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Family / Re: Why Marriages Don’t Work: The Change Factor by Darkchocolate(f): 5:11pm On Sep 25, 2022
Why Marriages Don’t Work – The Change Factor [color=#000099][/color]

Why is it that so many marriages do not work? Why does a relationship that starts with two people gazing longingly and lovingly into each others’ eyes, end with those same people not even being able to look at each other except in disgust? Why is it that two people who promise each other to do everything to make the other happy, end up not being able to bring themselves to even acknowledge the other’s presence?

Before you even attempt to answer these questions consider the following examples:

1. A guy I know met a lovely young lady during our first year in university and shortly afterwards, started dating. This “model relationship” continued all the way to graduation. They eventually got married a few years after university (they had been together for a total of 9yrs before they got married). How lovely! One might say. Well, they were divorced 6months after they got married.

2. An acquaintance had been dating this girl for about 6years. They broke up, she met someone else and she was married within a year of meeting the new guy. They were divorced 3months later.

3. I heard of a couple who had been together since they were in their teens. By the time they were married, they had been together for about 16years. They divorced 2months after the wedding.

Just in case you were wondering, these are real life examples. I could go on with so many more, but there wouldn’t be space for anything else.
There are about a thousand reasons why marriages do not work, but for the purpose of this article, I will just deal with what I call the change factor.
Is this a guy problem or is it a girl problem? Is it a parental problem or is it a societal problem?

When two people meet and discover they like each other enough to want to be together, it feels like a breath of fresh air. He’s met this girl who makes him feel like he’s never felt before in his life. She’s met this guy who makes her believe that God indeed answers prayers. They start off on this journey that would take only death to pry one away from the other. They become each other’s confidant, telling each other stuff they’ve never told anyone before; he’s the last person she talks to before she sleeps and the first person she talks to when she wakes up; all of a sudden, the cries of “I’m so busy, I haven’t got time for a relationship” become, “let’s take next week off, so we can go off somewhere”. In short, it’s a dream come true. Neither can see any reason why this cannot go on forever. In the not too distant future, wedding bells begin to ring.

When the wedding ends, the marriage starts. Unfortunately, the word marriage means different things to different people. I use the word, “unfortunately” because marriage should be the beginning of a lifetime journey of discovery and devotion, initially to your spouse and eventually to your new family, when children come into the picture. That in no way implies that the journey is or will be an easy one. But what makes it easier (not easy) to deal with, is the knowledge that you are devoted to someone else other than yourself and that someone else is as devoted to you. But the reality is that no matter how devoted a couple is to each other prior to tying the knot, marriage always brings a new set of expectations. Things that they used to laugh and joke about now become disrespectful. Statements like, “I’m your husband, you cannot talk to me like that” or “Do you expect me to be a wife without an opinion?” become frequent and before you know what is happening, everyday becomes about conflict resolution.

The Husband

When he was not yet a husband, he was the ideal boyfriend. Always attentive, extremely caring, generous, protective (not possessive), and a dozen other “Thanksgiving-worthy” adjectives. He is completely selfless in his love and devotion to his girlfriend. When a childhood friend says, “how can you be with that girl, I know about 20 people she’s been with”, he ex-communicates that friend. When another friend says, “you guys look so happy”, he glows and that one becomes his new best friend. He introduces her to his parents and they fall in love with her, as she is such a cultured young lady. He meets her parents and they are so happy that their daughter has found a responsible young man. He’s now ready to step it up, so he buys a ring and proposes in the most romantic, fairytale- way imaginable. She accepts and wedding plans start. HOLD ON! He calls up his new best friend and says, “I’ve noticed some things about her that I don’t like, and I never noticed them before. Was I so in love that I did not notice or are her true colours coming out?” His friend says, “don’t worry, no matter how much you love her, you cannot like every single thing about her, but maybe you should tell her about it.” He decides not to, because he does not want it to seem like an excuse to not get married.

So the wedding plans continue as normal and D day finally arrives. The wedding ends, the marriage starts and for the first few months, it’s all good. Suddenly, he wonders why he should go grocery shopping with her every month like they used to. He tells himself, “after all, we’re married now and I’m the husband. It’s her duty to do that”. Again, he wonders why he should help her out in the kitchen when she’s dead tired, like he used to when they were dating. He tells himself, “after all, we’re married now and I’m the husband. It’s her duty to do that”. Again, he wonders why she gets upset when he works late without telling her he’ll be late. He tells himself, “after all, I was out working like a responsible man and I take care of my responsibilities, why should I take permission from her to come home late from work?” Again, he wonders why she should use his phone without telling him or answer his phone without him asking her to, like they used to with each other’s phones when they were dating. He tells himself, “What right does she have to answer my phone without permission, isn’t my mobile phone supposed to be private?” Again, he wonders why she should argue with him when he wants to watch “prison break” while “sex and the city” is on, they used to take turns to watch their favourite shows together. He tells himself, “after all, I am the husband and pay all the bills, so I should be able to watch what I want in my own house.”

