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Education / Re: Academic & Professional Research Support! Verified! by Eddygourdo(m): 11:10am On Feb 14

Sponsored Post
are you good at high quality summarised literature review in technical/engineering related fields. If yes. Please dm me. Please note, no use of AI or plagiarism will be tolerated.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Technical Writer Needed-- Engineering Only by Eddygourdo(m): 11:03am On Dec 20, 2024
I am a technical writer and I have a solid background of writing in engineering. I have sent a mail to you through here
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Technical Writer Needed-- Engineering Only by Eddygourdo(m): 11:03am On Dec 20, 2024

How do I contact you?
hy, do you have an engineering background??
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Technical Writer Needed-- Engineering Only by Eddygourdo(m): 11:02am On Dec 20, 2024

do you have an engineering background
Jobs/Vacancies / Technical Writer Needed-- Engineering Only by Eddygourdo(m): 1:24pm On Dec 18, 2024
Do you have a background in technical writing of research articles ?

Do you have a publication record that can be verified ?

Can you deliver on paid milestones for works given ??

If your answers to these are yes. Then I will like to speak with you for gigs I have available.

Please note these gigs can run through out the year on multiple projects, thus ensuring you have steady income as per each milestone completed.

Do drop a comment if these are applicable to you.

Politics / Re: Presidency Spends N5.1billion On Purchase Of Another 26 Vehicles To State House by Eddygourdo(m): 6:01pm On Nov 13, 2024
Stop disturbing the president. He is doing well. More cars to be ordered and delivered in jesus name. The president needs to be comfortable in a long convoy, that's how it is done everywhere in the world


Politics / Re: Hardship: FG Announces Move To Tax More Nigerians by Eddygourdo(m): 5:09pm On Sep 26, 2024

Also nations get built via efficent taxation systems and uptake.....it's kind of the way.

not with leakage caused by uncontrolled kleptomaniac citizens. No nation can build anything with thieves. Thus, Increasing the tax revenue is just more money available to be stolen and embezzled by rogues and hoodlums.


Politics / Re: Hardship: FG Announces Move To Tax More Nigerians by Eddygourdo(m): 12:39pm On Sep 26, 2024

We can do both together....or just keep borrowing money.

Because even fighting corruption at the end does not guarantee enough cash.

That's the thing most of you guys don't get.
it guarantees enough cash. Many of you don't understand how nations have built up to the level they are in. Once you block most holes and stop hemorrhaging money, you would see that the money we currently have can go a really really long way. However it is on that basis you increase tax. Nigeria is a special place, it doesn't particularly have intelligence as one of its strong spots. Thus we cant do two things sir which are polar opposites of themselves. We don't have that capacity as a nation of dullards

Kill corruption, close the holes, the ship will stabilise, then start the engines to move it forward. Trying to fix the engine, while water is entering the boat will definitely lead to sinking.
Politics / Re: Hardship: FG Announces Move To Tax More Nigerians by Eddygourdo(m): 11:50am On Sep 26, 2024

Even then, we can fight corruption and also improve our revenue stream.

And nothing in my comment indicates I am defending corruption
no sir. Fight corruption, close the leaks, then and only then can you increase revenue. People confidence in the government would increase and allow them pay higher taxes if they trust the government and believe all holes are closed.

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Politics / Re: Hardship: FG Announces Move To Tax More Nigerians by Eddygourdo(m): 7:51am On Sep 26, 2024

(I know people will call agbado, but here goes).

Here are the cold fact behind the decision to tax more Nigerians...note the headline...more NIgerians

1. Tax revenues amount for 20% of government revenue, the rest is from oil. While this is better than say 1996, when it was 96% of revenue comming from oil, it is still too low.

2. Oil revenues are very low for a nation our size. We produce as much as Libya does, yet LIbya, even in the midst of war, can afford goodies because they are 9 million, while we are 200-250 million, if not more

What we are doing is like a man with an income of 500000 naira and 15 children trying to do the same thing as a man with the same income but just 2 children. Na debt go catch you in minutes.

