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Education / Re: Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 1:56pm On Feb 11, 2019
i'm not in that domain though. I would choose pol science
ok thanks
Education / Re: Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 10:42am On Feb 08, 2019
Political science or sociology
what's that sad
instead of wasting ur money studying any of these irrelevant courses(from naija standpoint)
Better u kukuma go and invest the money in business or something more profitable
you mean to say political science and sociology are not good courses right?
Education / Re: Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 10:41am On Feb 08, 2019
If u want to study political science just to become a politician u are very funny and ur sense of humor deserves an accolade. Anybody can be a politician regardless of the course they read. Saraki, the Senate president is a doctor. U better start ur political career right away if that's the intention instead of wasting 4 years in the university b4 coming for politics.

To the op; the two courses hold the same value to me since they don't have defined career path. Any of them is ok
ok thanks.
buh if it were you which one did you prefer most?
Education / Re: Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 10:40am On Feb 08, 2019
Sociology,but don't come to unilorin.
why ?
Education / Re: Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 8:32pm On Jan 30, 2019
Retake jamb and seek for a professional course for your brighter future.no hurry in life.
don't get you sir,. which one should I choose in between
Education / Political Science Or Sociology Which Is More Lucrative And Better To Study? by Dkfpaul(m): 9:51pm On Jan 27, 2019
between Political Science and sociology which is the best in terms of lucrative job, job opportunities and so on.

pls I need your candid opinion and advise.
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 12:51pm On Nov 06, 2018
pls I need urgent reply to this question.

A graduate of Education and Economics of University of Ibadan Will be given B.sc(Ed) or just ordinary B.Ed ?
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 12:49pm On Nov 06, 2018
[quote author=midehill post=71684134][/quote] yes bro God saved me. which department are you?
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 12:45pm On Nov 06, 2018
pls I need urgent reply to this question.

A graduate of Education and Economics of University of Ibadan Will be given B.sc(Ed) or just ordinary B.Ed ?
Education / Re: I Need Your Advice Urgently On What To Do Pls! by Dkfpaul(m): 8:04am On Oct 21, 2018
Except you have another option; grab whatever opportunity you have now. Put in your best effort and let tomorrow worry about itself.
ok thanks do you have an idea of the job opportunities?
Education / I Need Your Advice Urgently On What To Do Pls! by Dkfpaul(m): 10:45pm On Oct 20, 2018
I was recently admitted to study Education and Political Science in one of Nigeria Federal University.
Pls what are the future job opportunities or career for a graduate of Education and Political Science
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 8:15pm On Oct 20, 2018

I'd like to share with you an excerpt of my vicissitudes in the process of achieving my Goal.
Sit back and relax 'cos the post you're about to read is a bit lengthy buh I can assure you that it's worth reading and I hope you'll gain from it in one way or the other.

All Glory, Honor and Adoration belongs to Almighty God for counting me among living soul. Without Him I'm nothing,with Him by my side I'm something.
I Dreamt of Gaining Admission Into The University Of Ibadan And God Of Wonders Made The "Seems Impossible" Possible For Me.
The journey started as far back as early 2016 when I first applied to UI. I put in for Law because as at that time some of us believes while we are still in secondary School that the only good course meant for Art students is only Law. You know now � lo and behold Law is not my way.
JAMB result came out and I scored 209. The result was Below my expectations buh I encourageed myself and determined to strike Post UTME Test so far UI only need a minimum of 200 to be eligible for her Post UTME.
Thereafter, Post UTME form came out and I went ahead to apply not until I heard UI does not accept NABTEB result in her admission processes, I called the Chairman UI admission officer for clarification and I got the same reply that "NABTEB result is not allowed".
Well, Man proposed, God disposed.
In November 2016, I received an admission offer from UI affiliated school in Lagos,buh I declined the offer prior to one reason or the other. Same thing also applies in a school in Osun State where I was given my desired course, still I did not further to the school. (All thanks to God for using Prince Adenipekun Olufemi Joshua to settle the issue amicably).
I also got different offers to study in some schools such as Osun State polytechnic, Federal Polytechnic of Offa, etc. Buh I declined all owing to the fact that they were not my "dream school."

