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Politics / Re: Breaking News;m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-! Fulani Herdsmen, Boko Haram Kill 39 •13 Villages by DRANOEL(m): 7:29pm On Mar 06, 2012

Have u heard of any skirmish in d east? I dare dem. The price of beef will drop all of a sudden and u wil neva find any fulani settlement in d s.e until 25yrs elapse

have i heard of any fulani skirmish in the east?

unless ebonyi is no longer east! like i said ignorance is bliss!

you read more on the fulani/ebonyi episode

Politics / Re: Understanding Benue! by DRANOEL(m): 7:05pm On Mar 06, 2012

enlighten me, benue is at the receiving end of what exactly? the last i checked theres no religious or ethnic problem in benue neither is there 'boko haram' or are you one of those who foolishly ascribe fulani herdsmen attacking farmers to be a benue thinhg? well sorry to disappoint you but the problem of fulani herdsmen affects every part of nigeria!. . . . . .stop trying to turn everything to an "igbo" issue.

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Politics / Re: Understanding Benue! by DRANOEL(m): 1:56pm On Mar 06, 2012

Benue state have nothing in common with Northern Nigeria at all. The way of life of the Benue people is completely different from that of the core-north, they have 99% similarities with people from southern Nigeria in terms of looks, behaviours, cultural and religious beliefs. Looking clearly at the Nigerian map, I still wonder how on earth will they say Benue is in the North central?

constitutionally theres nothing like north central,northwest,south west, south east etc these were coined by abacha to effectively lord over nigeria. if you ask an average benue person i think they'll prefer a seperate region of their own independent of the middle belt or core north.
Politics / Re: Understanding Benue! by DRANOEL(m): 12:58pm On Mar 06, 2012
. . . . . .historically the tivs were the last group to settle in present day nigeria and so hold no cultural affirnity to any of the tribes.
the idomas on the under hand were once under the influence of the kwararafa kingdom and argueably with little affirnity with the igbos
Politics / Re: Breaking News;m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-! Fulani Herdsmen, Boko Haram Kill 39 •13 Villages by DRANOEL(m): 12:49pm On Mar 06, 2012

who will bail the cat now? hence the Middle belterns have started disassociating themselves from igbos,i wonder what will be their lot now that the fulani are killing them like ram.infact that area{MB} will be use as a battle front should war later ensue.

ndi ugwu choro ogu

ignorance is bliss! . . . . . .attacks from fulani herdsmen is not isolated to the middle belt alone but to all parts of the country especially kwara and the south western states.
these fulani herdsmen come during the cover of the dark kill and disappear. owing to the fact that they have no known location,retaliation against them is almost impossible!
Politics / Re: Understanding Benue! by DRANOEL(m): 12:09pm On Mar 06, 2012
before amalgamation northern tivland was under wukari division (northern protectorate) while southern tivland was under ogoja division (southern protectorate). due to the fact that the tivs had no traditional ruler (they are natural republicans) the british colonialist placed them under the authority of the uka of wukari (jukun traditional head) and subsequently under northern protectorate.

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Politics / Re: Breaking News;m-a-s-s-a-c-r-e-! Fulani Herdsmen, Boko Haram Kill 39 •13 Villages by DRANOEL(m): 8:55am On Mar 06, 2012
fulani herdsmen are known to attack villagers even in the south! the problem with retaliating against them is that they don't have a specific place they stay! they attack at night (mostly unawares) and move to another position.
Politics / Re: Igbos Should Boycott Nairaland,facebook Etc Tomorrow In Honour Of Ojukwu by DRANOEL(m): 8:43pm On Mar 01, 2012
when it comes to hypocrisy, "ndigbo" comes next to non! so all of you are now making noise all over the place about ojukwu this ojukwu that?

where was the solidarity when ojukwu from "head of state" of biafra reduced himself to contest for a mere senate seat in a state?

where was the solidarity when the man took three shots at trying to become president?

where was the solidarity when the man wanted his party "apga" to be the darling of the south east?
Politics / Re: Our Govoner Has Gone Mad Again by DRANOEL(m): 6:31pm On Feb 28, 2012
^ i figured you were an illiterate i just didn't figure you were this much of an illiterate.

so benue people with one of the highest population in abuja hardly travel out?

benue people who gen. ty danjuma once said have a expansionst tendencies due to their incursion in taraba,nasarawa,plateau and cross rivers hardly travel out?

go back to school,educate yourself properly and improve on your writing
Politics / Re: Our Govoner Has Gone Mad Again by DRANOEL(m): 5:04pm On Feb 28, 2012
^ foolish guy. ebonyi remains the most backward state in nigeria (in league with states like taraba,zamfara,ekiti etc).
i have lots of igbo friends from other eastern states that filled ebonyi qouta in tertiary institutions and job listings.

like i said earlier, ebonyi is the leprous finger of the south east
Politics / Re: Our Govoner Has Gone Mad Again by DRANOEL(m): 2:30pm On Feb 28, 2012
my friend educationally sef benue chop ebonyi
Politics / Re: Our Govoner Has Gone Mad Again by DRANOEL(m): 2:00pm On Feb 28, 2012

DRANOEL the error dictator,ok O,atleast am better than millions of your people roaming about begging for food.when i get to your level i'll pass you.

mumu. i'm from benue and we don't have beggers on the streets.
with all its short comings benue is better than ebonyi in every single way you can think of(check the national bureau of statistics)!

ebonyi as i know is the leprous finger of the south east!
Politics / Re: The Unforgivable Blunders Of Ojukwu During The Biafran War! by DRANOEL(m): 12:33pm On Feb 28, 2012
a coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once.