By this time, the relationship that was filled with so much laughter becomes one filled with so much tension, because she feels she has to practically walk on egg shells so as not to anger him.

The Wife

She was the ideal girlfriend; caring, loving considerate, thoughtful and selfless. A childhood friend tells her, “that guy is a player, I heard he’s a heartbreak specialist”. Her response, “I’ve always known you were jealous of me.” She knows he is the one and has never felt stronger about anything in her life. She’s waiting and hoping that he proposes to her. When he eventually does, she tells herself, “can life be any more wonderful?”
The wedding ends, the marriage starts and for the first few months, it’s all good. Suddenly, she wonders why he wants to go out with his friends on Friday nights, when he should be home with his wife. She tells herself, “He used to go out a lot when we were dating but should that not stop now that he is married?” Again, she wonders why she cannot answer his phone when it rings. She tells herself, “Now that we are married, should I not be able to answer my husband’s phone?” Again, she wonders why he spends so much time at work. She tells herself, “Now that he is married, should the overtimes he’s working not be reduced, so we can spend more time together?”

What you will notice from these two scenarios is that after the marriage, they both had different expectations from the other. They expected the other to be a certain way, “because we are now married.” Marriage is a journey and usually a difficult one, because you are no longer living for yourself but for someone else (well, that’s how it should be anyway). When a couple gets to the point where they feel like the other should change things that they initially had no problem with, because they are now married, it will take a miracle for that marriage to stand. Take one of the issues in the first scenario: This must have been a guy who would probably call and say, “I’m working late today darling, will be home about 9 or so”. But when he gets married, he believes as long as she knows he’s at wok, he does not need “permission” to be home late from work. You might be surprised at the number of times I’ve actually heard this line from guys. That’s not seeking permission; that is acknowledging the fact that there is someone else in your life and that person should be important enough know to why you are not home on time. I don’t think this makes you any less a man.

Admittedly, there is a behaviour on the part of a wife that makes a man feel that if he acknowledges this fact, it’s tantamount to emasculation. It’s possible, and it has been known to happen, for the wife to act in such a way that the husband does not feel like he owes her any kind of explanation. Consider this example: John is a hardworking man. He has a job that sometimes requires him to be at work till about 9 or 10pm. His fiancée knows this and in fact loves that he is so hardworking and takes his work seriously. They got married and after a few months, she started complaining about the time he spends at work. He is genuinely surprised because his weekdays have always been like that. She believes now that he is married, he has to do something about it. The situation has always been like that and he cannot understand why there is a problem now.

He’s even more irritated because he goes out of his way to leave work as early as is practicable, but the nature of his job means he usually has no choice. It’s painful to him because he wonders how his wife can know all this and still act the way she is. If the wife in this case had an issue with his work hours before they were married, she should have mentioned it to him. It’s always much easier to deal with a problem when it rears its head than to wait for it to grow and fester. She could have thought, “Well, when we’re married, I’m sure he will reduce the hours”, forgetting he actually does not pick the hours he works. If she had voiced her concern before the wedding, it would have been easier to resolve, rather than wait till they were married (and in case you were wondering, it’s NOT possible that the work hours did not cross her mind before she accepted his proposal). This is where selflessness and sacrifice come in.

