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Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 8:08am On Sep 27, 2023

Can I please get your contact?
I need to get through to you please.
Kindly reach out to me on kemluv004@yahoo.com. thanks

I have sent an email to you.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 8:06am On Sep 27, 2023
I saw your email and replied to you. But it bounced back.

I have reinitiated the message request on here. It shouldn’t bounce back no more. Thanks as I look forward to hearing from you.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 4:07pm On Sep 07, 2023
Thank you so much for your response.

I have now resolved the marriage issue. I was able to call my contact to cancel it since I’ve never used it. They deleted from the system and destroyed their own hard copy.

I got DQ on the 26th of June 2020.

I will email you.

Have you resolved the marriage issue? Regarding transfer, I would suggest waiting till after the start of the new fiscal year on October 1.
They added new staff members at the Lagos consulate in June so it seems they're working faster. Also, I know that F1 DQ early June 2020 received IL in July 2023 so you're almost there.
What's the exact date of your DQ in June 2020?
It's quite possible that you will get an IL in October.
I'll suggest trying an expedite even right now in Sept. You can email me and I can tell you what has worked in the past for F11. It's a long shot but you never know.
If no progress by mid-Oct, your best bet is a writ of mandamus. Before filing the writ, you can send a notification to file a writ of mandamus. Trust me, a WOM always works. It's usually done with a lawyer but you can also DIY. If it gets to that stage, you can email me and I can give you some pointers.
Transferring has to be done logically as not all embassies prioritize F categories. Most of those that transferred and got IL within 2-3 months are CR/IR categories.
Cameroon hasn't given IL to F categories since February. Cotonou has but they're very strict with transfer cases. Unlike Cameroon where you can just get their residence permit only, Cotonou embassy officials have been known to ask for apartment lease etc at the interview. Still, there are ways around it.

Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 8:54am On Sep 02, 2023
Hello all, I have been hearing news about people transferring their case from Nigeria to countries like Serria leone, Cotonou and are all getting IL within 2-3 months or less. Does anyone have a legit source or contact that can help in doing this or is it something one can do without some help, if yes, please help in how to go about it.

I’m also hearing of the need of having a stay in the country you’re transferring it to, meanwhile, some said it’s not compulsory. Nairaland family please help… the wait is draining. F1 category.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 8:15pm On Jun 07, 2023
Pls whats ND AND DQ cos i only know my priority date(PD)

ND is Notice Date which is the date when your application is entered into U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) database.

DQ is Documentary Qualified which is when you have submitted everything requested by NVC and now in line for next available interview appointment.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 5:09pm On May 28, 2023

The best option. Why divorce? Because of the US you 'belittled' in your first post, op.
I didn’t mean to ‘belittle’ the US. The wait was just tiring and I thought I could have my way around it. Thanks for your advice though.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 5:08pm On May 28, 2023
Last queue how? Your PD is your PD and your DQ is your DQ. ILs are scheduled according according to your DQ if you're current.

Of course, you need to get a resident permit for the country you're transferring to. Options include sierra Leone, Ivory coast, Cameroon.

You have to be single for F11. That includes divorced and widowed individuals.

Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 5:06pm On May 28, 2023

If you're married, move to F3 and move on.
embarassed cry
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 8:52am On May 28, 2023
And yes, if you want to still pursue your F11, you'd have to abort the mission of going to the UK as a married couple.

Honestly, being so close, you should think of how to get your green card quickly. Again, a transfer to say Cameroon is a good idea. You're sure to get an interview letter this year especially when the new USCIS fiscal year starts. Versus waiting forever for Lagos.

Process UK for your spouse alone. You focus on getting your visa, travel to the US, get your physical GC. Then fly to the UK, get married legalky there, return to the US, file for your husband. If you live on the east coast eg NYC, you can easily visit the UK - it's 6 hrs.
If you get a flexible or remote job, you can spend extended periods in the UK with your spouse. Just remember you have to maintain your GC by not being out of the US for longer than 6 months and having ties to the US eg bank account, credit cards etc.
Arm yourself with information and it becomes so easy. These are things that I actually know that people have done.

Thank you so much for the advice. I will verify with my contact if the certificate is original and I will get a divorce if it’s original but being married and divorced doesn’t add any implications right?

