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Politics / Re: Revealed- How Osinbajo Is Fighting The Cabals So As To Stop Marshal Law by Elmaaq: 4:54pm On Jun 03, 2021
God bless Osinbajo.


Nothing is revealed...no how ...
Politics / Re: Deltans, Edo Will Form A United Kingdom With Oduduwa If Nigeria Breaks Up. by Elmaaq: 4:43pm On Jun 03, 2021
Bendel can never be part of Biafra or Oduduwa coming from an insider....
Paternally I am from Edo
Maternally I am from Delta
Grow up in Edo
Schooled in Uniben Edo
Currently serving my mother's land in Delta
So don't get it twist up

Most of these posters come to sow division some unintentionally
Nonetheless if we stay together or part ways we still Fam
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 1:16pm On May 31, 2021

A paid stooges, is their any biafra map without Niger Delta

If you read the article G.e.J mentioned 1 or 2 eastern states that makes up niger delta

I hear been in Biafra is a choice
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 1:06pm On May 31, 2021

Biafra can't exist without South South, they keep shouting the old eastern region is biafra undecided a man made region

That's not true look at Japan and other countries let's be serious or are you a paid stooge??
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 1:05pm On May 31, 2021

Stop being dense and senseless.
It's not just old but also FAKE!! GEJ later released a press statement denying that he ever said such.


I feel truly sorry for you if you are Igbo I'm holding myself from insulting or cursing you

I Repeat The Questions are Valid answer them or Walk
Phones / Re: I've Finally Giving Up On MTN by Elmaaq: 12:59pm On May 31, 2021
Hello guys

Please I want to know how I can now fully lodge a complain against MTN Nigeria. I feel they are not serious and need to be sanctioned.

Even after I have called MTN customer care service more than 4 times, can you still believe this guys are still deducting from my main data why watching YouTube videos. This guys are fraudster just ripping off Nigerians.

I'm sure they won't be this incompetent in SA. After calling this customer service, they will tell me they are working on my profile and ask me to switch off my phone and switch it ON again, after all this, they will still deduct from my main sub. Sometimes they deduct from the main and bonus sub Lol.

I want to stop buying data from them from tonight. How safe is it, buying data from a second party?

Call them out on Twitter, call 622 it's free
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 12:48pm On May 31, 2021

We are waiting for UGM to enter the really Niger Delta for friendly game's cool is Your Lord Kanu too afraid To send his boys to face real men undecided

From what I've heard it's a Choice to be a part of Biafra
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 12:47pm On May 31, 2021
Nnamdi Kanu is also a Niger deltan. So what is this foolish clueless Jonathan talking about?

You obviously didn't read the article
Politics / Re: Niger Delta Will Not Be Part Of Biafra - Goodluck Jonathan. by Elmaaq: 12:46pm On May 31, 2021
Ok, kindly disregard. The news is old and fake.
See link https://pmnewsnigeria.com/2020/05/16/jonathan-disowns-purported-speech-on-niger-delta-biafra-agitation/

Op, you no try sha.

Even though it's old the questions are Valid except if there are answers Available Now
Phones / Re: Redmi 9c For Sale by Elmaaq: 6:51pm On May 26, 2021
Very neat redmi 9c for sale
Location : Owerri
Price: 54k

Is owerri still a war zone??
Politics / Re: Northerners Have Decerted The South East Is War Coming? by Elmaaq: 1:48pm On May 26, 2021
They left for die Sallah

Sallah wey don end since
Politics / Re: Northerners Have Decerted The South East Is War Coming? by Elmaaq: 1:44pm On May 26, 2021

All the northerners hustling in my street have all disappeared. I have seen so many of them, children, women and their properly and okada bikes in trailers. I was wondering if their brother ordered them to leave or they are going on thier own out of fear.

Is there war coming? Or there is something we don't know? The military barracks for example are building barrage and blocking the street and every junction from 9pm.

I was just wondering if I better start preparing for the unfortunate.

If you have been paying attention the war has already begun

Off recent I started listening to radiobiafra and I can tell you that the next phase is going to be bloody

Even from the info from the spirit realm I can tell you that all across Nigeria there'll be murders, look not to the police and army for they'll not help nor save you

1 Like

Business / Re: ||SCAM ALERT!!! Don't Be A Victim||*UPDATES ON PAGES 1-7* by Elmaaq: 5:53am On May 25, 2021


Business / Re: ||SCAM ALERT!!! Don't Be A Victim||*UPDATES ON PAGES 1-7* by Elmaaq: 5:45am On May 25, 2021
need $650 paypal. anyone got someone reliable?

Crime / Re: I Have Been Scammed By Local Scammers Pls I Need Help by Elmaaq: 8:33am On May 23, 2021

on top 51k ? lol you must be joking . this is a not case unless he wants to waste the little money he has

As long as he follows the case he'll get his money back even the extra he spent

I also gave him alternatives if he doesn't want to spend eg Twitter and the police online report
NB they will get the guy and most likely his crew

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Crime / Re: I Have Been Scammed By Local Scammers Pls I Need Help by Elmaaq: 6:15am On May 23, 2021

Thanks Baba i no even fit sleep all through out this night.Like how much police report go cost me abeg.

