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Foreign Affairs / Re: Chemical Weapons Attack Reported in Syria War by chukkynwob(m): 12:37am On Mar 22, 2013
JeSoul: Absolutely right on the money! It begs the question why don't they? the best they do is 'call on the UN to take action'. Perhaps it is because they also have nothing to gain (or lose) by getting involved. Like you mentioned perhaps Turkey - because they're feeling some of the shrapnel spilling over their border. The whole thing is just sad...those poor citizens caught in the middle.

But then the FSA a.k.a jihadists a.k.a al queda jnr is being sponsored by the USA already,America's foreign policy is riddled with so much injustice for a country that poses as the world police.

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Religion / Re: Davidylan, Striktlymi, Ihenobi, Chukkynwob: I Renouce Atheism. by chukkynwob(m): 6:30pm On Mar 21, 2013

Please explain to us what is the difference between hypothesis and guesswork.

Actually a hypothesis is an educated postulation from past experiences and observations,a guess is based on nothing.

Albeit hypothesis are still guesses though
Religion / Re: Davidylan, Striktlymi, Ihenobi, Chukkynwob: I Renouce Atheism. by chukkynwob(m): 6:26pm On Mar 21, 2013
Dear Ooman,
I've been a way for awhile I was surprised to see this thread but without further ado let me get straight to my point,

Personally,I have always advocated meaningful conversations where we can agree to disagree like civilised people(that we are),therefore I feel it is inappropriate to insult Logicboy( he can be annoying) or anyother poster because in the end insulting people will not make them to suddenly accept your position in an argument.

My only word for you my dear NL pal is to AGREE TO DISAGREE; even if your opponent in the argument is adamant to reason and logic, a 3rd party reading your comments might make sense of the viewpoint.

Just kiss and makeup with Logicboy and other wonderful atheists on this board.
NYSC / Re: Corpers - We Wasted One Year Serving Nigeria by chukkynwob(m): 9:23am On Mar 09, 2013
dusty84: [color=#990000]the idea of national service is to expose us to other areas in the country as well as character building...even though i never got the national award that suposed to be given me and i served my country with heart and might...i stlll feel the experience made me a better person in terms of character.so i guess it was not a waste of time afterall.

Let Nysc be voluntary and let's see how many youths love Nigeria, rubbish. Senator pikin dey go village go serve?
Sports / Re: NFF Queried For Ban On Lesbian Players by chukkynwob(m): 12:23am On Mar 09, 2013
watchindelta: instend of 21yrs in prison for lesbianism why nt replaced the punishment with pokipokii? Atleast if 30largelarge dickson dn pok craze commot for their puzzy then they go know say them dn missed welwel. Lesbians try dickson i bet u, u wil never regret it.

So you are suggesting that lesbians should be raped?

As a straight christian I abhor homosexuality,personally I also dislike it a lot but I will not deny my fellow man the right to practise what he/she deems fit as long as it does not infringe on the rights of other people.

Let the girls play football and scrap that authoritarian bill.

1 Like

Pets / Re: Dog Lovers in Nigeria: introduce your pet dogs! by chukkynwob(m): 1:35am On Feb 27, 2013

I did some research and found out that the best dog breed for a first time dog owner would be the golden retriever. The golden retriever is smart, friendly and great around children. They also make good guard dogs. Attached below are pictures of golden retrievers. If you live in Nigeria, you will have to find a dog breeder who can help you import one from Europe or South Africa because golden retrievers are not common in Nigeria.

Lastly, you will need to know the basics of proper dog care and ownership in order to be a good dog owner and not the basics of dog breeding. It costs a lot of money to breed dogs and you must know what you are doing least you put your female dog and her puppies' health and life at risk during labor and delivery. You don't need to breed dogs to get a pet dog who will also guard your house.

Also remember that dog ownership costs money and dogs must have a proper diet to stay healthy and thrive. If you know you can't provide your dog with a proper diet which consists of at least 70% meat and bones along with eggs, vegetables, rice and some fish and good veterinary care when needed, then it is best not to get a dog.

All the best!

Ditto,it costs me about 20,000 naira to feed my dogs monthly. If you don't love dogs don't own any it takes a huge deal of commitment to properly take care of dogs.
Religion / Re: 666 Aka The Mark Of The Beast: President Obama Vs Revelation 13:15-18 by chukkynwob(m): 1:26am On Feb 27, 2013

You are making sense but it is of no use.

