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Greeneye's Posts

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Business / Re: 3 Things You Must Do When You Encounter A Business Opportunity by Greeneye(m): 3:34am On Oct 12, 2021
My mistake. I have lost alot of money lately to scammers due to that
So sorry to hear that bruv
How are things for you now?
Jokes Etc / Re: Nigeria Jokes Update With Ofego by Greeneye(m): 7:00pm On Jan 29, 2021
Three business associates, an Igbo man, a
Yoruba man and a Chinese man, went to eat
lunch together at a restaurant in Surulere.
While in the middle of their meal, a fly came in
through the window. It flew across the table
to where the Igbo man was but he just
waved his hands to chase it away.
The fly then went to where the Yoruba man
was, he also chased it away.
Finally, the fly then went to where the Chinese
man was and was flying close to his ears. The
Chinese man looked at the fly for sometime
and then grabbed it, put it in his mouth and
swallowed it.
The other men saw this but just kept on
About Five minutes later, another fly came in
and flew to the Yoruba man who just chased
it away again.
It then flew on to the Igbo man but this time
he did not chase the fly, he looked at it for
sometime and then grabbed it. He then
turned to the Chinese man and asked "how
much you go buy am?"
grin grin grin
Business / Re: If You Use Zenith Bank Or Gtb,read This Urgent! by Greeneye(m): 6:01pm On Jan 29, 2021
Say whatever you want to say here
Oops just seeing this, we've gotten the needed investors already till another time.

But if you must know it was funding for an ads promotion of a digital product set to make at least 100k in 1 month our ads budget was #30,000
So partners put in 3000 to get 100% profit
That's the summary
Business / If You Use Zenith Bank Or Gtb,read This Urgent! by Greeneye(m): 12:39pm On Jan 15, 2021
Hello everyone, it's me Ebenezer Adah
Now I put out before that I was looking for business partners ,the responses were awesome and our Information Marketing project which will yield great returns has taken off,just one thing left.

We are having bank issues, so if you use Zenith Bank or Guarantee Trust Bank. I have a deal for you that involves you getting an extra #5000 naira

Contact me on 08148982164 for full details

It's Urgent!!!
Business / 3 Things You Must Do When You Encounter A Business Opportunity by Greeneye(m): 6:53pm On Jan 12, 2021
Hello there,fellow nairalander and welcome to the business section grin
Where we do well....business smiley

Now in our information age there are so many business opportunities flying around us every single second, offers and promises of returns popping up straight into our faces every time we surf the net.

Of course, we all want to make more money and so we venture into them and either get burned or if we're lucky make some cash or Hit It Big.

But most people online just jump straight into business opportunities and get burned not everyone is so lucky to make it or get it right. For some it all just ends up being a waste of time and sometimes money.

I'm here today to put a stop to that �

I'll be giving you 3 short but very useful tips that when applied would save your energy,time and money.

1. No matter how good it sounds calm down, don't get carried away by the glittering offer,calm down and let your logical mind kick in.Dont get drawn into the rush to just start like that

2. Make research,google it, you can easily check for reviews by typing the business name and scam e.g if the business name is banana cash, you'll search "banana cash scam"

3. Once you confirm the business to be legit be ready to put the work in to make it work. Know that for any business to be successful you actually have to work, there's no free money anywhere.

Making cool cash online is not a myth, it's possible you just have to find the right opportunity,log into it then make it work.

I wish you goodluck

1 Like

Business / Re: Business Partners Needed Urgently!!!! by Greeneye(m): 9:53am On Jan 12, 2021
Hello my fellow nairalanders slots are still open o, you can take right steps this 2021 , let's talk before all the slots are gone

10 slots left
Business / Business Partners Needed Urgently!!!! by Greeneye(m): 10:31am On Jan 11, 2021
Good morning my dear nairalanders,

I'll be quick

The Business is digital sales and marketing
We're funding an idea that is sure to bring in more than 100% returns
Talking about a gross of 70k in 20 days or less.