A couple needs to understand something very simple: it is NOT your duty or responsibility to make yourself happy, it’s your spouse’s duty. That probably does not make sense, but think about this for a second. If your priority in your relationship is to make yourself happy, and your spouse’s priority is to make himself/herself happy, what you have is a self-centred relationship. That sounds harsh but that is the reality, because in many regards, each one will try to ensure that he/she is happy and the other person’s happiness becomes secondary. You might argue that it’s possible to make yourself and your spouse happy, which does make sense. But what do you think would happen if you left that job to your spouse, while you concentrate on making the other person happy. If both are honest about this, that’s going to be a relationship that would be pretty hard to break. The problem of course becomes, “what if you know you are concentrating on making the other person happy and the other person is not doing the same, what then?” Well, it is more than likely that if the other person is not doing the same, there is a reason. Try to talk to them. Find out what is wrong and if there is something you’re doing or not doing. This sounds a bit mushy, but if you really want your marriage to work, you have to be willing to make sacrifices and if you consider sitting your spouse down (especially men!) and having that kind of conversation a bit much, I’ll say this; try it and see what happens.
People need to understand that marriage goes way beyond the festivities of the wedding and the anticipation of living together. Marriage involves an incredible amount of sacrifice. A very common problem is unwillingness to make that kind of sacrifice or just not realising that it takes the kind of sacrifice that you have never made before to make a marriage work. I know that sounds like a cliché because everyone says it, but have you actually sat down to really think about what those words mean? Before you pack your bags, ask yourself a very simple, but very profound question, “Have I done everything to make this work? If there was another chance, would I do things differently?” If so, “which things would I do differently?” If you can be honest with yourself and not let ego cloud your reasoning, your marriage CAN still work.

Sacrifice is about forgetting about you.

Sacrifice is about closing the door on your ego.

Sacrifice is about swapping convenience for inconvenience for the sake of your relationship.

Sacrifice is about acknowledging the fact that your spouse’s happiness is primary and yours is secondary.

Sacrifice is about accepting a view you don’t necessarily agree with for the sake of peace in your home.

Sacrifice is realisation of the fact that disagreements will arise, but they do not need to escalate to quarrels.

Sacrifice for women, is the realisation that no matter how strong-willed you are, your husband is the head of the home and should be accorded that respect.

Sacrifice for men, is the realisation that head of the home is not synonymous with dictator.

Sacrifice for women, is the realisation that ALL men are born with egos and when you try to compete with a man’s ego, the marriage is the sufferer.

Sacrifice for men is the realisation that her being married to you is a choice she made and it’s your duty to make sure she does not ever regret making that choice.

Sacrifice for women is the realisation that you cannot understand a man’s ego because you were not created to understand it.

Sacrifice for men is the realisation that women were created to be loved, not understood.

One of the reasons why there is such a sharp contrast between when people are dating and when they get married is because in the former, they tend to be more tolerant (either because he feels, “I’m sure when we’re married, she will stop doing this or that”, or she feels, “he is not my husband, so he should not expect me to be this or that way”). Obviously, there are things that responsible men and women should stop or start doing when they are married. The problem is that men and women expect the other to know what changes to make as soon as marriage sets in. People are stuck in the mind frame of, “a man should know what he ought to do” and “a woman should know what she ought to do.” So I guess the obvious question is, “if you should not expect someone to change as a result of marriage, how are you sure the person knows how you want your marriage to be?”

The answer to that is quite simple; Talk about it, BEFORE the wedding! The problem is so many people spend so much time planning their wedding, but not their marriage. And if you think a talk about a subject like that may be awkward, then maybe the relationship is not as strong as you think or want to believe it is. If you had issues with certain things before the wedding, why do you think marriage will change it? When you were dating, you used to go grocery shopping together, you’re married now and feel it’s the wife’s duty. While I don’t have a problem with a man or woman’s duties, men need to understand that things as simple as grocery shopping mean a lot to women. For women, it’s a lot more than grocery shopping; it’s about doing something together as a couple. If during the pre-marriage period, they hardly or never did that together, that’s fine. But if you had no problem with it before you were married, why is it a problem now? Someone might argue that, “I’m the only one that works, I get back home and I’m tired. Is it too much to ask her to do just that?” That’s a valid argument, but the question in that case would be, how was that issue resolved before you got married? If you were not living together before the wedding, then there should have been a discussion about issues like that (it does not have to a formal, serious discussion). I’ll say this again, so many people spend so much time planning their weddings, that they forget to plan their marriage.

A lot of people believe they can change the other person. The fact is, no one can change anybody. Someone can decide to change because of someone, but can also decide not to change. My point is, if you met and fell in love with someone and did not like certain things, but were quiet about it, don’t expect marriage to change them. If you have an issue with things he/she does, sit down and have an honest conversation about it. Unless you’re married to a psychic, don’t expect the other person to know what you want or expect without telling the person and then get upset when they act the way they’ve always acted.