3. As at 2019, government was getting tax from about 30% of the taxable population. 70% of the population does not pay taxes to the state and federal government at all. Also, if your income is below a certain threshold, you are exempt from taxes

4. Tax to gdp ratio is 10%. That is low for a nation our size. Add the fact that gdp is even very very low.

5. We need oil price to be above 130 per barrel before we can earn enough money for a balanced budget. Or to be fair, at least around 100 dollars per barrel. Since 2014, April, oil has been below 100 dollars per barrel, except for a brief period in 2021-22. Thus we no longer earn enough from oil, nor have we ever, except for the 1973-82, and 2008-14, earned enough from oil.
6. Our economy is so poorly diversified (and APC is to blame here), that we no longer earn the money we used to earn from agric and mining...plus it is going to take us years to get back to where we were before, and we ar eup against countries like the US, Brazil and Indonesia whose agric relies on large scale modern farming, which is why they can export tonnes of food.

Even thailand, we cannot compete with them re rice production, because we don't have the climate for it.

7. We over import, and lose a lot of forex, nuff said.

8. We also have a hefty debt. Debt eats 68% of our revenue, and as at May 2023, it was over 90%...that is why TInubu went mad and said subsidy is gone, because we were in deep soup then. Even then, he has brought subsidy back, so that debt service may even grow.

9. Most states in NIgeria have poor tax to gdp ratio....as low as 2% . As a result, all of them rely on Abuja allocations for survival. Only a few states can survive on their IGR, and even then, the IGR Is still smaller than it should be.

10. IMF, won't give us any loans, and yes, we are going to rely on IMF Loans for the foreseaable future....until we end up reforming our tax system, and collecting more tax. That is what Sri Lanka and Pakistan are going through.

We better wake up people, and our government should stop looting and stealing money too....and make sane economic decisions....but with that taken into account, our tax revenue is scanty, and it needs improving.


For all those succubi who would gather to mock and call me defender of evil...


Also, saying that we don't earn enough revenue in tax is not the same thing as saying that

1. APC should not be held to account...they blddy well should, and yes they are wrong.

2. Tinubu is right to spend money on plane and yacht....he was wrong

3. APC government is corruption free...they are not, and they need to be held to account at all times.

4. APC is wise and running our country well...they are not, and they need to stop keeping our country on oil
oga I have a simple analogy for you.

If you are fetching water with a leaky bucket, what would be the solution to your predicament, should you increase the flow rate into the bucket or should you first patch the holes.. even a tap with a few droplets fills a bucket without holes.

Nigeria is full of holes ( corruption), increasing the flow rate increases the flow out of the holes. It will never fill the bucket.

You cannot talk about revenue Increase with corruption at the alarming levels it is at. You want to curb it first and then would any increase in revenue through taxation be felt by the people. Taxes are used everywhere. But Nigeria has proven to be a wonder of the world.

Learn to put the horse in front of the cart.

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Education / Re: School Fees Increment By FG, Lagos Illegal – Falana by Eddygourdo(m): 10:57am On Sep 15, 2024
I didn't read this but i know Falana will always yearn rubbish, he's always backing the wrong horse, the same way he did in occupy nigeria
so schools are run with stones and sand abi with skyrocketing prices left right center
stoopid man, gerrarahia mehn!

you are not normal.
Crime / Re: 14-Year-Old Boy Beheaded For Ritual In Ibadan By His Friends & Islamic Cleric by Eddygourdo(m): 4:06pm On Aug 12, 2024
Disgusting people


Politics / Re: Tinubu Approves ₦‎70,000 Minimum Wage, To Review Wages Every Three Years by Eddygourdo(m): 4:00pm On Jul 18, 2024
Jagaban dey burst my brain.

Now we just need to bring inflation down so the workers can smile well well

you have no brain.


