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Religion / Re: Why Do "Born Again" Christians Still Commit Sin? by Dontintin: 6:36am On Sep 05, 2016

So this is not even original?

You should have been able to improve on anyone else's Message.

Clearly, that is beyond you- that's too bad. But providing the Remedy to such problems is my job.

As soon as I saw what this Nutter opened with, I knew that there is no way that he knows what he is talking about.

It is going to be a crock.

. ROMANS 7:14-25.

14. For we know
that the Law is spiritual:
but I am Carnal,
sold under sin.
15. For that which I do I allow not:
for what I would, that do I not;
but what I hate, that do I.
16. If then I do that which I would not,
I consent unto the Law that it is Good.
17. Now then it is no more I that do it,
but Sin that dwelleth in me.
18. For I know that in me
[that is, in my Flesh,]
dwelleth no good thing:
for to will is present with me;
but how to perform that which is Good
I find not.
19. For the Good that I would I do not:
but the Evil which I would not,
that I do.
20. Now if I do that I would not,
it is no more I that do it,
but Sin that dwelleth in me.
21. I find then a Law, that,
when I would do Good,
Evil is present with me.
22. For I delight in the Law of God
after the Inward Man:
23. But I see another Law in my Members,
warring against the Law of my Mind,
and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of Sin
which is in my Members.
24. O wretched man that I am!
Who shall deliver me
from the Body of this Death?
25. I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So then with the Mind
I myself serve The Law of God;
but with the Flesh The Law of Sin.


He deliberately destroyed THE GOSPEL by hunting down all of the Jewish Brethren who had seen Yahshua after his Resurrection, bringing them bound to Jerusalem, to face the choice of agreeing to SHUT UP about Yahshua's Teachings, FOR EVER- or else DIE IMMEDIATELY.

Some of them picked "DIE IMMEDIATELY, PLEASE!"

. ACTS 26:8-11.

8. "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you,
that God should raise the dead?
9. "I verily thought with myself,
that I ought to do many things contrary
to the Name of Jesus of Nazareth.
10. "Which thing I also did in Jerusalem:
and many of the Saints did I shut up in prison,
having received authority from the Chief Priests;
and when they were put to death,
I gave my voice against them.
11. "And I punished them oft in every synagogue,
and compelled them to blaspheme;
and being exceedingly mad against them,
I persecuted them even unto strange cities."


They did nothing wrong.

Then along came this... freak, and beat them in the Synagogues, and tied them like ANIMALS, and brought them to Jerusalem, to be KILLED.

I want to to THINK about this... bastard, who was PAID-IN-FULL for EVERY Christian whom he delivered.

I want you to THINK about how he LAUGHED, as he ENJOYED the PROCEEDS of his WICKEDNESS.

. MATTHEW 23:27-33.

27. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
for ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men's bones,
and of all uncleanness.
28. "Even so ye also outwardly appear Righteous unto men,
but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
29. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
because ye build the tombs of the Prophets,
and garnish the sepulchres of the Righteous,
30. "And say,


31. "Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves,
that ye are the Children of them which killed the Prophets.
32. "Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33. "Ye Serpents, ye Generation of Vipers,
how can ye escape The Damnation of Hell?"


The WIDOW of the "Enemy-of-the-State" would be informed that she no longer had her husband's property- and they would VERY PRAYERFULLY, AND PIOUSLY, TAKE THE PROPERTY FROM HER.

That is why Yahshua said that they were FULL of Wickedness!

Where was NO ROOM to INSERT more Wickedness into them!

These people were CRAZY with COVETOUSNESS.

The wish to acquire other people's Property was their motivation.

That was PAUL'S motivation, when he hunted down The first Disciples.

Then he had the temerity to say:


Damn LIAR!

. NUMBERS 15:27-31.

27. "And if any soul sin through ignorance,
then he shall bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering.
28. "And the Priest shall make an Atonement
for the soul that sinneth ignorantly,
when he sinneth by ignorance before The LORD,
to make an Atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him.
29. "Ye shall have One Law for him
that sinneth through ignorance,
both for him that is born among The Children of Israel,
and for the Stranger that sojourneth among them.
30. "But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously,
whether he be born in the Land, or a Stranger,
the same reproacheth The LORD;
and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
31. "Because he hath Despised The Word of The LORD,
and hath Broken His Commandment,
that soul shall utterly be cut off;
his iniquity shall be upon him."