For more information talk with me 08148982164 WhatsApp
Just Send I'm interested in the business

I just need 7 partners

I'll be considering only the first 20 people
Business / Urgent!!! If You Own A Business Read This Now! by Greeneye(m): 1:04am On Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas everyone grin grin grin

This is a Christmas Bonanza

The goal of a business is to make profit and what brings that is getting enough sales
What I'm about to share with you ate easy to apply steps that will ensure you get at least 3-5 sales *Every single day*
No stress....No more concern about getting customers because you always have people asking for your product, *people who are ready to buy*
Imagine how much 3-5 sales a day will make you
If that sounds nice join us and begin your Sales boom IF YOU OWN A BUSINESS READ THIS NOW!!!
The goal of a business is to make profit and what brings that is getting enough sales
What I'm about to share with you ate easy to apply steps that will ensure you get at least 3-5 sales *Every single day*

No stress....No more concern about getting customers because you always have people asking for your product, *people who are ready to buy*
Imagine how much 3-5 sales a day will make you
If that sounds nice join us and begin your Sales boom

This offer is limited to the first 20 persons to indicate intrest.

Please note that many have started taking advantage of this before I decided to make it public

Click here to get offer
Business / How To Increase Sales by Greeneye(m): 11:48pm On Dec 23, 2020
Hi everyone,this question has been burning in my mind...HOW DOES ONE INCREASE SALES EFFECTIVELY?

Answers will be appreciated
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: URGENT!!! Telecom Agents Who'll Work From Home Needed Across Nigeria by Greeneye(m): 3:38am On Jul 12, 2020
[quote author=adenigga post=91624521][/quote]

Thanks bro

1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / URGENT!!! Telecom Agents Who'll Work From Home Needed Across Nigeria by Greeneye(m): 3:29am On Jul 12, 2020
Hello there and good day, I sincerely hope your day is going great. smiley

My Telecom company is in need of representatives across Nigeria,Your main job is to act as intermediaries between our esteemed customers and us and make money for yourself in the process. No heavy work involved,you work from home and all you need is your phone.

- You get paid 1k - 10k daily depending on business for the day, although this will be explained in details
-You have access to data,sms and some other telecom services at cheaper rates
- You also get team bonuses

To apply please check my profile or signature to contact me

Have a blessed day grin
Business / Re: Training Alert!!!! Learn The ONE Skill That Will Make You #20,000 - FREE by Greeneye(m): 3:16am On Jul 12, 2020
Now before we begin proper, I'll be introducing myself officially.

My name is Adah Ebenezer, a student of the Federal University of Technology FUTA, a copywriter,digital marketer and seasoned business consultant.Yes, unbelievable to some but true.

I've been into online businesses since I was 13 years old and from that time till now i've made over 200k (to be modest) in profits.

During this Covid Period I've made over #50,000 alone just from copywriting but still this skill has made me more

Imagine been able to make #20,000 weekly that's a decent 80k monthly.

See one logic of life, you might feel 20k weekly might be a Big Jump from where you are but lemme tell you...IT'S NOT HARD.

All you need to do is to find something that 20 people will pay you #1000 each for

or 40 people will pay you #500 for
or even less 100 peopl pay you #200 for

When you break it down like that,it helps you see 20k weekly as a small achievement


The need for relevant information is as old as time itself from knowing where to fish to knowing what's going on on social media information is constantly flying round us,and people are always looking for information that can help them solve the problems that are really plaguing them.

Now I'll drop the full model of Info- Marketing that has made me money and will surely make you money

It's quite simple

FIND AN AUDIENCE ( people interested in something)
FIND INFORMATION ON A SOLUTION ( a product,skill e.t.c A SOLUTION, as far as it solves problems)

Now i'll be giving a typical example. You here now are an audience, you clicked this post because you want to make money
( a problem) , Here i'm[b] showing you how ( information on a solution)[/b] , Now imagine i charged #500 for this training i'll have made money off it.
That's it.....SIMPLE

See you don't need a product or any sophistication you just need to know some key things most experts won't tell you

The Big Question here is[b] "How do I monetize this system now without stress to make money?"[/b]

I'll be answering that in my next post

If you understand what i've said so far indicate because the next part we're going into is where the money starts rolling in cool cool cool cool

