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Sports / Re: Yamal Breaks Cristiano Ronaldo’s All-time Record At International tournament by djsteplion: 1:25pm On Jul 16, 2024
Sports / Re: Mbappe Unveiled Officially As Real Madrid Player (photos) by djsteplion: 1:19pm On Jul 16, 2024
Programming / Re: Fps Game by djsteplion: 11:19pm On Oct 05, 2022
Programming / Re: My MERN Stack Ecommerce Web Application by djsteplion: 7:54pm On Sep 29, 2022
@OP, you did a very very great job. I'm happy and impressed. You're really encouraging me.
Programming / Re: Let's Build A Tech Ecosystem In Africa by djsteplion: 2:34pm On Sep 15, 2022
I'm in
Business / Re: Ethereum ‘Merge’ Officially Goes Live by djsteplion: 2:26pm On Sep 15, 2022
Transactions are expected to be faster and relatively less expensive with PoS

No boss, it's still the same transaction/gas fee.
You can confirm on the internet.
Business / Re: Ethereum ‘Merge’ Officially Goes Live by djsteplion: 2:14pm On Sep 15, 2022
Once this shows stability, the scalability of the ethereum network will bring about reduction in transaction fees, a huge growth in number of users with resultant increase in the value of the coin.

The future will unfold before us.

It won't bring about reduction in transaction fee. The major change here is from PoW to PoS
Business / Re: Ethereum ‘Merge’ Officially Goes Live by djsteplion: 2:08pm On Sep 15, 2022
I was even thinking price of ethereum might pump slightly with the news of the merge.

Once this shows stability, the scalability of the ethereum network will bring about reduction in transaction fees, a huge growth in number of users with resultant increase in the value of the coin.

The future will unfold before us.

This particular merge will not bring about reduction in transaction fees. The only major change here is that, mining ethereum is no longer by PoW(proof of work) , but now by PoS(proof of stake).

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Programming / Re: Web Design Intern Needed by djsteplion: 6:29pm On Sep 05, 2022
I'm interested, but I'm based in Ibadan.
Politics / Re: Obidients In Calabar This Morning For Fitness Walk. by djsteplion: 11:38am On Aug 13, 2022
This is massive..
Politics / Re: Tinubu's Supporters Donates Relief Items To Flood Victims in Jigawa by djsteplion: 2:51pm On Aug 12, 2022
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Interview/ Job/ Salary by djsteplion: 1:48pm On Aug 10, 2022
You have been shortlisted for phase 2 of Orange Group Limited's recruitment process. Kindly check your application e-mail for further details.

I applied for a management trainee.

Any knowledge about the company?

Who else got this today.

this post made fp quite early.

1 Like

Romance / Re: Men, After Damaging Some Women, You Now Want To Settle Down With One Not Damaged by djsteplion: 1:38pm On Aug 10, 2022

The man pays for the wedding expenses, the dowry, pays the bills at home after marriage,is responsible for the kids when they come infact he literally pays for everything without demanding you contribute or pay for anything but the one thing he requests for which is a virgin, you are trying to deny him that with your nonsensical argument undecided there is a reason a woman has an hymen an a man has none, there is nothing like male virginity, that's bullshit, men and women are different,we are not equal, we can never be equal angry

I will end with this popular saying ' a key that can open multiple padlocks is valuable and called a master key but a padlock that can be opened by multiple keys is useless and disposed to the bin'

So this your post is a big pile of horseshit undecided

Bro, I salute you. You killed it...
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 2:39am On Aug 09, 2022
If you don't wanna compare your candidate's record with Tinubu's then forever hold your peace.

My point is, I'm not going to vote for a candidate who's more interested in more money entering his pocket, while the citizens languish and have nothing reasonable to show for it.

Lmao, Just imagining 50 million youths in the army bn fed agbado and cassava.
I rest my case..
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 2:31am On Aug 09, 2022
Guy go to bed
The truth is that no matter how you would love to lie to yourself, none of the other aspirants have a successful record as Tinubu. If they do, bring them out let us compare

A so called successful record, with hundreds of thousands of Lagosians still living in abject poverty..
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 2:23am On Aug 09, 2022
It is obvious that it's impossible to wake up a man that's pretending to be asleep. When you decide to wake up and see the transformation of Lagos State and how it has positively affected the average Lagosian you will wake up.

A state doesn't attract the kind of investment like Lagos State does if it is not a conducive State.
Dangote will not waste his hard earned billions and build a power plant, fertilizer plant, and refinery if Lagos isn't a good State.
Lagos will not have thousands of average Nigerians trooping into it every day if it's not Good.

But like I said, it is impossible to wake up a man pretending to be asleep.

First of all, who told you it's only Lagos state, that thousands of people are trooping into. And as many that has trooped into lagos, how has the majority of them fared so far?