What else do you want to say about it?

. MARK 7:5-13.

5. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him,
"Why walk not thy Disciples
according to the Tradition of the Elders,
but eat bread with unwashen hands?"
6. He answered and said unto them,
"Well hath Esaias prophesied of you
hypocrites, as it is written,


8. "For laying aside The Commandment of God,
ye hold The Tradition of Men,
as the washing of pots and cups:
and many other such like things ye do."
9. And he said unto them,
"Full well ye reject
The Commandment of God,
that ye may keep your own Tradition.
10. "For Moses said,


11. "But ye say,




12. "And ye suffer him
no more to do ought
for his father or his mother;
13. "Making The Word of God
of none effect
through your Tradition,
which ye have delivered:
and many such like things do ye."
14. And when he had called
all the people unto him,
he said unto them,
"Hearken unto me
every one of you,
and understand:
15. "There is nothing from without a man,
that entering into him can defile him:
but the things which come out of him,
those are they that defile the man.
16. "If any man have ears to hear,
let him hear."
17. And when he was entered
into the house from the people,
his Disciples asked him concerning the Parable.
18. And he saith unto them,
"Are ye so without understanding also?
Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing
from without entereth into the man,
it cannot defile him;
19. "Because it entereth not into his heart,
but into the belly,
and goeth out into the draught,
purging all meats?"
20 And he said,
"That which cometh out of the man,
that defileth the man.
21. "For from within,
out of the heart of men,
proceed evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications,
22. "Thefts, covetousness,
wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness,
an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23. "All these evil things
come from within,
and defile the man."


Your Body CANNOT act on its own. YOUR MIND must tell your body what to do.

PAUL LIED: he Sinned because he HATED God and LOVED SATAN.

. MATTHEW 6:19-24.

19. “Lay not up for yourselves Treasures upon Earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through and steal:
20. “But lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21. “For where your Treasure is,
there will your heart be also.
22. "The Light of the body is the Eye:
if therefore thine Eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of Light.
23. "But if thine eye be evil,
thy whole body shall be full of Darkness.
If therefore the Light that is in thee be Darkness,
how great is that Darkness!
24. "No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one, and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon."


Yahshua said that there is no such thing.


You have three choices- all of them had better be YAHSHUA, YAHSHUA, and YAHSHUA!


So why are you following HIM?

THAT is why you have never found the SIMPLE Solution.

This is mere rambling and time-wasting.


. JOHN 8:30-32.

30. As he spake these Words,
many believed on him.
31. Then said Jesus to those Jews
which believed on him,
"If ye continue in my Word,
then are ye my Disciples indeed;
32. "And ye shall know The Truth,
and The Truth shall make you Free."


When you trace the Origins of Stupid Doctrines, you find that they originate in LIES.

How do you define "SALVATION?"


WHO told you that PETER was EVER "BORN AGAIN?"

There is NO EVIDENCE that Peter was EVER Born Again!

. LUKE 22:31-32.

31. And the Lord said,
"Simon, Simon, behold,


32. "But I have prayed for thee,
that thy Faith fail not:
and when thou art converted,
strengthen thy Brethren."


CONVERSION is a very big deal!

You must be talking about the time when PAUL pretended not to know who the High Priest was.

. ACTS 23:1-6.

AND Paul, earnestly beholding the Council, said,
“Men and Brethren, I have lived in all good conscience
before God until this day.
2. And the High Priest Ananias commanded
them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth.
3. Then said Paul unto him,
“God shall smite thee, thou whited wall:
for sittest thou to judge me after The Law,
and commandest me to be smitten
contrary to The Law?”
4. And they that stood by said,
“Revilest thou God's High Priest?”
5. Then said Paul,
“I wist not, Brethren,
that he was the High Priest:
for it is written,


6. But when Paul perceived
that the one part were Sadducees,
and the other Pharisees,
he cried out in the council,
"Men and Brethren, I am a Pharisee,
the son of a Pharisee:
of the Hope and Resurrection of the Dead
I am called in question."


It is UNBELIEVABLE that he no know who the High Priest was.


This Event is consistent with Paul being a Secret Undercover Agent of The Pharisees- the Sadducees not being privy to his mission.

He now gave a signal, that he was in place, and the plan was proceeding smoothly.

