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Crime / Re: I Was Raped 400 Times By My Coach - Angelique Cauchy by Hauwi(f): 12:55am On Sep 17, 2023
Some people can be so obtuse.. ignoring the fact that he raped her and shaming the victim .. imagine blaming a 12 year old child for getting raped by a mature man. Smh and these are people’s fathers,brothers boyfriends and future husbands. May God protect ladies from foolish men


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 12:38am On Aug 22, 2023
Good evening mamas.. what are your opinions on teething powders?
I started using it for my LO and it made her purge a lot so I stopped.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 12:36pm On May 26, 2023

The issue with Jumia and most online stores is what you see is not always what you get especially garment textures.
Whereabouts are you based and how old is your little girl now?.
Maybe go into your local market and have a walk around,you are bound to find something.

Yeah you are right.. I’ve had to return some items I got from jumia before. I’ll go to the market myself then. Thank you ma’am

1 Like

Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 12:34pm On May 26, 2023
Hello mamas. So my baby has this rash on her back and legs. This was initially rashes on her skin and after using sudocream the rash turned to this white patches. What can I use to fade this please
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 10:46pm On May 19, 2023

PEP is a store,mostly for children's clothes. I think I have seen one along Allen avenue in Ikeja last time I was there. There is also one in Enugu ShopRite. I think there are many PEP stores. Just ask around.
You can also try online jumia,you can see some unique stuffs for your girl. If you are using jumia,always check the size chart,it will show you how they grade the sizes based on weight,then you can compare with the size of the cloth available at the moment,then you can step up a bit on the size so your little one can wear it for longer.

Thanks for this ma’am
I’ll try jumia
It’s the easier option for me now
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 8:52am On May 14, 2023

You can buy a cute baby dress if it is a girl or a cute shirt and shorts if boy. Pls try and get from a good store,not just all these uniform clothes in the market. You can try PEP. They have some good clothes.
Also remember to buy a size higher than the baby's age...you can buy 18months size. Babies grow fast and so can outgrow 0-3 months sizes.
You can also get exquisite toys for the baby.

What’s PEP please?
I’m looking to get nice clothes for my baby girl
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 2:58pm On May 11, 2023
is it pooping once in a day or wat? If its ones or 3 times in a day... N it consistency is normal... All is well with ur baby. Sm new born to 5 or 6months old babies poop 3 to 4times in a day while oda babies poop onces in 4 to 5days... All is normal.

Any diaper I change has poop in it.
Alright ma.. Thank you so much.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 2:20pm On May 10, 2023
Hello mamas.
My baby is going to be 1 month old tomorrow. But she has been pooping everyday since she was born.
I’ve used Galaways (anti diarrhea) as recommended by the doctor but she’s still pooping . What else can I use please?
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 12:06am On Apr 16, 2023
Alhamdulillah wabarokAllah fik.
Allah make her the coolness of the family, bless the baby and the family, Amin

Amin.. thank you so much
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 12:06am On Apr 16, 2023

Congratulations to you

Thank you so much

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 12:05am On Apr 16, 2023

Congratulations mama.
God bless and protect the baby.
April mamas have officially handed over to May mamas
Amen Amen
Thank you 😊
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 12:04am On Apr 16, 2023

Haaaaaa God be praised oo, have been waiting for this news ooo. Congratulations mama.
Alhamdulilah for everything mama.. thank you so much 😊

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 12:56am On Apr 15, 2023

It will definitely end with praise. We are praying for you.

BA everyone
Alhamdulilah I welcomed my 3.6kg princess on the 13th April at 39weeks through VD. I just feel nothing will prepare you for what you are going to pass through in the labor room. Hmm I saw things.I felt things. But thank God for everything.
I think all April belleful mamas have put to bed. Congratulations to us all. May the Almighty continue the good works he has started in our lives.
We officially hand over to our May belleful mamas. May God grant you all safe delivery.


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 8:37pm On Apr 12, 2023
Hi mamas, I have been feeling contraction for days now although I think it is Braxton hicks (I’m a FTM) but tonight’s own is very frequent and so uncomfortable. Does this mean labor is near?
I have changed position, drank water and done everything google asked me to do but my belly is still contacting. What are the signs that labour is near please,
I’m worried, tired, heavy, swollen. I honestly cannot wait for this to be over!😭

Omo I’m in this same predicament. Can’t walk, can’t lie down, backache and the baby pressing down on my bladder 😭
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 8:48pm On Apr 09, 2023

It will definitely end with praise. We are praying for you.

Amen Amen . Thanks cappo
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 2:39pm On Apr 09, 2023

Birth Story........

My first pregnancy I was induced at 40weeks. So, I told myself l want to fall into labour with this second pregnancy.