The bottom line is this: The way a relationship was prior to getting married does not have to change because of marriage. If anything, marriage should make that relationship deeper. Spouses should make sure that their priority is the happiness of the other. If we can all be honest about this, the sky will be the starting point, not the limit.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 8:16pm On Feb 24, 2022
Hi Everyone,

I’ll be creating a WhatsApp group for “meeting of minds” where we can help each other, ask questions, empower and assist with advice of further studies abroad, etc!
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 5:50am On Jan 03, 2020

****UPDATE 02/01/2020****
Happy New Year Fam.... We are still here. Just checking in on y'all.

So looking to open a whatsapp group so that you guys can get help and answers real time and also easily link up with any Corp members in your state. Eg: if you have just arrived at camp and need a question answered real quick...that type of scenario. If I get 20 or more people show aq, I will open it. Just let me know. Tag me with your number!!! It should be a platform that can help with job opportunites, further education (home and abroad) CV building and mentoring, etc


NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:26am On Nov 08, 2019

You have 4days max from the day the camp opened officially.

Ps: some peeps even go a day before camp opens and are still allowed in.

I totally went the day before lol
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:23am On Nov 08, 2019
Please can I get a direct bus from Uyo to Ilorin and how much will it cost me ?

Wouldn't it be easier to go to the local bus park and ask? Or find out from google? Most of these bus companies have websites now with their route details.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:22am On Nov 08, 2019
Camp resumed on the 5th, I just collected my statement of result will i be allowed in camp

Go as soon as you can and explain to them. They might just allow you to complete your registration. No harm in trying.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:20am On Nov 08, 2019
please I was supposed to go for stream one, I couldnt meet up due to some health issues, is it possible I go for stream two and what do I need to do if I was to go for stream two

Did you inform them that you couldn't attend? Do you have a valid medical report covering you. You should probably go to nysc office in your area to speak to them and get proper advice on what to do next.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:18am On Nov 08, 2019

Please is it compulsory to wear short sleeve polo?

I want to get long sleeves o

Short sleeve definitely. Unless you have some medical (backed with medical report) or religious reason to wear long sleeve.

You can always use your khaki jacket to cover-up if you are feeling conscious.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 1:37am On Nov 01, 2018
Pls guys, those exempted from the 21 days camping experience, either because they are pregnant or sick, how do they get their first allawee since it's to be collected as cash in camp

They should have really asked about this during registration. Nevertheless, I would go on the day of the allowee though. I wouldnt trust them to leave it till the end of camp.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 1:34am On Nov 01, 2018
Hello guys my cousin has a health issue that would affect his service. His leg has been swollen for about 2years now. He graduated last year. Please what is the best way to defer nysc or is there ga way to work it out so he wouldnt need to serve. maybe get an exception letter instead or something by presenting medical report and evidence.

He wants to travel abroad for treatments and there is every possibility he wont be back anytime soon.

Does he need to register for.nysc before travelling so he can serve when he has regain his health?

He needs to go to nysc website and follow the procedure for exemption on medical grounds. If he qualifies, he will be exempt entirely from serving. Unless he wants to keep postponing it...indefinitely...
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 1:31am On Nov 01, 2018
my wife whose a breast feeding mother got registered yesterday at lagos camp and was told to go home will she go for the swearing in or induction ceremony and when will the ceremony take place. ur advice is urgently needed

She is meant to go to the swearing in as a 'day corper. When she gets there, she signs in or registers as being present and can leave.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 1:27am On Nov 01, 2018
My wife is a breast feeding mother with a three months old child and she will be going to collect her posting letter on the 12th of November she has nobody to keep the child with. if she is to go with her child will they allow her to enter and collect the posting letter

Yes, she is allowed to go with the baby.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 12:58pm On Aug 22, 2018
Do u kno how I can reach the ministry of education? I need their contact info to verify the accreditation of my school.

If it s Lagos State, they are at Alausa. So just go there and speak to them in the the first instance.

Not sure where they are for other states but they shouldnt be difficult to find. Google their address. Goodluck.


Family / Re: A Beautiful Dwarf With Her Kids And Her Twin Sister (Photos) by Darkchocolate(f): 12:41pm On Jul 18, 2018

dont shorter torsos come with shorter vaginal depth?

or you are trying to say her vagina straddles up to her chest?

