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Romance / Re: Miss Nairaland June 2013 is LUPEY by chukkynwob(m): 3:28pm On Jun 08, 2013
I voted for Adaobi...

Lupey won in a very free and fair voting process and I think she is a beautiful woman. Congrats Lupey

@Adaobi let's take it a notch higher nairaland can't contain your royal hotness... #MBGN? #TeamAdaobi 2014
Romance / Re: Miss Nairaland June 2013 is LUPEY by chukkynwob(m): 2:50pm On Jun 07, 2013
Ada Ada...your answers to the question radiates your beautiful persona through the screens of my phone and I really don't need to see you in person to understand that you are what a beauty queen should be.

Focused,Precise, Articulate and above all beautiful

And for these reasons and more you have my vote.


All the contestants are all very beautiful,intelligent women and no matter what happens.I want you all to know that you girls will go places,as beauty queens and captains of industry.

Peace out


Religion / Re: Atheism And Suicide... And Other Randomness by chukkynwob(m): 2:07pm On Jun 07, 2013
One of my favourite threads of all time.
Religion / Re: How Christians Destroyed R/atheism And Its Implication For Nairaland by chukkynwob(m): 1:49pm On Jun 07, 2013

So?. .

Nothing negative bro,just impressed that 'human beings' like you exist that say the truth no matter who's Ox is gored, quite different from the US Vs Them scenario we see often in this our part of Nairaland

God bless you (don't get upset oh at the blessing)

Religion / Re: How Christians Destroyed R/atheism And Its Implication For Nairaland by chukkynwob(m): 1:23pm On Jun 07, 2013
@Mazaje I thought you are an atheist?

@Alfa where's all the hate coming from...
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 1:20pm On Jun 07, 2013
JeSoul: Now next matter...outcast...you're Striktlymi? brother wassup now? please no vex too much ehn.

I checked your logs (and you can see it on your profile too) and it was MMW that banned you, reason stated is "trolling". And my guess is probably for this thread https://www.nairaland.com/1312609/atheists-dont-know-what-offensive#16106595

My dearest striktlymi, even if for no other reason, do it for me and let it go, the ban expires in just a few hrs. Please please please...pretty please smiley

Now chukky is right...rules need to be more evenly applied and it is up to the mods to correct that. We will discuss and get back to you all. Thanks!

@Jesoul when I grow up,I want to be like you. You are so graceful in the way you address people and issues.

I will be glad if I can get the name change...H2So4 is the new username I'ld prefer.

How's work? Enjoy the rest of the day or night? Whatever the time in ur part of the world

Religion / Re: Atheists Don't Know What Is Offensive To Christians by chukkynwob(m): 1:14pm On Jun 07, 2013
Logicboy and his craving for attention...
Religion / Re: How Christians Destroyed R/atheism And Its Implication For Nairaland by chukkynwob(m): 1:07pm On Jun 07, 2013
I am of the opinion that atheist should have the freedom of expression,but Logicboy to deny the offensive undertone of your bible quiz will be plain dishonesty.

Its Atheism not anti-christianity but then its your God given right to ridicule christianity as you deem fit.

Also remember that nairaland is a business and though christians like myself have gotten to a certain level of indifference,many others get shocked just seeing ur name in a post, this in turn drives away Users and potential nairaland users.

I fully support you guys having an Atheist section,though the religion section will become quite uneventful without the incorrigible Sir LB Knight Of Spaghetti Monster.
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 12:35pm On Jun 07, 2013
Why is it that mods allow Obadiah777 to violate rule 11 in virtually all his posts but will ban Striktly or Logicboy for light offences.

Can't there be standardisation?
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 10:52pm On Jun 06, 2013
@Toba using this 'crisis' to attack all atheists is wrong and I condemn this act with the strongest possible terms *in Gej's voice*

I hold the Oga At the Top solely responsible for his napoleon-like attitude and demand that he apologises to Jesoul in the spirit of goodwill.

As for me...I'm getting myself a brand new moniker.

My good friend LB has many,so I'm gonna borrow a leaf from him.

1 Like

Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 9:16pm On Jun 06, 2013

You know what?

You are a fool....how does Seun's comment relate to atheism or all atheists?

You forget that Manmustwacc also works with Jesoul?