Politics / Re: Nigeria’s Inflation Rises To 34.19% In June 2024 - National Bureau of Statistic by Eddygourdo(m): 3:36pm On Jul 15, 2024

How is it You Problem or You are the problem ? Since 1999 till date how many of our leaders can you clap for ? Maybe Dora Akunyili ,Buhari was a former president the whole country wanted him & the elderly man cried on national TV. He got into govt we all discovered he was a dullard, now we have Tinubu no clear direction let even leave his imperfection aside do we HV a direction of where we are going not at all.
we had a chance after the error of buhari to choose a person who will start the recovery process. People had a choice of jesus and barabas and we can see who they picked. People played tribalism and selective deception to play politics thinking it is arsenal or Chelsea matter. Now the chicken has come home to roost, Infact I can tell you for a fact that things are yet to get bad, when the real bad comes I wonder what Nigerians will say.

So yes it is a YOU problem, Tinubu should have never been allowed to be president after the calamity of Buhari. But here we are.
Politics / Re: Nigeria’s Inflation Rises To 34.19% In June 2024 - National Bureau of Statistic by Eddygourdo(m): 12:45pm On Jul 15, 2024
On a serious note we need to go back to the foundation because we have leadership problem. If someone like Tinubu that was a former senator & two time Governor of Lagos, with all the experience gathering from 1999 - till date can not pilot & manage the presidency then I can boldly say our parent Generation failed us because I'm yet to see a politician with true love for Nigeria & the people.
that is a YOU problem. It has nothing to do with the leaders. You are the problem
Education / Re: Mazi Eze: UNIPORT Lecturer Denied ₦5M Loan Due To Poor Salary (Photo) by Eddygourdo(m): 4:53pm On Jan 26, 2024

Nigerian professors are not adding any value to the nation.

The ones at the medical field, ordinary vaccine for malaria, they can't produce yet they're the loudest.

The ones at Mechanical engineering can't even change their car oil without the help of a roadside mechanic.

Na only to sell textbooks, speak big big grammar and rig elections for politicians dem sabi. Nonsense!
do you have a degree ??
Politics / Re: NNPCL, Marketers Clash Over Subsidy, Operators Peg Petrol At N1,200/litre by Eddygourdo(m): 12:21pm On Jan 03, 2024
That amount isn't enough. It should be at least 5k per litre in line with world prices. At least by 2027 it should be around 7k per litre so that APC can be voted for again.


Family / Re: How Can I Deal With A Quarrelsome Wife by Eddygourdo(m): 2:02pm On Nov 07, 2023
If you treat a woman like a queen , she sees you as her subject, if you treat her like a slave , she sees you as her master.

Do the above wisely and as occasion demands it. Don't be too upfront with it so you don't seem like a wicked man. But from time to time, apply the above treatment and that will help keep her nature in check so you could love your wife as you wish to do.

21 Likes 2 Shares

Politics / Re: You Can’t Wait For Govt To Do Everything, Remi Tinubu Tells Nigerians by Eddygourdo(m): 9:25pm On Aug 17, 2023
Okay. Wait for Govt to do everything.
Otherwise, most things that we see abroad and we like, are provided by the private sector and or private sector driven.
I doubt you have been near an airport.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 3) by Eddygourdo(m): 8:27pm On Aug 05, 2023

You don't need a transit visa as long as you are not leaving the airport.
ok thanks

1 Like

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 3) by Eddygourdo(m): 4:16pm On Aug 05, 2023
Hello house,

Please help with information. Is turkish transit visa required to travel from Nigeria to Manchester?

I keep hearing conflicting information. The person travelling has a transit time of 4hours thereabouts and doesn't intend to leave the airport.

Kindly advise for those who use that route to travel.
Politics / Re: Peter Obi: People Are Calling The Schools I Attended To Know If I Was A Student by Eddygourdo(m): 7:25pm On Aug 01, 2022
Bloody bastards are looking for gossip. They will leave the illiterate frauds they support and be chasing a blessed child. The rock on which the new Nigeria will be built.

Thank you Peter for suggesting you will list all your educational institutions with their addresses. They should GO and VERIFY.


Politics / Re: INEC Voters Completed Registration Update (Photos) by Eddygourdo(m): 7:24pm On Aug 01, 2022

And you know this how?

If you hear gbosa, will you be able to come out to vote? If you see heavily armed security patrolling around, wouldn't you prefer to stay indoors on the day of election?

