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Fixitibrotorch's Posts

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pwc Nigeria Graduate Recruitment 2018 by fixitibrotorch: 11:39am On Mar 18, 2018
pls can someone complete the assessment tomorrow which is 19th itself , or one must complete before 19th......
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pwc Nigeria Graduate Recruitment 2018 by fixitibrotorch: 12:07pm On Feb 22, 2018

Guy this your statement na savage o. Correct "regretted " grin
There is nothing wrong with the language usage.... you get a *regret mail*when your application. is unsuccessful...
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Sterling Bank Graduate Trainee Update From Workforce by fixitibrotorch: 9:38pm On Feb 16, 2018
Pls I have an issue I saw an Email from work force just now because my battery went down last night. I was asked to complete the form before 12noon today and I saw the mail around 3:46pm. With that fear that I have exeeded the time I just clicked on the link not knowing that a unique username was already given. Wen I logged in i just wrote my old user ID and clicked proceed and later submitted. It was latter o discovered that I used my old user ID. In fact i have been worried about it pls what can I do.
Pls I have an issue I saw an Email from work force just now because my battery went down last night. I was asked to complete the form before 12noon today and I saw the mail around 3:46pm. With that fear that I have exeeded the time I just clicked on the link not knowing that a unique username was already given. Wen I logged in i just wrote my old user ID and clicked proceed and later submitted. It was latter o discovered that I used my old user ID. In fact i have been worried about it pls what can I do.
Pls I have an issue I saw an Email from work force just now because my battery went down last night. I was asked to complete the form before 12noon today and I saw the mail around 3:46pm. With that fear that I have exeeded the time I just clicked on the link not knowing that a unique username was already given. Wen I logged in i just wrote my old user ID and clicked proceed and later submitted. It was latter o discovered that I used my old user ID. In fact i have been worried about it pls what can I do.
please I saw a similar message today by past 1:00... today
but its saying link not available.......I have tried using operamini and google chrome...
saying the samething

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