See you later today


Business / Training Alert!!!! Learn The ONE Skill That Will Make You #20,000 - FREE by Greeneye(m): 2:54am On Jul 12, 2020
An exquisitely beautiful day to everyone here grin . Honestly, it's so good to be back on nairaland after almost more than 6 months break in this 6 months i've been able to start making steady income thanks to me stumbling upon a skill. Trust me this skill is like nothing you've seen before because of these main characteristics
- No serious expertise required;with this skill you learn as you earn
- No capital needed to start just your mobile phone and the right information
- It's only your data and the possibilities of making money are ENDLESS

Now I would be getting fully into business here,so just tag along.....apply these skill... and make your cool cash.

I know by now you must be wondering which skill is this?


Yeah, I'm sure at least one or two people here have heard of it before,they tell you to write an ebook and all BUT NO THAT IS NOT WHAT INFO- MARKETING IS!!!


And you can tooo....Just stay tuned...Good things are coming your way
Business / Re: How You Can Make Extra Money(10,000) During This Period by Greeneye(m): 1:49pm On Apr 03, 2020
Here is an alert just in today

Business / How You Can Make Extra Money(10,000) During This Period by Greeneye(m): 12:42pm On Apr 03, 2020
It's no longer news that the Coronavirus has greatly affected businesses and economies round the world including Nigeria.
With Lockdown and restriction of movement in many states round the nation businesses have curved and many are cash strapped
If you're one of such people I say welcome
I created this post with the sole purpose of showing people here FOR FREE how can utilize this period and make some money.

My sincere goal here is to help anybody here interested and the goal is to make #10,000 with just internet and your mobile phone

I will be showing Interested people how,also those with ideas on how to accomplish this can share their idea and I will confirm if it's legit or not.

If you're interested just comment interested once we're 20 I'll begin.
Stay safe wash your hands and have a nice day
God bless you all
Webmasters / Top 10 Most Profitable Internet/social Media Skills You Can Learn This Month by Greeneye(m): 5:45pm On Mar 06, 2020

Hello there,
One sure way to make real money is to learn a skill but what is important is to have a skill that is very profitable as that I what will bring out MONEY for you.
These are the most profitable I've seen for the month of February/March.Anyone who can fully market this skills in the right way will be making at least #20,000 - #50,000 extra every month

Quickly I'll be listing these skills they are:
- Facebook Ads
- Instagram Ads
- 3D Animations
- Information Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Creation of Handbill and Flyers
- Creation of Android apps
- Content Writing
- Importation of used Phones
- White Board Animation

And that's all
If you're interested in learning these skills or you have these skills and want to learn how to monetize these skills I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!!!

There's an almost FREE Training coming up on the 9th - 24th of This Month
It's going to be intensive covering all this skills in details.
But there's a catch spaces are limited. Here I'm allowed to give only 20 slots out .To get into the Training Send me a message saying "Tim Legend" on Whatsapp
0 9 0 9 12 2 8 3 3 5 and I'll give you the details to join the training.

Remember it's not just about learning this skills but knowing how to MONETIZE them that actually pays you. Don't miss this opportunity see you on the other side

Business / Re: How To Get More Customers!!!! by Greeneye(m): 9:59am On Feb 05, 2020
I won’t say it twice
Imagine 1000 people seeing your business every day!!!
Imagine 100+ people asking about your products and making orders
Within a month your business and pocket would have grown substantially
I’m going to show you how you can do it…this month.
Drop your Whatsapp number to be added to the group where you’ll be shown how
Join us now before traffic gets too high
Chat me up on Whatsapp 09091228355
to get more info
Business / How To Get More Customers!!!! by Greeneye(m): 8:59am On Feb 05, 2020
I won’t say it twice
Imagine 1000 people seeing your business every day!!!
Imagine 100+ people asking about your products and making orders
Within a month your business and pocket would have grown substantially
I’m going to show you how you can do it…this month.
Drop your Whatsapp number to be added to the group where you’ll be shown how
Join us now before traffic gets too high
Chat me up on Whatsapp 090991228335 saying "add me to the group" to get more info

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