The Signal appears to be that he should pretend not to recognize the High Priest, as they all pretended not to know the Prophets of God- JOHN and YAHSHUA.

This is not for Paul to say.

So because PETER had preached to some Gentiles, he could no longer sit with his Jewish Brethren again?

That was grandstanding on the part of Paul.

I shall be back to finish shortly.

Wow, i am surprised none has replied this guy, well I can understand why,
Your write up is a confused twisting of bible passages to express your belief. People can't even begin to say this is where I start to tackle all you have said. And it is pretty obvious you speak with blind hatred for someone most Christians of all denominations respect. Hence they leave you to wallow in your confused speaking and move on to much more reasonable talk.

I myself don't know where to start,
I would ask though, when you began on Paul, where you talking about Saul or is it the Paul we all know. I don't need to quote anything, we all know about sails conversion. And maybe that buttresses the op write up because he didn't have to sit and decide 'I want to be born-again'. No, he was converted (made spiritually minded) while on his way to commit more sins.
You can't be a Christian and use only different parts of the bible in a twisted way to make your point. Be charitable and dont lead others into sin. The bible is whole and can't be used in isolation. Why ignore Paul after his conversion and refer only to his life as Saul?

Going on to Peter, your quote of the bible just simply buttresses the op. No matter what you think or say, He has been saved, whether you like it or not, say as much as you like that Peter never at one time decided to be converted to God, na your wahala. You waste unnecessary time and energy on falsehood. The quote you gave said 'Jesus said, I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail'. Peter did not believe he would sin, he thought he was 'immune', but God reminded him that it is not just by faith. In all Peter was human and could sin like all of us but he was Christian (a disciple of God), but his faith would always remain strong, no matter how much you bang your head against the wall, his faith would not fail. Hence he could repent and become a better person and from there realise that he is not perfect and strive to be perfect. And in his striving to be perfect, realise what other disciples are going through and strengthen them not to loose hope. Hence here, we see God reminding Peter that he will be the rock by which God shall buil his church.

May God help us all, that we don't willfully deceive ourselves and in that way scandalize others leading them into sin. Amen
Religion / Re: Mother Teresa Is Now 'Saint Teresa Of Calcutta'! by Dontintin: 8:50pm On Sep 04, 2016
For those who have requested the documentation of her miracles. Not satisfied? Google is your friend.
And please for Catholics out there who have commented, please do so with charity, you gain nothing by being unnecessarily aggressive and abusive. Don't be like them, show good example
Religion / Re: Types Of Churches That Are Doomed To Fail by Dontintin: 6:49am On Aug 29, 2016
Funny, how the thread has gone. Anyway, Op you do sound judge mental. Of course you were careful in your write up not to mention churches but your write up is a reflection of what YOU feel is wrong. That's you judging. A good no. Of times we may not know why people do what they do.
I will also point out that these 'sins' are actions of people -maybe the pastor - and not the true reflection of everyone in the church. These people are in every church (every religion). So I suggest you tackle sins next time rather than generalize for everyone in a group. We all have sinners, bad pastors in our churches.

1 Like

Religion / Re: The Second Coming: A Failed Prophecy??? by Dontintin: 2:00pm On Jul 26, 2015
I feel very disgusted at times when fellow Christians become abrasive even with language from the bible, when people share very thoughtful questions that may actually seem reasonable at face value. I'd like to encourage that when questions are asked like the op of this, please let's answer the question. Let's try to avoid insults. And please don't give another quotation that does not address the question asked. Let's be civil. We don't win by placing ourselves on a 'holier than thou' pedestal. Some these atheits are better people than us when we judge thier lives.
For the question raised, I think it has been addressed a little though in a manner I am not happy with.
The coming there is not same as the second coming, I refer you to Mathew 13:38 and 41.
Also I will advice that the bible as it is today can be a death trap. Let's not read and interprete in isolation. Look for possible different explanations.


Politics / Re: Boko Haram: Over 20 Specialized Bomb Detective Dogs Deployed To North East by Dontintin: 5:07pm On Dec 11, 2014
This op sef. Which one be 'bomb detective dogs'.
Business / Re: Loya Milk Promo Scam by Dontintin: 12:10pm On Dec 09, 2014
Just got my own.
Romance / Re: 10 Things Men Say When They Are Cheating!!! by Dontintin: 11:24am On Dec 09, 2014
Come on.
I have a problem with 2 and 6.
U don't think privacy is a thing people cherish. Does it not strike u that it is one who does not trust (maybe because of such a person wayward ways) will go after the phone trying to catch the guy in the act. Really that is the dumbest way to catch a cheat. Anyway I like my privacy and don like being mistrusted. Hence I will keep saying don't touch my phone.