Not expensive at most 1500
Used to be 500
Most of the people discouraging you are most likely Scammers or unaware that you can get your money back and have that account blocked
So follow up and drop results here


Crime / Re: I Have Been Scammed By Local Scammers Pls I Need Help by Elmaaq: 6:13am On May 23, 2021
Pleas the funny thing is that it happened yesterday by around 11pm.What are chances i can get my money back

Go to cid office in your state look for the head of the CBS and lodge a complaint, you'll pay for the process but you may get everything back just that it might take sometime

If you don't want to pay, try the online police report Scammers site
I recently heard about it but I'm yet to use it

Or you can tag aspishaku segalink and citizens_gavel on Twitter and they will guide you on the best process

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Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 10:19pm On May 19, 2021

What's the least amount can I fund with

From binance about 40$
Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 9:43pm On May 19, 2021

which link are you asking

Meant contract address of husky shib
Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 7:18am On May 19, 2021

If u have btc for sell . I want to buy

It's best you buy from an exchange... Hope you have gotten
Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 7:17am On May 19, 2021
Who will buy Shiba coins from crypto.com

Have you sold?
Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 7:14am On May 19, 2021

I want to buy safemoon,how do I go about it

Fund your trust wallet with smart BNB
Go to pancakeswap on dapps and swap some BNB to safemoon
Investment / Re: Sh!t Coin Investors Thread by Elmaaq: 7:12am On May 19, 2021
Buy Husky Shiba coin now and sell it immediately it is launch for big profit

legitimate project

current price is 1 hushib = $0.00000000

projected price when launched is $0.00003

My selling price is

4 Billion hushib = N10,000

call or whatsApp 0-9-0-8-4-5-3-3-5-2-8

What's the link?
Politics / Re: Help! SWAT Arrested My Uncle On Sunday by Elmaaq: 7:27pm On May 18, 2021
Good day nairalanders.. some SWAT police arrested some igbo people having their igbo meeting in gospel foundation church, new poultry, Tunga Maje on sunday 16th May 2021 and tagged them IPOB.

They were arrested in broad day light and taken to God knows where.

So far no calls, no whereabouts..we are all clueless.

My aunt's husband happens to be one of them, she has been devastated ever since and she is pregnant.. I'm just scared for her.

What can I do, like a hash tag online, on Twitter or anything at all.


Which mods do I tag please

Cc lalasticlala

Tag segalink on Twitter
Find who carried out the arrest and get an NGO to do a Magnisty Act report on them
Politics / Re: Insecurity: Get Weapons To Defend Yourselves, Ortom Urges Benue Residents by Elmaaq: 4:38pm On May 18, 2021

Nigeria is at war and nobody is talking, How can herdsmen be this notorious and we have a government supporting them.

In war words mean little

But things like the magnisty act can help

if you know someone who has an NGO they should act on the magnisty act
Fill the form, document properly and send NB copied
Politics / Re: Insecurity: Get Weapons To Defend Yourselves, Ortom Urges Benue Residents by Elmaaq: 4:36pm On May 18, 2021
I hate APC

I hate Nigeria

I hate pastors

I hate imams

I hate buhari.. angry

Your hate doesn't do anything

There has to be something you can do that will affect them
Eg if you know someone who has an NGO they should act on the magnisty act
Fill the form, document properly and send NB copied
Politics / Re: Arrest Of Trainer: Data Base Of IPOB Terrorists, Abuja Branch, Uncovered by Elmaaq: 4:33pm On May 18, 2021
I think these are low level operatives.

The big hitters in terms of cash and logistics are all abroad, especially the USA.

During one of their fund raising events, $300,000 was raised in just one night.

Ipob are not terrorists
The terrorists we know the government has failed
Politics / Re: We Have A Terror Group In Lagos Now – Nnamdi Kanu Claims by Elmaaq: 9:04pm On May 17, 2021

They are giving you vital information and instead of you to be wise and be on guard you want to turn it Igbo -Yoruba banter

Not everyone claiming to be Igbo or Yoruba here are what they say they are

They pose as various tribes and start insulting each other but We are aware of their divide and conquer tricks and it will Never work again
Their tricks and plans will fail

Watch and See

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Politics / Re: President Buhari Arrives Paris For African Finance Summit by Elmaaq: 8:49pm On May 17, 2021
I am still wondering why AFRICAN FINANCE SUMMIT is holding in FRANCE? lipsrsealed

It was postponed oooo
They'll tell us soon what he's doing there
Food / Re: The Tuber Of Yam Man Bought For ₦1200 (Photo) by Elmaaq: 8:44pm On May 17, 2021

In which country

Terrorists have chased away farmers from the farms, travellers abducted on the roads

This is only the beginning
It'll get worse then after Regional control of resources and security or split things would gradually improve

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Food / Re: The Tuber Of Yam Man Bought For ₦1200 (Photo) by Elmaaq: 8:41pm On May 17, 2021
And I was crying I bought this for #300... I need to leave this country somebody help...

Check out wakawakadoctor on Twitter

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