disgrace to the Igbo tribe. Anu ofia. Of all men in the world you beaches disgrace the igbo pride by opening your stupid smelly holes to aboki batards wey full east. God punish you there. I can't hold this venom any longer. I've been hearing that hausa men living in the east are making our girls pregnant. I thought it was a joke. What on earth are you girls looking for in hausa men. In all these good for nothing abokis riding okada in Igboland? They full everywhere and all they do is ride bikes and pregnate our girls. What can they offer you idiots! (Angry mode activated)
Politics / Re: Twitter User Begs GEJ For Forgiveness by Chrisharry(m): 8:50am On Feb 02, 2017

Just imagine if PDP were in power and price of crude oil dropped from $140 to $39 and their looting continued with few individual sharing our billions among themselves.
You would have been eating grass like a goat by now.

When people like you talk, it seem like they reason through their anus. What economic efforts has this government made to save the situation? What brought the recession is not the fall of the crude oil price. What brought recession and this untold suffering on Nigerians is the bad policies of this government. The unguarded and unguided speeches of the president which panicked investors that took their money out of the system and brought our economy crashing. Please if you don't know what to say just shut up!


Politics / Re: Twitter User Begs GEJ For Forgiveness by Chrisharry(m): 8:43am On Feb 02, 2017
Una eyes don clear abi? But it is too late nah! No northerner can rule Nigeria well except the detribalized one, the tolerant one, the patriotic one and a generally positively progressive one.


Crime / Re: Notorious Thief Rescued From Being Burnt Alive At Ajao Estate, Lagos (Photos) by Chrisharry(m): 9:25am On Feb 01, 2017
A thief walked into my house when nobody was at home in the middle of the day and stole my generator. It hurts. If these people have paid you a visit, you will not think twice in laying hands on them when one is caught.

Please my Yoruba friends on board what is the meaning of this word, I keep hearing it in yoruba songs. Ololufemi
Foreign Affairs / Re: 4 US States Sue Trump's Administration Over 'un- American' Ttravel Ban by Chrisharry(m): 8:42am On Feb 01, 2017
A waste of time. A hate action devoid of substance.
Celebrities / Re: Phyno & Jay Jay Okocha At A Shopping Centre As Fans Mob Phyno by Chrisharry(m): 8:40am On Feb 01, 2017
Wao! This guy get fans o! Happy that our people now appreciates their own. Good development but Phyno should cut that over grown weeds on his chin.
Politics / Re: Yoruba Leaders Meet In Akure, Make Case For Restructuring by Chrisharry(m): 8:29am On Feb 01, 2017
Yoruba nation, Good morning!

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Religion / Re: Watch Your Tongue, DSS Warns Apostle Suleman by Chrisharry(m): 7:51am On Feb 01, 2017
Can they say that to the Sultan? Let them direct that warning to the sultan and El'rufai.

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Travel / Re: Man Who Survived A Ghastly Accident In Lagos Thanks God (Photo) by Chrisharry(m): 9:35am On Jan 30, 2017
Glory be to God. His Angels followed you people from that vigil. Halleluyah!
Foreign Affairs / Re: Petition To Prevent Trump UK State Visit Hits Over 560,000 Signatures by Chrisharry(m): 9:29am On Jan 30, 2017
Changes nothing. Trump remains the King of USA. Who God bless, no one can curse.


Religion / Re: Olumba Olumba Warns Trump "You Must Stop Provoking God" by Chrisharry(m): 9:17am On Jan 30, 2017
Which god are you refering to? Yourself or another?
Business / Re: Hannatu Dantata Talks About Trump Muslim Ban. Cries Out For Help by Chrisharry(m): 8:55am On Jan 30, 2017
No problem madam Dantata, we have a university in Kano and kaduna where Christian activities has been banned. You will be safer there. You won't have trump or any christian disturbances around anymore while you are in school.Just come home with your two kids. You will also enjoy a lot of security here with your father's tentacles watching your back.


Politics / Re: Governor Nasir El-rufai Inspects Kaduna Airport Terminal Construction (photos) by Chrisharry(m): 1:09pm On Jan 29, 2017
The short DEVIL. He must be drunk with the blood of Christians. God will judge the bastard. Enemy of Christianity. When you want to see the devil, look at El'rufai, the dwarf devil.