A normal human being should know that God exists.
Anyway you view it,ie if their senses are functioning & their spirit man is not controlled by demons,or spiritually caged,they should know that there is a creator ,with some supernatural powers ,that created d world.
The account of Jesus is real ,and a sensible person would have ,at least do little investigation about him and his miracles.The bible always mention the names of Kings,cities,and real names of people's lineage from generation to generation.
The bible talks about how God parted the red sea for about 7 hrs and d Israelites escaped from the Egyptians ,and concluded by saying that Pharaoh and the Egyptians perished in the red sea.
A sane person or someone seeking the truth would have reasoned from that point that "for a sea to be divided and some people to escape on dry land for hours is not a myth, if the names mentioned actually existed and the nation of Egypt did not dispute that it happened to them.
So,they are aware of the fact but have gone too far from God,that they would rather believe the satanic message ,that God does not exist,because it would remove guilt from their hearts.There case is like someone with a problem that drinks alcohol ,thinking it would erase the problem or make him to forget the problem.
They know what they are doing.
Some are Satanic agents directly from the pit of hell,they will argue with you, as demons do.Demons can talk and can design and use the internet better than we.
Some are insane.

Having argument with an insane person means the two are insane.
Trying to convince a demon that God exist is useless.
There is nothing u can do about someone who has decided to choose lie or lie to himself that there is no God,so that he would continue to steal,fornicate, abuse etc because he does not want to repent .

I witnessed a scene at mushin in 1999 or so.A thief was caught and was set ablaze at Olosha bus stop,while people were gathered and mourning for that thief as he was been roasted alive,another thief was picking a pocket ( trying to steal money from somebody's pocket) among the crowd that were gathered.He was caught and also burnt to death. This means that even if Obama calls it "mark of the beast 666" directly, they will not mind and would go ahead and receive it.They will tell u "I do not care".

So, stop arguing with these categories of people above,because there is no sense u can make as far as they are concerned.Go to hospitals,prison yards and preach,some will accept and some will not.But because they have witness something about life,they are likely to believe you.

The love of God that is in you that wants you to share this facts will not depart from your life in the name of Jesus.

Remember in Revelation,13:6"And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,to blasphem his name,and the his tabernacle,& them that dwell in heaven." So don't be surprised when they call Jesus bad name.

I know your intention is to convince many that there are powers that push people into hell fire. But some have people have decided to go to hell and some know they can not escape hell ,like d demons.

If u do not stop preaching to them,they will abuse and curse very soon.


This post is exactly why atheists call some us dumb. You read a post about obama health care program and you start shouting mark of the beast.

For I first read it as BB broadcast,you know what I did?

I researched and guess what I found out nobody is asking anybody to get an RFID chip.

People that have class II medical devices which include heartpacers etc are required to register those device in a national registry for quality control and optimization purposes.



N:B I am a christian.
Religion / Re: The Pastorization' Of Christians by chukkynwob(m): 3:04pm On Feb 26, 2013
Absolute power corrupts absolutely...and that is why I loathe when people wrongly use the quote 'touch not my anointed'.

No man is infallible and YES!!!! Pastors are not above criticisms and demand for accountability,lest they into cult personalities.

As far as I am concerned buying a private jet or a rolls royce phantom with funds from your congregation,is fraud (my opinion).

The bible said,' Look unto JESUS (not ur pastor) the author and finisher of our faith'.
Pets / Re: I have Pure Breed Caucasian Puppies For Sale by chukkynwob(m): 3:14pm On Feb 25, 2013
Fortune83: The price is 65k

I am interested
Pets / Re: Dog Lovers in Nigeria: introduce your pet dogs! by chukkynwob(m): 8:44pm On Feb 24, 2013
soji_wee: I need mongels puppy for 1k I want 2 anyone who has available should call me on 08136301957
seriously? mongrels?
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 12:21am On Feb 24, 2013

Neither could I, bro. These guys are incredible. grin

Going round and round in circles and just insulting people,dis all4naija tire person.
Pets / Re: Dog Lovers in Nigeria: introduce your pet dogs! by chukkynwob(m): 12:18am On Feb 24, 2013
vet707: @ henry007, the price can't go any lesser.
@ dasparrow, the basic rule is to groom the dog & provide a good-plane of nutrition. At the moment, these are the dogs I have but can get any one you desire from reputable breeders. Buzz me so that we can talk better.

Can you help me with a female belgian malinois??
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 10:47pm On Feb 23, 2013

abiogenesis was used to refer to the presence of bacteria that causes decay on meat, it was believed that the bacteria came from the meat in the past. Pasturization proved that wrong. however, the term remained in use because of creationists couldnt make a difference between evolution from inorganic matter from evolution from organic matter during the process of chemical evolution.

which is which?