And sometimes some professions really keep guys at work. Would be nice if the wife came to spend sometime at work waiting for him to finish. Maybe if there is a lounge nearby or an eatery while he completes the work.

Lastly ladies should try and pick a good man and then trust him. If he cheats you will know.
Health / Re: Aftermath Of NMA Strike: Low Activity In UCH by Dontintin: 2:15pm On Aug 27, 2014
So what exactly is the delay and what is nma and nard doing about this.
Health / Re: Lagos Rejects Ebola Trial Drug, Nano Silver by Dontintin: 8:20am On Aug 16, 2014
Please people don't jump on the band wagon of fear and panic and allow false info to go round. Read this......

1 Like

Religion / Re: A Thread For Catholics by Dontintin: 10:57am On Aug 15, 2014
Happy Feast day every one.

Anyone of you had a brush with an atheist. Like to know how it went for you. Had one and it didnt really end rosy.
Health / Re: Medical Doctor Vs. Registered Nurse by Dontintin: 10:27am On Aug 15, 2014
Would be lovely, if it was that easy
Health / Re: Nigerian Scientist Develops Experimental Drug For Ebola by Dontintin: 10:19am On Aug 15, 2014
trying to decide if this is real or a well crafted hoax. Has the signs of the usual rubbish people broadcast commonly. Any ways if it is a hoax, the creator really did a good job sha. But I still sha dont believe
Health / Re: Ebola Victims Now Stable, Five Showing Signs Of Recovery - Fashola by Dontintin: 6:56am On Aug 12, 2014
Amack: . So you don't see the girl that is been treated and tested negative in sierra lone.

Fashola is a politician and he may not have full info. Though i agree that if by now we have not heard that the doc who contracted it is not deteriorating, then things may be looking up. But have u seen the pictures of where they are isolating them. U need to check it out and see if u can trust the government with anything they say.
Health / Re: Ebola Victims Now Stable, Five Showing Signs Of Recovery - Fashola by Dontintin: 6:27am On Aug 12, 2014
I hope he knows what he is saying. I pray they are true but we have to be wary.
Health / Re: Doctors Strike......reps Threaten Warrant Of Arrest Against Health Minister. by Dontintin: 10:36am On Jul 18, 2014
[quote author=symbianDON]
While everyone simply finds it easy to emotionally blame the doctor when he or she goes on strike. Non complains when other health workers go on strike. Well I see it as a reflection of the onerous task we have decided to take on because in actual fact, WE ARE THE ONLY ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PATIENTS LIFE.
But we are in a country where nothing reasonable works. Before December last year, can anyone tell me when last Nma (not ard) organized a strike. It is because we have always felt the need not to go to strike that is why we have this current problem.
We have always been patient first, patient first, but johesu has capitalized on that going on strike to advance their cause while we continue to say patient first, patient first. What was the salary structure like in the past. We are so quick to forget the good old past and think only of the now.
We are pushed to the wall. Very soon, we will have all health workers getting the better renumeration for practically doing nothing. What I mean by doing nothing is doing a diploma course and not following up on it. Nobody complains when a lab scientist does a phd and is referred to as a doctor. We respect other health workers and try to leave harmoniously, it does not mean we have to turn from being the best paid of all the health workers to the worst paid because some idiots in government are not educated enough to know what is proper.
Concerning the cmd issue, I have no problem with a different person from a doctor being the cmd, yes it may give for a broader perception of all things. But really when u look at the structure of the hospital, who apart from a doctor is better positioned to be cmd. Is it a nurse who is trained only to care for the patient and and carries out instructions on care management of the patient, or the lab scientist who is ordered to do a test and can only has his results interpreted well for the managing consultant by the pathologist who happens to be a doctor, or is it the physiotherapist that will only come in as long term help when acute conditions have been managed by the doctor. All these people are important for good health care service but in all are connected by the doctor.
If it is someone else who is not in the health field at all but is a licensed administrator, he can head, but in all decisions of patient care will eventually still remain with the doctor.
That is why it is only doctors that are held responsible for their actions when things go wrong with patient care. None will say the urse went for a stroll when the patient desaturated. None will query what the lab scientist did when it was definitely a wrong result (probably not checked by the pathologist) that misled the doctor. Or the physiotherapist that failed to advice a patient to see the doctor while he gets worse and worse. None.
So please, let me be if i decide to protect my exalted position which I have worked so hard to acheive, not do a diploma course of 3 mths to 3 years.


