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Darkgini's Posts

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Career / Re: For Those Earning Over ₦1,000,000 Monthly, What Do You Do To Secure Such Income? by Darkgini: 10:15pm On Jan 20
Don't doubt just because you don't know. May God grant you mercy to experience and earn that much and then come back to read the comments here
Travel / Re: Yuletide: FG Slashes Interstate Transport Fares By 50% by Darkgini: 9:49am On Dec 20, 2024
This is fraud. They make you pay 100% claiming to make a refund after the trip is completed which they never do.


Religion / Re: There Is No God, God Should Stop Helping Me- Nigeria Man Says by Darkgini: 6:53am On Jun 23, 2024
God will see you through.

You also need to improve on yourself to fast track this. Remember that God blesses the work of your hand. So you must be dling something productive with your hand/mind.

I believe in God but things are not going well for me at all.
I have placed so much trust and believe in him, I wish things works fine for me.
Atleast if I could attain some level of good health and financial strength so that I can provide for myself and the people around me.
God I believe in you
Crime / Re: SA Man Kills His Colleague, Removes His Intestines & Takes Selfies (Graphic Pix) by Darkgini: 9:53am On Nov 11, 2023
What if he was attacked in his sleep?

What if he poisoned him?

What if he was attacked from behind?

Just be careful out there. You may think you're strong until it happens. Not to you sha.

One on one, no single person can kill me with a knife like this, we go drag am, kill ourselves.
You have to be at least 3 or 4 to take me out.
Fear makes people submit and die. And that is so common with Africans.. So cowardly.
C'mon fight for your life! That is why I like whites, you can't kill even a fragile white teenage girl one on one like this, she will fight you with everything.
But see a grown up man meekly submitting to a single fellow man of same size, no single scratch on your assailant....
Computers / Re: Post Your Computer (PC) Troubles Here. by Darkgini: 6:53am On Aug 13, 2023

I used to be able to duplicate my laptop to a monitor using VGA-HDMI connector. I changed my hard drive and this wasn't working anymore even after setting the laptop to the required display option.

Interestingly, connecting my laptop to a TV via an HDMI works.

My question is, why does this not work for a regular monitor anymore?
Education / Re: Ondo: Omoyeni Joy Folakemi Makes 9As In WAEC, 338 In JAMB, 1400/1600 In SAT by Darkgini: 6:27am On Aug 13, 2023
Nice one! I love smart kids. They sort of make life easy for the parents.

My son had 6As in WAEC, 324 in JAMB and 1490/1600 in SAT.


Religion / Re: I Cautioned My Pastor To Stop Mounting Marriage Pressure On Today by Darkgini: 4:32am On May 19, 2023
It wasn't popular but people were already doing it. I would have ventured it but it's not a scalable business.

I have already dictated a lie in this story.

Lemme observe and you others who will

Was POS popular six years ago?

OP suffery dey lie

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Career / Re: Should I resign or continue? by Darkgini: 5:59pm On Apr 03, 2023
Whatsapp me on 08062096689. Let me follow it up for you.

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Politics / Re: Adeleke And Aregbesola Dance At Unveiling Of Passport Office In Osun (Video) by Darkgini: 9:16am On Mar 29, 2023
See the way I rushed to watch him dance
Politics / Re: Afenifere Justifies Obi’s Endorsement, Tinubu’s Team Fumes by Darkgini: 8:19am On Sep 27, 2022
All of a sudden:

1. Afenifere is not the mouthpiece of the Yoruba people.

2. Northern Elders forum is not the mouthpiece of the Northern people.

God works in a miraculous way.

If you don't gerrit, OYO.


Source: https://punchng.com/Afenifere-justifies-Obis-endorsement-Tinubus-team-fumes


Family / Re: I Hope My Decision Is Not Bad? by Darkgini: 10:40pm On Sep 22, 2022
You described the guy involved so terribly as if you knew about him before now. You only heard one side of the story.

May God grant us the wisdom to show mercy and be considerate where necessary.

Your decision is not only bad but wicked. Where were you when such a ferociously poor guy was shacking your daughter?
I can imagine what your daughter is going through in the hand of a family that lacks the financial wherewithal to take care of basic medicare. I can conveniently refer to you as wicked for releasing your daughter to that kind of family. Are you sure she is feeding well? She made a mistake right, but you made an even greater one by throwing her out to be devoured by that verocious thing you called her boyfriend. Someone who can't afford basic medicare! E wicked Sir. Go and get the girl and her little daughter out of that dungeon before that poor boyfriend impregnate her again. I don't think you understand the psychology of such ferociously poor guys, they live and swim in poverty, do nothing about their live and hope a miracle will happen one day and they'll eventually get out of their miseries. Deliver your daughter and her little girl now!
Education / Re: ASUU Strike: How Nigerian Universities Voted by Darkgini: 9:27am On Aug 25, 2022
Politics / Re: Nigerians now resort to Faking Deaths To Get Pension Benefits - NPC by Darkgini: 9:52am On Aug 23, 2022
While I'm not in support of faking one's death, I am equally not in support of dying of hunger, disease and starvation when you have money somewhere that duly belongs to you.

