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Romance / Re: My Wife's Sister Wants Me To Sleep With Her. by Drsavage(m): 9:12am On Apr 29, 2020
Tell ur wife.
But no you won't, because you have already stripped her naked in your mind.

It all depends on the type of wife he has.

Cause I can think of a million ways of how it can end badly for the poor guy.
Art, Graphics & Video / Re: Showing Some Of My Drawings, To Help With The Stress by Drsavage(m): 4:28pm On Apr 28, 2020

I admire your unique kind of art. Did a little bit of pencil drawings back in the day, Trust me it's not an easy task. The neatness and the story behind your drawings is AMAZING.

Do you have any 'socials' i can follow you up on?
(Preferably instagram)

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Programming / Re: Programmers: At What Age Did You Start Programming? by Drsavage(m): 9:38am On Dec 05, 2019
I started off with java at 15. My first love was Andriod dev. But my 1gb ram lappy couldn't run Andriod Studio. I had no direction then, I jumped from php to c++ to Javafx framework. Nothing to show for it apart from command line based apps.
I ported to python.
Am 18 now. And I use django framework.
Stack is HTML, CSS, Js, python.


I learnt nearly half of that with my Mobile phone and I built my first django powered app with my mobile phone. See screenshot below.
Some guys won't just do their due diligence. You mobile phone is a s powerful as your PC.
Why do you think it is called a mini computer?
I know of a guy who built a chat bot with his Andriod. I mean an A.I chat bot just like JARVIS but a mini version of it.
PS am not saying having a system is not important. Of course there are some limitations of a mobile phone. The only problem I have is with people who have Mobile phone but keep giving excuses of not starting to learn programming due to not having a system.

I like your comment. I would like to chit chat with you thanks[/quote]

Would love a conversation (online/phoneline) any one that would be convenient... I've been interested in learning programming for a while now, i have a fully functional HP core i3, 8 gb ram laptop just lying around, am just using it to play videogames and am hating my self for it(I'm good at AUTOCAD and Photoshop) but it gets boring sometimes. Would definitely appreciate your mentorship, just gimme a medium i could contact you on. Thanks in advance
Family / Re: My Wife To Be Is Too Reserved by Drsavage(m): 12:49pm On Oct 14, 2019
Feel your pain, man... I know social functions are a big part of our culture here in Nigeria, it's kind of hard for people like us (introverts), But i don't hesitate if it's family or quite important, I'll just put my on my "social face" and engage and socialize in the event to my ability and might end up having a good time. Judging from what you said your wife is "Phlegmatic", relax it's not a disease... It's another word for "introverted" and you can't change that, it's a sum of everything she experienced while growing up, From past experiences, life-lessons, background, environment and many more... There's not much you can do but i recommend you get her to read this book "5 SECOND RULE" it'll change her whole perspective about life and help her balance her quiet nature and her social life. You can download it online too at "www.pdfdrive.com" don't worry it's free ... I know it sounds crazy but this book helped me alot from coming out of my shell, i know it'll help her too. Good luck.
Events / Re: 2019 Abuja All White Pool Party Records Massive Turnout With Exciting Attraction by Drsavage(m): 5:25pm On May 05, 2019
Great photography coverage, i must say... It doesn't even look like Nigeria.


Crime / Re: Yahoo Boys Injure EFCC Operative In Abuja During Raid by Drsavage(m): 8:01pm On Apr 28, 2019
See that apple laptop slim like knife

I think say na only me am oh
Sports / Re: Neymar Punches A Fan After Coupe De France Loss (video) by Drsavage(m): 7:32pm On Apr 28, 2019
For me Neymar had the skills, potential and prowess to be better than both Ronaldo and Messi but
4)lack of team spirit
Won't allow him... I pray he realizes he issues before it's too late.


Sports / Re: Sevilla Trolls EPL Top Four Race With Epic Tweet by Drsavage(m): 7:19pm On Apr 28, 2019
Premier league no be beans... Sevilla won't make top 10 @ Epl
But your current 2nd place team "Liverpool" couldn't beat them in the Europa league Final two seasons ago.
Celebrities / Re: Tiwa Savage Shows Her Zanku Moves In Bra Top by Drsavage(m): 7:10pm On Apr 28, 2019
But where is the breast nau?

My brother.... "Olympus has fallen"


Celebrities / Re: Davido Nominated At Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award 2019 by Drsavage(m): 9:06am On Mar 01, 2019
Everything is hate to u guys. So you don't know d meaning of "pun intended" in my statement. Think about it.

You're very stupid(pun intended)...

Hope it wouldn't offend you... Even though it's not a pun... It's still pun intended.

Think about it.
Celebrities / Re: Davido Nominated At Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award 2019 by Drsavage(m): 8:50am On Mar 01, 2019
That's because he is a kid.
pun intended

So Taylor swift, David Guetta and J balvin are all kids... If you're not a fan doesn't mean you should hate on one's success.

Think about it.
Travel / Re: Which Country Can I Relocate To With 6million by Drsavage(m): 10:37am On Feb 27, 2019
You know your Google is one click away... Right

Why all the busy body... You might get your self scammed.

Do a little research.
Seek guidance
With that money you could get a good European country(Austria,Norway, Sweden etc)

The real question is after migration..


Religion / Re: Why It Is Wrong To Tell Nigerians To Dump God Because Of The Prosperity In China by Drsavage(m): 12:43pm On Feb 17, 2019
Yeah... We serve God.
But we're are ranked among the top 5 most corrupt countries. Am a Christian but,
Like somebody above me said...
"You work hard you succeed"
"You don't work hard you suffer"

China worked hard over a long period of time to get to where they are today.

