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Business / How To Generate Traffic From Instagram When You Have No Followers: by Femsolutionist(m): 6:22pm On Sep 07, 2019
Does this heading sounded impossible?
I tell you, its very possible. All you need is to make sure you’re using the right tags when posting. There are tools like RiteTags to help you with this. Always promote your Instagram page on your other social accounts. Try to get the most engaged people to follow you. The more engaged your followers, the more viral your post will end up being. 
Find the most engaged users in your line of business  and engage them on your social media. Start doing stories posting and when people watch, get them to go to your website.
Instagram Pods are a way of getting people together and like each other’s posts. You can leverage on Unity Influence, which is a platform where you can find influencers. When someone likes 20 pictures all at once, it doesn’t have as great an effect. If someone likes your photo and nothing else, your post will get a bigger bump. You can hire a person that can help you keep reposting other people’s posts and doing power likes. NB: This doesn’t actually add value, so if you’re going to do something like that, you may as well use Canva. You also need to have the right contents that caters to your target audience for better post engagements.
Also, you can consider buying another Instagram account which is not necessary  to be active before you buy it, but it should be in your field.
Business / The One Essential Thing That Most Marketers Miss. by Femsolutionist(m): 5:52pm On Sep 07, 2019
In this 21st century as a Business owner or a Marketer. You can’t build something great without a great team. Hiring and recruiting are the biggest marketing hacks out there, but people often don’t think about this.
Algorithms always change and it makes it hard to stay popular or “on top”.
It doesn’t matter what channel you’re marketing through, but rather your brand is most important. Focus on providing an amazing customer experience. Use Zappos as an example of great customer service, The CEO of Priceline realized that at the end of the day, it was all about his team and the people that make up the company. Who? Is a great book that will teach you about the psychology of team building.
Primal Branding is another good resource.

In conclusion: Instead of spending time and money on logo and image, spend the time with your customers.
Education / Brief Advice On School Marketing by Femsolutionist(m): 8:55am On Sep 07, 2019
School marketing is a highly competitive industry especially in Nigeria. Historically, schools relied on word of mouth, and took advantage of the imbalance of supply and demand within the sector in Nigeria.

At the same time, school marketing managers are under pressure to generate leads and to bring parents through the admissions funnel.

Two(2) questions to answer:

As a school owner, do you have a Termly or Sessional budgets for the marketing of your school?*

If NO, why?.............................

See, No matter your reasons, you must have a budget set aside for the marketing of your school if truly you want to stay relevant in this 21st century. In most developed nation, they have a school marketing managers whose work is to generate leads and to bring parents through the admission funnel.

Are you struggling in your school business in terms of growth or you still need more Profits in your business?

If yes, consider having a termly or sessional budget and also a school marketing strategist to reduce you of stress by generating leads and bring parents through the admission funnel.

Here are my tried and tested approach that might instigate a change of approach:

1. Setup a standard to parents about your school fees mode of payment.
In my school, we used operations 2 weeks before resumption and 2 weeks after resumption for all school fee to be paid into the schools account.
NB: Don't be scared of loosing students or taking new steps in business. It's a calculated risk.
If you keep to the standard, over time, people will adjust.
Also, give them some discounts for a one time payment. This strategy goes a long way to ensure that my school gets all schools fees on or before 6 weeks of resumption.

2. Messaging method:

How distinctive is your message?
If you glance over any of the print adverts that schools commonly adopt, how many times can you see that the same words are being used to describe a school?
My litmus test for messaging is to draft an internal messaging document and generate all of the key words and pledges that you intend to make to parents. Then, hold this up against your competitors
Is your message clear and distinctive?
Educators tend to use a lot of jargon, and this sometimes shows up in adverts. Parents prefer simplicity and honesty. The challenge is to create a message that is distinctive and accessible.

3. Worst case scenario planning:

The tendency for lot of schools is to spend money. Of course, this helps but it’s not the golden ticket. I like to plan for the worst-case scenario and assume that we will not spend a single kobo on advertisement.
In this way, planning makes you think of the strategies and tools that can be used digitally and through bootstrapping to make the foundations very strong. If you didn’t have a budget, your social strategy would have to be aggressive and thorough. If you didn’t have a budget, you would have to optimize your website yourself and maintain a strong digital presence.
Digital presence is the sense that your Google Business Profile, Social media platforms must be very ACTIVE.

