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Politics / NANS Zone 'B' Commends The Commissioner Of Police Fight Against Crime by Ditoya(m): 11:22pm On Jan 18, 2018

The recent discovery of a local illegal bomb manufacturing factory in Okpella in Edo State and the apprehension of the suspected bomb manufacturers is another victory for the fight against terrorism, crime and insecurity in Edo State since the assumption of duty of the recently deployed Commissioner of Police, CP Johnson B. Kokumo.

Today in a courtesy visit to the Commissioner of Police, the newly elected NANS Zone 'B' Director of Special Duties and his team, lauded the remarkable achievements of the ComPol and thanked him for making the state safe and secure for the masses and the Nigerian students in particular.

The Office of the Director of Special Duties, NANS Zone 'B' in it's familiarisation tour commended the Police and related it's challenges to the ComPol in a bid to create a working synergy between the students movement and the Edo State Police. The Director of Special Duties, Comr. Arigbe Victor thereby highlighted the immediate challenges facing the Nigerian students in Edo State particularly, complaining about the incessant police harassment and the hardships caused by the illegal sale of petrol above the mandatory pump price, amongst others.

In response, the ever loving, committed and listening Commissioner, assured the NANS delegates that the Office of the Commissioner is opened to complains of police harassment, illegal arrests and extortion of students and promise to commit his men to "imbibe the culture of civility in public engagements." He also advised the students leaders to engage in a productive dialogue with the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) and ensure that all fueling stations in the State abide by the mandatory pump price of #145 per litre, and promised to send his men to assist the Students leaders in carrying out this task.

The students' leaders expressed gratitude to the supporting commissioner and thanked him for his open door policy and accessibility and expressed their readiness to work in synergy with the Edo State Police Command, to ensure that Edo State will remain at peace.

Reporting for Duty
Office of the Director of Special Duties,
NANS Zone 'B'

Technology Market / Re: California(Los Angeles),pickup services..Online purchase..(Ebay/Amazon,walmart) by Ditoya(m): 9:49pm On Jan 18, 2018
Mikky, they don't want to give out there number ooo, two of them now
I experienced same today, after securing and concluding the deal. Still trying to convince him though.
Education / New year message to NIGERIAN students by NANS Zone B by Ditoya(m): 10:24am On Jan 01, 2018



It is with a heart of gratitude we signed out of the year 2017 and we are using this medium to thank all Nigerian students who strongly believed in us, we appreciate all your support, love and prayers and we are reassuring you of better service this New Year.

In 2018, a lot of programs has been lined up and in a bid to serve Nigerian students in the South-East and South-South Zone of our dear Nigeria, we have fulfilled a bit but very vital part of our manifesto by creating complain channels with the unveiling of a rapid response contact numbers and email address. With these, our ever corrosive, articulate and intellectual Nigerian students can reach out to us and be rest assured that their complains would be resolved, however we appeal that these channels should not be abused, only legitimate and genuine complains should be reported especially oppression and/or marginalisation from institutions managements or any other individuals, and we assure you that actions would be taken immediately.

Conclusively, I want to wish every Nigerian students a prosperous New Year, filled with bright promises and breakthrough in all spheres of their lives.

Rapid Response channel;

Email address: Nanszonebspecialduties@gmail.com

Phone numbers:

Comr. Arigbe Victor,
Director of Special Duties, NANS Zone B.

cc lalasticlala
cc Mynd44
cc OAM4J
Education / NANS Zone B Condemns The Scarcity Of Fuel by Ditoya(m): 3:47pm On Dec 21, 2017
The recent ongoing scarcity of premium motor spirit (PMS) popularly known as fuel has become an intolerable situation in Nigeria.

It is a proven fact that the past few days has spelt hardship on the Nigerian masses with the tough scarcity of fuel in the South-East and South-South Zone of Nigeria in particular and the nation at large.

And it has led to the skyrocketing of the commodity due to it's scarcity and demand. Some fueling stations sells for as high as #200 per litre and above which has therefore in turn resulted in the hike in prices of other commodities in the market.

In an interview , the newly elected Director of Special Duties, NANS Zone B, Comr. Arigbe Victor condemns the scarcity of fuel and the adverse effects of hardship it has on the Nigerian students.