Secondly, you make it sound like it's only Lagos that Dangote invested in. I know you know he also invested in edo, Ogun, nassarawa and even in west african countries, some of which are not as buoyant as Nigeria. And it's definitely not Tinubu's so called achievement that made him choose Lagos.
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 1:53am On Aug 09, 2022
Tinubu's solution is the practical thing to do. Peter Obi's solution is more of theories. How does he intend to get the money to make Nigeria a producing country? Or you think he can simply will it into existence?

It's either the Government take more loans, widen the tax net and or remove fuel subsidy. Any other thing is playing to the gallery and not a solution.

Now, taking Lagos state as an example. After all the tax collected, aside the increase in IGR, how has it positively impacted the life of an average Lagosian?

You guys just want Nigerians to continue suffering. Shey na IGR u go use send pikin go school?
Politics / Re: Sanwo-Olu: Lagos IGR Is Spent On Emergency Management And Capital Projects by djsteplion: 1:37am On Aug 09, 2022


A lot of people believe that Sanwo olu is actually working. Whereas if you checked all he has done so far, it's more or less a smart way of looting. Just like the trucks he said he purchased, must have contracted the purchase to himself or his political bosses.
75% of the projects he has commissioned so far, range from buildings to vehicles,which doesn't necessarily have a positive impact on the average Lagosian.
Most of which he must have contracted to himself or his boss.

Just imagine.. 50 billion for clearing refuse and emergencies..

Although, if some other state governors had this huge amount of money entering their state, they will do worse..

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Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 1:22am On Aug 09, 2022

Aside from the minimum wage, what other things did you list above that Lagos IGR will solve, and briefly explain how?

On minimum wage, I learned that Lagos state is one of the states, if not the state with the highest minimum wage in Naija.

Also, as of 2021, Anambra is among the 10 states that have yet to implement the #30k minimum wage.

I also just read a post of Gov Sanwolu ,saying he spends the N50 billion generated monthly on clearing refuse and on emergencies. grin grin

Who is he deceiving? Abi he and Tinubu dey loot Lagos grin

Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 12:54am On Aug 09, 2022

I can count myself. Let others speak for themselves.

Boss, let's be very sincere to ourselves. You and I both know that upon all the IGR generated in this lagos:

Bank tariffs are increasing yearly, vat on calls and mobile data hasn't decreased, price of foodstuffs, and basic services keep on skyrocketing yearly, renting an apartment in Lagos is something else not to talk of land, the minimum wage of lagos workers hasn't been increased despite increase in inflation, the currency keeps on depreciating, the security of lives and property is nothing to write about. These are the things that affect the average tax paying Lagosian, despite paying tax..

So tell me what exactly are you enjoying?
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 12:40am On Aug 09, 2022

Lol. Mississippi is one of the state with the highest poverty rate in USA. As at 2021, they have a population of about 3 million, and they generate about $9bn dollars on tax alone compared to Lagos (the richest in Naija) with about 20 million people and would generate about $1.5bn per annum on the whole of IGR (using an average of #50bn per month at a rate of #415 per $1.)

How do you expect to now compare Lagos with the likes of California with estimated IGR from tax of $248bn in 2021, or New York with $93.5bn?

Even Alaska with population less than 1million has IGR through a tax with over $1bn in 2021.

Bro, the difference is clear. Lagos is trying, which states in Naija can you compare Lagos with

I'll still refer back to my question.
Can you point out a tax paying Lagosian, who can boldly say, he or she is enjoying the value of the tax he / she is paying?

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Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 12:08am On Aug 09, 2022

Using the American style, some certain income ranges, which is usually the lowest range don't pay income tax.

Income tax is a progressive tax, those that earn lower income pay lesser, and those that earn higher pay more accordingly.

If the "Lagos system" can increase the IGR majorly through tax from 600million to 50 billion today, then, it is believed that such a system has reduced tax evasion drastically. And it will keep improving.

Note that, even in the First World Countries, people still find a way to evade tax.

Thank God, you mentioned America. Americans are enjoying the value for their tax. Even our own politicians, spend our tax to travel there. Now , show me a tax paying Lagosian that can boldly tell you, he or she is enjoying the value of the tax he/she is paying. Rather, almost 1 in every 3 Nigerians, has "Japa plans" at the back of his or her mind.

My main point is, "Collecting More or Less Tax , is not the solution Nigeria needs right now.., all the ones they've collected, where has it landed us?.., rather our debt servicing has surpassed our revenue, despite the acclaimed increase In IGR."
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 11:51pm On Aug 08, 2022

You're getting it wrong.

Firstly the proposed increase in tax on calls, mobile data, etc., is an increase in VAT which Tinubu is against in that post.

Secondly, his solution is that, instead of increasing the VAT, they should rather ensure more people pay tax.

And by saying " even if it will involve Bola Tinubu..." implies that he's referring to income tax, as this is the type of tax (wealthy) people can easily evade, unlike VAT which is a consumption tax.

Thus, the government should ensure that more people pay income tax, instead of increasing VAT.

I get your point boss.

(1) First of all, majority of this "more people" are finding it hard to make ends meet. And his proposal is to tax them, instead of empowering them first.

