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Gentlemayor's Posts

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Family / Re: Can You Start A Family With This Salary In Nigeria? by gentlemayor(m): 3:57pm On Apr 02, 2017
As a young graduate who got a job with a starting salary of N60,000 monthly and you have a fiancee who is also a graduate and has a job of N40,000 monthly, do you guys think one can start a good home with this a raise a decent comfortable family in Nigeria?

It is very possible as long as you don't spend money on irrelevant things.

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Family / Re: 17.2% Of My Monthly Salary Goes To My Wife & Yet... by gentlemayor(m): 3:22pm On Mar 24, 2017
Dear reasonable people on Nairaland, please I need your advise

My wife whom I love so much and also loves me too is entitled to 17.2% of my monthly income, my salary is 175kpm and she take 17.2% of this amount, yet she feels very uncomfortable with it

I pay the bills, buy food stuff every month and take care of our little baby girl

My baby girl does not take any local food, she takes only fresogold, tea and pap, the cost of fresogold is very high and she can consume 4tins in a month

My wife isn't not working yet she is still schooling and I pay all her fees,

I've never complaint of my duty as the head of the family yet she still feels unsatisfied with the 17.2% I give to her

Her primary duty in the house is to take care of our baby and prepare my dinner every week days and both break fast and dinner during the weekend

Recently I told her to take our baby to the hospital for treatment, our total bill was 11,500 naira but my wife suprisinly told me that the hospital bill is 22,700 naira which I immediately wired to her account

So I called the hospital to make inquiries about the exorbitant bill then I got to know that my wife inflated the hospital bill to 22,700 naira

I confronted her and she spoke to me very rudly I was not happy about this, I kept quite and didn't say anything about it again

I am thinking I should penalize her for her rude behaviour and the dishonesty she has melted on me

Will it be advisable not to pay her her monthly salary for two months ?

Will this correct her brain to default and what would possibly be the implication of doing this ?

She has not apologised and she has not seen anything wrong so far in what she has done

Bro, what you need do is to have a very good conversation with her. Ask her what you are doing that she doesn't like and or if you have offended her that you are not aware of. Let her know the inconveniences she puts you through. Apologize for anything you might have done wrong. You claim she loves you, if that be the case, explore that part to your advantage. Show her lots of love and you will see the result. God will uphold your marriage.
Business / How Can I Access A Land For Farming In Ilorin, Kwara State by gentlemayor(m): 10:39am On Feb 20, 2017
Hello again great minds. Please I am in dire need of a vast land in Ilorin which could be use for farming.

Business / Re: What Kind Of Lucrative Business Can 1.5m Start In Nigeria by gentlemayor(m): 8:18am On Feb 16, 2017
depending on where you based, if in lagos you can acquire an acre in ogun state, and invest in agriculture. cassava is a big market now. likewise so many other farm produce just do you feasibility study

Thanks for the info, but like what and what type of crops can I go for that will yield meaningful profits?
Business / Re: What Kind Of Lucrative Business Can 1.5m Start In Nigeria by gentlemayor(m): 8:15am On Feb 16, 2017
let me know ur location cos it a major factor

I am in Kwara state, Ilorin to be precise
Business / What Kind Of Lucrative Business Can 1.5m Start In Nigeria by gentlemayor(m): 8:38pm On Feb 15, 2017
I have been cracking my brain as to know the kind of business 1.5million naira can actually start with the current economic situation in Nigeria.
I would appreciate the business men in this forum to give a token from their wealth of experience. Kindly help a brother out. wink
Thanks for your swift responses.

Phones / Re: What Network Has The Lowest Call Tariff And Plan? by gentlemayor(m): 9:15pm On Dec 05, 2016

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