People have often said Igbos make up a large percentage of voters in places like Lagos and Abuja and even kaduna, Jos and Kano. Have you ever wondered why the effect is not normally seen in elections? Because many of those Igbos are sensible enough to know that Nigeria is a tribal environment and voting differently from the "natives" can bring them trouble. So many rather stay at home on that day or even travel to their villages.

Also, many such Igbos often live in clusters and as such, they can easily be systematically disenfranchised. All the APC needs is three gunshots in the air and most so called youths will be indoors tails between their legs.

you will be surprised in 2023. A bullet for a bullet.
Politics / Re: Wike Meets PDP Governors, Ex-Governors As Rift With Atiku Deepens (Pictures) by Eddygourdo(m): 4:00pm On Aug 01, 2022
Boss man



Comot body Atiku.
If it is not an Igbo southerner, then it will be another northerner. they will rule us for life . equity must be equitable
Politics / Re: APC Governors, Tinubu Meet In Lagos Over Presidential Campaign Council by Eddygourdo(m): 3:40pm On Aug 01, 2022

Please be patient Almighty God will help us restore peace in Nigeria
God will do nothing you can do yourself. Ensure to Reject muslim muslim ticket. for the sake of your faith if you are Christian, reject it with everything you have in you. Be obidient to the word of God. Dont allow enemies of Nigerian triumph over you. these Nigerian are enemies and must be treated and regarded as whom they are.
Politics / Re: In 1993, Atiku Supported Muslim-muslim Ticket When He Wanted To Be Abiola's VP by Eddygourdo(m): 3:13pm On Aug 01, 2022

And so ? he might have done so in 1993, is he the one doing so today ? the Nigerian sphere in 1993 is it the same as what we haver today ? Tinubu has made a gaffe he will forever regret and 2023 will be a bitter pill for him to swallow

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Politics / Re: APC Governors, Tinubu Meet In Lagos Over Presidential Campaign Council by Eddygourdo(m): 3:07pm On Aug 01, 2022
I appeal to all Nigerians to live in peace and harmony. We should see one another as brothers and sisters.
I have seen an Igbo man paid for school fees of a Yoruba child, I have also seen an Hausa man sponsoring an Igbo boy through university.
Please don't allow tribe or religion to divide us, we are useful for one another.
Please let's live in peace, so that this country can be a better place for us to live.
Thank you.
It must divide us. No Muslim in Nigeria will accept a Christian/Christian ticket. The Christians will also reject it will every bile in our body. if the nation will burn afterwards let it burn. As for Tribal issues, that one na wahala for another day.
Politics / Re: Lawan Mommodu Kori Dumps APC For PDP, Says Atiku Will Win by Eddygourdo(m): 2:30pm On Aug 01, 2022
May god continue to bless Tinubu. BAT/SHET23 is still a goal.
Politics / Re: 2000 APC Members Defect To PDP In Gombe State by Eddygourdo(m): 2:27pm On Aug 01, 2022
A Painful blow . I pity the agbado boys who trusted the north. They will all smell their yansh this season.


Politics / Re: Bandits Have Invaded Ogun And Osun Forests - Gani Adams Raises Alarm by Eddygourdo(m): 11:46am On Aug 01, 2022
We have some Yoruba people here who have been saying the Igbo should leave or they will fight them. Now boys, time to fight don come . people have come for your lands. How far na. please run towards them, dont run to Benin republic. Run and Fight them, dont wait for the Igbos, we would destroy you, go and fight these ones that have visited your dommot.

For those smart Yoruba chaps who dont insult the igbo due to jealousy, abeg you are all welcome in any part of igboland if your land is overun by these useless bandits. God will save and keep una and be your strength if you intend to fight back.

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Politics / Re: Shettima And Boko Haram: Facts And Fallacies by Eddygourdo(m): 11:39am On Aug 01, 2022
They can fact check all they want, it wont remove the fact that the man is a criminal and he isn't fit to hold the office he aspires to. All these whitewashing is a waste of time. Wait sef, shebi they said social media doesn't mean anything , why al these efforts on social media.

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