LB my man...but this guy dey eff up
Religion / Re: An Argument Against Any Reasonable Knowledge Of God. by chukkynwob(m): 8:59pm On Jun 06, 2013
@Deepsight you have been around for so long to recall that weigraf only specialises in abuse and ad hominem.

Engaging him I must warn is not only futile but might dent your image in this section as an intellectual.
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 8:42pm On Jun 06, 2013
She didn't send me a PM nor did she ask me to send Seun a PM... A simply request that ny identity is compromised and he's giving me BS?
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 8:39pm On Jun 06, 2013
JeSoul: Striktlymi thanks.

Sometimes you make me scratch my head, but we all makes mistakes so no biggie.

As striktlymi pointed out I never asked Chukkynwob to send you any PM, on the contrary I told him to give you time as you may be busy. And yes, the request has been waiting on your reply in the proper place. Perhaps you have some time now to check it and help out chukky.

Its appalling when Seun decides to talk down on people like he just did.

Users are the lifeblood of forums and a little bit of customer care and RESPECT for a wonderful mod like Jesoul will not make you less of Seun...

You know what don't bother with the request and you can ban me while you are it

Lord Seun


Religion / Re: An Argument Against Any Reasonable Knowledge Of God. by chukkynwob(m): 8:39am On Jun 06, 2013
Uyi Iredia:

You mean the idiocy that characterizes you, not to mention the bold lies, because anyone who reads through our short discussion will find I referred you to the OP as an example requested. But laziness typically being the distinguishing features of demented goats such as yourself all you do is ignore the question and focus on trivialities. Your constant evasion of pointa raised has been noted.

Uyi please can we keep the conversation civil?
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 8:41pm On Jun 05, 2013
@Jesoul should I simply create a new moniker? Its been 3days I made the request and no feedback yet
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 4:22pm On Jun 05, 2013
@jesoul any update?
Phones / Re: Tecno Is Winning The Smartphone War In Nigeria by chukkynwob(m): 8:28pm On Jun 04, 2013


So if its not in America then its inferior

Remeber how Huawei started? Now they have taken Ericsson out of the telecoms infrastructure market.

Don't joke with the Chinese.

Hope you know that Addax a subsidiary of Sinopec bought about 20billion dollars worth of Total assets in Nigeria.

Liberate yourself from mental slavery Boss.


Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 8:13pm On Jun 04, 2013
@Jesoul any update on the request?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nestle Aptitude Test........let's Meet Here by chukkynwob(m): 5:48pm On Jun 04, 2013
soneee: @ my AC, one of d assessors tld me if nestle hs nt gottn bk 2 u, its a sign tht ur stl under consideratn and u wld b called whn u least expect. Kp d faith up guy, prayng 4 y'all.

This happens only in this god forsaken country though, I personally don't see the rationale of not taking out time to get back to graduates that made out time to attend an AC even if the mail reads, 'hey due to so so so and so we haven't been able to reach a conclusion on your candidacy but be rest assured that you are still being considered'. Its called professionalism

I don't blame them though, I blame the state of the nation.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nestle Aptitude Test........let's Meet Here by chukkynwob(m): 5:08pm On Jun 03, 2013
sad grin you are not alone brethren

I'm sure Nestle HR is doing everything possible to unravel the mystery of our assessment centre result.
Religion / Re: Trinity: Why Is It Easier To Call Jesus God And Not The Holy Spirit by chukkynwob(m): 12:31pm On Jun 03, 2013
27 pages of back and rallying,the real question is what do you all hope to achieve.

Both camps are dogmatic in their beliefs,oh I get a way to pass time?

As for me I believe in the God the Father,God the Son and God the Holyspirit.The Holy Trinity.

The fact is that atheists sometimes make more sense while arguing than we christians.
Religion / Re: Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk To The Moderators Here by chukkynwob(m): 1:01am On Jun 03, 2013
Please I'll really appreciate if my username can be modified from chukkynwob to H2SO4 ,when I joined I didn't really consider the secrecy of my identity and the threat that comes with having a username that can be recognised easily

@Aunty Jesol please help

1 Like

Religion / Re: "Footprint of God" Found In South Africa (Video) by chukkynwob(m): 12:19am On Jun 03, 2013
kponke denge:
U and ur generation r idiots. Didn't u hear wen d man said d footprint belongs to Godm stop clamin cheap inteligece cos its exposing ur stupidity n it sucks.

