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I've been trying to deactivate my account but it keeps showing the image below. Does anyone have an idea on how I can go about it other than the usual way?
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I can remember when I began praying for the government in power not long after they took over. I laboured hoping to hear something good from God, till God opened my eyes and I saw how dark they went to get to the top. I saw humans being sacrificed in ritual to satan, because of one person's selfish ambition. The things I saw were so dark that I found it hard to utter. I saw heads literally being severed from their bodies. I saw blood littered all over the place and I heard the Lord speak saying the land is cursed and I was reminded of the things I saw long before the election where an angel proclaimed saying curse ye Meroz. At the beginning of this year after much prayer, I heard the Lord say that the people would be further impoverished and that there was severe hardship coming. I kept it to myself because I didn't want to sound like a prophet of doom or like a wailer, cos that's what those that stood for the truth in recent times have been labelled. The most painful thing is that there are people who claim to be Christians, yet are all out in support of this evil. They have allowed themselves to become bewitched and then used as pawns. I hope and pray that God intervenes speedily. May God have mercy upon Nigeria and may His intervention and judgement be swift in Jesus name. Amen 6 Likes 2 Shares |
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Jackanda1: Smiles. Well, I'd certainly deactivate like I said and would not look back. |
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humurphia: I don't have any word from God as regards AI, the only thing I know is that Daniel prophesied that knowledge shall increase in these end times (Daniel 12:4). Yes God would gladly help whoever wants to be His steward as long as you fear Him and keep His commandments ( Psalm 25 : 9-14) , for no man can do the works of God except God be with him ( John 3:2) , but your faithfulness would be tested before God can commit Himself and His mysteries to you, for its required in stewards that a man be found faithful ( 1st Corinthians 4:2) . If you're faithful in little God would commit more to you ( Luke 16: 10-12) 2 Likes 1 Share |
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Prdo: We give God all the glory. Amen to your wishes |
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I'd be deactivating my account on Nairaland before 11.59pm, June 30. I behaved myself in the best possible way I could while I was very active. I coveted no man's gold or silver or apparel. I had no illicit affair with anyone of the opposite sex, neither did I engage in any form of sexual act with any female who sent me a PM , be it fornication, adultery, audio call sex, video call sex, sex chat ,e.t.c I never met with anyone from this forum on a one on one basis, so there's no way I could have even done so. I never took bribe , nor charged anyone for a counselling session. By the grace of God I conducted myself well above reproach. If by any means you can disprove any of my claims please, kindly come out with a genuine proof of our meetings before I finally deactivate or forever remain silent. I ask for forgiveness from everyone I unintentionally, consciously, unconsciously and subconsciously hurt through my writeups. I also forgive from the depth of my heart anyone who hurt me in the past or intends to do so in the future as a result of my time here. If you have anything to discuss with me kindly do so before I deactivate my moniker ,cos there'd be no returning to Nairaland this time around, for when I'm gone, I'd be gone for good. Thanks to all those who stood with me and spoke in favour of me throughout my stay here. May God bless and reward them all. To those who vehemently opposed and persecuted me, I have nothing against them, for they were part of my refining process. May God also bless them. I hope Seun works towards making Nairaland a better platform void of toxicity and extreme tribalism. God bless saynotocultism and keep him and his household safe. God bless everyone who contributed to this thread either by reading or making positive comments. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all in Jesus name. Amen 10 Likes 2 Shares |
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Today is May 29 2024. It's been one year of lies and propaganda. One year of sorrows. One year of extreme hardship. One year of a bigoted government. One year of self-serving individuals at the helm. Everything we said has unfolded itself. Most Nigerians though free are slaves in their own country. The country has been held down by propaganda. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing seems to be working. Nigerians used to be happy people but no more. The praise singers have all hid their heads in shame, except for the shameless ones and the ones who have sold their conscience for a pot of pottage. Indeed when the wicked bears rule the people mourn - Proverbs 29:2. May the mercy of the Lord rejoice over His judgement. 9 Likes 2 Shares |
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LalastiklaIa: Times and seasons. My time on Nairaland is winding down. |
