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Politics / Re: Has Anyone Received A Letter Purportedly From NPF Or Is It A New Scam Tactic? by gronzywares: 4:34pm On Jun 16, 2015
comments will be very helpful, seun the public needs to hear this!
Politics / Re: Has Anyone Received A Letter Purportedly From NPF Or Is It A New Scam Tactic? by gronzywares: 2:16pm On Jun 16, 2015
Here is the mail

Politics / Has Anyone Received A Letter Purportedly From NPF Or Is It A New Scam Tactic? by gronzywares: 2:00pm On Jun 16, 2015
Hi all, my friend recently received this mail from the Nigerian Police Force, with the following email address, yomishogunle@npf.gov.ng
In the mail my friend was summoned by the IG to the IG office i.e. police head quarters for an on-going case being investigated. The mail comes with an attachment which is supposed to contain the details of the case being investigated, the attachment is a ZIP folder. The mail threatened dire consequence if the invitation is not honored.

The first mail came empty, making me think, well so Nigerian Police.

My friend's attempt to reply the first mail bounced back as it seems the mail is a no_reply mail.

The second mail came through but with a strange twist, the second attachment though inside a zip folder came with a file extension ".SCR" the file failed to open because it was access using a phone, I decided to look up what .scr means and saw that it is meant for screen savers. and according to steam it has been used as some sort of malware or trojan virus which could mean that the this might as well be a scam mail.

If it is, the implication is very stark, because it combines both the threat of arrest with the authority of the Nigerian Police to compel people to open dangerous mail. So please if anyone here has received similar letter please share with the house your experience.

lalasticala, seun frontpage please.
Nairaland / General / Re: I Know The Name Of Every Nairalander. by gronzywares: 11:06am On May 10, 2015
Ok what's my name?
Politics / Re: I Have Never Seen A Muslim Who Supports Jonathans Re-election. by gronzywares: 11:17am On Jan 24, 2015
I opened a thread listing nairalanders who jubulated over the Kano mosque bombing, guess war all those who jubilated are pro Jonathan supporters, Mr. Rationalmind if u were a muslim would u support Jonathan? His supporters don't sell him as a leader of all.



Politics / Re: I Have Never Seen A Muslim Who Supports Jonathans Re-election. by gronzywares: 11:07am On Jan 24, 2015
Even on nairaland, most of the notable muslims are Pro Buhari.

Tbaba, Maclantuji, Vedaxcool, and Rilwayne001 are all pro Buhari.

Your premise is false, that 4 muslims on nl are pro buhari does not mean no muslim wouldnt vote jonathan. But I cannot in good conscience support a man who poor leadership has causr the country so many lives, so much misery, so much stealing is not corruption so much that over $30B remains missing,so let us face the REASONS we won't vote Jonathan not my RELIGION. Finally I have NEVER supported any pdp presidential candidate including Yardua.

And you once again remind all Nigerians why Jonathan must be sent home, promoting division, him and his supporters when ever they speak seem to sow division in the hearts of all nigerians. This has made fighting our enemies a herculean task.

We christians should stand for justice not fanaticsm, not corruption not any evil.


Politics / Re: BREAKING: NSA Wants 2015 Elections Postponed by gronzywares: 4:09pm On Jan 22, 2015
Haise let go of that weed, u guys are out and u know it


Politics / Re: Buhari Is The Next President And Jonathan Is Aware Says Obasanjo by gronzywares: 4:05pm On Jan 22, 2015
Is obj implying gej is a fraudulent phd holder?
Politics / Re: I Cannot Understand Buhari's Spoken English. by gronzywares: 6:39pm On Jan 21, 2015
are u saying OP suld go and learn "Daura"

Me I don't know , me I learnt otuoeke to understand jogogoro, I dont impose my solutuon on others
Politics / Re: I Cannot Understand Buhari's Spoken English. by gronzywares: 6:23pm On Jan 21, 2015
Neither can I understand ogogoro english jonathan speaks, so I decided to learn otuoke, I suggest u do the same.
Politics / Re: DISGUSTING! Some Nairalanders Jubilate Over Kano Mosque Bombing! by gronzywares: 9:58am On Dec 01, 2014
I am a xtian and i believe most of the muslims be killed and maimed are innocent people who go about their personal business. Killing of any sort should be highly condem in any form.
@op if you see the way some muslim hate xtian and most times jubilate secretly whenever a church is bombe you will weep for human being.
So while some misguided xtian jubilate at the bombing of mosque some other misguided muslim also jubilate at the bombing of churches hoping nigeria will be converted to an islamic nation quickly.

So we Christians should copy those Muslims whom only you caught jubilating secretly?

Please this thread is not a muslim/christian comparison rather we are addressing some sick people who should think better and know better!


Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 9:51am On Dec 01, 2014
why are you effectively calling all those posters into this thread?

Please edit their names out of you post.