2017/2018 JAMB form came out and I applied with Awaiting Result. UTME result was released surprisingly I had just 218, well it doesn't moved me because all I need is just a minimum score of 200, moreover NO evening classes, NO tutorial, NO brainstorming, NO reading group, NO reading partner or even much time for personal reading therefore there's no much scores to be expected.
NECO result came out all thanks to God I made my papers at once with credits and distinctions.
Post UTME form came out and I apply with the hope that only Post UTME score will be used to determine aggregate score not until JAMB introduced Central Admission Processing System (CAPS). Owing to this, UI has to follow JAMB directives by using 50/50 system (UTME & POST UTME/SCREENING SCORE) to determine applicant aggregate score (àyèmì témí bàmí ��‍♂)
OK! No problem, Post UTME was done and dusted, immediately i left the exam Hall I have known the range score I will have because I'm unable to finish the exam, moreso I checked some practice questions and few questions from textbook that came out and I found out that I missed and got some correctly.
Four (4) days later, result came out and I scored 61%. Without fooling myself I've already known that I'm out of the race.
Cut off mark was released and I fell short Below my department cut off mark.
I applied for a change of course, lo and behold NO admission was given by UI.
By that stage in time I was fed up of everything. Some of my mates and school friends were already admitted whereas I'm not, most times I came accross my former teachers their first question to me was "S.P how are you, you are in which school now?" They started asking this question from me even right since the same year I completed my Secondary School.
It came to some time I couldn't put-up with it anymore. Those that are popular or made prefect in school but yet to gain admission can relate to this, even some that you regarded as notorious or unserious students most especially the ones you used to teach a classwork but got admission while you are still struggling to attain one may tends you to think deeply probably something has gone wrong somewhere but lo and behold they're making it according to the right time destined by thier creator, yours will soon come and theirs won't be the latest again.

When 2018/2019 JAMB form came out, I decided not to register early, I waited till the last week of deadline period so as to give it a time and ponder about the rationale for the failure of previous sessions. After much thought I mapped out my errors, weakness and what I need to do for a successful admission process then I went ahead to register with the hope of scoring just 240. Yeah just 240! With little or no regular reading at all.
Result finally came out and I got 239. It looks inexplicable to me and why not the exact 240 I planned for, then a thought came to my mind that there's a reason for it.
I could still remember vividly how well I developed enthusiasm towards government by then. The same Government that I had a range score of C6 Last year in the UTME was the one I got a range score of A1 in this year UTME. How? I discovered my weakness in government and finds a solution to it on time.
2018/2019 Post UTME form came out and I applied to UI again consecutively for the 3rd time! Some of my friends and relatives was like "Almighty UI again?" Well, I'm determined and have faith that "This is surely my year of fullfilment" what about you, can I hear you saying it louder with faith❓❓
A month after the Post UTME registeration there's still no earnest preparation to the forthcoming exam all I know is that I will pass the exam at all costs not until I read a quote of Mr. Sunday Saanu (The Media Assistant To UI V.C ) that goes thus:
"There's no real achievement without some measures of MADNESS. Success doesn't happen by Happenstance, it is a product of hard work. Gaining Admission to study in the prestigious University of Ibadan is clearly not a tea party, it comes with a cost and the cost is constant reading".
Hence, the quote inspired me much more and I resolute to DISCIPLINE myself and prepare More smarter and harder for the exam coming up less than a month. I even went as far as keeping my newly acquired Mobile Phone to someone else, for close to a month I'm without Phone I do not want to engage in any social media related issue with little or no interference at all. That happens to be one of the reasons I substituted my former display name 'Isaac Abayomi' in place of Prince Adenipekun Paul. I believed with this no one will recognize, text message or mention me to any Post for that period of time and it works (Even though some peeps still sneaked and found out that I changed my name �)
Exam done and dusted! Result was released and I had 71% I calculated my aggregate score and it resulted to 65.375%. Lo and behold cut off mark was released and my aggregate score was used to set my department cut off mark GBAM!
Subsequently I finally actualize that God deliberately made my 239 & 71 score meets and resulted to my course cut off mark in order to unfold to me that He was the only one that SINGLE HANDEDLY offered me admission by "GRACE" and not by my little might or intelligence.
Imagine what could have happened if I've gotten any mark less than my previous scores, that means I'll probably have to wait till other time? Indeed God is Great!

Finally after long waiting, I was admitted purely on merit to my desired course on October 7th, 2018 by 3pm.
In my nearest future, I will not only share to the upcoming one's that I attended "The First and the Best University of the Giant of Africa" but I will also narrate to them that I had a complete acdemics career worthy of imitation.

I couldn't have achieved this feat without the:
1. Belief in myself that I can
2. Prayer and faith
3. Determination and persistency
4. Good advise and support from family and friends
5. And most importantly the Grace and Mercy of God.