Due date is 5th April, from 2nd April I started eating Pineapple I woke up on 3rd April and I was having little sharp pain not sure it was contraction, I took another Pineapple at night this time I added dates. The moment I finished the Pineapple I ate like 3pcs of dates because I don't really like it. Woke up on 4th April I feel the pain much than that of yesterday. But I stayed calm I was Monitoring but nothing serious.

6pm I started counting the contractions to be 2ce in 1hr. 7:30pm went to pee and I saw stain on my pant, I had to deep finger a bit, alas brownish +reddish stuff can't explain it. I think it's a show.

Called my doctor he said why did you deep your finger their haaaa oga no vex ooo. He told me to pack my stuffs and stay with them at the hospital. Hubby was not around I had to tell my sister we should leave early, we left home around 8:39pm got to hospital around 9:45pm due to traffic. On the way the contractions has increased to 5times per hour I said to myself this is labour and i was praying. Got to hospital the doctor was outside he said "are you sure you are in labour with the way you are cat walking." He told the Nurse to check alas I was 4cm shocked dilated.

I took my stuffs in, the Nurse gave me some injections God abeg ooo, the contractions increased couldn't sleep all through the night, 5am she came to check and I am 6cm.....she gave me another injections this time I saw heaven and came back the contractions increased and I was screaming cry cry cry cry cry one of the Nurses was praying for me that I will eat the fruit of my labour..I was asking God to forgive me, I held on to my sister hands she was rubbing my back I couldn't feel anything.....this contractions were like 1min apart haaaa cry cry cry cry cry cry

I told them to call the nurses to check she checked I was almost 10cm she said they should wait for like 3more contractions and bring me to the labour room the doctor was saying I'm proud of you, you can do this...I was shouting I want to poo please allow me to poo they said not now. I was wheeled to the labour room this time I'm fully dilated.

Oya push bros no gree come out, push bros is not showing any sign they cut me in 2places, then I pushed my little man came out 7:31am on 4th April weighing 3.3kg.

Wow. Congratulations once again mama. Thank God for everything
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 2:35pm On Apr 09, 2023
BA! BA!! BA!!!

God celebrated Easter with my family and gave us a gift for Easter. April cappo don born o

EDD - 2nd April
D.O.B - 9th - April
Weight: 3.25kg through V.D.

Wishing all other waddling mama safe delivery.

I didn’t even read this before replying 😂 I’m officially the only one left. Congratulations our able cappo. Thank God for safe delivery
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 2:33pm On Apr 09, 2023
TEAM APRIL (Team Good news)
Another good news is here. @Bez mama ported to March, congratulations, we await your BS ma.

In this camp, it shall be good news, all the way.
Congratulations in advance Mamas.

It seems it's me and @Hauwa that's still on the journey ooooo. It will surely end with praise.

Name----------- EDD-----------SEX..........DOB
younix-----------2nd April------XY
labasulla--------5th April.------XY....04/04..BA + BS done
Hauwa----------30th April------XX
Bez---------------10th April------XX......30/03...BA done
Mummyhalo--16th April--2(XY)….23/03..BA+BS done.

Amen mama. I’ve started eating pineapples and drinking zobo. I’ll try to get dates today and see how far. It will end in praise for us by God’s grace

Unrelated but A friend of mine put to bed like 3 days ago. But no breast milk yet.please mamas in the house what can one do to start producing milk shortly after delivery?


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 2:38pm On Apr 07, 2023
BA!!!!!!! BA!!!!!! BA!!!!!!

I welcomed my little man weighing 3.3kg on 4th April with tears. At 39weeks 6days

EDD 5th April

Wishing other mamas safe delivery
April capo please take note

Wow congratulations mama. I think I’m the only one left in April🥲

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 11:52am On Apr 02, 2023
BA! BA!! BA!!! + BS

April mamas, I’ve ported to March.
My twin boys came on Thursday 23rd March at 36wks 5days, weighing 2.0 & 2.25kg. It was an emergency CS and I’m still in recovery.


I was scheduled for ELCS for today 30th March but I started contracting seriously last week Thursday evening(I had been managing preterm contractions since 32weeks). We quickly went to the hospital and I was booked immediately for the procedure. Babies were brought out at 11:53 & 54pm respectively and I was wheeled out early morning Friday.
I thank God so much because despite their weights, they didn’t need any newborn special care. I am really grateful to God for these gifts.
I wish the remaining belleful mamas a smooth pregnancy and safe delivery.

cc: Hauwi ; younix

Wow wow 🤩 congratulations mama. You’ve left us already.
Thank God for safe delivery

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 6:29pm On Mar 18, 2023
Mama, you disappeared, so I had to fill in. Can you please continue now. Thank you grin

I don’t mind please. Help us. Be our cappo 🙏🏽
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 3:19pm On Mar 15, 2023
TEAM APRIL (roll call)

Name. EDD. SEX
Younix________2nd April____XY
labasulla______5th April_____XY
Hauwa________30th April____XX
Bez___________10th April_____XX

April Mamas how are we doing?

