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Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 9:54am On Jun 29, 2020
Can anyone please assist me with this question?

You cannot bring your mother or your child with you. They could visit on a tourist visa, but a student visa only applies to you. There aren't provisions to bring your spouse, child or any relative
Travel / Re: The Odyssey. Narrative Of A Nigerian Nurse. (PROPRIETARY CONTENT) by Chuchu27: 6:30pm On May 26, 2020

pls are you going through school of nursing or the university?

University, not in Nigeria though
Travel / Re: Being Black In Berlin/germany by Chuchu27: 8:52pm On May 10, 2020

I have lived in Germany now for 6 years now,came for masters,finished and stayed, Germany is not home and not where a migrant should call a home. As a black man in Germany there is a chain they place on the leg already that even the children they born here in Germany cannot be able to achieve an enviable height due to the fact that the child will be pulled down before he or she reach a university level except if the child is extra ordinarily brilliant.

Then I have built a duplex in my village and trying another one for renting. I live in a shared apartment to achieve all this. Germany or Abroad is not anyone home. Even if you have resident permit or citizenship in Germany or any Europe, one day you will be remainded that you are a foreigner just as they did to Ozil the footballer.Ozil have return back his citizenship and went back to turkey with his family. The reason why Nigerians and other Africans is holding tight in Germany despite been subjugated as nonentities is because Nigeria is a shithole country of no hope. So a Nigeria Lady will prefer to waste all her life in Germany as single mom collecting monthly stipend than to go home while the men counterpart will be rooming about looking for white lady to pregnant.

No matter how you try, as a black man you are not accepted in Germany. I am yet to see a black police man or woman in Germany.

So investing back home is good if you want to return home in the future while your children remain in Germany and be visiting home ones in a while. It is not good for a person to migrate and forget his root back home. To me as an Igbo man it is a taboo and sacrilege for one to dumb his root and continue his generation in a foreign land. Which mean after the father and mother die the children will continue to live in that country like black Americans in America.That is an abomination of highest order.

Taboo and sacrilege? This is actually very horrible mind set. If those are your exact reasons for not fully integrating or settling into a foreign country then that’s very unfortunate and you are limiting your self greatly. Immigration is as old as man is , your forefathers that make up the Igbo tribe most likely migrated to what is considered Igbo land today and settled there , and the same goes for many ethnicities and races . It’s ok to want to settle back in Nigeria for the purely sentimental reasons you have given , but is it the wisest though? Why would one spend so much to be established ones self only to come back to Nigeria to fall victim to its system? Incidences of returnees being kidnapped and specifically targeted are on the rise and this is inevitable considering how desperate things have become in Nigeria . There is nothing taboo, or sacrilegious in properly integrating and settling in a foreign country especially one like the likes of Germany et al, more Nigerians should do this . It is ultimately why Nigeria immigrants are hardly welcomed anywhere these days , because for many of us , our intention is to use the country’s resources for our own selfish gain , funnel it back to and/or return to Nigeria when we are done.

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Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 7:42pm On May 10, 2020
I totally understand you which means if someone is earning 500000 before it'll become 5000 but the rent of let's say 200k is now 200 which still removes the same percentage from the salary.i'm I right?

Yes , everything will still have the same value , the currency will just have less zeros . If for example rent cost N2000 a month and you were earning N5000 salary month with N3000 left as savings , if we redominated and removed three zeros , you will be earning N5 and your rent will become N2 , while your savings will still remain N3 . So value of the currency hasn’t gone up . N3 will still get you the exact same thing N3000 got you before


Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 11:41am On May 04, 2020
Rubbish talk! But why are some Nigerians like this? Some Nigerians almost want to get heart attack any time they hear that Ghana is doing well economically. Very unfortunate. Someone asked a simple question...what is the value of 100 Ghana Cedis in naira? Instead of providing a simple answer, they will be talking history...how Lord Lugard came to Nigeria in 1850 and how Ghana used to be called Gold Coast....

Answer the fvcking question and stop the buffoonery. If it pains you that Ghana removed zeros from their currency, go and remove your own zeros now. This one Na fight?