If we subscribe to the former, then the purpose of having a pension is defeated.

The PFA should be reformed to expand the layers of withdrawal.

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Career / Re: Can I Sue My Employer For This?? by Darkgini: 8:51pm On Jul 05, 2022
Where are you resident?

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Politics / Re: Ifeanyi Onejeme Debunks Fake News About Peter Obi's Investment In SABMiller by Darkgini: 8:39am On Jun 22, 2022
I want to provide further insights to the 'fact' stated here.

If Obi invested $12million and still holds 407,321,264 units of shares at current share price of N5.5, then, holding exchange rate constant, his investment has gained over $2million dollars for the state not to mention the employment generation and the expansionary effect such investment.

Calling this a bad investment on the basis of poor FX decisions is unfair.
Investment / Earn At Least 1% Guaranteed Daily Income by Darkgini: 9:34am On Jul 27, 2021
I invite you all to share in this amazing investment platform 'Kripto Futures'.

I am sharing this because the company has real-life projects and a growing community. The return on the projects allows me to make a minimum of 1% daily.

Withdrawals can be made daily, weekly, or monthly as you choose.

You are invited to join for free, read about the projects yourself then decide whether to invest or not.

Use the link https://kriptofuture.com/#/login/Darkginee. Feel free to drop questions in the comments section.
Fashion / Re: Farminvest By A-path Resources Ltd Is A Scam by Darkgini: 12:00pm On Nov 10, 2020
I got feedback sometime ago by a group known as 'Concerned Subscribers' or so.

I will share the email I received. I also invested with them and was due for payment since March 2020. They kept blaming it on COVID.

This is the email I referred to earlier.

Dear Subscribers,

We recently submitted a Letter of Demand issued to Agroparks' management through our Legal Practitioner, rejecting their explanations for negative remittances and inability to pay remittances due to subscribers between April - August 2020.

Our decision to issue a Letter of Demand to Agropark became necessary following unsuccessful individual and group-led attempts to engage the company’s management team on the above and actions taken by them without the consent of subscribers.

The requested actions below are extracts from our Letter of Demand (with the deadline of Monday, September 14, 2020, we are still expecting the Agroparks’ response to the letter).

• Immediate reversal of all negative remittance communicated to subscribers

• Immediate payment of all accrued returns from April - August 2020.

• Disclosure of a business structure and farm succession plan for our clients’ farm lot

• Reconciliation of all accounts and yields

We are also aware that Agropark has recently issued communications to some subscribers stating that there will be further delays in payment of revised remittances. This is another cause for concern and it further strengthens our resolve to continue the drive to restore contractual obligations from Agropark to subscribers.

Many subscribers in this group have affirmed the importance of ensuring that Agropark is held accountable for the communication of the financials and immediate payments of overdue remittances. We are already making great progress at ensuring that these objectives are achieved and if you are willing to join this collective drive, kindly complete the table below with your investment information (including your full name as registered on the Agropark investment).

FULL NAME (As registered with Agropark):


Investment Type

Initial Investment

Expected Returns per Cycle (2020 only)

Subtotal (NGN)






Crop *

<please type your total amount paid for farmland i.e. outright purchase or lease>



<please type your total amount paid for lease of pens>



<please type your total amount paid for lease of ponds>

*e.g. Spices and Maize

Please note that by sending your investment information to us, you are consenting to all legal and reasonable means of resolving the above issues with Agropark, and to be represented by the legal team engaged for this purpose.

Finally, we understand that you have made the investment in Agropark in order to solve a national agriculture problem and also make decent returns from it, hence, the Agropark leadership team must fulfil their contractual obligations.

We are looking forward to hearing from you...


AP Concerned Subscribers

PS: If you have already sent your investment information to us, kindly disregard this email.
Education / Re: WAEC 2020: Meet Ogwubie Chikemzi Praise Who Made Parallel A's In Her WAEC Result by Darkgini: 10:53am On Nov 03, 2020
I just checked the dictionary to confirm that -2+2 is 22. Is this correct grin grin grin

It takes a dull brain to arrive at the conclusion that such a brilliant result is achievable. Ride on babe. More wins ahead.