All praise to Almighty God for bringing us this far! The journey has not been easy but is soo worth it. Am sure we are done packing our kaya ((bags) and if not let's work on that.

God will make it easy for us and we shall deliver safely. Amen

N.B: if you are team April kindly quote this message.

Let’s start our own roll call then cheesy

Hauwi————- Edd 30th April:sex xx
Bez——————Edd 10th April sex: xx
Labasulla———— Edd 5th April sex: xy
Mummyhalo———-Edd 16tg April sex: xy, xy

If you are team April kindly quote this message so I can add you.
May the Almighty make it easy for us

Mama kindly add mummyhalo

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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 3:18pm On Mar 15, 2023

Edd 16th April. Gender xy & xy

Mummy twins😊.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Please How True Is This Job Interview by Hauwi(f): 8:12pm On Mar 05, 2023
Scam[ kissquote author=Hauwi post=121491631]

Hi did u go for this interview? I got a similar mail today. It’s the same phone number

Thank you
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Please How True Is This Job Interview by Hauwi(f): 2:19pm On Mar 05, 2023
Dear Applicant,

We have received your online application for the position of executive business manager and your resume seem to stand out .
We would like to invite you to a Business Assessment Interview with our company and you have been scheduled for Tuesday 26/04/2022 at
No 359A, Old Abeokuta Road, Opposite Oko Oba Scheme 1 Estate, Agege, Lagos.
Time : 8am.
Please come with a copy of your resume and kindly ensure that all COVID-19 protocols are kept.

Sarah Adeoye
Recruitment Manager

Please help confirm if its true

Hi did u go for this interview? I got a similar mail today. It’s the same phone number
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 1:53pm On Feb 28, 2023

Edd is April 10th ohhh sex xx

Let’s start our own roll call then cheesy

Hauwi————- Edd 30th April:sex xx
Bez——————Edd 10th April sex: xx
Labasulla———— Edd 5th April sex: xy
Mummyhalo———-Edd 16tg April sex: xy, xy

If you are team April kindly quote this message so I can add you.
May the Almighty make it easy for us

1 Like

Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 9:38pm On Feb 22, 2023
Do we even have any team April at all in the house abi na only me waka come

I am team April 30th
What’s your edd? Let’s start the roll call😊

1 Like

TV/Movies / Re: Most Ladies Go To BBNaija Just To Get Customers - OAP Nedu (Video) by Hauwi(f): 2:51pm On Jan 24, 2023
It's quite sad with what our girls are turning themselves into... Getting a high moral valued girl today is like looking for a needle in an ocean.
We just concluded our 3bedroom construction project in oron Akwa ibom, see link in signature for project updates from start to finishing.

Are you a high moral-valued man?
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 8:03pm On Jan 22, 2023
Please where is TEAM APRIL cappo. It seems am the only one here oo
I’ve been asking since forever.
I’m team April too


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Hauwi(f): 4:55pm On Jan 16, 2023
I have the following items for sale. Neatly used.

1. LMV baby cot. Comes with a free vitafoam baby cradle bed. 20k.

2. double electric breast pump comes with a free nuby new bottle 8k.

3. Lighting macqueen baby walker 8k

4. Summer infant foldable bathtub 10k comes with a free changing mat wallet.

4. Infantino ergonomic carrier , nursing pillow, big changing mat purse with space for wipe case, diapers, change of pants. Everything 12k.

5. Halogen Oven 10k..

6. 5 bags of livia lactation tea that increase breast milk production 12k. Single 2500..

7. Nursing bag 5k.

Please this is an urgent sale.
Location is in ikeja lagos. Call

Delivery is on you.

Hello ma do you still have any of these?
I’m interested please and pictures too will help. Thanks
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 6:02pm On Jan 06, 2023
April mummies no roll call?.. who’s our capo?
We are gradually winding down. May the Almighty see us through this phase . Amin


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Hauwi(f): 1:40pm On Dec 12, 2022
Between this two which will you recommend and your reasons. Cos I see the 5in one like a waste of money cos I doubt if it will rock well

I’m a ftm. I have a friend that used the electric one but I prefer the 5 in 1.I think it’s safer because of the depth compared to the second picture. U need this rocker for like the first 4 months of your baby’s life and I’d prefer to put my newborn in a bassinet.

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