Who did this to you nigerians?

Man a lot of you are angry and apparently frustrated in this part of the world. Please calm down , drink water , and read what I posted carefully. You can pass your point across without sounding angry , and in doing so learn one or two things . Please try it . Stay safe

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Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 11:37am On May 04, 2020
You have said it all. Are you an economist?

Nope , just knowledge that anyone can access if they googled
Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 9:42am On May 04, 2020
the Cedis is higher than the Japanese Yen, would you say Ghana has a better economy than Japan? and at the same time the Cedis is equivalent to the Chinese Yuan, would you also say they have a better economy than the Chinese?

If you want to know the real value of the Ghanaian Cedis, add four zeros to the amount of the currency figure being displayed . On paper the cedi might seem strong but that is the essence of re-domination, it is mostly for ease of transaction and aesthetic . With the new Ghanaian Cedi issued in 2007, four zeros were removed while the value of the currency remains the same . In actuality, 1 cedi = 10,000 Ghanaian Cedis .

50 cedis is actually 500,000 cedis and so on . Nigeria dabbled with the idea of redominating our currency but decided against it ,if we had done so , 1000 naira would’ve been say N10 , which doesn’t change what N1000 would’ve gotten you before

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Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 9:06am On May 04, 2020
Nigerians can bring out nonsense just justify this shit hole..
just simple logic, if you take 100Cedis to america, how much USD will you change it to.
if you take 100naira to America how much USD will you change to?

Do you know that average salary of B.sc holder in Ghana is not less than 3500 Cedis now convert that to dollar before bring it to useless naira

Why do you sound so angry ? I gave you what was fact where it clearly states that the Cedi is Re- denominated, and even provided the option to google to verify what I posted yet this was your reply ? I’m not exactly sentimental about Nigeria or even the most patriotic, but the fact still remains that the naira is higher than the cedi . Please before you engage or react on issues in a public forum like this, endeavor to do your research and try to state your point in a calm and clear manner , this is not a fight .


Travel / Re: Life In Ghana Compared To Nigeria (must Read) by Chuchu27: 8:18am On May 04, 2020

I lived in Accra since 2013. Though I'm back home now in Nigeria but it was a great experience I had in Ghana to meet, sleep and dine with foreigners.
Ghanaians are very friendly people, mostly there females are much more friendly than males. But take note, there males which use to be your good friend before, could start to hate a Nigerian male once the Nigerian start earning some good money from there country. You can get along well with Ghanaian females, once you got some change to flex, or even just sweet mouth.
In Ghana, you find western foreigners using the local transportation system called Trotro with locals but in Nigeria it's very very rare to see a white person in Danfo or even okada. You might see white people use there own private car or escorted by military securities vehicles in Nigeria but not the case in Ghana. Everyone works freely even at midnight.
As a Nigerian, don't come here looking for jobs cause the Cedes is more than the Naira. You'll be disappointed, big time. I've seen some big hotels even pay as little as 100 Ghana cedes to there staff and they are more than happy with the money cause that's a lot for a Ghanaian but not a lot for a Nigerian, that's just about 8000 Naira per month.
Full news below-:

The Naira is actually higher than the Cedi, a lot of Nigerians have this misconception that it is the other way round , something a simple google search easily rebuff. The cedi is actually heavily denominated, with four zeros being removed . The current exchange rate is about 1 cedi = 66 Naira , in reality it is 10,000 cedis = 66 Naira . The image I attached below is from Wikipedia. A google search will reveal other references


Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 9:50am On Apr 29, 2020

you should register by following this link: https://epe.skvc.lt/lt/Account/Register 

After registering you also have to confirm your registration by a link that was sent to you by e-mail.

Also, if you are using a mobile device, please enable a desktop site view as otherwise the site will not work.  

