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Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips On Cars. by Emmaco(m): 6:20pm On Aug 03, 2024

Thanks thats what i want to confirm

You welcome..
Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips On Cars. by Emmaco(m): 9:16pm On Aug 02, 2024
what's the battery capacity of your car

Using 62AH/12V Korea Battery.
Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips On Cars. by Emmaco(m): 7:52am On Jul 25, 2024
Good morning Guys.

Please I need solid recommendations on good/durable tyres to buy (whether Toks or brank new). Location is Abuja pls. Thanks

Car tire size : 195/65r15 91v
*Also can I buy a size slightly higher than this to help raise my honda civic a bit, cuz the ground clearance is quite low?

You surely can do an upgrade on tyre size for better ground clearance. I drive a civic as well so I understand first hand your concerns. Worst off when you live in an area plagued with bad roads.
I upgraded mine to 205/60/r16 alloy rims. I opted for the aluminium alloy rims to reduce the weight as iron rims are quite heavy.

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Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips For Honda Cars by Emmaco(m): 11:07pm On May 26, 2023
Greetings house.
Please can someone counsel me on the best approach to take in mitigating Mr car issue. Car name is Honda, brand is Civic and year is 2006. I have scanned the car severally, carried out a live diagnostics with my scanner yet no fault. Feedback gives a pass on all systems yet, the car surges. I have cleaned the plugs too. Car is just a year old in service. Was bought a ToKs mad mileage Is 126000.
Please advise..
Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips For Honda Cars by Emmaco(m): 10:38am On Aug 22, 2022
Hello house.
I've been having this nagging check engine light that keeps popping up after clearing it every two days of driving. (P1028) saying engine is running too low for temperature sensor to detect. I have Changed the thermostat with a brand new OEM I got from AliExpress. I have also had the coolant changed. For the sensors, I had both changed with a fairly used due to this Nigeria dollar policy I couldn't get new ones from AliExpress as at the time of changing the coolant.
I have managed to place an order for new sensors hopefully it should mitigate the issue.
Kindly drop your advise to help with this situation if I haven't done all that is required.
Took it to the guys at automedics and they said it's the ECU abi na brain box. I felt that was off as the car in question is just two months old. Bought it foreign used civic 06.
Agriculture / Re: Adding 50 Agrited Broiler DOC For Easter by Emmaco(m): 5:54am On Mar 12, 2021
Nice one bro couldn't hit that mark on my present batch. @ 4 weeks average weight was a little shy above 1kg. When you scale your birds matter for adequate results. I always scale mine in d mornings just before giving them chow that way, I get their ideal weight. You should apply same going forward.
You are doing. � quote author=kennethfranc post=99689824]Happy Sunday to my core agric section lovers may this new week be favorable to us all... IJN

So I finally got the scale because I would be glad to have some reference in the future... Honestly country hard die

The birds are doing very well and I pray it continues that way. They are 4weeks 4days old today with an average weight of 1.6kg
Highest weight= 1.8kg
Least weight=1.4kg
Hope am still on the right track folks? [/quote]
Romance / Re: Any Guy Earning 50k Should Not Have Any Business Getting Married - Twitter Lady by Emmaco(m): 1:14pm On Oct 10, 2019
Savagery epic. ��

What's her father and mother name? what's their business? And help me ask her why men always have sex with her? and no one wants to marry her?
Celebrities / Re: Sean Tizzle: I Didn't Quit Music, I Only Traveled Abroad by Emmaco(m): 1:46pm On Apr 20, 2019
The last time i checked I don't give two fuckkkks

You even try they give Two not even One Bleep. You know how expensive that shit is...?
Crime / Re: Woman Slaps Man 4 Times For Pouring Food On Her Over Parking Space (Photos) by Emmaco(m): 1:25pm On Feb 06, 2018
If this is exactly how it happened, the man is very impatient and has deep anger issues . In public for that matter?

She too is one drama queen. She gave him 3 hot slaps, still went back to add another and tear his clothes. The first slap I can manage, the second and third? That's no more "self defence".
She didn't stop there, she went back a second time to fight him.
For what exactly? Because she got away with the first?

People should know when to sheath their sword.
Things could escalate real quickly.

Well said pocohontas..
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Next Economy Program by Emmaco(m): 7:23pm On Apr 30, 2017
Could be from your browser. I suggest you use Google Chrome browser. If the problem still persists, you can do a Google Search with the caption, 'next economy program' and click on the first link.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Next Economy Program by Emmaco(m): 12:53pm On Apr 30, 2017
@Erotic, U have to register first. Venues for training will be communicated to you thereafter.
Jobs/Vacancies / Next Economy Program by Emmaco(m): 12:49pm On Apr 19, 2017
Good day guys. I trust we've all had an intresting day thus far. If not, allow me to interest you with this. The Next Economy program empowers African graduate or non graduate youths between ages 15 to 35 years resident in Abuja, lagos and jos to unleash their talents, build their confidence and hone the skills they need for a successful career in a job or as an entrepreneur. The program is fully funded by the Dutch government in association with SOS Nigeria.
Oh yeah! Worry not yourselves about the cost of transportation as ACTIVE participants get subsidised transport fares and light snacks each session. grin grin grin

Here's the link for further research.



