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Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 8:26pm On Jan 21 |
GothamCities:Jesus is not God. 1 Like |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 8:25pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:it has base, for one you do realize that it refers to where Jesus is from and my question is for you to also realize that Nazareth was in Galilee where Isaiah wrote a prophecy of a great light coming out from that region, one who would deliver Israel Isa.9.1-2 - Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. The land of Zebulun and Naphtali will soon be humbled, but there will be a time in the future when Galilee of the Gentiles, which lies along the road that runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with glory. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light--a light that will shine on all who live in the land where death casts its shadow. Jesus a light that overcomes death |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 8:21pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:this was your response to the person "If someone references something from a book you wrote, it is expected I find the the referenced when I read your book. It's that simple." How is that a response to asking you who a Nazarene is |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 4:18pm On Jan 21 |
AbuTwins:what are you talking about, knowing and writing? Anyway, Matthew wasn't trying to link Jesus to David and Abraham line of prophets, when you say line of prophets it's like the children of David he wrote were prophets as well, but that's not so. Go and research before you make a comment that anyone could become a scribe, that was 2000yrs ago not 2025. |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:52pm On Jan 21 |
Some of you will just come and straight up attack someone else, you don't really know the spirit that is at work within you guys o |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:51pm On Jan 21 |
AbuTwins:lol it's clear John wasn't interested in telling them who he was but revealing the Messiah Anyway it may have been a mistake but was it? Secondly what prophecy was Matthew trying to link Jesus to with such claim. And your number 3 is possible as well, but unlikely, he wasn't some scribe though it may have been something taught at the time anyway. It is clear they kept the title Jesus Christ of Nazareth that they were even called the Nazarenes somewhere in the book of Acts |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:37pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:if you don't see the reason then how are you so sure it's a lie. Well did Matthew quote anybody in particular in what he wrote? |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:36pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:okay, if that is the case, by the way where is Nazareth, in which city or region was it in? |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:22pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:okay then share your research and prove that supports your topic, that Matthew lied. Someone asked you if you knew what being a Nazarene means, so you can as well start from there |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:20pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:this is what you wrote, "Elijah did not write a book. Who then narrated all those stories about him?" Well I may not understand English has much as you do but that there is said by someone who believes Elijah wrote it. |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:18pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:I am guessing you have already tried using google before coming here with confidence that Matthew is a liar 😀😀 |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:17pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:oh wait you thought Elijah was the one who wrote it? Wait I thought you knew some of the authorship and writings of the scripture. Common now, did Jesus write the gospels even though their are descriptions of things he did? |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:15pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:compiled by or written by are two different things. Well you may pride yourself as being an academic that never misquotes anyone, but Matthew is said to be tax collect let's not mention others who were fishermen, Matthew wasn't Paul, and based on some records about him, he wasn't fully, a born, brought up Jew, so he may have a poorer knowledge of scripture than say a Pharisee or a teacher of the law. Not like the Jews knew all of their scriptures anyway. Now if you can't excuse that about a person then you shouldn't be accusing them of lying when you don't understand them. So it isn't about illiteracy but about your own ability to understand. Imagine you trying to study the standards of a book writing 2,000yrs ago by the standards of today 😂👍 |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:09pm On Jan 21 |
achu442:there's that possibility because Matthew says, that the prophets say the Messiah will be called a Nazarene. For example Elijah didn't write a book, you can imagine all the things revealed to the prophets that were not written by told orally. Now engishmart may say well something has important as Nazarene should have been recorded but it actually is recorded anyway but it is spelt with the words Nazareth. But the phrase he shall be called **** or the one called ***** is actually there, in the book of Zechariah |