I am trying to correct them, that remains the only effective way in engaging such sickmos!
Politics / Re: DISGUSTING! Some Nairalanders Jubilate Over Kano Mosque Bombing! by gronzywares: 9:49am On Dec 01, 2014
They are jonathan's supporters!

That is the most disturbing fact, it seems Jonathan's supporters are at home with such sickening comments! It is a pity indeed!

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Politics / Re: Gusau, Dasuki In Supremacy Battle by gronzywares: 9:26am On Dec 01, 2014
All I see is a well articulated efforts to divert attention and blame from President Jonathan's largely ineffective leadership in Nigeria's war against terror!


Politics / DISGUSTING! Some Nairalanders Jubilate Over Kano Mosque Bombing! by gronzywares: 9:21am On Dec 01, 2014



This thread was opened in response to the oft repeated sickening question why don't mosque go boom whenever BH animals set explosives, the thread ask the question whether the people who ask such sick questions where happy and guess what? Some came out and expressed their joy at the deaths of 200 worshipers at the Central Mosque Kano:

Yes my brother Op, i'm so happy it happened like you stupidly asked. Now i'm convinced that we are truely one Nigeria! cheesy grin cool

Do you af onoda kestion? tongue


Please help me ask the jobless op....

Well answered

U asked question, I have an answer! YES I am more than happy! wen a bomb blasted here in bauchi in 2012 dis Muslims u seek to vindicate were celebrating as if they won a lottery, How den do u expect my sympathy? OSHI


Mumu..... Those who lost their life during Biafra war does not deserve your prayers abi?
Likewise I want the bombing in the north to be a daily occurrences so that foools like u will at least feel the pain.

The Thread turned this man from being a wisher of death on muslims to a more conciliatory individual;

every life is precious! No to bombing and killing!
No wasting of life and property OF Nigerians
No to bokoharam!
Rip to the dead, may Allah who you served were while on earth grant you a peaceful rest. Amin

There are other threads which have been designed to gloat of the unfortunate incidents The Regrets Of The Muslim North

I will stop here, when anybody descends to this level then there remains very few differences between such a human and a wild animal!

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Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 9:15am On Dec 01, 2014
Op you are such a foool

That is for the white faced guy below

Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 8:52am On Dec 01, 2014
The train has departed, all this insults would not deter me from exposing silly and unintelligent comments filled with hatred/bigotry!
Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 1:05pm On Nov 29, 2014
Op you are attention seeking troll!
Next time don't cry because a bomb failed to go off in a mosque, so that nobody would quote!

the last time I checked it wasn't christian dat bombs, it is muslim dat bombs
So ur statement is null and void

Would you permit me to teach some common sense?
Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 1:02pm On Nov 29, 2014
every life is precious! No to bombing and killing!
No wasting of life and property OF Nigerians
No to bokoharam!
Rip to the dead, may Allah who you served were while on earth grant you a peaceful rest. Amin

Atleast he has turned a New leaf that is good! keep it up, don't wish death on others because they follow another religion or party! Stop the hate and let love shine through you! Go and Sin no more!
Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 12:59pm On Nov 29, 2014
if christianity is disgrace what about muslims who always bomb all their con3.

You can't even read and comprehend, where did I say Christianity is a disgrace? I said the above comments bring disgrace to Christianity! Any muslims who harm other people kill other people bring disgrace to Islam, so also any christian who does likewise!
Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 12:42pm On Nov 29, 2014
o[s]ga i dont care about the comments,my able advice to you,is stop blaming people but blame the northerns leaders.GEJ till 2019[/s]

Another Soulless monster!
Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 12:41pm On Nov 29, 2014
so u re using dis bomb blast to score cheap point undecided

When the people making those very unreasonable comments in the op you never for once accuse them of scoring cheap point, someone opened a thread saying muslims are regreting because they did nothing, you didn't accuse him of scoring cheap point, why? Becasue you are like them, you have no value for truth and honesty, what is wrong remains wrongs, Muslims don't complain on NL whenever a bomb fail to destroy a church, but christians do the reverse, it should trouble us, but in your sad mind it does it, rather a cheap point seems to be all you after! And that lies the misfortune cry


Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 12:21pm On Nov 29, 2014
Is this a popularity contest or what?

Countless people are dying, and Jonathan remains clueless (or maybe he's just insensitive to the plight of Nigerians). Meanwhile you are using the opportunity to arouse religious sentiments angry

Na wah for you o.

Preach to those who wish death on their fellow humans! Not me, I am just exposing the so called Christians who bring disgrace to Christianity, where were you when they were making their inciteful comments?


Politics / Re: Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 12:18pm On Nov 29, 2014
what do you mean that "hope you are happy" if that's what u really think it means it was done on purpose just to make this EVIL seem EVEN #SayNoToBOKOHARAM

Added to the OP!
Politics / Now That It Has Happened In Kano Central Mosque Hope You Are Happy? by gronzywares: 11:52am On Nov 29, 2014
These comments below follow every time there is a failed bomb attack in a mosque, these comments represents the wickedness in the heart of human beings who expressed their disappointment that bombs failed to detonate at mosque that people - muslims were not killed! I ask them today Are you happy now that Kano Central Mosque have been bombed and hundreds of Muslims died as a result?