Does your school has a GOOGLE BUSINESS PROFILE?
If NO, then you are missing alot because with #5000 - #10,000 you can create one for your school today.

One of the benefits of this Google Business Profile for school is that it gives prospective clients to easily reach you ONLINE.
For example, when some parents newly packed to a new area, research as made it clear that, they visit the search engine like Google.com, and type Primary school in Ikorodu Lagos.
Automatically, Google will display lists of the registered schools in their database located in Ikorodu or any area inserted to the clients, and from the list, the clients begin to search for the one closer to his or her area as a choice.

Can you see what you are missing if you don't have an online presence on Google � � � ?

NB: Once you add a layer of spending on top of this, you create a framework to succeed. If you spend without having these things in place, you create a framework of complacency.

3. Digital strategy:

Parents in Nigeria shop around because they have more choices than ever before. Schools need to have a digital real estate strategy to counter this. Similarly, parents often seek independent opinions and they check independent school reviews to see if the promises are being met. Schools need to ensure that they have strong relationships with the review websites, enabling them to keep track of what the reviews are saying. Another thing is that schools need to decide on where they want their brand to be located online so when parents seek additional advice, they look in places where they have a strong digital profile.
Quite often, schools spend money on different forms of advertising without checking what their profile looks like in the public domain, and then wonder why the enquiries are slow.
It is essential to manage this, as parents in Nigeria now value independent opinions more than ever.

As the market becomes even more competitive, schools have to find ways to ew schools opening, the figure is set to increase. I would like to see schools adopt more resourceful approaches and to engage parents in different ways rather than relying on lamppost advertising, and billboards around the city. Parents know they are in the driving seat, so this means that school marketing managers or strategist will need to be creative and resourceful in their planning and implementation.

Written by:

Adedayo Oluwafemi Daniel
A Certified Social Influencer, Business Growth Strategist, Entrepreneur and Team Lead of the Solutionist Academy.
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Health / Women's Frontage Electric Pumper by Femsolutionist(m): 8:57pm On Sep 05, 2019
It's not your fault as a woman or female to have a small or medium frontage.Technology has made it easier to make you happy only if you are ready to make yourself happy by taking actions today.
This product can give you your desired frontage in 2 weeks without anyside effects.
Jumia sells higher but I am going to give it to you at a reasonable price.
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Education / How To Grow Your School Business With Ergp Method by Femsolutionist(m): 6:06pm On Sep 05, 2019
There are different speakers, trainers with unique strategies to grow a school especially in this 21st century. I taught few schools how to leverage on E.R.G.P method to help their schools grow well.
Today, I got a good news of increment in their numbers of enrollment from the resumption break.
The question is, what is ERGP and how does it works right?
Attached is a testimonial from one of the school and she reffered me to another and I was told she was also impressed.

Dm 0 8 1 4 6 3 0 2 2 7 2 for enquiries

Art, Graphics & Video / How To Customise Pillows, Phone Casing And Mugs With Pictures Without Machine by Femsolutionist(m): 4:59am On Sep 04, 2019
Pillows, Mugs and Phone Casing can be customized using any pictures of choice manually without the use of a machine.
Are you thinking it won't last long like that of a machine?
If yes, i am sorry, you are wrong.
Contact via WhatsApp 0 8 1 4 6 3 0 2 2 7 2 let me show you how to get it done via pictures and videos.

Business / Get Videos On How To Start Up An Ecommerce And Animations Business For #2000 by Femsolutionist(m): 8:30am On Sep 03, 2019
Do you want to know how start your own Importation Business?
Do you want to know how to create a Cartoon Animations?
Do you have a Smartphone with active data bundle?
Can you afford #2000 for the videos?
If yes, chat me via 0 8 1 4 6 3 0 2 2 7 2 of enquiries
Business / Unique Light Box For Small Business Owners by Femsolutionist(m): 7:32pm On Sep 01, 2019
Do you have a small business and you will like to give it a unique touch of branding?
If yes, all you need is this Unique Light Box that you can place YOUR BUSINESS NAME ON IN THE DAY OR NIGHT to communicate your brand to prospective customers.

100% new and high quality !
Type:Led letter light box
Shell material:ABS
Product Size: 14.8*9.8*3.8cm
Input voltage:220V
Luminous flux: 600LM

Dm 0 8 1 4 6 3 0 2 2 7 2 for enquiries

Education / How To Create And Monitise Ebooks Using Your Smartphone. by Femsolutionist(m): 9:01am On Sep 01, 2019
An electronic book, also known as an E-book is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices.