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ISTP: It is well. The man at the helm of affairs is sinking the country on a daily basis, cos he clearly has no clue on how to govern. We warned those that cared to listen, but they were blinded by loyalty to tribe, religion, party,e.t.c and some were outright sycophants like my revelation stated. I wanted to purchase an oraimo earpod this week at 15k plus, I checked it up now and its currently above 20k. We told them a leopard can't change its spot, but they claimed otherwise. Some even prophesied about how he was going to transform Nigeria (lol) . The supposed Christians who cheered him up despite knowing he stole his way to power have all hid their faces in shame. In just few months he's become a globetrotter on borrowed money and spent on himself and family and appointed loyalists and sycophants who keep cheering him despite his woeful performance. Proverbs 12 : 19 - The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment. One thing is however certain and it is the fact that everything that has a beginning also has an end and there's a God that sits in the heavens that rewards every man according to his works. Lastly I still believe that God has a plan for Nigeria and would intervene in the affairs of this nation at His own time and in His own way. 8 Likes |
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May God intervene and deliver Nigeria from thieves and robbers in Jesus name. Amen 8 Likes |
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Messi76: I didn't see an attack. In the first comment I saw from kingthreat he was civil in calling you out, but you replied with an attack, just like you've done at the end of this comment. You claim not to be ignorant of the devices of the devil in one of your posts, but your actions prove otherwise. The pictures sent to you are sent by cultists who are using you for PR purposes. By going ahead to publish these pictures, you are ignorantly aiding and abetting crime, and going by this, you are actually ignorant of the devices of the devil, even though you claim not to be. You also ended your statement by saying death to all cultists and their sympathizers. Unfortunately for you , you've made yourself a partaker of their evil deeds, because the very bible you quoted says that though hands join in hands the wicked shall not be unpunished. Be careful of your words , because the power of life and death is in the tongue. May your words not work against you in Jesus name. Amen Just a friendly advice. God bless 21 Likes |
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kingthreat: Even if Apostle Babalola is brought back from the dead to lead SCOAN, nothing good would come out it. You can't build on faulty foundations ( Psalm 11:3). God isn't also an author of confusion. The entire church( the structure) was built on the foundation of the church of Satan and not the church of Christ, so nothing and I mean nothing can be done to redeem it. Only the members can be redeemed, because the real church of Christ are the people and not the structures put in place. As for the questions you have to ask , you can go ahead and ask, I'd answer whenever I come online 6 Likes |
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Messi76: Some of those you're attacking on this thread have done far more than you in this anticult war. I don't see you as an anticult crusader because your motives are wrong. 19 Likes |
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thelegend1: He's safe 3 Likes 1 Share |
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If you as a Christian needed to watch the BBC documentary/expose before knowing the truth about the late TB Joshua then you need to lock yourself up and cry out to God to open your spiritual eyes. If on the other hand you're still defending him despite everything we said here and everything you've watched then your case requires divine intervention. For those that hated me because I vehemently opposed him, I love them and I hope they've come to the knowledge of the truth by now. May the Lord deliver His church from thieves and wolves masquerading as ministers of righteousness. 9 Likes 2 Shares |
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Shout out to saynotocultism. I believe you're doing great. May the Lord keep you and your household safe in Jesus name. Amen 14 Likes 1 Share |
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Onomeblessing23: Send me an email if its about the prayer group |
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Going through Nairaland front page , I'm not surprised about the recent rise in propaganda . The likes of yul and Co coming out to declare support for Tinubu and other things that has been happening. I told them I'd not be speaking about Nigeria again, but reading through Nairaland made me drop this. I spoke about it more than a month ago to members of my telegram group. Unfortunately Nigerians aren't ready to be liberated because the same people crying and lamenting about the hardship would still vote along party, tribal and religious lines when the next opportunity presents itself. As long as thieves and mediocres are being celebrated the status quo wouldn't change. May God have mercy. 7 Likes