This what happens when learners comment on nairaland religion section topics because its on the front page.

Please this is not the politics section where he who shouts the loudest wins,here people actually put some efffort into thinking.

I suggest you do the same.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Younger Brother Of Michael Adebolajo 'was Paid Thousands To Spy In Middle East' by chukkynwob(m): 11:52pm On Jun 02, 2013
So, does it stop d fact that he is a terrorist or Yorubaman? Was it Britain that made him a terrorist? Stop all that ranting and answer my questions.

Nig.ger stop dissing Yorubas abeg,your type of bigotry maybe worse than Micheal's..please see a doctor for help
Foreign Affairs / Re: Younger Brother Of Michael Adebolajo 'was Paid Thousands To Spy In Middle East' by chukkynwob(m): 11:49pm On Jun 02, 2013
myself009: Micheal Adebowale is a victim of manipulation in the hands of British intelligence service. This guy converted to Islam 10 years ago, and lived his normal life until this shameful interference in his life by MI5 and MI6. The same people that tried to turn him into betraying his muslim brothers are now saying he is a terrorist because they failed in their attempt.
Micheal, God will console you for this people, who will not fail to say they are christians, are bent on destroying you because you remain steadfast and rejected their evil machination to cause you to betray your faith. Hold fast to your faith even in prison where these wicked people will likely confine you for the rest of your life. Take solace in the words of a great Islamic scholar who said his enemies waste their time by sending him to prison because his paradise is in his heart and never leaves him wherever he is (Ibn Taimiyyah).

Osama is that you? I tot you were chilling with your 72 babes...

You need to be recaptured ASAP...no typing in paradise
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Why Do People Stay Unemployed For So Long??? by chukkynwob(m): 2:07pm On May 31, 2013
happynwa: My elder sis first Job she was paid 30k. That was about 4yrs ago and since then, she has changed jobs 4 times. I can't tell you how much has grown both professionally and otherwise.
She earns more than 10 times of what she started with and she's a very big asset to her company(even though private).

Please I'll still like to hear from you:
Is it right to stay at home just because of small pay?

And most importantly how is it that someone can stay for above 2yrs without any job at all?.

Some people are just selfish and proud. dat y dey languish at home doin nothing. AS u rightly said it was same with me. Mi first job as a gruaduate was peanut nd I worked with mi blood, pple laughed at me den but I was targeting something unknown to dem. Fortunately for me I landed a big job through dat same one dat paid me nothing. And today I have every reasons to say God thank you for making me put proud aside.

That 30k job is elusive for some people.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Why Do People Stay Unemployed For So Long??? by chukkynwob(m): 2:05pm On May 31, 2013
Lilimax: Very correct. Start off with something no matter how small and acquire the necessary experience on the job. When next you are being interviewed, it will no longer be as a fresh graduate without experience and this will surely make a difference in your pay when employed. smiley smiley

Sometimes when I see comments like this I laugh,do you know how hard I've tried to get a non-paid engineering internship since finishing NYSC in 2012? The fact is our economy is horrible and Nigerian employers are taking advantage of the situation.
Politics / Re: How Would OBJ Have Handled Amaechi by chukkynwob(m): 10:24pm On May 28, 2013
delvinmaya: @crowe, you are definitely no different from other people you are trying to educate. How dare you say Russia is technically a developing state? They hold a permanent seat in the UN security council and are presently what is keeping Assad in power against countries like the US and Britain. Dat is me educating you. The truth is what is happening btw presido and amaechi is abnormal, but attempting to deride the country by claiming it doesnt happen in the western world shows your inferiority complex. Bro,its been proven that Africa is the cradle of life. Be proud of yourself

Russia is not in the West my dear, that is me educating you
Music/Radio / Re: [music] 2face Idibia – My Rainbow Rmx Ft T-pain by chukkynwob(m): 6:51pm On May 28, 2013
Who get that kind time to go ur profile?
Celebrities / Re: Uzor Ngoladi To Afro Candy - "You Are A Disgrace" by chukkynwob(m): 10:56pm On May 24, 2013
bobthebuilder99: Wow...until I came to this website, I never realized how tribalist Igbos are.

You whine too much. Go sit down and relax.

Uzor Ngoladi = all Igbos,brilliant chap

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