Done all of this , still having the same issues
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 9:40am On Apr 27, 2020
Is any one else getting this error message while trying to sign into their SKVC account

Travel / Re: How Did You Obtain Your Permanent Residency In Your Current Country? by Chuchu27: 2:41pm On Apr 22, 2020
Most Nigerians don't care. Conference format and tourist visa things then find how to marry akata or white grin

This is a really a horrible way of thinking and it's why they don't give Nigerians visas so easily.

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Travel / Re: The Odyssey. Narrative Of A Nigerian Nurse. (PROPRIETARY CONTENT) by Chuchu27: 8:49am On Apr 15, 2020
I think I have just found my favorite thread on Nairaland. As someone who will be going back to school to study Nursing in their 30s, this was really encouraging and so far an enjoyable read. Thanks for taking time out of your I'm sure, very busy schedule to document your experience in detail and very articulately. Will be following.


Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 5:52pm On Mar 20, 2020
my documents was sent from my school to Mru via email since 20th February for evaluation I didn’t receive acknowledgement from Mru until 4days ago it took more than 3weeks to get a response we should be patient with this people so we don’t appear too desperate especially with this covid19 craziness going on right now

True! I know better now. Thank you.
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 5:51pm On Mar 20, 2020

hmm, you should not have said this

Well I shouldn't have but I was understandly upset and was unaware that it would take so long. I've since apologised
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 4:40pm On Mar 20, 2020

What was the content of your email?

Don't know if this warranted the response I got, I've since apologised anyway

Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 12:02pm On Mar 20, 2020
Has anyone applied to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences for a Masters degree? I was just informed by the admission coordinator that it takes a month to evaluate my educational documents and with the country being on quarantine, it will take even longer. This is contradictory to the information on their website which states that evaluation takes 3 days. Is anyone else experiencing this, particularly as a masters degree applicant?

Look at the rude response I got. Smh
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 11:53am On Mar 20, 2020
Has anyone applied to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences for a Masters degree? I was just informed by the admission coordinator that it takes a month to evaluate my educational documents and with the country being on quarantine, it will take even longer. This is contradictory to the information on their website which states that evaluation takes 3 days. Is anyone else experiencing this, particularly as a masters degree applicant?
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 10:12am On Jan 16, 2020

Thanks for the response. So all public universities in Lithuania doesn't accept people with this CGPA.

This isn't true . Do your findings , it largely depends on the university and the course . In my experience universities in Lithuania do not emphasize on a 2:1 and above. But don't take anyone's word for it, research by yourself, email schools and look at their requirements. I find that alot of Nigerians really don't like to do their research and would rather wait for someone to give them information which might even be false . You're going to do a master's program so if anything you should begin to research and find things out by yourself.


Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 7:11pm On Dec 28, 2019
Hello house, am about to apply to Lithuanian university of health sciences Kaunas, the agent I contacted is calling so much so I want to do it myself... they said I need to send some documents so they can verify if I meet the admission... how do I go about this please??

I'll be applying to the same university too. You're going to need to legalise your educational certificates with the Ministry of Foreign affairs, and the university you graduated from ( this is assuming you are applying for a post graduate programme) will have to send your transcript directly to the University.

This is after you have been offered conditional admission though. You should however first apply with the non authenticated copies of your educational documents and a student copy of your transcript, as well as a waec scratch card. The university will then evaluate your application and grant you conditional admission if you meet the requirements. You can apply through their website.

After you have been granted conditional admission, you then submit the legalised copies of your educational certificates and your school will send the original transcripts.

You also need to have your medical clearance done. The university has a medical clearance form on their website that can be downloaded,it certifies you are in good health and must be filled up and submitted after running the stipulated tests, as well as vaccinations. You have to submit it along with your application. I'm currently doing mine now.

Hope I was of help. And we should stay in touch!


Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 8:44am On Dec 26, 2019

There is interview session via a video call at the vfs center.

I have gone Tru the process and awaiting my passport.

Yes I have been told and I stand corrected �
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 5:25pm On Dec 20, 2019




There aren't that many jobs in Lithuania and the wages are low by European standards. Infact it has one of the highest emigration rates in Europe and they are more people leaving the country than coming in, a trend that is likely to continue. The plus side is its low and affordable cost of living and relatively low tuition fees, which makes it ideal for students. It is also in the EU and Schengen zone which gives one the opportunity to explore career options in other countries after studies.

