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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 12:17am On May 29, 2019
I am in the same situation. What’s your story? This is Accra’s email address


[quote author=Tochai007 post=78810489][/quote]

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 3:51pm On May 24, 2019
Thank you Boss. I thought it was Ottawa that issues those PPR letters though.


Congrats bro. Now you wait for the golden email to drop.
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 12:43pm On May 24, 2019
Hello Joo and family,

I just got off a call with an agent and it appears that it is Accra that issues the PPR letter. He said Ottawa has finished processing the application and sent a mail to Accra to request for passport. What do you think please ?

You are close. Next is PPR.

The PPR letter is usually the last action of a processing office prior to transferring to the local VO for finalizing (final decision, CoPR and visa).

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 4:00pm On May 22, 2019
Thank you Joo

You are close. Next is PPR.

The PPR letter is usually the last action of a processing office prior to transferring to the local VO for finalizing (final decision, CoPR and visa).

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 3:33pm On May 22, 2019
Thank you Joo. So I’m close right? Cause he said if I don’t hear from them by 15 June, I should call back that they are at the stage of transferring the file to the nearest VO for finalization.

Also I want to specially thank you for always answering my questions and you won’t imagine how happy I was when you received your PPR.

Your local VO which if you are a Nigerian resident is Accra. That is where you will submit your passports to.

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 3:24pm On May 22, 2019
Hello guys, please are files transferred to the nearest office to the applicant for finalization? I just called and I was informed that I’m at the last stage before the file is transferred to the nearest office for finalization� The officer said I will get a response before end of June

please help
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 11:22pm On May 16, 2019
Ohhh thank you very much

Nothing to worry about, counterfoil = visa. It just means that you will require a visa in your passport once you receive PPR since Nigeria is not a visa-exempt country for entry into Canada.

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 8 by harry41: 8:26pm On May 16, 2019
Hello House,

I just got my gcms notes and I’m reviewing it. I noticed a section that states “counter foil required : yes”

Any idea what that means? I’m 2 days left to click 6 months

Elders please help Joo, Ifeoma please


Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 5:44pm On May 09, 2019
Hello Fam, please who is still wAiting for gcms notes ordered since March 26. I’m gonna reach 6 months by next week and I’m worried. No ADRs. Just silence since after med/biometrics


Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:21pm On May 07, 2019
Hello Guys,

Did anyone order gcms on 26th March or later? I ordered on 26th March and no response from them despite my follow up. Anyone in the same situation?
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:13pm On Mar 28, 2019
Articulate Joo! Thanks grin

That's all.

Ottawa will not mail you. You will not receive any update in your account, but your file should have been updated.

The information you provided does not affect your eligibility.

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 4:21pm On Mar 28, 2019
Hello House,

please I need your opinion.

I am Nov AOR and I updated cic about change in employment and submitted my offer letter and company ID. I raised a CSE and also mailed Ottawa directly. I got a response for the CSE that the documents have been forwarded to Ottawa but I haven't received a response from Ottawa and my account hasn't been updated with the new documents. please what do I do?
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 7:27pm On Mar 13, 2019
many thanks Joo

You can. It wont affect anything.
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 3:15pm On Mar 13, 2019
Hello House,

please I need your advice.

I am 4 months post AOR and I intend investing my POF in the money market by end of march. please is this advisable? hope it will not affect my application?

Thanks for your response
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 11:37am On Mar 13, 2019
Hello House,

please I need your advice.

I am 4 months post AOR and I intend investing my POF in the money market by end of march. please is this advisable? hope it will not affect my application?

Thanks for your kind response
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 6:35pm On Mar 09, 2019
Thanks thanks

No I didn't get any ADR. I had attached the new job's employment letter to my CSE.

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:27am On Mar 09, 2019
Wowwww thank you for this Ada. When you raised a CSE, did you get any ADR?

I don't know if this is useful but I raised a CSE for my new job late Jan 2019 and got my PPR in early Feb. I hope this helps.

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 11:13pm On Mar 08, 2019
Thank you Joo. I am just indecisive because the last time I called, the agent informed me that my background check verification had been completed so I don’t want to reopen it by telling them about a new job.

To be or not to be, that is the question.

If you choose to inform, you can use either. See email: CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca.

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 11:21am On Mar 08, 2019
Please do. where is your VO?

Hello and Please kindly advise. I am almost 7 months posts AOR and would like to know if I should order GCM notes now or still be patient.

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:43am On Mar 08, 2019
Dear Ifeoma and Joo

please in view of the mail below, I guess I should hold on regarding informing CIC about the change of employment? I don't want any further delays.


Hello Guru, I got this request from CIC today. My application is over 8months , sometime in January they requested for background form, as I have earlier indicated to them I change my place of work. After then, I didnt hear from them not until I updated the webform with a new intl passport ( presentl one ie less than 6months this January)

Today I got the below request. Issues at hand is

1- I have been working with my new Job 8months now, I dont get payslip, I only get cheque which i normally deposit in bank, I never scan the copy of cheque.

2- My previous Job, that I had claim was like 3 years, I no longer have access to them.