Countless time we hear that bomb blast targeted at one mosque or the other get averted by the security agents. But never for once have we heard same concerning a church in the North. All we hear is bomb blast at one church or the other killing and injuring worshipers. Take for instance the bombs targeted at a mosque and a church in kano today.
The only place a bomb targeted at the church gets averted is in the south.
What could be the reason behind this? The earlier we know the faster we get a long lasting solution.
This has got me thinking and cracking my head but yet no convincing answer.

it's obvious northern Muslims think we are fools. after setting bomb in churches killing hundreds they will stage manage one bomb mosque which end up being found
Hear me all you bloody vampires, Nigerians are seeing through your gimmick. followers of Allah stop killing us we did you guys no harm
Nobody i repeat nobody have the monopoly of violence.One day Nigerian Christians will say enough is enough. we will return every bombing with bombing. every shoting with shoting by then Muslims will know that we are just keeping quite all the while

Why Bomb Targeted At Mosques Gets Averted While That Of Church Explode

and u have just said wot they wanted u to say. Sallah wont be complete without the blood if infidels being spilt. And if their plan was to attack a 'mosque', we know it will always be averted by the military. Only church attacks are successful.

A well orchestrated alibi to justified another attack!
Bombs are always discovered or refuse to detonate in mosques but never missed target in churches, Malls, Motor parks etc.
Good news though, at least we now know where the bombs are coming from!

Who are they fooling? Discovered because it was near a mosque? By a thirteen year old? Give that boy something to make him tell who kept the bomb there.


only the bombs planted in the churches,in the xtain parts of the north eg. Chibok,in Jos and sabon-gari where igbos are majorly de residents, goes off.who is fooling who?

seems we are thinking alike,I refuse to believe the shitty story...a poor attempt to divert attention...

LOL..! They do suicide bombing when they really want to bomb, not by parking cars, even a slowpoke knws dis news is crap.
They should start monitoring that 13yrs old boy.

exactly! they can keep fooling their supporter of APC sympathizers down south but the rest of us know their plans like the back of our hands

Well played by the Northern Elites.... Sadly, the major bulk of Nigerians aren't fooled by this. This is all an attempt to justify the fact that Boko Haram!

Believe me, the few northerners that have been caught in the main-stream Boko Haram attacks, are just unavoidable casualty of war.

Let's hope that one day, before the shells go off in Sabon Gari or the base of the Southerners businesses elsewhere, they're a detonated.

Till then, Boko Haram is just a tool of the selfish, crude and stupidity infused religion intoxified northern elders, to destabilize PGEJ's administration.

Who are they trying to fool? Certainly not me! Trying to paint that the boko haram are also against the worship of allah as well. Tell me wetin I no knw.

How come there have never been a sucssesful mosque bomb blast? All this na wash to try n decive d populace dat bokoharam attacks muslims too. Its all an act, they (muslims bokoharam) staged d whole thing.
13-year-old Boy Discovers Bomb Near Kano Mosque

shut it ma friend. If it was to be christians celebrating any festival now.. Our so called glorified military won't avert a damn thing.. Scores of innocent christian lives would be by gone.. Do yuh think we're fools.. Mtcheeew nonsense!

twin attack averted in borno

The story stinks of propaganda mehn sad Must they go to this length to 'prove' Boko Haram is not Islamic? All I see is desperation. Anyways props up to the observers if this move was genuinely true. undecided These haramites and the politicians in support will burn to ashes angry If this is true I guess the aim was to make those Kano muslims rise against the Christians right? Mtcheew.

Police avert explosion at fagge Jumaat mosque

what do you mean that "hope you are happy" if that's what u really think it means it was done on purpose just to make this EVIL seem EVEN #SayNoToBOKOHARAM

Yes my brother Op, i'm so happy it happened like stupidly asked. Now i'm convinced that we are truely one Nigeria! cheesy grin cool

This thread

There are lots more and would be adding as I find them, what comments like the above prove is that some so called christians are like their BH counter part with onlyone minute detail, cowardice, cowardice has prevented you from slitting the throats of those you hate!

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Music/Radio / Re: Is Nicki Minage, Lil Kim's Clone? by gronzywares: 4:42pm On Dec 16, 2013

Dude did you even watch the video? Nicki simply copies all the hottest MCs in the game!
Music/Radio / Re: = Lets Have Your Complaints And Suggestions Here = by gronzywares: 1:43pm On Dec 16, 2013
Music/Radio / Re: Is Nicki Minage, Lil Kim's Clone? by gronzywares: 1:42pm On Dec 16, 2013
Music/Radio / Is Nicki Minage, Lil Kim's Clone? by gronzywares: 1:35pm On Dec 16, 2013
Yeah Kim sometimes back refered to Nicki as Kim Clone Clown, the video below proves that Nicki not only steals Kim's style but also her lyrics


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