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HIDDENGOD: We thank God for what He did for. All appreciation and thanksgiving must be returned to Him and Him alone. May God keep you safe and shield you from them in Jesus name. Amen 1 Like |
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enthronedbyGod1: The scenario that happened in the dream I narrated before the elections is still being played out before our very eyes after one month of Tinubu's presidency. Everything is pointing to the fact that he's for himself and his circle alone. No signs of cutting the cost of governance yet the people are still praising him. Only one man used over a 120 convoy motorcade , yet the people found a way to justify it. He's more interested in using propaganda and lies to launder his image than in working for the people , yet they are still praising him. The price of everything has skyrocketed, yet he's still being praised. One can't even import goods anymore , cos the exchange rate these days is scary. The media was awash with propaganda and lies in his first week in office. The foreign media outlets were not left out as they collected their own share of the loot to launder his image. It got to the extent the propagandists even had to use a prophetic hymn of hope written by Baba Adeboye for their propaganda claiming he wrote it for Tinubu and the Christian body fell for it. Looking around you , do you still think it was extreme for the people to have been referred to as sycophants and zombies in my dream ? , Do you think any person in his/ her right frame of mind would support the charade going on. Don't fall for the propaganda and lies, don't be moved by the so many likes and shares being generated by the propagandists posts and comments, there are BOT's involved in this. I told you all when Tinubu was sworn in that a leopard can't change its spot. Open your eyes my people, I repeat open your eyes APC can't deliver you from APC. All we can do for now is to keep asking God to give them no peace till they decide to work for the people, and then hope for a better Nigeria. May God's mercies rejoice over His judgement upon Nigeria for the blood of the innocents crying and seeking for vengeance, and may our leaders know no peace till they actually begin to work for the people in Jesus name. Amen God bless Nigeria. 10 Likes |
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Beess: It shall not stand. I cancel every negative pronouncement against her in Jesus name. God has made her a shinning light amongst her peers and so shall it be in Jesus name. Amen 11 Likes |
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Omotakins: Smiles |
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hotswagg12: Okay. Thanks for the clarification. I've edited my previous comment. No need for the elaboration anymore, except you still feel its necessary. By Gods grace I'd not speak on these issues anymore. God bless 1 Like |
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hotswagg12: I don't care where the person comes from. I only said as I was led. I personally wouldn't have cared If the person I'm talking about is the current president, but unfortunately he's not and can't be the one, because a leopard can't change its spot. A new Nigeria is a Nigeria where the system works and equity and justice is enthroned, unfortunately he rode to power using the corrupt system which he'd not be able you fight against. True prosperity can only come when equity and justice has been enthroned like the brother NNTR I quoted opined( 2nd Chronicles 7:14) I wanted to make a purchase on apple store which required changing naira to dollars. I used the chipper app and the exchange rate was almost 800 Naira yesterday. I've got a physical dollar card that has expired which I can't renew because it'd require going to the bank. I'm saying this because the progress of Nigeria would be beneficial to all and sundry regardless of who's at the helm. Lastly like NNTR said a nation deserves their leaders. I saw a video of a mammoth crowd cheering Buhari in Daura at his arrival , and I asked myself if they were cheering him for destroying Nigeria or for the killings under him. I said it during the elections that APC would be able to ride to power by rigging which would be made possible by the amount of sycophants ( exactly what they were called in the revelation). A nation truly deserves its leaders. I'm still hoping for the best from him, because his performance would affect us all positively or negatively. May God bless Nigeria. 3 Likes |