What you need to get started:
1. WPS App
2. Gmail drive or Dropbox
4. Smartphone
5. Social media account platforms

Do you want to know how to create and monitise your own Ebooks in 10 Minutes?

Contact me via signature
Education / Business Opportunities For Teachers And Schools Owner. by Femsolutionist(m): 8:52am On Aug 31, 2019
Digital marketing:

- This is to help schools owner create and maintain a unique online presence for creating awareness of their programmes online to reach prospective customers.

- Ebooks / Infopreneurship :

This is to help schools owner create and monitise articles and write ups using their smartphones leveraging on social media platforms in other earn extra income.

Cartoon Animations:

This is to help basic classes teachers to create Cartoon Animations to teach contents and also help business owners to create same for advertising their products and services while they get paid for the service.

Pilliows, Mugs and Casing Customisation

This is to help teachers and secondary schools students to be able to customise Pilliows, Mugs and Phone Casing with any images manually and can be Monetised either by producing to sell or teaching others.


The uniqueness of any 21st century school is packaging and branding.
This aspect of the course will help schools owner procure and brand their school items (Bags, Sandals, Socks, Souvenirs and gifts) at cheaper prices.
Investment / Another Profitable Investment You Can Startup Today by Femsolutionist(m): 7:43am On Aug 31, 2019
Are you already into business but you also need other businesses to do alongside with the existing own in other to earn extra income?
If yes, reading this today, is a blessing to you.
Do you know that you can now customise your phone Casing, Mugs and Pilliows with any pictures of your choice?
If NO, contact me via signature for enquiries on how I got the pictures below done without the use of a machine.

Career / Re: Customise Mug, Phone Casing And Pillows Without Machine by Femsolutionist(m): 7:36am On Aug 31, 2019
Please lead us, I'm interested.
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Business / Another Business You Can Startup Today by Femsolutionist(m): 7:35am On Aug 31, 2019
Are you already into business but you also need other businesses to do alongside with the existing own in other to earn extra income?
If yes, reading this today, is a blessing to you.
Do you know that you can now customise your phone Casing, Mugs and Pilliows with any pictures of your choice?
If NO, contact me via signature for enquiries on how I got the pictures below done without the use of a machine.

Career / Customise Mug, Phone Casing And Pillows Without Machine by Femsolutionist(m): 7:24am On Aug 31, 2019
Phone Casing, Mugs, and Pilliows Customisation is now made easy without the use of Machine
Do you want to know how?
Contact me via signature for enquiries

Literature / See How To Earn From Writing Or Teaching Online. by Femsolutionist(m): 9:26pm On Aug 28, 2019
Little do I know that one can earn from writing or teaching online using Smartphone.
Last month, I posted some ways on how to get started here but only few people came on board for further enquiries.

Today, its a thing of joy that those who came for further enquiries were trained and mentored and have started earn using their smartphones and social media platforms.

NB: I don't post pictures to entice or arose peoples interest to come on board.

Dont be driven about making money, be driven by giving values to people. It is in the process of doing this that money comes.

Infopreneurship, Public speaking, Ebooks Creation/ Monetization and Digital Marketing is all I teach and lots of successes has been recorded from Trainees.

Contact me now via signature
Computers / How To Import Laptops And Phones From The Cheapest Ecommerce Site by Femsolutionist(m): 5:57am On Aug 28, 2019
As an Ecommerce tycoon, I am ready to teach, guide and mentor you on how you can start importing laptops and phones on your own at cheaper prices to come and sell to your clients.

All you need is a Google Chrome Browser and Wechat Application on your Smartphone or Computer.

Once you have the above stated requirements, contact me via signature.
Education / How To Be Financially Independent While Schooling by Femsolutionist(m): 2:49pm On Aug 27, 2019
Majority of the students in Tertiary Institutions especially in Nigeria complains of been BROKE.
I engaged in a small research and noticed that majority of them don't have any skills to bring them Money to meet up with some of their Financial obligations.
However, the good news here is that they have a TOOL (Smartphone) , which can be used to bring them money be acquiring knowledge and earning from the knowledge acquired.

It took me two (2) years to know how to turn my SMARTPHONE into a CASHFLOW.
Today, its now a TESTIMONY that I share with co-students on how to get started.


