If exam got you shaking, you learn nothing, mine was maths, whether philosophy, biology physics or chemistry, if you understand maths, you just keep working.
Trading is simply maths, the name financial is getting over the head of many, what will new comers learn when they click on this thread? The nature of the thread haven't changed over time,and time is not constant, choose innovation over pointing fingers, the body cells are also aging with time. Let the thread be what it is meant for, and am certain its not for greed.
Seun: The leaders of the RECOVERY drug trial in the UK, who are testing the effects of many existing drugs on COVID-19 patients, have announced that the drug dexamethasone, which is very cheap (for now) and available in most countries (including ours), has been experimentally proven to reduce the risk of death of people with severe cases of the Coronavirus disease.
They administered 6mg of dexamethasone daily (by tablet or by injection) to 2104 COVID-19 patients for ten days. After 28 days, they compared the results of this treatment to the normal treatment which 4321 other patients received. They discovered that the drug reduces the risk of death in patients who are on oxygen or on the ventilator.
* For patients who were so sick that they had to be placed on a ventilator, dexamethasone reduced their risk of death from 40% to 28%. For every 8 COVID-19 patients on the ventilator treated with this drug, 1 additional life was saved.
* For patients sick enough to be placed on oxygen, the risk of death dropped by from 25% to 20%. For every 25 patients on oxygen treated, 1 additional life was saved.
* For patients who were not sick enough to be placed on oxygen or a ventilator, there was "no improvement" according to the researchers.
This is good news for Ex-Governor Abiola Ajimobi and other Nigerian COVID-19 patients in intensive care. The benefit seems modest but remember, that improvement is relative to the standard treatment in the UK. But remember, it provided "no benefit" to most of the patients.
It is important to fact check this before conclusion, i learnt that the drug is an immuno suppressing drug that weakens the immune system, if so, the logic seems somehow, try to Google Dexamethasone and immunosuppression https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/infections/immune-system.html
Ogboraph: Today profit and withdrawal. Thank God its friday. Glory be to God
I love your trading style, you are one of traders here i learn alot and do admire, i noticed you from time using bollinger with your mode of execution, even though there were tough times, you still stay true, all respect, when i started using it too, i discovered we can filter more bad trades from this system if we take the volatility into consideration, when bollinger is slim, you will see the whole movement almost at a point, something i noticed with it
After begging to be funded 200k and throwing it all away, u think untold hardship, grief and misfortune is not upon you yet?.... Karma is at your door... Kindly open
Very funny guy sounding deluded, i wonder that kind of god that is only master of destroying and not the other way round.
beejaay: Forex is a lonely journey and every loneliness requires an unbiased introspection...do this regularly and maybe you can get there in say five, ten, or fifteen years(am not there yet as I still burn my own money from time to time)...most of us will eventually regret going the Forex way when we finally realized the number of years we have wasted drawing lines and making sense of insensible things and comparing it with if we had used that same years on some other endeavour...
The real successful one will have to realize that trading is a dumb game and you have to act dumb (which happen to be the greatest form of intellect) to move with it, you will be surprised that a five years old will perform wonderfully well with a single moving average that most of us cos the concept of complexity will not affect him..ones this is achieved a 200 dollars account can change to a million and the realization of looking for who to trade for will appear like a waste of time....anyone still seeking for who to trade for or signals to sell is yet to get there with exception to darwinex format where you ain't really trading other people's money persay....
I love your insight, most of the companys now don't seek to employ any manual mode trading individuals but rather analyse the statistics of the data they get from the market by machine learning, if you see too much brother you will also act dumb in the face of non authentic opinions. Forex is a serious business not a child's play that anyone will claim to be master of what decision all the world government will take and yet not even a commercial trader but a retail type by the way
USDJPY has its Volume Adjusted Price currently around 107.7X (which is over 70 pips above the current price).
USDJPY did the maxial deviation below VAP on Thursday and as such needs to revert to its mean price (VAP). This was the reason I tried to caution a trader against selling GBPJPY. I wont be surprised to see a gap up over the weekend on JPY pairs.
The best theory generate cash on real account, Economist do this alot, confusing media with uncertain analysis, meanwhile if hear any hypothesis,and i can't get at least more than six month verified myfxbook in the name of the postulate, just say no more, news is noise to get the herds in one direction most times. forex is a Darwinian market , One man's loss is another man's profit
You may want to lie to for click bait, your story sounds fake, what is she has impressive body and dislikes condoms, and even though you have a cut, before you can get the disease from it, there must be traces of the infected blood on the blade you used, and you said two weeks mhen, HIV is a very fragile virus that dies outside the human body in time, be realistic as a blogger and don't miseducate for a pence
Mftivi: This is crap you talking about! market punishes mediocrity there is no excuse to blow accounts except ignorance or plain stupidity! you blow account by risking way too much.