In the context of origin of life,chemical evolution is the same as abiogenesis or simply put 'spontaneous generation'
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:59pm On Feb 23, 2013

i cannot say science has disproved the thousands of Gods that have existed throughout human history, but i can categorically say science has disproved the Jewish God YHWH, who claimed to have created the world in 6 days using Hebrew words and created man out of inorganic clay and used one rib from man to make woman.

how is that? enlighten me.
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:57pm On Feb 23, 2013
I might start taking you seriously if you can give me a logical difference between Chemical Evolution and Abiogenesis.
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:55pm On Feb 23, 2013

fallacy of appeal to authority. A common mistake atheists make.

you took the word right from my mouth(fingers abi keyboard) lol!!!
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:52pm On Feb 23, 2013

93% of scientists at the national academy of science in america says science disprove god not just me.

Abiogenesis and organic evolution defers by history.

Creationists use them interchangably to mock evolution before it became the conventional term.
read history of science, not just science

what is the difference because I did my research(just in case something new came up) and they are still one and the same so what is the difference
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:47pm On Feb 23, 2013

i had to shake my head at that one.

you missed the post?


dont be so dumb, they have different philosophical implications dunce. read the history of abiogenesis and chemical evolution, then check out pasteurization. pasteurization now proves wrong life originating from organic decaying matter which is what abiogenesis originally means. abiogenesis is wrongly used by many to mean organic evolution this days neglecting the philosophical implications, such dunce like yourself.

ooman: @ chukkynwob: great Chuks, here you are bashing me again.

According to present knowledge you are right.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"Origin of life" redirects here. For non-scientific views on the origins of life, see Creation myth.
Precambrian stromatolites in the Siyeh Formation, Glacier National Park. In 2002, a paper in the scientific journal Nature suggested that these 3.5 Ga (billion years old) geological formations contain fossilized cyanobacteria microbes. This suggests they are evidence of the earliest known life on earth.

Abiogenesis (/ˌeɪbaɪ.ɵˈdʒɛnɨsɪs/ AY-by-oh-JEN-ə-siss[1]) or biopoiesis is the natural process by which life arises from inorganic matter.[2][3][4][5] The word is usually used to describe the processes by which life on Earth originated. The earliest known life existed between 3.9 and 3.5 billion years ago, during the Eoarchean Era when sufficient crust had solidified following the molten Hadean Eon.

But i and some other staunch evolutionist and supporter of chemical evolution prefer they be used differently because of the history of the term, hence its philosophical explanation.

its because of people like you, before we say one or two things, you would quickly burst in that pasteurazation proved it wrong, which it truly did, which is why we prefer it to be sepratate, got it?

Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:43pm On Feb 23, 2013

Do you have problem with reading?

Yes I believe my white masters's science because it offers logics and proofs unlike you who believe your illiterate white masters mysticism without logic or proves but inference and conclusion based on faith

same MO insulting replies when will you get to the science part.

anyway as a Dawkins fanboy the tactics is still in line with commands of the G.O Dawkins Atheist ministries
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 9:37pm On Feb 23, 2013
Ooman you have the right to not believe in God but saying science disproved God is simply ludicrous!!!!

I have basically followed your arguments and none is scientific in anyway,you even said that the difference between chemical evolution and abiogenesis is philosophical,when I probed further you gave me the F word.

i find this your attitude in negation to any civil discourse, but nevertheless consistent to modus operandi of MOST atheists on NL.
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 8:52pm On Feb 23, 2013

Now I get to ignore the big elephant back angry

hahahahaha but you decided to seperate chemical evolution and abiogenesis naaa

you were ignoring the elephant in the room

sorry if the statement hurt you.
Religion / Re: God Did Not Create Man In His Image, We Created God In Our Image by chukkynwob(m): 8:37pm On Feb 23, 2013

Oh davidylan, you never stop to advertise your lack of common sense. Just because you find it hard to drop your religious dogmas inculcated into you from childhood doesn't mean others will not drop it.

6 days creation makes perfect sense to u.?

I dont even know what you believe in, you never speak for any theory of first causes, you only bash available ideas.

Perhaps you are an empty barrel worth ignoring.

why do you enjoy insulting people? it beats my imagination.
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 8:33pm On Feb 23, 2013

Because religion and your kind are destroying africa. Isnt that obvious, dont be myopic angry

How is this so? I really want to know.
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 2:46pm On Feb 22, 2013

(purposely) blissfully ignorant of the obvious he means

Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 1:23pm On Feb 22, 2013
ooman: @ chukkynwob: great Chuks, here you are bashing me again.

According to present knowledge you are right.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
"Origin of life" redirects here. For non-scientific views on the origins of life, see Creation myth.
Precambrian stromatolites in the Siyeh Formation, Glacier National Park. In 2002, a paper in the scientific journal Nature suggested that these 3.5 Ga (billion years old) geological formations contain fossilized cyanobacteria microbes. This suggests they are evidence of the earliest known life on earth.