Why is it that Money, Skill and Value has 5 letters each.
Why is it that Work, Data and Cash has 4 letters each.

It means that, when you have a skill or value to render work for people using your data, you can make some cash or money.

Will you like to know how?

Contact me via signature
Health / Re: Say Bye Bye To Frequent Urination by Femsolutionist(m): 1:19pm On Aug 27, 2019
Health / Say Bye Bye To Frequent Urination by Femsolutionist(m): 12:30pm On Aug 27, 2019
This is one of the most challenging problems that both Male and female can be face at any point in time.
Do you know its possible to get rid of it over a short period of time?
All you need is herbal and medical advices coupled with PRAYERS.

Dm for enquiries if interested.
Business / Lagos Business Owners Business Consultation by Femsolutionist(m): 12:17pm On Aug 27, 2019
Do you have a business and you are based in Lagos State?
Do you need more clarification on how you can record more successes in your business leveraging on the 21st century trend?
If yes, i will like to have a timeout with you where we can brainstrom and help each other.
Contact me via signature for enquiries
Art, Graphics & Video / Get Animations And Graphics Design Skills Using Smartphone With 2k by Femsolutionist(m): 11:54am On Aug 27, 2019
Do you have a good Smartphone and you will like to know how to create Animations and Graphics in 5 Mins?

Contact me via signature

Health / Learn How To Create A Facebook Business Page And Adverts In 5days by Femsolutionist(m): 4:59pm On Aug 25, 2019
It's not a news that to scale through in Business in this 21st century, you need the help of social media.
From experience, I noticed that most Businesses still finds it hard to setup a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram Business page which could have help in reaching out to a large audience which some if not all can be converted into prospective customers at the long run.

I want to believe you know that it cost a lot of money to learn digital marketing?
Yet, most business owner still goes for seminars on digital marketing and can't still run a successful and converting Facebook or Instagram adverts to make sales.

I have a good news for you for reading this post at the moment. I have decided to teach you how to create a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram pages and how you can run a converting adverts of either of both pages to make sales.

Will you like me to show you how to go about it?

It's very simple. All you need is consistency, unique and attractive contents and getting the right time to run your Adverts to reach your audiences at the right time.

If you already have a Facebook or Instagram page, I can help you assess and give advice where necessary.

However, for the sake of this training, you can setup another pages to test run all strategies that will be taught and see the differences.

Contact me ASAP with signature for further enquiries.
Properties / Learn How To Create A Facebook Business Page And Profitable Adverts In 5days by Femsolutionist(m): 4:51pm On Aug 25, 2019
It's not a news that to scale through in Business in this 21st century, you need the help of social media.
From experience, I noticed that most Businesses still finds it hard to setup a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram Business page which could have help in reaching out to a large audience which some if not all can be converted into prospective customers at the long run.

I want to believe you know that it cost a lot of money to learn digital marketing?
Yet, most business owner still goes for seminars on digital marketing and can't still run a successful and converting Facebook or Instagram adverts to make sales.

I have a good news for you for reading this post at the moment. I have decided to teach you how to create a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram pages and how you can run a converting adverts of either of both pages to make sales.

Will you like me to show you how to go about it?

It's very simple. All you need is consistency, unique and attractive contents and getting the right time to run your Adverts to reach your audiences at the right time.

If you already have a Facebook or Instagram page, I can help you assess and give advice where necessary.

However, for the sake of this training, you can setup another pages to test run all strategies that will be taught and see the differences.

Contact me ASAP with signature for further enquiries.
Business / Learn How To Setup Your Facebook Business Page And Adverts In 5 Days by Femsolutionist(m): 4:44pm On Aug 25, 2019
It's not a news that to scale through in Business in this 21st century, you need the help of social media.
From experience, I noticed that most Businesses still finds it hard to setup a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram Business page which could have help in reaching out to a large audience which some if not all can be converted into prospective customers at the long run.

I want to believe you know that it cost a lot of money to learn digital marketing?
Yet, most business owner still goes for seminars on digital marketing and can't still run a successful and converting Facebook or Instagram adverts to make sales.

I have a good news for you for reading this post at the moment. I have decided to teach you how to create a unique and attractive Facebook or Instagram pages and how you can run a converting adverts of either of both pages to make sales.

Will you like me to show you how to go about it?

It's very simple. All you need is consistency, unique and attractive contents and getting the right time to run your Adverts to reach your audiences at the right time.