Limbs = legs and arms and has Nothing to do with the size of her vagina lol. It is a normal vagina. They tend to have normal torsos but because their limbs are short, you assume their torso is short too.
Family / Re: A Beautiful Dwarf With Her Kids And Her Twin Sister (Photos) by Darkchocolate(f): 12:39pm On Jul 18, 2018
Are you a dwarf

Nothing wrong with being pintsized! cheesy
Family / Re: A Beautiful Dwarf With Her Kids And Her Twin Sister (Photos) by Darkchocolate(f): 9:49am On Jul 18, 2018
as short as these people are, i wonder what will be the depth of their vagina shocked shocked shocked

SMH...Dwarfs like this tend to have average body size of an average woman... Only their limbs are short.

1 Like

Family / Re: Cost Effective Means Of Taking Care Of A Baby by Darkchocolate(f): 12:54pm On Jun 30, 2018

Thanks 4 big parks of diapers at 3800 each that's 15000 average monthly!!

Diapers are super expensive. Isnt there a cheaper version? How much is molfix? I honestly feel for you but babies are so not cheap.

1 Like

NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 9:03am On Jun 30, 2018
Can i smoke weed in camp?

cheesy grin grin undecided angry
Family / Re: Cost Effective Means Of Taking Care Of A Baby by Darkchocolate(f): 8:50am On Jun 30, 2018
A friend confided in me his wife sent him a budget break down to take care of their 9 months daugther for a month. it was 30k
This is for 4 cerelac,7 nutribon, 4 biggest size diapers,2 nan, 4 wipes
Mothers in the house any cost effective means to Cater for a child on half of this budget #15k
30k is some peoples salary a month
Mind u the husband earns 100k monthly
Suggestions welcome

I have a 9 month old and I 'll tell you my own experience. This isn't based on saving money though but I guess it could go a long way in helping you. Her main nutrition is breast milk. She hates baby milk so that saves a whole lot of money. If your baby isnt breastfed, then normal baby milk would do. Baby's need calcium and that shouldnt be compromised.

She eats what we eat. I have a small pot next to the main family pot when I am cooking a meal. Everything goes in except salt and oil (very minimal). She hates baby food, cerelac, etc etc. By the way, she doesnt have any teeth yet so we mash up her food (vegs included) for her. Not to puree though cos she will just reject it. If you must feed pap, then vary it with other foods and fortify the pap with baby milk because pap doesnt have a great nutritional content for baby. It might make them full, quicker, but wouldn't help health-wise. Every baby is different so always try cheaper but equally nutritious alternatives and supplement with other foods too. How about baby cereal? Have you tried that? Or maybe oats (just normal oats but the powered ones. They are super nutritious and gluten free...And dead cheap too. Just try supplementing and see what works. Baby's at that age love to experiment anyway and will love different options presented to him/her. Try fruits too. Don't forget! A bowl of Fruit and vegetable are also considered full meals and can be used for breakfast. Doesnt always have to be cerelac morning, afternoon and night.

Re diapers, do you mean 4 big packs or 4 small packs? Always buy in bulk or bigger quantities. Might seem more expensive but cheaper in the long run. Diapers are essential but look for cheaper brands. It doesnt always have to be pampers or huggies. I wouldnt say go for cloth diaper because that is just too much work. However if you must save money, then consider cloth diapers. They are good for the environment too!

Same goes for wet wipes. There are cheaper alternatives. However, to save money you can go for just cotton wool and water. It isnt as convenient as wet wipes but it is very kind to baby's skin. You can save wet wipes for outings where water might not be easily assessible. However, if at home, cotton wool and water is sometimes best. I use wet wipes but sometimes, her bum bum needs a break from all the harshness so I just use cotton wool. Other times, I just use plain water (if the poo is just too much). We have exhausted one wet wipe packet before wiping non ending poo grin... It wasnt a pretty sight!!! Goodluck.

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Darkchocolate(f): 6:59pm On Jun 15, 2018

I am team Feb ooo. grin
By faith.


Add me up on WhatsApp Momma...We 'll be here and there! cheesy

1 Like

Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Darkchocolate(f): 4:30pm On Jun 15, 2018
No Team February's yet? undecided cry

Oh dear!!! Still a bit early, I guess!

So ladies, I will be opening a WhatsApp group with similar title. Here, I feel like once people have their babies, that s it! The WhatsApp group will aim to be wholesome and see us through pre natal and post natal challenges. We can even arrange meet ups, playdates, toy/clothes swap, etc for people in a particular town/area. Add me +44 7578232370 and Let me know if y'all interested!

P.s. There is no catch ooo. Purely a support group for new (And not so new) mums!!!