At least be decent or matured alittle, that is why i don't comment here mostly, you saw people in most forex tutorial videos, they are not acting like this, just because they want to pass their point, or at least do it with a statement of your account you are currently trading. You sound like someone to be avoided. Mr "I am correct"
This is also as rare as finding automated profitable trading. A good trader is a good trader whether automated or manual. No side of the divide is better. Some of the EA users still keep tweaking their EAs every time or even manually tampering positions opened by the EA.
Looking at the graph, it wasn't one bad entry that was the problem. It was the same old enemies we always talk about. The reality is that most people are not adequately prepared to handle them. You can see where I marked to highlight where he started gambling, probably to make as much money as possible from his investors for that month.Which reminds me of that pros and cons link I shared. The dots represent various positions so it wasn't a one trade issue.
Add the fact that he was trading without stop loss and also having as much as 20+ open trades and you can understand.
Bottomline, the crash has nothing to do with being a manual trader
You are right, i always tweak every time to adjust the settings to how i will really trade if i am on the chart, those results are hot, i mean impressive, didn't really analyse the results but there is much lesson to be learnt from it, it won't feel good if people under my fund management should crash in such way after a long journey together, that will be a motivation to always consider trading a plan from onset
This is tragic after all time and energy invested, to those condemning the manager, he really tried to have traded manually and profitably for 117 days something i can rarely find, i feel he would have avoided that one bad entry that caused this crashed if he allows EA to calculate lots to risk in percent for next trade or for the entry signal, trading evolve every day though with new strategies for managers to adapt quickly to.
I have no trading knowledge. Looking for a skill that will sustain me and still improve my savings and I just started thinking in the forex trading direction. I would gladly welcome your advice on venturing into forex. Any hope for someone who intends to start with $100? How long from now before I start going into live trades? What's the profit like on monthly basis for a startup of $100? Any chance of losing all funds on my first trial?
I will advice you to look for another skill like website or mobile development.....or any other challenging skills that pays off on the long run, if you are good in maths, forex will be like water to you, try to open a demo account of $100 with a broker like fxtm, experiment, and practice till you can properly jot down the algorithm you use in your process of trading, that way you can easily automate your trading, and see your strategy trading itself in front of you with a relaxed approach..... Good luck
Chuxserve: please house . i use fxtm at the moment and would want to know if anyone uses pepperstone and how good they are?
Very good australian broker, been using them for a long time now, they operate true ecn with very low spread but charges a wee commission fee and requires minimum balance to start trading
sekesi2009: To the professionals and the knowledgeable in forex copy trading, I need advice here. I already have a broker am using which is instaforex but this signals provider always wants people to open an account with their own broker using their own link which is normal anyway. This signals provider also said that to enjoy their copy trading services, one needs to download a VPS, and one will be paying a token amount of $7 as rent every month. My question is, is it Possible to still copy trade their signals without having to open an account with their broker, using their own link? A good fellow here, yesterday tried explaining it to me but am still yet to understand it. This company is Day Finance Ltd, based in UK and their signals are highly impressive, always within the range of 85 to 95% accuracy. This is why I want to copy trading with them. I'm not a tech savvy person. So please pardon me for my long epistle here. I just need a step by step guide /instructions on how to set up these things if I don't want to be using the broker they are using. Thanks
If the signals are published on mql platform, you don't need to be a member of the broker to benefit from the signals, you can reach me on telegram via @eacoder, seems people find it a little difficult to share files on WhatsApp
sekesi2009: Please, I need a programmer who can program a bot for me for forex trading. This is what I need the bot to do. I have subscribed to a paid daily signals subscription service in the last three weeks, I discovered that some trades will go against one, thereby starting to make negative profit. I want the bot to do what is called 'Hedging' This simply means opening a trade in the opposite direction of the initial trade signal, after the initial trade signal must have made negative 20 pips or 25 pips. I've come to discover this in recent times. The bot should be able to close the initial trade after the second trade must have got same number of pips sekesi2009@gmail.com
I can develop a robot that does your exact requirements, will send you a demo version once am done , if you like it, we proceed to talk on the full release