Religion / Re: The Writer Of Matthew Lied Outrightly Here. by gohf: 3:05pm On Jan 21 |
englishmart:Matthew made certain references that weren't copied word for word, infact some of his references were based on his understanding of the scriptures. Now Matthew isn't writing a modern day academic book and you can't compare him with Paul in terms of making references. This isn't the first time a believer was recorded in the new testament incorrectly mentioning something from scripture but what is incorrect is probably due to human error and memory not being perfect, which is understandable. Now like he said, the term Nazarene may have a meaning in Hebrew that is mentioned in scripture that you missed. |
Religion / Re: Understanding The Difference Between Asking For Forgiveness And Confession by gohf: 2:31pm On Jan 21 |
Thankgod89:"When Jesus taught this prayer, it was before His crucifixion and the establishment of the new covenant through His blood." You know I heard this once as well, but this isn't true, the teachings of Jesus were not pre crucifixion and post crucifixion, there isn't a basis for such believe. Do we then say his commands change after he resurrected? No. Jesus taught us a lot of things, including how to pray, if there be any change it would be mentioned by Jesus and it was, the change of having to use the name of Jesus in prayer. When we speak about the finished work of Christ, we don't mean that Jesus has done all that God requires of him, but it pertains to the work of reconciliation and opening up the way to God, which like the book of Hebrews teaching was done once a year, regularly but Jesus didn't have to it regularly for he offered a more excellent offering and the way is open forever. And because the offering is once and eternal is continually speaks for us. Take for instance the verse you quoted Heb.10.14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. (NKJV) Does that mean we are already perfect, no, it means we are being perfected through sanctification and that work of sanctification includes us confessing and separating us from sins. Now if we don't humble ourselves and seek God's forgiveness would we receive grace, would the grace which saves us be at work in our lives. Think of Paul who cries out to God and received grace from God. Does it mean he didn't believe in the finished work, no, it was because he believed in it that he cried out for mercy and grace. The prayer Jesus taught us was based on the new covenant which was yet to be established, for it starts with Our Father, which we only become as we are reconciled and redeemed into God's family by the blood of Jesus. Another thing which I had also heard, and you wrote as well, "For believers today, who live under the new covenant, Jesus' sacrifice has already secured full forgiveness for all sins—past, present, and future" Through the blood of Jesus we receive forgiveness of sins by God's kindness, that's Ephesians 1:7 and then Col.2.13 You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. Now this means that the death of Jesus was to deal with our nature, and the power of sin over us. And God forgave all our sins according to the law, That's why Paul wrote in the next verse Col.2.14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. Now you may ask, what are sins according to the laws of Moses, well they were what made the regulations needed, the sacrifices of blood and the many offerings but the blood of Jesus put an end to that. That's why the law is fulfilled but yet we are to obey the commandments of God, the 10, which are grouped into love God and love you neighbors. That's why our sins which John says we should ask for forgiveness for are the same with when Jesus taught if you brother offends you, tell him, take others, tell the church and if he repents forgive. So when we forgive others, God will forgive us as well. This sins are based on relationships. And we maintain them by seeking forgiveness not assuming that we are already forgiven. So indeed our sins, according to the laws of Moses which will bring accusations against us, have been dwelt with and we are purified by the blood of Jesus that doesn't dry up and it paves way for us to go to the Father to obtain mercy when we fall or make mistakes. There is an assurance for forgiveness not a certificate of exemption that no matter what a person does they are already forgiven. Let's look at a practical example, Jesus had died and resurrected but still He visited Peter and asked him three times do you love me. Jesus sent letters to the churches and some of them he told to repent, while they could still repent. Now if forgiveness was once and for all, or automatically, there would not be a need for acknowledging their faults and repenting. Or you may well say, we don't have issues with God anymore but what about Jesus whom we have to obey. This by the way. I have no issues with the prayer, "Father, I confess my sin and thank You for the forgiveness already provided through Jesus. Help me to walk in Your grace and forgive others as You have forgiven me." Nor that we shouldn't doubt the finished work of Christ but that we should at least understand the finished work and not assume what it is or exaggerate