What do I do in these cases

This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada.
Subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an
application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must
produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires. In order for
us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following:
 Client Information: Provide pay slips from employer for the period of assessment
This must be received at this office by: 2019/04/06
 Client Information: Provide Bank statements showing salary deposits from
employer (please highlight salary deposits) This must be received at this office by:
 Client Information: Provide updated proof of settlement funds This must be
received at this office by: 2019/04/06
 Schedule A: Submit a separate and newly completed Schedule A Background
Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature. Make sure there are no
gaps in time This must be received at this office by: 2019/04/06
 Additional Family Information: Submit a completed Additional Family Information
form (IMM5645) This must be received at this office by: 2019/04/06
*** To avoid delays, please submit all requested documents at the same time **
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 9:50pm On Mar 05, 2019
Many thanks and God bless you


Web form

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:56pm On Mar 05, 2019
Hello Ifeoma and Joo,

please further to your response below, I have decided to inform CIC. My VO is ottawa. Should I mail them directly or use the web form? Also please could you help with ottawa’s email address too? Thanks


Yeah Joo, I saw that part and the exact wording is to report "...changes that could affect your eligibility for the program you’re applying for, including changes in your:
job situation
language skills..."
This clause doesn't affect PR application because job situation is locked at ITA not even AOR. Maybe that instruction is for BOWP applicants or other applications to IRCC, but as far as PR is concerned, this is what applies;

"To assess an application under section A11.2, a processing officer must consider the information in an applicant’s profile at the time of the round of invitations and the information provided when the applicant submits their e-APR. After an e-APR is submitted, an application cannot be refused due to a change in circumstance..."


Even if they call his former place of work, they won't deny that he worked there from 20xx to 20xy. And if they plan to deny him because he no longer works there, how would informing IRCC of the new job preempt their pettiness?

Ultimately it's up to @harry41 to inform or not. In such cases, I just say do whichever one brings you peace.
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 8:53pm On Mar 05, 2019
Hello Ifeoma and Joo,

please further to your response below, I have decided to inform CIC. My VO is ottawa. Should I mail them directly or use the web form? Also please could you help with ottawa’s email address too? Thanks


Many thanks Ifeoma. God bless you

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 6:42pm On Mar 03, 2019
Many thanks Ifeoma. God bless you


Yeah Joo, I saw that part and the exact wording is to report "...changes that could affect your eligibility for the program you’re applying for, including changes in your:
job situation
language skills..."
This clause doesn't affect PR application because job situation is locked at ITA not even AOR. Maybe that instruction is for BOWP applicants or other applications to IRCC, but as far as PR is concerned, this is what applies;

"To assess an application under section A11.2, a processing officer must consider the information in an applicant’s profile at the time of the round of invitations and the information provided when the applicant submits their e-APR. After an e-APR is submitted, an application cannot be refused due to a change in circumstance..."


Even if they call his former place of work, they won't deny that he worked there from 20xx to 20xy. And if they plan to deny him because he no longer works there, how would informing IRCC of the new job preempt their pettiness?

Ultimately it's up to @harry41 to inform or not. In such cases, I just say do whichever one brings you peace.
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 6:37pm On Mar 03, 2019
Many thanks for your response. I guess I will inform them to be on the safe side


Perhaps my experience will aid you in your decision making.

At the date I submitted my application, I was unemployed. I claimed points for a previous work experience. Months after AOR, I got two jobs but I didn't update IRCC.

If you're claiming points for the job you just left, I strongly recommend you update IRCC so that they know how to word their questions if they ever decide to contact your employer.

Note: Although I didn't raise a CSE concerning my new jobs, when I went for my interview I took all supporting documents for these jpbs along.
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 2:57pm On Mar 03, 2019
Many thanks Joo. I got a contrary opinion from ifeoma so I guess I have to take a decision myself

You should.

It is part of your situation. Also, what happens if a work verification call is made to your former place of work?


It is not a material fact under FSW unlike some occupation based PNPs and so will not affect your application.

cc: Ifeoma77.

Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 2:54pm On Mar 03, 2019
Many thanks Ifeoma. I got a contrary opninon from JOO so maybe I have to make a decision by myself


No need informing them. But even if you choose to, it won't delay your application. It has no bearing on your application

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by harry41: 12:59pm On Mar 03, 2019
Dear House,

Please I need your opinion on this.

I am almost 4 months Post AOR and I just started a new job. Do i inform CIC? Will informing them delay my application?

Your kind responses especially from the elders will be appreciated
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 6 by harry41: 10:50am On Feb 16, 2019
Wowww Congratulations. I can imagine the sleepless nights about things you think were wrong with your application. Now it shows many things will are apprehensive about might not be issues. I guess your VO is Ottawa. Congrats again

Big big congratulations!!!! Did you notice your ip1 and ip2 dates? Again,since you were not up to 6 months post aor, what did you ask them when you raised the cse?
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 6 by harry41: 9:04am On Jan 09, 2019
God is shifting protocols for you. I think you should sign the petition too to enable the minister look into the processing of PR applications in Accra. Also, any idea why your file was sent there?

That moment you find out your file is in Accra Visa Office�� but l know that the heart of Kings and princes belong to my God and he direct it to whatsoever direction he wills. Congrats to all our PPR recipient. Any one with link to AVO Whatsapp group.


Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 6 by harry41: 8:19pm On Jan 05, 2019
Exactly. I attached a generic letter, letter of non-indebtedness, SOA and a LOE explaining all lump sums with evidence. Now with this, I think I did too much cry

Exactly. I was under the impression that you need a SOA if the reference letter doesn't come in CIC format. I guess different experiences are largely based on the VO in charge.

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Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 6 by harry41: 7:31pm On Jan 05, 2019
Congratulations again. It seems simplicity is key here but I’m surprised that your letters were generic and no SOA was attached.


The Bank Reference letters was just Generic... [b]No Average Monthly Balance, [/b]the customer service officer was even reluctant to add the current balance, I had to use my persuasion skill...Adding Statement of Account was a No- No for me.

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