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NNTR: I love your knowledge of scriptures, and I learnt one or 2 things from it, I however disagree with you as regards the man from the east I spoke about. As at when I made the comment regarding the man from the east, I quoted a scripture passage that was given to me by the Holy Spirit. This morning as I sat on my chair to study scriptures, 3 scripture passages were given to me. One was personal and the other 2 had to do with what I spoke about. The first was Ecclesiastics 3 : 11 - He has made every thing beautiful in His time: also he has set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end. I pondered on this for sometime, as I turned the scriptures to the book of Jeremiah to continue my study , I instead was taking to thesame passage I quoted here sometime ago. Isaiah 46: 10 - Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: 11 - CALLING A RAVENOUS BIRD FROM THE EAST, THE MAN THAT WOULD EXECUTE MY COUNSEL from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. I checked the meaning of this particular east . Mizrâch - 1- Place of sunrise, east a - sunrise, east (with 'sun') b - the east (without 'sun') 1 - to or toward the place of sunrise 2 - to the east, eastward. The people from the South East who are also known as the Biafrans call their land, the land of the rising sun. There's also a sun on the Biafran flag though I don't know what it symbolises. The message was direct and I mean very direct and unambiguous to me. I asked why the east and the reason given to me was direct. The east has been marginalised , despised and rejected by the elites. The stone the builders ( builders here aren't the downtrodden or common man, but the elites in power, corrupt institutions,e.t.c) rejected would become the chief corner stone used to transform the land, because God would use the despised and rejected stone to enforce change/ revival/ transformation, e.t.c. when He wants to. This would happen because there is a divine agenda for Nigeria and she's of great importance in God's programme. The man from the east would have the qualities you outlined. Nigeria would be great and fulfil destiny regardless of what anyone does or thinks. God would step in when the time is right. PS- We are hoping for the best from this administration and praying that he doesn't continue where Buhari stopped. 7 Likes |
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A new president has been sworn in and we'd be hopeful for the best from him regardless of how he came into power , we'd also be prepared for the worst so that nothing takes us by surprise. If there's one thing we've learnt from this , it is to always know how to differentiate between the voice of the Spirit, our emotions and the voice of the devil. A lot of us got it wrong, when we spoke regarding the presidency and the honorable thing to do so is to admit it. I personally wouldn't say I got it right or wrong, but by the grace of God I was able to admit in all my posts about Obi that I wasn't so sure it was God speaking or my emotions considering that I had gotten to like the man Peter Obi. That being said , I still stand on my prophecies about the man from the east. I still don't know who he is or whether its Peter Obi. I however would not retract that. Let's be hopeful and prayerful that there'd be some level of progress in Nigeria under the new leadership. Our love for Nigeria should supercede any personal sentiment. God bless Nigeria and its citizens and may the hardship we faced under the previous leadership never come our way again in Jesus name. Amen 6 Likes 1 Share |
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jesusjnr2020: I love and respect you as a Christian brother, but you are not an Apostle of Christ. I'd argue no further as we can agree to disagree. 2 Likes |
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jesusjnr2020: I clearly stated that the way they went about the standards is what I didn't like, but I see nothing wrong with setting standards. Christ Himself gives us gifts to use in drawing men into His kingdom and I also stated that they needed the help of the Holy Spirit in my first comment, so there was no way I expected them to win souls by merely preaching the word. The will of God for us as Christians is to bear fruits in all aspects including soul winning.. Matthew 21 vs 42 - Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 43 - Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 - And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. The scriptures I posted above are the words of Christ you so much love, because I know you'd not accept any other but the very words of Christ. The reason revival comes upon the body of christ is to win souls through the help of the Holy Spirit and that's why gifts of the Spirit are distributed to the body of Christ. Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples in Matthew 28: 18- 20. You can only make disciples when they've been convinced enough to accept Christ and turned from darkness to light. This means that the standard was set by Christ Himself and not mere mortals. If you disagree with me, you'd have to convince me with scriptures and not ordinary head knowledge. The scriptures are our guide and not opinions of men. Your opinion holds no water if it contradicts scriptures and the very words of Christ you so much hold unto. Shalom 4 Likes |
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jesusjnr2020: I quite agree with you as regards the financial standards, but I disagree in that of attendance.. The perfect will of God is for all mankind to be saved, even our Lord Jesus told His disciples when He departed the earth to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. This meant that He expected them to win souls through the help of the Holy Spirit. The problem isn't in the population standard, but in the way they go about trying to achieve it. 3 Likes 1 Share |