I know say the country go better but I don't see it happening now... Na there come pain me pass.

I just have hope in the future generations... Cause the kids I see these days are smarter than those "idiots" we call leaders.

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Religion / Re: Is Kissing Before Marriage A Sin? by Drsavage(m): 11:56am On Feb 10, 2019
That right kissing will open an avenue for other sins

That right kissing will open an avenue for other sins

stupidity at it's peak...

religion wey Western Civilization bring ...na una don carry am for head pass.

even touching the opposite sex is a sin... Grow up
Celebrities / Re: Katie Price To Adopt Nigerian Orphan by Drsavage(m): 10:42am On Jan 29, 2019
Make she no go adopt pikin way go take her pant buy Benz grin grin

HAHA very funny....

Celebrities / Re: Davido Exposes Man Who Scammed Him Of £10K (Photos) by Drsavage(m): 5:13pm On Jan 24, 2019

David should becareful the way he goes about making death threat or threat about treating people's f@ck up
There are some things money cannot solve.
Be guided kid bro!

Guy, are you sure we are In the same country?

Last time I checked, our laws don't mean shít.... if you have the PAPER.
Celebrities / Re: Rapper Zlatan Smokes Marijuana In The Presence Of Police Escort (Photos) by Drsavage(m): 5:06pm On Jan 24, 2019
Isoright Na whiz khalifa own worse That guy fit smoke anywhere for America and no body fit do am anything
Who tell you that one... US police ney dey follow you play.... He would be arrested if and only if He was caught by the police.
Romance / Re: Curvy Slay Queen Twerks To Davido #bumbumchallenge On Top Of A Tree (pix, Video) by Drsavage(m): 8:52am On Jan 23, 2019
Vaseline Gang.... Do not engage, I repeat do not engage...
Romance / Re: When Was Your First Heartbreak And How Did You Handle It? by Drsavage(m): 8:31am On Jan 23, 2019
Thats my problem with these so called "virgin girls"
Bro... No need to cry "wolf"
Act like nothing happened, Fûck the hell out of her... then dump her like a Saturday morning thrash.
Travel / Re: These Arab Cities Took The #10yearchallenge To The Next Level by Drsavage(m): 10:09am On Jan 21, 2019
Take 2 copies of a picture and add filters to one of the copy, and you call it development. Ayam not understanding

No offense, but...
Nigga I gotta ask?... Are you blind?

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Sports / Re: Nigerian Referee Beaten Mercilessly By Supporters After NPFL Match. Photos by Drsavage(m): 9:57am On Jan 21, 2019
LoL..... Naija and violence
Romance / Re: 'Why Ladies Should Stop Driving Men Away' - Nigerian Woman Says by Drsavage(m): 11:23pm On Jan 12, 2019
Eye service somborry

No take advice... Be saying shīt, until you clock 35... Then you blame your village people

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Business / Re: Forbes: Dangote’s Wealth Dips By $2b, Adenuga‘s Up By $3.9b by Drsavage(m): 2:26pm On Jan 10, 2019

Just Google who is a billionaire and come back

That's from Wikipedia...

As you can see they specified Forbes list with "US dollar billionaires"... Or do you need glasses to see that?

Hope this will finally shut you up, and try to learn next time.

Celebrities / Re: Falz Smiles Again In New Photo After Simi Got Married To Adekunle Gold (photos) by Drsavage(m): 1:53pm On Jan 10, 2019
Don't ever think you own a pūssy till you put a ring on her finger... it's just your turn... he had his share and now it's adekunle own to keep.
Business / Re: Forbes: Dangote’s Wealth Dips By $2b, Adenuga‘s Up By $3.9b by Drsavage(m): 12:57pm On Jan 10, 2019

Get it. It's not throwing shade it's talking facts. A person with 2 billion naira isn't a billionaire. The American dollar is used for international money standard. Or else, every body in Zimbabwe is a billionaire

Bro.... just listen to yourself.
Do you know that both pounds and Euros are higher than the US dollar...
But like it or not a person with 999 million pounds is not officially a billionaire in England which is his home country... But he is one, if only in the US or a country with lower currency value.
Same way a Nigerian billionaire is not a billionaire in The US...

So now tell me Mr Adeleke is not a billionaire in Nigeria.

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Business / Re: Forbes: Dangote’s Wealth Dips By $2b, Adenuga‘s Up By $3.9b by Drsavage(m): 12:22pm On Jan 10, 2019
Where's davido's father now?? cry

People be using the word billionaire anyhow in this country. Shebi you hear now. There are only four billionaires in the country. I don't think davido's father is worth more than $200m

Dude... That's Forbes list and check again the currency is in dollars not our down-falling naira.

To get 1 billion dollars is not a child's play...
That's 365 billion naira...

So if DAVIDO'S father has 2 billion naira, is he not a Nigerian billionaire?

Get your facts right, man before you throw shades next time.
Family / Re: 7 Tips For Overcoming Shyness On World Introvert Day by Drsavage(m): 6:49pm On Jan 02, 2019
Thanks op.
I just love my own company,I prefer to chat online than discussing offline.

I just love my own company.
Being an introvert doesn't mean we don't talk, when we are with people we are comfortable with, we do.

Talking about shyness, I always try to avoid anything that will bring embarrassment.
I can relate bro...

People who don't know me think am quiet... The people who do, actually wish I was.

Bottom Line: We introverts do more of thinking than talking... Add most of reading to it, you'll definitely love yourself for who you are. We don't always get the girls like most of our opposite loud-mouthed folks but it's still cool, I can live with that.


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