Religion / Re: Who Will God Punish For Abortion? The Doctors, The Government Or The Women? by Dontintin: 1:48pm On Oct 27, 2013
I don't believe a doctor is under any obligation to carry out an abortion. If he is unwilling he has the right to refuse treatment as long as he uses proper protocol to fully inform his patient of his decision. While I don't subscribe to it, it is a safer for the doctor to refer the patients to where she can procure d abortion. So if he decides to do it, then God punishes him.

Yes d lady was molested and she did not plan d marriage. It may also change her life for good. But have u ever seen a child who got saved as a last minute decision blame the mother for not aborting him or her. No they will be grateful for the gift of life. The lady is not the author of life and even her own life which she claims to own is not primarily hers, hence she can't be making the final decision of what happens to her body. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit hence we can't defile it by killing a child. We all sin but it is not right to legalize a sin for our own convenience, that is why dis topic is highly debated. So a lady for whatever reason decides to take another life, then she is accountable to the One who created the life.

Our governments have championed the cause of abortion for whatever reason, maybe population, political motivation or what have u. One thing we must all remember is a Being created life and gave us as a gift. Our actions must therefore be accountable to Him who gave us life.

Under no circumstances must abortion be encouraged. Tell me in 20 years time if parents don't say that they have a right to terminate their 3 year old child because they don't think he has a bright future and claim this because they brought the child to this world and are raising the child with their own funds. Convince me this will not happen.

The devil is subtle but he shall loose in the end. Let's make sure we don't loose our souls before that time.
Education / Re: NANS Close Niger-Bridge Over ASUU Strike by Dontintin: 12:57pm On Oct 19, 2013
Any update.
Health / Re: Please Any Remedy For Stammering by Dontintin: 9:16pm On Sep 14, 2013
Look it depends on what situations cause the stammering. Is it only when you are tensed or in a highly emotional state. Relaxing is good but takes time to master. There are however speech therapists who can help. Visit a reputable teaching hospital with an ENT (ear nose and throat) department. U will probably be able to see a speech therapist
Religion / Re: Catholic Priests May Be Allowed To Marry Amid Papal Changes by Dontintin: 12:00am On Sep 14, 2013

Nobody FORCED anyone to become a priest = Nobody FORCED anyone to be celibate. . . Consequently, if you wanna marry and procreate; stay out of priesthood, IF you must 'serve' God as a clergy, then find a church that permits you to have it all.

I think its that simple. . .

And; I also think

A lot of things are beginning to go wrong in the church, things that defined the uniqueness of different churches.

And like I've been saying, Pastors/Priests etc get their reverence from the congregation because we see them as 'closer to God' by virtue of their decisions to lead better lives than the rest of us. . .

They shouldn't be made to come down to our level. . . Just my ignorant submission

I like your comment, but don't get carried away. I don't know about pastors but I guess the idea for priests was that they should model their life after Christ. See how he was able to move round freely preaching the gospel and offering His life in an action and finally on the Cross so that we will all be saved and not be shackled down by one wife and kid. I don't think it necessarily means they are holier than us. They just need to be freer than us to be fully available for the work of God
Religion / Re: Catholic Priests May Be Allowed To Marry Amid Papal Changes by Dontintin: 11:27pm On Sep 13, 2013
nora544: That catholic priest could not marry is not from the beginning of the church, it starts 1100 years later and it has to do with the money and nothing more.
I know some Kids from catholics priest and no one will say anything. It is only the catholic church where priest cannot marry and i know it will help the church.

When you know the history of the catholic church than you will understand.