(2) What is the guarantee that , the wealthy won't keep on evading tax, in a country like Nigeria where bribery and corruption is the order of the day, where Tinubu himself isn't exempted..(even judging from the last Apc primaries)??

Doesn't sound like the best solution for Nigeria currently.
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 11:34pm On Aug 08, 2022

Are you sure you watched the video where he said that or you're just regurgitating the lies peddled by Tinubu's haters?

This is what he said concerning the Tax:

"Let me appeal to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo and his team to put a huge question mark on anything that concerns VAT.

“If we reduce the purchasing power of the people it can further slow down the economy. Let us widen the tax net.Those who are not paying now even inclusive Bola Tinubu, let the net get bigger and we take in more taxes and that is what we must do in this country,”

This is similar to what former FIRS Chairman Tunde Fowler proposed:

"Tunde Fowler, the Executive Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS on Tuesday called for an increase in the number of Nigerians and companies paying VAT and not a 50 percent increase in the VAT rate.
Contrary to reports in the media yesterday and today, the FIRS Executive Chairman called for a reduction in Companies Income Tax (CIT) rate for small businesses to improve compliance.”

So please stop this narrative. Baba meant well to this nation than most Presidential aspirants today.

The boldened above, was what I meant. I didn't mention anything about increased VAT rate . If you read my post carefully, I mentioned this --> "A lot of people are jobless and hungry, yet what you are more concerned about, is taxing them more ". Now upon all the taxes that the federal government has been collecting, how has the economy fared so far. Now they want to increase tax on calls and mobile data.

Now compare Tinubu's solution of taxing to other aspirants' solution ,such as Peter obi's
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 11:11pm On Aug 08, 2022
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 11:09pm On Aug 08, 2022

Smh....your IQ shows through it all.....and since 1999 that Tinubu has been nicknamed landlord of Lagos compare Lagos to your state and the rest of Nigeria.....Lagos is now the 5th largest economy in Africa.....your state is being compared to another poor state in Nigeria....

Sanwoolu was on TV yesterday to confirm that indeed Lagos generates 51 billion naira monthly... thanks to Tinubu’s ideas from mere 600 million a month.....I guess you've never made a million and don't seem to understand how money is made....every developed nation has a good tax system....there is nothing free in this world somebody paid for it... if you want wealth you must work for it....

I know some of you want Nigeria to look like Anambra rather than Lagos but God will not allow your evil desire come to pass

Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 11:05pm On Aug 08, 2022

Smh....your IQ shows through it all.....and since 1999 that Tinubu has been nicknamed landlord of Lagos compare Lagos to your state and the rest of Nigeria.....Lagos is now the 5th largest economy in Africa.....your state is being compared to another poor state in Nigeria....

Now , compare the ease of living in that same Lagos state from 1999 till now.

Plus, we all know a large chunk of this money is going to their pockets .Little wonder, he's also nicknamed the BULLION VAN of Lagos.
Politics / Re: What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 10:48pm On Aug 08, 2022
Just like Lagps is the rconomic hub of Nigeria, he'll make Nigeria the economic hub of Africa.

By taking in more taxes right??
Then ban motorcycles, tricycles and taxis(so unemployment can increase) ; and then enforce his own BRT in all states.


Politics / What Will Happen If Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu Emerges by djsteplion: 10:40pm On Aug 08, 2022
This is my opinion, based on my observations of Bola Tinubu so far, and also using Lagos state , as a case study.

(1)He's likely to tax the hell out of Nigerians.
It's no longer news that, Bola Tinubu's company was in charge of collecting taxes in lagos state, thus getting his own share.
I came across a viral video last month, where Tinubu was asked on measures to take to slow down the depleting economy. His reply was not , to produce more and consume less; rather he said," if it is inclusive of Bola Ahmed Tinubu,let's widen the tax net".
Those who have watched the viral video can testify to this. "A lot of people are jobless and hungry, yet what you are more concerned about, is taxing them more sad ".

(2) There's likely to be a case of the poor becoming poorer , and the rich becoming richer.
A lot of people claim Bola Tinubu was the one who increased Lagos IGR. And that he's responsible for many of lagos modern infrastructure. But if we all take a close look at it,many of the things been done with lagos money, can't be afforded by the average lagosian; from rents, to buying or building their own house, even basic amenities. I stand to be corrected, even many of the projects Gov Sanwolu has been commissioning, can't really be afforded by the average Lagosian.
Hence the reason, why some folks will rather accept a 300k job in Ibadan, than accept a 300k job in Lagos. Even the rich in the lagos are complaining of things such as traffic jam. That goes to show that even the IGR generated is been channelled towards generating more IGR , instead of easing the lives of the common lagosians.

You can add yours. And if you have a different opinion, you can add it too.Thanks
Programming / Re: My Software Engineering Journey In ALX Africa by djsteplion: 11:16pm On Jun 25, 2022
I've been following this thread for over 2 weeks now. Thank you so much @ anonymous6o6 and other guys that have been contributing. You guys are inspiring.

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