But don't think you'll get a job there especially as a foreigner. Study and leave, or explore options in other countries. As regards part time work while studying this will only be possible after one has gotten their TRP ( Temporary Resident Permit) which might not even be issued until your second year. So it's imperative to go with enough funds to cover both your tuition, accommodation and living expenses for atleast a year

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Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 7:58am On Dec 16, 2019

Have been scheduled for interview.. who else has been called for interview??

Is this a phone interview or ? Where would the interview be holding.
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 2:16pm On Nov 29, 2019
So for student visa i can apply through vfs or is it through the egypt or india

You do not need to apply through Egypt or India anymore. Simply fill the form and submit all the required documents including your passport to their offices in Abuja or Lagos.

All the information you need regarding this is available on their VFS website :
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 9:37am On Nov 25, 2019

So they are not going to call applicants?

No. Its a VFS center, you submit all the required documents, when the visa has been issued or denied, you will be contacted to come pick up your passport.

No interviews.
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 11:07am On Nov 23, 2019

Did you get to be interviewed and where did the interview take place

You don't get interviewed for Lithuanian visa, not now that they have a VFS in Lagos and Abuja
Travel / Re: Lithuania Student Visa by Chuchu27: 9:54am On Nov 21, 2019
Well we were given Foundation Program and they Gave this crappy excuse off our Waec isn't enough to study in Lithuania unless we do the Foundation Program for a year ..
That's why i asked . if anyone who got admission has the same experience

I have the intention of applying for a B Sc in Nursing at Klaipeda University when the admission opens in February, the course requires a previous Bachelor's degree which I have. ( B.Tech Food Technology) However this mention of a foundation programme is very discouraging. Is it a mandatory thing for all international students?
Travel / Re: GENERAL Irish (student)visa & Work Permit-New THREAD*** by Chuchu27: 9:16am On Jul 12, 2019
[quote author=ANEGBE84 post=80176110][/quote]

Griffith College
Travel / Re: GENERAL Irish (student)visa & Work Permit-New THREAD*** by Chuchu27: 9:33am On Jul 11, 2019

I didn't submit any statement..paid school fees in full and posted a 10k bond...waiting for the visa...a frnd did same and Got it

Hey. I'm about to begin my visa process against January of next year, as I unfortunately will not be able to meet with September intake. I'll be using an Eurobond with no intention to submit my sponsor's statement of account ( My mum). The account hasn't had substantial cash flow and we are understandably worried that this might ultimately get me a visa rejection. My agent is however skeptical about solely opting for Eurobond w/o submitting my sponsors statement. She claims this will still get me rejected and she has seen cases of that happening.

Can you please reply with a list of the supporting documents you submitted or the friend of yours who was able to get his visa, did? She claims it might boil down to this. If there's anyone who got a visa through the Eurobond route, I'd also appreciate the supporting documents you had to attach to help bolster your case
Travel / Re: GENERAL Irish (student)visa & Work Permit-New THREAD*** by Chuchu27: 9:29am On Jul 11, 2019
Travel / Re: GENERAL Irish (student)visa & Work Permit-New THREAD*** by Chuchu27: 9:14am On Jul 11, 2019
There's an app I used from the Google Playstore called PTE TUTORIALS, it was extremely helpful. It contains hundreds of timed mock exam past questions in the exact PTE format as well as their answers. I totally recommend it and it is completely free as well.

E2 PTE ACADEMIC's YouTube channel was also very helpful as well, there are tones of YouTube videos out there claiming to offer pte tutorials most of which are complete rubbish, but these offered such practical advise in their videos as well as tips, tricks and scoring information. All I used was the app I mentioned and the YouTube channel and I was able to get an overall score of 75, with perfect scores in writing and listening.

Would have scored higher notably in Speaking but the PTE center at UKEAS was small and got very loud when we all started the speaking section together, which was very distracting.

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