Tell us what history u so wisely know undecided
Religion / Re: Catholic Priests May Be Allowed To Marry Amid Papal Changes by Dontintin: 11:05pm On Sep 13, 2013
MAYOWAAK: Stories of Catholic priests sexually molesting male and female children have been on the increase in recent years. Sometimes, such inappropriate sexual acts are not with children but with adults. A few weeks ago, a Catholic cardinal, Keith O’Brien – the head of the Catholic Church in Scotland and the most senior prelate in all Britain – resigned after admitting to having had sexual relations with some priests. Ironically, O’Brien had been a vociferous voice against homosexuality in the United Kingdom.

It is not that such stories are not heard among other Christian denominations now and then, but they are on a large and recurring scale in the Catholic Church. It is not because Catholic priests have a higher libido than other priests and pastors or that they are worse in morals. The only reason for it is the compulsory celibacy enforced among the Catholic clergy.

Such sexual molestation stories are not rife in Nigeria. But it is not because they don’t occur – for Nigerian priests are as human as their European and American counterparts – but because of two main reasons: 1. There is still a deep stigma for rape – victims prefer to keep silent to avoid being stigmatised; 2. since most victims are usually Catholics, they and their families would prefer not to tarnish the image of their beloved church by going public – they would prefer to bear the trauma for life than be pointed to as the “enemies” that wanted to drag the name of the Catholic Church through the mud. So, the silence continues, and everybody pretends that nothing untoward goes on in Nigeria. That I dared to write this at all will be considered sacrilegious by many.

Has the priestly celibacy worked for the Catholic Church? Yes and no. Yes, because it has helped to portray the Catholic Church as different from other Christian denominations, and therefore unique. It has helped to portray the priests as different from the laity, thereby strengthening their power over the laity and increasing their aura in their eyes too. It has helped to sustain the image of the Catholic Church as an institution with a great tradition. In addition, it has helped it to a large extent to have priests that are not ruled by inordinate acquisition of wealth as well as priests that are not too afraid to die in the line of duty.

But celibacy has not worked and will never work for the Catholic Church, because it is against natural law. Only VERY FEW men and women can be truly celibate for decades. And those who want to be truly celibate do so without any compulsion. Some would say that the Catholic priests are not forced to be celibate. That is true, but a man who passionately wants to serve the Lord as a priest in the Catholic Church MUST take an oath to be celibate, even if he earnestly does not want to be one.

Celibacy was an introduction into the church. The church was over a thousand years old when it took a definite stand in 1139, at the Second Lateran Council, forbidding priests to marry. In 1563, the Council of Trent re-affirmed that celibacy policy.

Curiously, celibacy is not a biblical injunction. It is not in the Old Testament, neither is it in the New Testament. It is not ordered by Jesus Christ or His apostles as a condition for one to inherit the kingdom of God. Christ made it clear that in heaven, there is no husband or wife, while St Paul said that whether one marries or does not marry does not matter. In 1st Timothy 3, Paul listed the qualities of a bishop or overseer, and said inter alia: “A bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, hospitable, an apt teacher, no drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, and no lover of money.”

Christianity does not force its adherents to kill their libido. Sex drive is a natural and healthy thing that cannot be subdued by force. If it is subdued forcefully, it brews like a latent volcano, exploding one day in a destructive and embarrassing manner. It is a force that needs to be channelled to fruitful ventures, not caged. It is like hunger and thirst. One can control how much one eats or drinks, but one should not be forced to abstain from food and water. Even animals are not taught by anyone to engage in sex. In matters of sex, the difference between animals and human beings is that unlike human beings, they don’t have the capacity to manage and channel their sex drive properly.

Before becoming priests, many men would be convinced of their ability to be celibate all their lives. They start off well. But maybe a decade later, when the spiritual fire wanes or burns out, they see that they cannot control the sexual urge that rears its head in them regularly. And since they are not married and cannot resign as priests and face the odium of such an action, they look for the safest outlets: masturbation, paedophilia, homosexuality, and fornication. Children are naturally the easiest targets. Children are easier to deceive; children are easier to keep silent. CNN reported that a priest told a 12-year-old girl he wanted to defile who told him that such an act was a sin: “I am your priest. What I say is sin is sin. What I say is not sin is not sin!” And with such superior and fear-inducing arguments, he was able to disarm the girl, defile her and keep her silent until she became an adult and went public with her story.

Revolutionary men change things. Pope Francis can change this policy if he wants to. Luckily, clerical celibacy in the Catholic Church is not a dogma, but a regulation. A dogma like male-only priesthood is a Catholic dogma, irreversible by a Pope. But the ban on priestly marriage is a regulation, which can be changed by a pope overnight if he wishes.