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Darkchocolate(f): 1:13am On Jun 15, 2018
Team February 2019...where y'all mamas at? kiss


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Darkchocolate(f): 2:26am On Jun 02, 2018
Is it odd to start feeling baby movements as early as 14 weeks? shocked

Hubby says it's all in my head but I know d feeling already just like my first pregnancy ....am I alone? grin

Not odd at all. Especially if it isn't your first or if you are really in tune with your body. It feels like butterfly flutters at first or trapped wind. If that is what you are feeling, then my bet is that the baby is practicing its karate moves already.

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Family / Re: I Need Help For My 4-Year-Old Son by Darkchocolate(f): 3:54am On Apr 14, 2018
I have 2 boys, Kevin and Alvin, 4 and 1yr old respectively, both were on 6-month exclusive breastfeeding, Had Cow&Gate2 baby formula, Kevin is just too active, he doesn't doesn't even walk at home, he runs even when I take him out (cos he doesn't even play in the compound), he can't stay in a place for 2 minutes except he's watching his favorite cartoon channel GoTv 60, no matter how you beat him he doesn't cry for more than few seconds, he learns too much that he even corrects me his father but the problem is he's too active (I don't want to use the word stubborn). His 11+ mths younger brother is already following his footsteps, their mother shouts and beats Kevin every minute for jumping around in the house like monkey. He even engages in fight with me whenever I want to watch my favorite channels except I beat him thoroughly, he wouldn't allow anyone touch anything that is his. Their mother is fed up and losing weight and she's afraid his Alvin is already acting likewise. I don't know what to do because you can't leave Kevin alone in the house without closed monitoring for a minute else something bad and injurious might happen. All my life, I've never see a kid like my boy, I need advise on what to do, it was worse when he was younger. I don't like beating him like his Mom does but won't have peace at home due to excessive shouting and scolding except he's asleep. Anyone with ideas on how to curtail this?

How are you two already beating a 4 year old toddler. SMH. Explains his behaviour. lipsrsealed


NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 6:07pm On Apr 13, 2018

Hello. I will be going to camp with my 3 month old baby and I also want redeploying on marital ground (I didn't register as married). Do u think I can do all this in a day. Will I be staying in camp? I don't want to stress my baby

I am not sure whether all these can be achieved in one day. Nevertheless, under no circumstance will you be allowed to stay in camp with your baby. So just do what you can and come back the next day if you have to.

Good luck

1 Like

NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 4:32am On Apr 10, 2018
hello dearie, nice job you have done so far. I need to ask if I can wear a plain white sneakers instead of a tennis because I already have that. It's a little bit fashionable. Thanks

You definitely can

1 Like

NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 12:24am On Mar 22, 2018

Is medical fitness test a must?

Well I would assume so. They don't want you to take ill (camp-induced illness) whilst in camp. If you have any issues medically that is significant, get a doctors report and take it to camp with you.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 2:06am On Jan 29, 2018

thank you!
btw, do you know what the letter of request of request should be like?, like a format?

I remember I typed lots of these for my work place. I really can't remember the exact format though.

I do remember that...

It should have normal formal salutations for a standard letter, name of the corp member, state code, etc ...and the company details....contact person in the company. On a company letter headed paper. Also address it to the state coordinator.

1 Like

NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 3:20am On Jan 26, 2018

I believe there should be an arrangement to not let the job be lost

tho i met one guy that just finished nysc today, he told me that once you get a letter of request from your company, irrespective of the state you're posted to, they'll return you to the company

still, @Darkchocolate please answer us oo and shed more light abeg

Hey, I m not entirely sure on the state transfer job thingy but if you have a job within the same state and the company gives you a letter of request, I don't see why NYSC won't agree to post you there (if you are within the same state)!

Good luck.
NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 10:03pm On Jan 14, 2018
There's a whatsapp group? I must have missed the memo! cheesy

Please add me to the WhatsApp group

Name: Farinde Micheal
Whatsapp number : 07063188981
School: Ekiti State University
Discipline : Mathematics

NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 4:42am On Jan 12, 2018
pls is it possible fr me to be leaving camp everyday after all activities cos am a nursing mother and dont want to miss d fun matures answer pls

Camp is not fun for a nursing mother. You register on the first day and get sent home. You only come back 3 or so more times for allowee, etc. They do not allow nursing mothers to stay or return daily.

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NYSC / Re: Your NYSC Questions Answered by Darkchocolate(f): 4:40am On Jan 12, 2018
as regards to NYSC registration, pls for foreigners, if one's passport is missing and there is no resident permit, will dey accept police report?


Also get an affidavit from the court!

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