In his words, "it is appalling that in every festive period in Nigeria, we the mass of Nigerian people are meant to suffer some form of hardships, especially fuel scarcity cum hike even when the nation is rich in oil resources. Very many Nigerian students has been handicapped because of this frustrating situation, some cannot even travel home for Christmas yet because of the increase in transportation due to the scarcity of fuel."

"We hereby call on the Federal Government of Nigeria to address this unfavourable conditions and make life meaningful and better to the Nigerian people."

Indeed, the recent ugly trend is disastrous during this festive period because of the already existing difficulties in the socio-economic sector of Nigeria.

The government must find a way out!

Comr. Arigbe Victor.
Director of Special Duties, NANS Zone B.


cc lalasticlala
cc Fynestboi

Car Talk / Re: Can I Renew My Driver's License?expired 10 Months Ago by Ditoya(m): 8:36pm On Dec 01, 2017

It's a 5mins trekkable distance from pti junction .ask anybody for revenue house or tax house..its on the same side of the road as the old original PTI building
OK. Thanks
Car Talk / Re: Can I Renew My Driver's License?expired 10 Months Ago by Ditoya(m): 7:11pm On Dec 01, 2017


first I had to goto Nigeriadriverslicence.org and selected-renew and filled the form.
After submitting, I was given an option of paying with my atm card via payrena payment platform..my card wasn't registered for securecode(necessary for MasterCard hence I printed out the form without paying ,then subsequently paid at fcmb bank ,okumagba avenue

I finally went to the capture office at pti road where lots of paper work as well as biometrics capture was done and my temporary license issued.all within 1hr.
Hello. Please could you give me the description of their office at pti? I'm having trouble understanding the one on their site. Thanks
Technology Market / Re: California(Los Angeles),pickup services..Online purchase..(Ebay/Amazon,walmart) by Ditoya(m): 11:15pm On Nov 24, 2017
-iphone 6plus.....37.5k
Can I get an iPhone 6 at this price range?

1 Like 1 Share

Business / Re: Football (+Other Sports) Betting Season 11 by Ditoya(m): 2:32pm On Sep 24, 2017
Fellow Punters,consistent And Gd Stragegy Is My Watchword On Betting.Less Than 6months Into Bettings,i Can Proudly Count My Blessing.Havent Crossed D 100k Winning Margin,iam Targetting My Million Winning Soon.Punters Dont Quit,quitters Dont Win In Betting.My CL & EUROPA Games May Hit Yur Phone Screen 2morow.Keep A Date !
Would be waiting bro. Yesterday would have been sweet if not for psg.
Business / Re: Football (+Other Sports) Betting Season 11 by Ditoya(m): 7:33am On Sep 23, 2017
Those Who Follow Me Play This Game Should Pray Hard O. B940ESSCECZRSZ-2107345. Check Out I Just Cooked Against 2morow : 5HC3DN9, 5HCDHNM, 5HCHD7B .Pls Stake Wisely,gdnite And Green Sunday !
Bro Good morning. awaiting your games today!

1 Like

Education / NANS Zone B 2017 Convention by Ditoya(m): 12:49am On Sep 19, 2017
Student activism is work by students to cause political, environmental, economic, or social change. Although often focused on schools, curriculum, and educational funding, student groups have influenced greater political events.

Student activism at the university level is nearly as old as the university itself. While the Students' Union Government (SUG) handles the affairs of their indigenous schools, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) houses all Nigerian students at all levels.

NANS has been a very viable pressure groups that has been primodial in the struggle not just for students' unionism alone, but also for the entire Nigeria populace.

To further reach the grassroots, NANS is structured across Zones and Joint Campus Committees (JCC). The Zone B houses all the eleven states in the South-East/South-South geopolitical zones, with over 60 tertiary institutions and millions of students.

As the Zone B election draws nearer, it is important for us to get a proper sketch of those we are expecting to lead us this time.

It is true that there is a massive societal decay at all levels in the Nigerian State, but just as it took a gradual process to deteriorate, so will it take a gradual but PROactive steps to restructure the system.

My name is ARIGBE VICTOR and I urge us to join hands together to build the NANS we have always clamoured for.

Cc Fynestboi

Celebrities / Poor boy Who Performed For Davido Outside His Gate Drops His First Video by Ditoya(m): 8:55am On Sep 05, 2017
Remember the poor UNIBEN boy who performed for davido under the hot sun september last year when he returned from USA?