Jobs/Vacancies / Unilever Future Leadership Program For Graduates. by Emmaco(m): 7:43am On Apr 12, 2017
Greetings fellow nairalanders. I'm sure some of us may have stumbled upon the ongoing recruitment in Unilever for graduates. I have registered and have scaled through to the third stage which is the video interview. I haven't heard much from them since so, I was wondering if anyone has gone past this stage and if yes, what the next stage of the process is all about.
Will appreciate your contributions.
Here's the links for those that may be interested. Simply scroll down and click on the third page for Nigeria.

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nigerian Navy DSSC Recruitment Course 24 Is Ongoing- Nigerian Infopedia by Emmaco(m): 6:24pm On Mar 31, 2017
Finally the list is out. 25 candidates selected from each state.
Celebrities / Re: How Many Rap Legends Can You Identify In This Drawing? by Emmaco(m): 6:41am On Feb 16, 2017
I see Coolio too. The rest una don mention.
Education / Re: If You Had Your Junior Secondary In The Early Nineties You Are Probably Familiar by Emmaco(m): 6:43pm On Oct 17, 2016
How come no one mentioned, 'taming of the shrew'. Was indeed a good read...

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TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 10:50pm On Apr 04, 2006
Dojo u realy should watch wat u post nd how u answer other peoples posts on dis forum. U shuldn't inculcate d habit of pickin on oder peoples post.
TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 5:20pm On Apr 04, 2006
Kingd wat a great poet u r we really should hav more of ur type in dis forum
Education / Admission To Olabisi Onabanjo University by Emmaco(m): 10:23am On Apr 01, 2006
Hi has anyone got any info on admission to olabisi onabanjo university. Please let me know.
Education / Re: How To Improve Your Memory by Emmaco(m): 2:07pm On Mar 18, 2006
hey Bleep all y'all. my sincere apologies to who ever i sent that message to but to the rest of y'all i can say u can kiss my natural born black ASS. you guys should try and post interesting topics for people to debate on not just anything anybody feels like posting as far as I'm concerned that is no topic. hey no offense to who ever that posted the topic I'm just saying my mind.oh for the person that posted this topic i would like to offer rthis advise to him/her. just try and figure out what keeps you relaxed while reading who knows it could be listening to music or something else as for me i read and understand better with the help of a cool and easy going music and its not necessarily going to be loud for me to blend with it. hope my contribution will help u in what ever way it can?
Education / Re: How To Improve Your Memory by Emmaco(m): 1:45pm On Mar 14, 2006
i doln't understand wat u mean by datin a boy u r a year older that but you wont even think of datin a guy u r 2 or more years older than. i don't also understand wat u mean by the guy being mature u must have an age limit. to me if a guy is above in Nigeria take note 'in Nigeria', he's to me a bit mature. don't go gettin the wrong ideas, i'm above that age.
TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 2:39pm On Mar 11, 2006
hi all, its been a while though but i'm back. well i really think diego's jealosy is really turning to an obsession and i really think its not gtood for their relationship that's if he wants it to last for the three months they agreed on. mr mariano to me is just being a pussy that's if u guys will agree wit me.he is just trying to take advantage of diego's mistakes to paloma. also diego should give paloma some space if he really loves and trust her this is not the time he should be fighting for his so called love (paloma). bye y'all
TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 7:25am On Jan 24, 2006
Thanks mimmy1 nd white lady. i really do appreciate but i've still got some more questions to ask. Wat happened to rafael perez nd graciela aka "oh my nerves"
TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 7:21am On Jan 24, 2006
Rafael fabian's right hand man nd graciela a.k.a "oh my nerves" former secretary to d boss in el cafetalero
TV/Movies / Re: Cuando Seas Mia: 'When You Are Mine' by Emmaco(m): 7:10am On Jan 24, 2006
Thanks mimmy1 nd white lady. i really do appreciate but i've still got some more questions to ask. Wat happened to rafael perez nd graciela aka "oh my nerves"
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Pick Your Date On NairaLand by Emmaco(m): 10:24am On Jan 23, 2006
"Thelastdon" wat kind of name is dat? U seem 2 b watchin alot of "maf" movies u had better watch it else u go wound urself don't say i didn't tell u.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Pick Your Date On NairaLand by Emmaco(m): 9:41am On Jan 23, 2006
Well for me i would go for all d hot headed ladies on naira land especialy "hotangel" u know she's got alot 2 offer or wat do u think nairalanders i'm i right or wrong? Ova 2 layi!
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Hi by Emmaco(m): 10:40pm On Jan 21, 2006
Hi, i saw ur post nd dcided to take u up on ur offer. I am a nigerian residing in lagos. Look me up on my email 4 more private talks
Romance / Re: 16 year old Friend of My Brother Asking Me Out (I'm 21) by Emmaco(m): 10:11pm On Jan 21, 2006
Well u hav a simple case. I'm 19 nd i was had a relationship wit a 27yr old girl once u can imagine d age difference but dat wasn't the main issue. D issue was dat we both understood wat we were going into. My question to u is r u sure he understands wat he's gettin into or is it as a result of peer pressure. TALK to him, let him understand b/4 offering ur friendship.

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