To the recently admitted one's and undergraduates of the great University of Ibadan at large, I will implore you all to face your primary aim in the school and graduate with a beautiful result that could be proud of.
Nothing is unachievable anymore in the academics field of study. Go ahead and make your parents and the Nation at large to be proud of you!
To those that were not admitted due to one reason or the other, I will urge you all not to feel dismayed or perplexed. Instead, try again and work harder the next time and I'm quite sure with God by your side Favour will surely locate YOU!
Thanks for your time and God bless.

Prince Adenipekun Paul (Paulism)


Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 4:02am On Oct 16, 2018
pls need reply ASAP
can I get my recommendation letter from my former secondary school and my church ?
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 6:38pm On Oct 07, 2018

link not connecting
text"UI" to me through 08147321110 to add you to the group
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 6:02pm On Oct 05, 2018
faculty of education whatsapp group
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 11:15pm On Sep 26, 2018
good day to you all. I got 65.375 as my aggregate score, aspiring for education and political science even though last year cut off was 61.5 for the course. Need your advice. what is my chance on this score? is their any probability that the Cut off for this year will exceed 65.375? Thanks in anticipation.
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 11:00pm On Sep 26, 2018

Hello bro, You've got a nice aggregate, Just chill as you await the cut off mark. You've got chances.
There's no need to be worried
alright thanks man
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 10:54pm On Sep 26, 2018
You're safe, I don't see the cutoff exceeding 65
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 5:13pm On Sep 22, 2018
GOOD DAY TO YOU ALL. I got 65.375 as my aggregate score, aspiring for education and political science even though last year cut off was 61.5 for the course. Need your advice. what is my chance on this score? is their any probability that the Cut off for this year will exceed 65.375 or not?
Thanks in anticipation.
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 12:38pm On Sep 22, 2018
good day to you all.
I got 65.375 as my aggregate score, aspiring for education and political science even though last year cut off was 61.5 for the course. Need your advice.

what is my chance on this score?
is their any probability that the Cut off for this year will exceed 65.375?

Thanks in anticipation.
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 5:30pm On Aug 12, 2018

Inter faculty crossing is very very possible. Yes, you can.

Although, there are certain criterion you need to meet.

1. A solid CGPA, preferably a first class but the disadvantage of this is that, the dean of your faculty may not be willing to let you go due to your good result. My aunty was denied the chance to cross to MBBS from biochemistry due to the fact that she was the only one with a 2:1.

I also heard about a girl who pleaded with tears to be allowed to cross. She was eventually allowed after someone's intervention.
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 2:43pm On Jul 30, 2018
is it possible to cross from education and political science to political science in 200 level

need ur reply ASAP plz
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 2:35pm On Jul 30, 2018
is it possible to cross from education and political science to political science in 200 level

need ur reply ASAP palz
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 9:49am On Jul 20, 2018
Gud morning guys pls peeps that registered for this exam last year , can the passport to be uploaded be any color or must it be white background
use White background
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 11:48am On Jul 19, 2018

does not mean
u mean using different mail to register post utme apart from JAMB email does not mean abi?
Education / Re: Is It Compulsory To Use Jamb Email For Post Utme Registration??? by Dkfpaul(m): 11:46am On Jul 19, 2018

Of course procced with the mail u used for payment abi u 1 confuse d school.
It is not an issue u used different mail for jamb and p-jamb. Most times schools send there message to ur phone number.
alright thanks.
I just hope that it won't tamper with my admission
Education / Re: Is It Compulsory To Use Jamb Email For Post Utme Registration??? by Dkfpaul(m): 10:05pm On Jul 18, 2018

Not necessarily compulsory . But it adviceable to use the same e-mail .
I have already paid for post utme form with my former mail different from JAMB mail, can.I proceeded with the registration with my JAMB mail or I should proceed with the one I used to pay
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 7:33pm On Jul 18, 2018
anyone that registered for post utme with a different mail from Utme email to.Kindly signify
Education / Is It Compulsory To Use Jamb Email For Post Utme Registration??? by Dkfpaul(m): 7:28pm On Jul 18, 2018
I'm confused dudes, pls is.it compulsory to use the e-mail i used for JAMB registration process for my post utme registration or not.

your contribution is highly welcome
Education / Re: UI 2018/2019 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 7:56pm On Jul 11, 2018
The time we all waited for has come.
It is no longer a news that POST UTME registration will begin on Monday July 16 and ends on August 10.
Buh before then I will like to inform you about important things to take note when registering for Post -Utme:

1. Your Name Must Be Spelt Correctly-
This is the number one and most common mistake
made by aspirants when registering for post UTME.
Spelling your name wrongly might be a very big
problem on the day of your exam. Post UTME is
not like JAMB where you can correct your mistake
after you have successfully registered. So you have
to be very careful when registering online.
2. Use the same name you used in your birth cert.
I have seen occasions where an aspirant use , for
example, "Popoola Tosin Michael " in the WAEC
registration and later use , for example, " Popoola Oluwatosin Adekusibe " in the JAMB registration .
This will be a very big problem to you either during
your post UTME registration or during registration
after being admitted. Also, you should arrange the
name in the same way it was arranged in your birth
cert. and other vital documents.

3. Input Your Correct O'level Result -
This shouldn't be a new thing to aspirants ,
although it might be intentional or a mistake, either
both sides, it is a big offence. Alot of UNILORIN
newly admitted students who were caught in the act
were sent home after being admitted. I know you
don't want to be in that same situation, then do the
right thing.

4. Online payment during registration of post
This is sometimes, a big problem to the aspirants
who are registering for the post UTME online
because you will be asked to pay some fee for the
registration. I will advise you to do this in a
cybercafe where you know is safe, don't take the
risk of paying online with your smartphone.
I have received complains from aspirants in the
past about not receiving RRR pin after the money
have been deducted from your bank account,
allowing to pay twice. I know you don't want that.

5. Read the instructions before registering online-
I will advise you to read the guidelines before
registering so as to avoid any form of mistakes that
can cost you your chance of being admitted this
year. Be careful.
In conclusion, never allow anyone to register for you
in your absence, make sure you are there to access
any error before the registration is being submitted.
6.Fill form with CAPITAL LETTERS
ensure that all the information you are going to submit is filled with CAPITAL LETTERS as instructed by U. I
7. White background passport
Make use of white background passport when registering to avoid inconveniences.
Excellent result is assured by God's Grace.

You have any question to ask? Then comment
below and I will reply you as soon as possible.

Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 11:03am On Apr 21, 2018
Reply this mention with your e-mail address.
crs,literature,and English thanks
Education / Re: University Of Ibadan(UI) 2017/2018 Admission Thread by Dkfpaul(m): 11:01am On Apr 21, 2018
Hello peeps , I saw a post on this group recently by someone that said he has verified all the fresher's in this group and discovered that they were all humble people that came from an average family,he said they shouldn't come to UI and be forming as if they were Dangote's children or behaving somehow arrogant when they resume........ some looks at the post as a comedy while some were touched in the heart via the post. well,it's something that shouldn't be overlooked when talking about school life . To those that will be resuming for new session next week,I will URGE you all to put on the amour of humility irrespective of your background status either you came from a wealthy family or not! The undeniable facts there is that people will always look on you the way you compose yourself at the first stance. if you are a typical person that likes bragging at all the time,then People will limit their interaction with you and I'm sure you know its aftermath. Therefore,I will implore you to low yourself even if your father is the V.C of U.I. after all no one is an island of knowledge! The Holy Bible even buttress it in Matthew 23:12 "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted" As a result of these ensure to always remember the son of who you are! Here are some of the benefit and significance of being humble,meek,modest and submissive at school: You will be highly exalted by God You will receive favour in the sight of God and man. Door of opportunities will be opened to you You will never be in want You will be free to exercise and characterized your real nature. Saying your mind to your colleagues won't be a problem You will be admired by many especially if you are jovial To request for help financially or academically won't be a problem for you To dine with your colleagues when you are broke will be easier for you especially if you are brilliant people will like to relate and associate with you most especially if you are intelligent person or a comedian People will be free to talk to you and you will also be free to talk to people You will be free to ask a question or seek for an explanation from your colleagues if needs be. Also,ensure you have means whereby you acquire money you must not depend on your parents everytime. They shouldn't be the one that must send money to you to buy everything you needs in the school. You can help your self financially by: playing instrument at an event place if you are talented with any musical instrument such as Drum set,talking drum,keyboard,saxophone etc. You can be plaiting hair for your colleagues,writ ing note ,selling petty products, ,offering computer and internet works ,earning money with the work you learn and so on. I believe by God's grace we shall achieve our primary aim at the University.(FIRST CLASS) From your fellow colleague. # PAULISM


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