Well he just released his first music video titled Cruz. Below is the video.

'Cruz' by J ice...


Cc Fynestboi
Cc Lalasticlala
Cc Mynd44
Properties / Re: The Nigeria Retirement Home Mastering The Odyssee by Ditoya(m): 9:57pm On Sep 23, 2016
Excellent work I must say desiji. I love the design. I sent you a PM, would love to get the floor Plan. Thanks. Or better still you could mail it to me @Thursdayfrip@gmail.com.
Business / Re: Football (+Other Sports) Betting Season 10 by Ditoya(m): 11:26am On Jul 28, 2016
It's not late to group.. Just a slip for day.. And 100% profit.
Business / Re: Football (+Other Sports) Betting Season 10 by Ditoya(m): 12:53pm On May 28, 2016
I won 46 bay today
check my winning bet9ja coupon
am happy grin
#best punter in 9ja
You for still dey Try share games nau.. I don inbox u

1 Like

Business / Re: Football (+Other Sports) Betting Season 10 by Ditoya(m): 8:32pm On May 09, 2016

I hereby present to u my slip to hav fun with but I think u guys should spend more time on analysing games for urseleves to gain something from it not just 4 fun cos 4 me, I see it as business
please can I speak with you privately?
Sports / Re: 2016 may dollar now N400 by Ditoya(m): 1:29pm On May 02, 2016
Phones / Re: Android Users : Who Knows How To Use Mtn Bis With An Android Phone? Pls Help by Ditoya(m): 7:21pm On Jan 04, 2015
advanced suffering. lol
Dude.. Seriously?? Not funny
Phones / Re: Android Users : Who Knows How To Use Mtn Bis With An Android Phone? Pls Help by Ditoya(m): 6:42pm On Jan 04, 2015
Step by Step: How to install OpenVPN and use MTN BIS on your Android.
[How To Transfer Movies From Android To Ipad ( Ios ) Easily Without Itunes] Click Here
1. Download and install OpenVPN from Playstore.
2. Download the Config files here and extract the folder to the root of your phone. You can use X-plorer for this.
3. Load N100 and subscribe for the daily BIS plan. To subscribe, send “BBCDAY” to “21600”.
4. Open the OpenVPN app and select the “Option” button, then select “Import”.
5. On the “Import” option, select “Import profile from SD card” and navigate to where you extracted the Config folder to.
6. On the Config folder, choose any of the file you wish (No. 9 and 7 works flawlessly for me) and import.
7. Back on the OpenVPN app, you will see the profile you just selected, click “Connect” just below it and wait for the button to turn green.
8. Once the icon turn green and you see the key icon on your notification tab, viola, you are connected.
9. Enjoy your downloads.

More pics at www.daintilicious.com
hey bro,,it works on my phone,but it disconnects like every 5 min and takes time to connect again after much trial.. Any idea why mine's so?
Religion / Re: Think About These by Ditoya(m): 1:23am On Jan 10, 2014
Ya right.. thanks much

1 Like

Religion / Re: The Untold Secrets Of Psalms by Ditoya(m): 7:50pm On Jan 04, 2014
Whats the good 1 sir?
Religion / Re: The Untold Secrets Of Psalms by Ditoya(m): 7:41pm On Jan 04, 2014
Ditoya sir.. Well if God has spoken who am i to tag it as false.. Though no element of such in my life right now or before.. Just have to pray against it in the future.. Thanks you so much for the enlightenment sir.. I do appreciate..Halleluyah
Education / Re: Traveling Back To School...share Your Experience by Ditoya(m): 6:55pm On Jan 04, 2014
"Rushed" is an understatement..
Phones / Re: Samsung Announces Samsung Galaxy Camera 2 With Android 4.3 (full Specs) by Ditoya(m): 6:53pm On Jan 04, 2014
Very nice
Religion / Re: The Untold Secrets Of Psalms by Ditoya(m): 6:42pm On Jan 04, 2014
micadeolu: Thanks Ditoya. I can see the light of God already illuminating you. May the Lord bless you.
Amen!! Bless you too sir.
Religion / Re: The Untold Secrets Of Psalms by Ditoya(m): 4:39pm On Jan 04, 2014
wow.. Hi sir,i am a regular visitor of your blog.Have been so much enlightened.God is really using you sir.And may he keep using you sir..Amen!

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