If you already have a Facebook or Instagram page, I can help you assess and give advice where necessary.

However, for the sake of this training, you can setup another pages to test run all strategies that will be taught and see the differences.

Contact me ASAP with signature for further enquiries.
Agriculture / Re: Monitor Your Farm Via Phone In Your Absence by Femsolutionist(m): 8:44pm On Aug 24, 2019
So, upload a picture of your farm showing where the camera was mounted.
See, you even posted a generic pic you got online, and not an actual picture of the product you're trying to sell.
I'm not accusing you of anything. Just be objective and show that you have actually used said product and how effective it has been.

Agriculture / Re: Monitor Your Farm Via Phone In Your Absence by Femsolutionist(m): 3:02am On Aug 24, 2019
Call or chat 08146302272 for enquiries
Family / 4 Uncommon Smartphone Businesses by Femsolutionist(m): 3:01am On Aug 24, 2019
Between 2007-2013, I was always financially dependent on friends and family members for survival.
In 2014, I saw a post just like you are seeing this today on how to leverage on smartphones to do four online businesses such as :
E commerce Business
Graphics Design
Cartoon Animations and
Today, the aforementioned businesses has changed my stories financially by sponsoring me education and other valuable things.

Do you want to know how went about been Financially Independent via the aforementioned businesses?

Contact via signature
Agriculture / Re: Monitor Your Farm Via Phone In Your Absence by Femsolutionist(m): 11:01pm On Aug 23, 2019
Yes, it can be used.
Agriculture / Monitor Your Farm Via Phone In Your Absence by Femsolutionist(m): 7:46pm On Aug 23, 2019
I was facing so many challenges when I newly started farming. Predators (Animals and Workers), almost made me quit from the AGRIBUSINESS.
This surveillance solar camera changed the whole story by helping me monitor my FARM via smartphone.
Contact via signature for enquiries

Fashion / Adidas Bracelet by Femsolutionist(m): 5:21pm On Aug 23, 2019
Contact via signature if Interested

Fashion / Get Ecommerce And Cartoon Animations Video's Training For 2k by Femsolutionist(m): 6:31pm On Aug 22, 2019
Today, I met a Fashionist in the market during my market survey. I asked her where she gets her Human hair, Bags, Shoes, Bracelets, Clothings and lots more from and she replied from her friend in the Lagos Market and she will then waybill it to her own location to RESELL to people. (Local Abritage)

I asked for the amount that her friend supplies her and when she told me the PRICES, I kept mute �, in other not to tamper with their FRIENDSHIP.

Are you here too and you are doing the same thing?.

If yes, i congratulates you for reading this today because you are on your way to get goods bought yourself from the world cheapest Ecommerce site rather than buying from your friends to RESELL to others.

Will you like to know how?.

The Fashion business is a Global Business. You need to be in alignment with the TREND in other to also scale through in Business.

I have decided to make it easier for you.

Are you glad to here that?

You may have seen different adverts on how to start importing goods yourself at cheaper prices but their TRAINING FEE is on the HIGH SIDE.

Getting this videos will show you a step by step process on how to start up a Global E-commerce Business aswell as to create Cartoon Animations For Advertisment purposes.

Will you like to access these videos?.

Contact via signature asap

Business / Why Your Small Business Is Not Growing As Expected by Femsolutionist(m): 1:30pm On Aug 22, 2019
Majority of businesses are not GROWING due to so many Factors. However, among all factors, it has been discovered that most Businesses are not in alignment with the 21st century trend of doing Business.
Nothing is more frustrating than working 'round the clock and not generating an output equal to the input in your business.

Missing the 21st century Business Strategies, Trying to do most things yourself, Lack of active online presence via Digital Marketing, Lack of connections with people of the same mind, Not automating your business processes are some of the reasons that could be hindering your Business Growth.

Years ago, I identified most of all these problems from research and today, there are all gone.

Google trends enabled me to understand how to run a business Globally, Going for programmes and exchanging of contacts with people of the same mind gave me exposure on how to automate my business processes and my knowledge of Digital marketing helps me to know how to run my businesses Globally.

Do you think you also need some help in your business in other to be in alignment with the 21st century trend for maximum growth, development and profits?

If yes, i am willing to take the burden off your shoulders by helping you assess your business needs and provide the way out to enable you run a smooth business without struggling via the help of Digital Marketing.

Contact me via signature asap

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