Politics / Re: Sir Emeka Offor Joins APC by Chrisharry(m): 1:02pm On Jan 29, 2017
Any Igbo that defects to APC has killed his political carreer. Emeka Offor is the enemy of the state for what he subjected the state to during the regime of Mbadinuju who has become so unpopular and politically comatose since he left office. He cannot win any vote in Anambra State. He is a well known enemy of the state. Let all the political thieves in the state continue to join the APC. We are not bothered about that. We want Biafra and not any Buhari manipulated bait to make us forget his bully and hatred of the Igbo people will survive the light of the day. APC my ass.

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Politics / Re: UNIMAID Final Year Student Killed By Boko Haram In Borno. Photos by Chrisharry(m): 9:37am On Jan 29, 2017
Do I say rest in peace? I'd rather say rest in peace to the hundreds of Christian souls decimated in southern kaduna.


Foreign Affairs / Re: California Announces Plan To Secede From The USA by Chrisharry(m): 9:25am On Jan 29, 2017
Another hate movement against TRUMP. Would they have prefered that Islam dominate America? Animals.
Literature / Re: Buchi Emecheta, Exit Of A Rock Of Feminism by Chrisharry(m): 7:24am On Jan 29, 2017
I knew it! I knew that you don't read such eulogy of anyone except the person has passed on. Rest in peace Buchi Emecheta. Your legacy lives on.
Investment / Re: Why MMM Top Guider, Chuddy Ugorji And His Wife Fled Nigeria by Chrisharry(m): 7:18pm On Jan 26, 2017
Whoever robs the poor will live with poverty in all his generations. Old mamas, widows, orphans and truck pushers are the people he scammed. There cry will reach heaven and anywhere this man and his wife has run to, judgement will surely come upon them. Any investment he make with that money will not flourish. It is blood money. Some have died of shock. Pensioneers who invested in that scheme have fallen sick and they are cursing him and his generations. It shall not be well with him.
Religion / Re: DSS Arrests Apostle Johnson Suleman Over Comment On Fulani Herdsmen by Chrisharry(m): 8:39pm On Jan 25, 2017
Excellent. Arrest him. There is no one more despicable than the Islamic extremist as your average Nigerian Christian. A so called 'prophet' calls for a genocide, the government moves to make him answer for his crimes, and the blockheads goad him on. I want to bet a thousand lives that had an Islamic cleric called for the Fulanis to massacre every Nigerian Christian they lay hands on, the whole lot will be screaming blue murder on the top of their lungs by now. Thats your average Nigerian Christian for you: a nauseating, bloodthirsty hypocrite. The only distinction between him and the islamic radical being his hypocrisy. Suleiman called for a genocide, he ought to be arrested .

You didn't say anything about the murdered Christians. You are just being paranoid. You muslims started the trouble. We can no longer sit back and watch you animals slaughter us like goats. This is just the beginning. Nigeria will never be the same again with people like Buhari still in power.
Politics / Re: IGP Idris, Others Visit Buhari In London by Chrisharry(m): 11:06pm On Jan 24, 2017
Masive wastage of tax payers money. Was putting a call through to him not enough? Corruption continues....

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Romance / Re: Houseboy Uses Love Portion To Try Charm His Boss by Chrisharry(m): 1:52pm On Jan 24, 2017
; grin. Okpari! Ndi efulefu.
Politics / Re: FG Releases N72bn For Lagos-ibadan Rail Line by Chrisharry(m): 7:45am On Jan 24, 2017
Which one has they started doing in the southeast? Yeye government.
Health / Re: Is President Buhari Dead? by Chrisharry(m): 11:18am On Jan 23, 2017
If he die nko? All the curse from people he hurt their heart is enough to kill him. So many Nigerians wish him dead for his wickedness. The women he turned to widows, the children he made fatherless, the men he made widowers and the people he made joboless and hungry. The people hating Buhari are more than those loving him because he is a tyrant.
Science/Technology / Re: 10.5ft Python Caught In A Farm, Near A Fish Pond (Photos) by Chrisharry(m): 3:30pm On Jan 22, 2017
Chei! I hate Snakes. This one na meat? Chicken and cow don finish for market?

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