Mandatory celibacy in the Catholic Church is an ill-wind that blows no-one any good. Just like the football ruling body, FIFA, saw reason after fighting against goal-line technology for many years for no other meaningful reason but to avoid change and maintain tradition, Pope Francis has the opportunity to be the pope that abolished compulsory celibacy in the Catholic priesthood. Every Catholic who truly loves his church should be on the campaign for the Catholic Church to discontinue that policy and save millions of children from sexual exploitation by the priests they trust and venerate, and also save the Church the embarrassment of constantly being bombarded with such unpalatable news from different parishes and dioceses.

Any time the story of sexual exploitation of children by a Catholic priest is aired or published anywhere in the world, it is not just the Catholic Church that is adversely affected by such news. The entire Christendom is affected and smeared too.

When a policy is not working, history makers face reality and change such a policy, thereby writing their names in gold in the process, while others prefer not to rock the boat and just continue to go with the tide, whatever the unsavoury consequences.

Well done. You really went to town. But while all you have said is reasonable, you have allowed sensationalism cloud your judgement. The media are very quick to jump on statements and blow them out of proportion and any funny news from the Catholic Church is news from the media. In truth celibacy is not a dogma and yes it was created for good intentions by council. U are quick to quote the bible and act like someone who really knows what he is saying. I am not a bible scholar but I will have u realise that this topic is not just starting in recent times but has been discussed over and over again over CENTURIES!!!!!!!!. Mind the word centuries. So whatever u have said is not knew. Now when u decide to make urself judge over matters that are way beyond ur reasoning discussed by people who have had better experience in interpreting the bible I really wonder what message u are trying to pass across. I would suggest u visit the Vatican website and search for discussion on the biblical foundation of priesthood and from what u read comment. Then I would respect what u have said. Then u would have read past arguments and understood why celibacy was aggred upon. Suffice it to say that as a priest u are called to model ur way after Christ who is the one High priest and groom His wife, The Church. Hence he has to give up his whole life for the Church. Now in plain terms ( no need for big grammar showing I have read the bible which unfortunately I don't do regularly) what that means is when a priest is called to perform the last rites for someone he won't say he has a responsibility to one wife and child hence he cannot come. When he is at mass celebrating The Holy Eucharist, he would not be surprised and distracted when he suddenly heard his first son was in an accident or his wife just had Caesarian section. No matter how u rationalize and quote the bible the priest will never be fully available for the work of God whenever it is so demanded should he be married and at no fault of his really because he has to be responsible. Admit it to me. Do u think ur pastors will have that much freedom to actually devote their whole life solely for the demands of the Church at the expense of his family. What I mean is will he be free so say suddenly pack his bags and travel to china to go and minister or wake in this Nigeria to travel how many miles because a parishioner is on his death bed. No definitely be cause he has to be responsible to wife and child.
U also mention all the scandals. Truly in all sincerity will allowing priests to marry solve that. A good example to buttress my point is that some of our Nigerian pastors still fall prey to the sin of adultery and lust even after being married to a wife. The issue is not to blow this out of proportion and help these people who are human beings overcome their temptation not crucify them. Because in truth we are no better than them. Scandals will always be and not everybody will agree to the same thing even within the Catholic Church. It does not justify u doing the wrong thing.
Anyone can work within the Catholic Church as a married person. He may even be more active thn the priest. Preaches, goes for evangelism, spends at least 6 hrs of his day in church sorting out one thing or the order but he is not bound to pick he baggage and answer a distress call because he is married. We need to have people who can do that.
So young man I refer you one again to the Vatican website and continue the discussion from there. The will always be a subject of discussion even 10 centuries into the future and I believe that The Lord will not allow the gates of hell to prevail against His Church.


Religion / Re: Ten Lies The Church Tells Women by Dontintin: 10:39pm On Sep 09, 2013
A nice one. But can be taken out of context and to an extreme. Some examples were really not reasonable like beating the wife as I don't think that is an everyday experience for most women. I really pray women will learn the proper way to relate with their husband without demeaning themselves and not take such discourse to an extreme. A confident lady would not need emancipation.

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Phones / Re: Tecno Phantom AII Device Specifications & Reviews by Dontintin: 6:47pm On Sep 08, 2013
How much is the bloody thing. Who knows

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