On the part of transferring my case to Cameroon, I heard it also take longer because it will be at last queue by the time it gets there and I also heard transferring may not work if one doesn’t have a tie in the new country such as permits or some documents permitting one to live there. How true is that?
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 7:15am On May 28, 2023
Na wa for you. You were really close then boom you did something like this without asking for advice beforehand. Many people in the F1 category have gotten married without getting married. You could have done a traditional without public pictures, you could have done a church blessing without court wedding. You could have done parental blessings. So many options.
You could also have changed your interview location to any of the other African countries or even the UK after getting there as a student.
Anyways, as it is, don't try lying. In 90% of cases, they find out. I know someone who actually got the visa but the officer somehow knew at the port of entry. He was let in but had to report within 3 days to immigration. I don't know how he resolved it.
Your options are either to wait it out in F3 category or get a legal divorce (of course you'll remain married to your spouse in spirit and in truth lol).
A person can return from F3 to F1 in the event of a divorce or being widowed.
You were so so so close. All you had to do was ask questions!!!!!

Thank you for your advice but I really don’t want to move to F3. We haven’t applied for UK visa yet so we are still in Nigeria. We did a traditional wedding and we ensured that dates are not published on the photo, neither did myself or spouse made it public. We only sort of arranged the wedding certificate based on my contact at registry without having to go there and no pictures or whatsoever. As it is, can I abort the UK student mission since I haven’t used the marriage certificate publicly. I want to assume it’s still safe and by the time I need to use it, I will get a reissue that will carry a new date. Does that work?
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 7:12am On May 28, 2023

Inform the US about your marriage and move to F3, apply for the UK student visa with your spouse. That's the best way to deal with this, any other way will jeopardize your petition.

Thank you for your advice but I really don’t want to move to F3. Can I abort the UK student mission? Since I haven’t used the marriage certificate publicly. I want to assume it’s still safe and by the time I need to use it, I will get a reissue that will carry a new date. Does that work?
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 11:44pm On May 22, 2023

Once you’re married, you’re no longer F1. They’ll return your case to NVC and you’ll be reassigned to F3. PD for F3 is currently December 2008 so you face a much longer wait. If you decide not to disclose your marital status and they don’t find out, then you may get the visa/green card but it will become much more difficult to bring your wife over later as you may need to explain the discrepancies in your documentation. Worst case scenario, you will be seen to have committed immigration fraud and lose everything you’ve worked towards. Not trying to scare you, but just weigh your options wisely.

Thank you for responding. However, my hope is to also find a way where I can “have my cake and still eat it. There ought to be a way from this complicated situation as they usually say “when there’s a will, there’s a way”.
Travel / Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered Part 8 by Codemine: 3:39pm On May 20, 2023
Sorry for this Bro. Pls next time, try to apply to more than 2 universities so that u can have options. Have got 13 offers all over the UK. From Hull(lowest fee) to Strathclyde, herriot watt highest fee.

Thanks bro.
Travel / Re: At The NVC Processing Stage Of The U. S Family Based Preference Category. by Codemine: 10:06am On May 20, 2023
Please help!!!

I have an ongoing US immigration VISA with the details below:

PD: June 2014
ND: Sept 2015
DQ: June 2020
Visa Category: F11

The wait is really tiring. Only reminder emails for almost 3 years. Now I am married because for how long will I continue to be unmarried because of US.

I want to try UK student VISA but I have done a marriage certificate, my concern is that would this marriage certificate affect me even if I remain silent on it to the US and pretend to remain unmarried to them?

What can I do to ensure that by the time US calls me, there won’t be issue with my marriage certificate because I don’t want to my category to moved to the married category which would even make the wait very much longer. Please house, advise me on what to do please 🙏🏽
Travel / Re: Uk Student Visa/tier 4 Pbs - Your Questions Answered Part 8 by Codemine: 9:46am On May 20, 2023
Hello House, I applied to the University of Plymouth, got a conditional offer, submitted all the necessary documents such as Name discrepancy affidavit, waec pin and also paid Tuition fee deposit of 2k pounds. Got a preCAS email and a Credibility questionnaire form but to my surprise, after hearing back from the university, they refused to issue CAS and said the outcome can’t be appealed. The reason for this refusal is unclear but they said their decision was based on the credibility questionnaire that i filled. No travel history, neither is there any visa refusal history. I filled that I have source of my school fee saved up for years. I selected I would work part time. I chose No dependent coming with me. I have more than 2 years study gap. I chose I didn’t apply to other schools.

Here is the link to the questionnaire: https:///3xdl508

Also, see the screenshot of the CAS refusal below:

Thank you for your application for the above course. 
“I regret to inform you that, based on the information you have provided, we are not able to make you an offer of a place on this programme. This is because we have reviewed your response to the Credibility Questionnaire you have completed and based on this we feel you represent a high risk of visa refusal. Therefore, we have taken the decision not to sponsor you under the Student route. As stated on the questionnaire, you had one opportunity to submit the form, our decision is final, and no appeals will be accepted”

Please house, what can be the reason for the approval? Can anything else be done since it’s not appealable? How can this kind of refusal be avoided?

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