it, and remove what is required of us to do, like carrying our cross and following Jesus. Just a side example. So saying God should forgive us doesn't mean we doubt that God has forgiven us, but because we believe God has forgiven us for the sins of our fathers, for the sins of Adam, for the sins we are guilty of by the laws of Moses, that we believe He will forgive us when we fall and make mistakes. Look forgiveness isn't cheap and that's the truth, we have to be responsible and their are consequences for some of our actions, and this doesn't mean God doesn't forgive us, it is just that God is faithful and just even to those we may have offended as well. So confessing our sins isn't just about mentioning them but also about making amends and when we ask God to forgive us it is usually when we hurt and fail others, maybe you didn't speak to that person when you should and they got into trouble or they died. Or you lied or took what wasn't yours and didn't return it on time. We are not re-earning forgiveness for past records, but for our daily lives, His mercies are new every morning. But they are not free, they are kept and are to be obtained. If one confesses without seeking forgiveness what then is the purpose of the confess, is there humility when a person says O i did something wrong but i know you have forgiven.. that is presumptions. I tell you, presumptions.... why did Paul fast after he encountered Jesus, do you think they fasted and sought God's mercy at times, it is to find help and strength to do what is right, it is for God to continue to work with us. If sin becomes iniquity in us, and we become workers of Iniquity even though we shout and confess Lord lord, we will be denied. We show that we respect and love God when we apologize for our wrongs, like a servant to his forgiving master. |
Religion / Re: The Deity Of Jesus?! RCCG Sunday School by gohf: 1:47pm On Jan 21 |
FreeSpirited:it's okay that you are angry at what is a lie, but you have to understand that this is a war, a war from Jesus to save and from the devil to lie distort and destroy. If knowing the truth is a condition for the truth, Jesus to set us free, doesn't that mean believing a lie keeps many in bondage, for people perish for lack of knowledge of the truth, of God. Those who believe in the son of God shall have everlasting life, but what if people believe in a lie, don't they get duped. I am angry but I also am sad, very sad 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Matthew 24: "The Anointed Ones" Leading You To Hell by gohf: 1:42pm On Jan 21 |
Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the millennium reign so that they may take hold of real life- eternal life. Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness. May God's grace be with you all. |
Religion / Re: Matthew 24: "The Anointed Ones" Leading You To Hell by gohf: 1:40pm On Jan 21 |
But godliness with contentment is great gain. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. |
Religion / Re: Matthew 24: "The Anointed Ones" Leading You To Hell by gohf: 1:37pm On Jan 21 |
Some false teachers may deny these things, but these are the sound, wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they are the foundation for a godly life. Anyone who teaches anything different is both conceited and ignorant. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, fighting, slander, and evil suspicions. These people always cause trouble. Their minds are corrupt, and they don't tell the truth. To them religion is just a way to get rich. From such ministers and people withdraw |
Religion / Re: The Deity Of Jesus?! RCCG Sunday School by gohf: 1:29pm On Jan 21 |
There is only one God, the most high YHVH the Almighty, creator of ALL. |
Religion / Re: Understanding The Difference Between Asking For Forgiveness And Confession by gohf: 1:00pm On Jan 21 |
Asking God for forgiveness is because we make mistakes, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. If the basis of our receiving mercy and forgiveness is that we too are required to be merciful and forgiving it means there isn't an expectation from God that we will be perfect in our flesh. That's why Jesus said forgive your brethren 70x7. Ps.32.5 Finally, I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide them. I said to myself, "I will confess my rebellion to the LORD." And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone. Confession is need for there to be forgiveness, so we confess for the purpose of asking for forgiveness 1John.1.9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. It's oh Father I have done something wrong, please forgive me. Why would one be afraid of not being forgiven if they believe God is faithful and just to forgive us. We approach God with our sins from the confidence we get through Jesus that He will forgive us as we admit them and seek his grace to turn away from them. Rom.8.1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,... Condemnation is for those who reject God's love and mercy, and not for those who believe, repent and follow Jesus John.3.18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 1John.3.20 even if our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Our hearts can condemn us when we do something wrong, but that is guilt and not God's condemnation. Our hearts and conscience judges us that you have done something wrong and it's a gift to us to