fact is ojukwu ran away (with his tail between his legs) to ivory coast. he came back to nigeria downgraded himself from trying to lead the igbo nation to being a mere senator in one of the igbo states and failed woefully. that not down he tried to be president(i think twice) and yet again failed woefully. not done he wanted his political party to be the darling of the igbo nation and once again failed in that dream.

from the above it is safe to say,the igbo nation failed and killed him a thousand times over before his actual death.
Politics / Re: Ibo And Yoruba Rivalry - Myths And Facts - Part 1 by DRANOEL(m): 11:18am On Feb 28, 2012
fact ; igbos and yorubas are the most fraudulent and distrusted  africans.

fact ; the're are more igbos and yoruba's languishing in the US and european prisons than any other african tribe.

so i do agree, igbos and yoruba's have a lot in common
Politics / Re: The Unforgivable Blunders Of Ojukwu During The Biafran War! by DRANOEL(m): 11:09am On Feb 28, 2012
ojukwu was probably the dullest military strategist ever!

the man declared the seceding of biafra with emotions and without plan. he knew not what he was up against. arrogance and the general belief of superiority of igbos blinded his eyes to the fact that fantasies are not the same as reality
Politics / Re: El'rufai Accuses President Jonathan Of Partnering With Boko Haram by DRANOEL(m): 6:22pm On Feb 27, 2012
bomb goes off. . . . . .security agents get more allocation.

bomb goes off. . . . . . security votes jump up to astronomical heights.

bomb goes off. . . . . .nigerians are talking about SNC

bomb goes off. . . . , the country's division is on the table of many.

my take; there's boko haram and they're those exploiting the name boko haram
Politics / Re: Blast In Jos: Christian Youths Lynch Two Muslim Okada Riders To Death by DRANOEL(m): 9:36pm On Feb 26, 2012
^ i'd say its begining to take the right dimension
Politics / Blast In Jos: Christian Youths Lynch Two Muslim Okada Riders To Death by DRANOEL(m): 5:32pm On Feb 26, 2012
youths in jos showing the way forward

Politics / Re: Worshippers Kill Suspectedfleeing Church Bomber by DRANOEL(m): 3:53pm On Feb 26, 2012
good. i hope they made him suffer unprecedented pain before death
Politics / Re: A National Monument To Ojukwu Should Be Built In Abuja by DRANOEL(m): 1:58pm On Feb 26, 2012
they can name the "karu abbatoir" after him or better still, "the gudu cementary" is another befitting monument that can be named after him. cool
Politics / Re: Our Govoner Has Gone Mad Again by DRANOEL(m): 1:50pm On Feb 26, 2012
@ OP
i totally agree with you. your "govonor" has gone mad! i had a hard time reading what you wrote. your "govonor should do something quickly about sending you back to school! grin
Politics / Re: Ojukwu To Be Buried In American Gold Casket –bianca by DRANOEL(m): 9:50am On Feb 25, 2012
"ojukwu to be buried in gold and bronze casket to depict the simple nature of ojukwu"

is bianca high on rotten paw paw leaves?
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 5:29pm On Feb 24, 2012
^ so you gree say you be dundee! no wahala we add daddy showkey to the matrix
Politics / Re: Ebonyi Was Maginalized Befor It's Creation by DRANOEL(m): 1:30pm On Feb 24, 2012

bombs are dropt at cities not desert
again not in mod houses.you catch me!
now heres a user friendly version of what you just wrote:

bombs are DROPPED IN cities not desertS.
again not in MUD houses. you catch me?

" dude you are doing all the damage to yourself"
Politics / Re: Ebonyi Was Maginalized Befor It's Creation by DRANOEL(m): 1:12pm On Feb 24, 2012
grin . . . .i dey laugh! . . .has the tokyo been struck by an atomic bomb?
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 12:40pm On Feb 24, 2012
^ read all i've been writing, i don accept the parasite tag since! unfortunately you my friend has not realised how big a parasite you are! will all true dundees stand up!
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 12:29pm On Feb 24, 2012

Will all parasites please stand up? grin
I de hail una!

When is the next #Occupy gonna hold so we can express our parasitism as true lazy awuf luv'n phucks?
and the caravan arrives!
Politics / Re: Don’t Create Unviable States –senator Oyofo by DRANOEL(m): 12:23pm On Feb 24, 2012

the south east can be reduced to two states


bros sorry i offended you. heres a better plan of action,lets create more states. let every clan have a state so that we'd be even. . . .happy?
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 12:15pm On Feb 24, 2012

Dronel,you keep pointing at Ebonyi as if the state is not like Tokyo to your poverty striking-sekelctin-working-people of you tribe.northerners should cover their faces in shame and go back to square one.North is poor in brain.

for starters, upgrade your english.

statistically (bureau of statistics) benue tops ebonyi in education,what it contributes to the national coffers,productivity etc. but then again i'm not going to allow you reduce this talk to the local talk of ebonyi and benue,so yes ebonyi is heaven to me . . . .happy now?
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 12:07pm On Feb 24, 2012
@ajanlekoko^^ exactly what i've been trying to knock into the head OP.
it beats my imagination when some one calls others parasites when you yourself is a parasite.
almost all the states in nigeria are parasites including the oil producing ones.
apart from the God given oil which flows in the niger delta and which no one contributed in putting there what have these governors done? i may ask what is the difference between a man who wakes up,sits on his chair all day watching tv while expecting money from he's wif
Politics / Re: 19 Northern Governors: The Certified Parasites by DRANOEL(m): 9:21am On Feb 24, 2012
and have you held the southern governors accountable yet?
with the kind of funds a state like bayelsa "with its small landmass and population" is getting shouldn't that place be like dubai by now?

you are so interested in what the north contributes to the coffers but not interested in what non oil states in the south contributes to the coffers? aren't you a hypocrite?

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