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A young minister God sent my way read one of my write-ups and decided to do away with his relationship that wasn't bringing glory to God. Along the line he got emotional and began missing the lady in question, when he couldn't control his emotions anymore, he reconciled with her. The day he went to her house, their emotions got so high they ended up engaging in some form of immorality, though they didn't consumate what they started. He went home , and that night he saw himself in a revelation in which he was taken to hell. He got to the gates of hell and was shown a little of what the inside looks like. He said he saw souls of men in form of skeleton burning, wailing and gnashing in sorrow. God was telling him that he was going to end up in hell if he continued in his ways. He woke up , deleted the lady from his life and everything that had to do with her. The reason I brought this here is for those that have been deceived into believing in the once saved forever saved doctrine. The young man in question was and is a dedicated Christian and lover of God, who also has a strong prophetic unction, yet God told him that he'd end in hell last week for continuously touching a lady inappropriately. I'd keep speaking against the antichrist doctrine of once saved forever saved, regardless of how you feel about it. If you're a Christian living in sin, it's time you changed, because your grace expires the moment you close your eyes. It's appointed unto men once to die , after death is judgement. If you refuse to change your ways and continue in your antichrist doctrine. My words here would speak against you on that day. God bless 13 Likes 4 Shares |
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enthronedbyGod1: By the grace of God the prayer group I said I'd start has kicked off. God has been glorifying Himself by blessing us with His presence and the Bible says where the Spirit of God is there's liberty. Indeed the God has been watching over His words making sure the word comes to pass in our midst each time we gather. The door is still open for those into any form of ministry that'd like to join us. All you need to do is send me a mail and I'd send you the Telegram link. If you don't feel comfortable contacting me, you can contact Omotakins if you're male and Bodydaiilect or Pacesetter2021 if you're female. They'd however not be able to send you the link till they've discussed with me. The prayer group isn't affiliated to any Christian denomination. This would be my last time talking about it here. God bless. 6 Likes |
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[quote author=Nnannaboy post=122874508][/quote] I used to have a neighbour that lived directly above me. He worked as an airforce personnel, along the line he dabbled into magic and started using the 7 books of moses. He got so into it that he could operate at strange satanic levels through the 7 books of moses. After I gave my life to Christ and began waiting upon the Lord, my prayers started affecting him negatively. He then swore within himself to fight me to the end. He started casting spells on me, making enchantments and doing so many things to bring me down spiritually. I got wind of his actions by revelation and intensified my prayer life. He ended up packing out of the apartment he lived when the fire got so hot , but before then he had destroyed himself and his family. He didn't only have the 7 books of moses , he had ouija boards, crystal balls, satanic mortars, effigies, e.t.c that he used for spells, incantations and enchantments. He also had a very big statue of " Mary " the supposed mother of Christ which he used to consult and communicate with the queen of heaven. His children all became useless, even to his grandchildren who got involved in witchcraft. His first grandchild got pregnant at 13 and dropped out of school. The man himself became a terrible alcoholic because he had no peace , he found solace in alcohol. His last daughter that was so beautiful, intelligent and refined had a terrible accident in secondary school that got her deformed for the rest of her life. I can go on and on to tell you the terrible things that happened to this man all because he dabbled into magic by practicing the spells in the 7 books of moses and also picking a spiritual battle with someone he shouldn't have , but I wouldn't bore you with such stories. The apartment he lived in became haunted after he packed out. I used to hear noises of spirits playing in the apartment months after he packed out. The 7 books of moses has nothing to do with the prophet Moses. The spells in the book can also be found in the satanic book of rituals which is a part of the satanic Bible. Don't dabble into it. It'd destroy your life and that of your generations to come. It'd look harmless at the beginning, but once you start and the spirit of devils operating through and in the book gets hold of you, there'd be no turning back. There's a more diluted version of it that a lot of people read these days, but it's all a trick the devil uses to get hold of them and possess them with witchcraft. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'd advice you to let go of the curiosity in you. Some read it and in trying to practice the spells got mad. Don't say you weren't warned. There's a way that seems right unto a man , but it ends in destruction. 11 Likes 2 Shares |
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