humble us and make us go before God's throne to obtain mercy. It's a gift to us to help us make peace and make amends. A person who doesn't feel guilty when they have done wrong is probably justifying themselves and that's dangerous and I know at times through wrong teachings people feel guilty for not doing what men want, and the devil manipulates and make many continually feel guilty and keeps them under a bondage of guilt. That's why John said, even if your heart condemns you, God is greater than your heart and there is no condemnation for those who sincerely repent, make amends and desire to do what is. Yes it's new forgiveness for His mercies are new every morning. Jesus has paved the way for us to obtain it, our hearts have been cleansed and made new but our minds need to be renewed and our actions will be filled with mistakes not resulting from our hearts but from our flesh dying on the cross fighting the spirit of God within us. Righteousness is through our faith in the blood of Jesus which is us obeying and doing what God expects of us. So righteousness are the works of God we do, to love, to care, to rejoice and be at peace, to endure, to be kind, to give and be good, to be faithful and honest, to be humble and have self control all these are the works of the spirit of God in us and not works of the flesh not works of sacrifices and religion. God forgives us and cleanses us, and seeking forgiveness is receiving that reassurance that God forgives us. God will punish us and correct us but He won't reject His children who turn to Him. |
Religion / Re: The Deity Of Jesus?! RCCG Sunday School by gohf: 12:34pm On Jan 21 |
When you believe the wrong things you will do the wrong things |
Islam for Muslims / Re: Jesus Is Christ The King, The Prophet Of God And Our High Priest by gohf: 12:33pm On Jan 21 |
It's another day to begin with Jesus |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 12:31pm On Jan 21 |
GothamCities:God is everlasting |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 8:19am On Jan 21 |
GothamCities:you are a liar for raising those doubts and saying all doubts are cleared, that's deception. because Jesus comes from everlasting you concluded that Jesus is God, therefore there are no more doubts. That's the dubious statement of a halfbaked salesman that wants to rip people off. |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 11:26pm On Jan 20 |
Janosky:tell daddycoool don't tell me. It's called sarcasm. |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 11:08pm On Jan 20 |
DaddyCoool:you saying what you dont know is not new here, because how do you "it wasn't produced by a vested interest" |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 9:31pm On Jan 20 |
DaddyCoool:the official bible announced from heaven by the very anointed apostle James who won souls and saved millions of sinners, the other versions are all fake. Only KJV, everyone that rejects it must be JW |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 9:27pm On Jan 20 |
Janosky:daddycoool is a typical lying nigerian politician that only sees what they want and not what is true, so showing her or him dia is meaningless. Because not once have they admitted their goof on this thread |
Religion / Re: Used To Be Scared Of Hell fire When Young But Not Anymore, Why? by gohf: 9:24pm On Jan 20 |
DarkJeddi:I see you are angry, you hate it, it doesn't matter what anybody says. Which evidence have you brought, you were called out for your obviously assumptions but instead admitting simple truths you want to face complex ones. If you can't be honest with yourself then stop your nonsense. Leave religious people alone, leave God alone and rid of your anger and hate yourself, help yourself, give yourself peace. Be more sensible than they are. How is this your reaction sensible to what my previous response to you. Oh yes religious people are bad but what about you, you are perfect, you are better, you are not patheticly trying to rationalize your own belief and condemn theirs. Instead of disproving what you read with the truth which isn't from a book, or there is no truth in you. They told you they get truth from a book and you believed did you ever read the book and read this book is the truth? The truth is from a person, someone trustworthy. Okay God doesn't know your heart, He doesn't even know your end. But do you know your own heart can you even admit it honestly? Oh God knows your end but He is playing hide and seek with you, did you ever seek for Him, did you ever truly want to find Him. If you want God cry out to Him, whether you go to hell or heaven why should that bother you, why not try and find out if God is real or not. Why not declare that you sought for God and He didn't answer but know that if you lie, you will never find Him till after your death. If you are ready to find God then seek Him with all your heart but if you can't even do that, then stop being angry at those who do. |
Religion / Re: This OT Verse Strongly Proves That Jesus Is God! - All Doubts Cleared by gohf: 9:01pm On Jan 20 |
DaddyCoool: If you believe Jesus was the one who created the world that's your business, you have been a deaf mule since the beginning only repeating what is in your own head irrespective of what any other person says. John.1.3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. |
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