Life no just balance�.
All of u shouting expo up and down obviously cannot solve simple -2+2
Just congratulate her and pass
Religion / Re: As A Christian, How Do I Resist The Urge To Watch Porn? by Darkgini: 2:49pm On Oct 25, 2020
I want to guess you are a teenager. If yes, then just know that it is not something you should bother too much about. Most teenagers experienced these too. Just try to engage with other activities and set time table to watch it, say once a day. You can then extend it to say once in 2 days, etc. Delete all porn from your devices so that you will have to go online or download to watch, that way, it reduces access to it.
Family / Re: Nigerian Men Talk About Vasectomies by Darkgini: 12:14pm On Sep 23, 2020
they are not Nigerian

I love all of the men on this list for their sensibility and practicality. cheesy kiss

Career / Re: Should I Stay With My Job Or Go With This New Job? by Darkgini: 9:07pm On Jun 15, 2020
It depends on the role you are currently occupying at the MFB and the stage in your career life. You have more information than NL does to make an informed decision.
Romance / Re: 3 Weeks To Wedding & I'm Confused! Please Advise Me by Darkgini: 12:43pm On May 26, 2020
She probably anxious about her yet to be status. Have proper communication with her
Family / Re: My Wife Just Told Me She Regrets Marrying Me. What Should I Do? by Darkgini: 8:47am On May 21, 2020
Whenever people come out to complain on nairaland. They leave a clue of what caused their problems.

Nairalanders are sharp enough to always pick it up. kiss
Politics / Re: Abba Kyari: The THISDAY LIVE Headline That Got People Talking by Darkgini: 7:36am On Apr 19, 2020
It is the *Nigerians mourn* that is causing uproar; not *biggest victim*

We like to dwell on very irrelevant things... Isn't Kyari d biggest victim of d virus so far? We jus luv to live in denial and bark at d wrong trees
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: What Is The Hope Of A Graduate Above 30? by Darkgini: 6:05am On Mar 18, 2020
The things you get just by asking the right questions �

Apply to Tek-experts. You must be willing to reside in Lagos to work from their site. They do not care about how old you are. Just be smart, IT savvy, have the right attitude with good soft skills and you are on you way to enjoying a career in IT. They provide exceptional training for all staff.
Family / Re: I Want To Leave My Wife For My Girlfriend by Darkgini: 12:28pm On Feb 08, 2020
Tell her disregard for your sexual needs is making someone else attractive to you.

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Phones / Re: MTN Now Charges 7.5% Vat On Every Call That Is Made by Darkgini: 8:43am On Feb 06, 2020
The definition of VATable goods and services have been defined to scope in services rendered by Telecom companies.
Career / Re: Central Bank Of Nigeria Salary Scale: How Much Does CBN Pay Staff? by Darkgini: 9:22am On Jan 13, 2020
I see that this thread dates back to 2017. Can someone please share an updated salary scale? Thanks in advance.
Politics / Re: ‘FG To Lift 100 Million Nigerians Out Of Poverty In 2020’ - Zainab Ahmed by Darkgini: 7:11pm On Jan 06, 2020
I opened this tread because I wanted to see how exactly they propose to create 100million jobs. Guess what I saw? Nothing.
Car Talk / Re: When Did You Buy Your First Car And How Much Was It? by Darkgini: 7:42am On Dec 23, 2019
This one crack me up ��

I left class about 3.30pm and saw this VW polo 1985 which i bought for £50. The white guy was so happy I bought it saying .....

"it is ur problem now".

This was like 20 years ago.

Couldn't drive! It was a 4 speed gearbox. I finally gather courage after collect the keys. The car was parked on a hill facing upward like Olumo rock. I have no licence no insurance no sense of driving. I can never forget that day.

The side curb was partly my lifeline and brake.

To find gear 1 na riddle. I didn't know how or why I didn't end up in some1 sitting room.

To cut story short. I found gear 1 and na so I reach house. The car doing like say it get multiple convulsion.

Everyone just dey clear for road as i dey go.....i was like what's wrong with this ppl common lets mingle.

Where are the police when u need them.....

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Celebrities / Re: Bobrisky Responds To Prophetess Mummy B Who Warned Him To Repent Or He'll Be Ill by Darkgini: 5:59pm On Nov 28, 2019
Why do I think Bobrisky didn't write this response?

See the prophesy here https://www.nairaland.com/5551542/prophetess-mummy-b-bobrisky-should

Read Bobrisky's reaction below:

Crime / Re: PrettyMaa: How I Was Raped At Age Of 8 by Darkgini: 8:53pm On Nov 27, 2019
If you're a parent reading this, even if you do not have time to stay with your female child, they say a lot from their body language. Listen to their body language.


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