Abiogenesis (/ˌeɪbaɪ.ɵˈdʒɛnɨsɪs/ AY-by-oh-JEN-ə-siss[1]) or biopoiesis is the natural process by which life arises from inorganic matter.[2][3][4][5] The word is usually used to describe the processes by which life on Earth originated. The earliest known life existed between 3.9 and 3.5 billion years ago, during the Eoarchean Era when sufficient crust had solidified following the molten Hadean Eon.

But i and some other staunch evolutionist and supporter of chemical evolution prefer they be used differently because of the history of the term, hence its philosophical explanation.

its because of people like you, before we say one or two things, you would quickly burst in that pasteurazation proved it wrong, which it truly did, which is why we prefer it to be sepratate, got it?

Oh I get ignoring the BIG ELEPHANT in the room....
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Christianity (re; The Cowardice Of Atheism) by chukkynwob(m): 1:10pm On Feb 22, 2013

dont be so dumb, they have different philosophical implications dunce. read the history of abiogenesis and chemical evolution, then check out pasteurization. pasteurization now proves wrong life originating from organic decaying matter which is what abiogenesis originally means. abiogenesis is wrongly used by many to mean organic evolution this days neglecting the philosophical implications, such dunce like yourself.

Philosophical implications I politely asked for new information all I read here are insults.

Unless you have any new information? Abiogenesis is one and the same with chemical evolution i.e spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter/chemical/whatever-the important fact is that it all the components have to be non-living.
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Christianity (re; The Cowardice Of Atheism) by chukkynwob(m): 9:38am On Feb 22, 2013
ooman: The religious love heaven too much and fear hell greatly that they are enslaved by their own delusion. They would rather thank a God for healing them than be appreciative and supportive of science that has produced drugs for the healing to occur.

Most times they are so speechless about intellectual matters that all they could utter is the already hackneyed Psalm 14V1 and Psalm 53V1. Am really impressed that the only chapter and verse of any "sacred" religious writing EVER to be produced twice is on ATHEISM. That shows how fearful and pusillanimous they are of atheism.

They engage in scientific debate, twisting matter to fit their own dogma, an anonymous said "creationists flow by the wind of evolution". They try to make science fit into their little holy book, they claim the book is up to scrutiny, they are too cowardly to admit that the book has undergone many modifications based on scientific discoveries as it get past from generation to generation throughout history.

Concerning morality, the truth is that God is not a disinterested arbitrator, he cannot therefore be an unbiased moral judge. No matter how moral an atheist, freethinker or agnostic lives, as long as he/she does not worship God, the person will be condemned to hell. The yardstick which God uses to measure morality is WHETHER PEOPLE WORSHIP HIM OR NOT, if you worship God, then you are free to do anything as long as you can request for forgiveness later, but if you dont, no matter how good/moral you are, you are still condemned to hell and because of this, God cannot be the ultimate judge of morality because all his seeking for is a brainwashed and willing heart to worship him.
An arbitrator of morality has to be someone or something that is totally disinterested in who people are and how they live, the only benchmark of morality has to be BEHAVIORS THAT FAVOR INDIVIDUAL/GROUP SURVIVAL based on the present condition. Behaviors that hurt another must be considered immoral, this include murder, theft etc, behavior that does not hurt another is not immoral no matter what, this include homosexuality, por.no etc

William L Craig is nothing but a man primitive in heart living in the modern age of the 21st century, confused because he finds it hard the understand the pace of the world.

Indeed, only the fool and the wicked says in his heart, "There is a God"

I cannot believe you said that chemical evolution is different from abiogenesis and Sir Logicboy defender of atheism concurred...It really places a chink on your armor in the sense that everything is true as long as it is antiGod.
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 9:34am On Feb 22, 2013
Phew!!! Ooman!!!!!
Please what is the difference between chemical evolution and abiogenesis?

And you had the guts to compare Electrical and Electronics Engineering to repairing TV?

Please let's pretend I'm illiterate, can you enlighten me on the differences?

Logicboy smh!!!! You believed that chemical evolution is different from abiogenesis
Religion / Re: The Cowardice Of Atheism by chukkynwob(m): 11:52pm On Feb 21, 2013

chemical evolution is life from non life, abiogenesis is life from inanimate matter, like life from decaying organic matter

in·an·i·mate - /inˈanəmit/
1. Not alive, esp. not in the manner of animals and humans
2. Showing no sign of life; lifeless

Ooman please stop dishing out pseudo science, Chemical evolution and abiogenesis are one and the same.

Logicboy do you just agree to anything as long as its antiChrist??
Nairaland / General / Re: Pictures Of Popular Dog Breeds For Dog Lovers. by chukkynwob(m): 11:38am On Feb 21, 2013
Rottweiler and Belgian Malinois..my dogs

Pets / Re: Dog Lovers in Nigeria: introduce your pet dogs! by chukkynwob(m): 11:32am On Feb 21, 2013
My dogs

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