I get it.
I get it that you are currently applying the concept of TAQIYYA and KITMAN. A practice where you Muslims (Head Slammers) lie to cover the perverse lifestyle of your Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad who will lead you all down to Hell. If you fail to repent.
You see I am direct unlike you guys that claim to regard Jesus but really disrespect him. I wonder the highest form of insults you can give a man when he tells you directly who he is(history) but you Head Slammers disregard his very words and take the word of a Pedophile who came hundred of years after Jesus over the words of Jesus himself. I guess we can all call that "Respect"?!!,right?...
You see how you turn all of the Suras I quoted on it's head in other to make it pleasant for your Pedophile Prophet Muhammad. Some Naive individuals reading your interpretation of those Suras and Hadiths will believe your lies as they really have not studied these things like some of us have done. Is it not pathetic that you Head Slammers have to keep putting up all sorts of pathetic explanations (lies) in other to make it sound pleasant the very glaring perverse life the Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad lived?
I understand this all. If you guys are not denying the clear historical fact that Aisha was Six(6)years Old when the Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad raped and married her then you guys are explaining that the Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad was actually favouring women when he Objectified them. How wonderful what you guys have to put up with just about anything unreasonable just to remain Head Slammers.
Any Sane and Logical person after seeing all of these historical evidences on the perverse life of legacy the Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad handed to you guys would easily be ashamed, be convinced that this Pervert was no Prophet. This is the person whom you guys put in same league as JESUS (Isah) as prophets. What an insult to Jesus and to think there is a contradiction in your books that regard Jesus as the al-Masih (Arabic for MESSIAH).
When the life of the Pervert Prophet Muhammad is up for comparison. It pales in comparison to how the Son of God (al-Masih (Messiah) who came with the al-Injil (Gospel) ) lived.
Be truthful to your soul for once.
You swear allegiance to a Pervert Pedophile Prophet who carried out all sorts of Genocide and Murders against the Son of God who truly lived peacefully whom you are supposed to truly love and believe like he said he said you should and you claim to respect. Well you Head Slammers are not the first to regard him as a Prophet when he clearly said he was more than that. See
John 7:40-44: Some of the people in the crowd heard him say this and said, "This man is really the Prophet!"
41. Others said, "He is the Messiah!"
Now compare that to the life of Rapist Murderer who conferred on himself the title of a Prophet.
Sahih Bukhari (50:369)- Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Pervert Prophet Muhammad 's insistence. The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This does the victim out of his fitness, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered.
Does this connote a real Prophet If your reasoning is sound?. I can continuously go on citing instances where the Pervert Pedophile Prophet Muhammad uses lying and deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and he murders them while pretending to seek peace. He also used this against Usayr Ibn Zarim, one of the leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, who survived his tribe's genocide and eviction from Medina by the Muslims. He and his thirty companions were brutally slaughtered after the Pervert Prophet Muhammad invited them for Peace talks.
Compare that to Jesus (Isah) whom by even Islamic standard was considered to have born a "Pure boy" without Sin. We know from history that there are some earliest Muslim traditions and conflicting reports regarding Jesus's death. Even though today, the concept of Taqiyya and Kitman i.e lying and omission are applied to say that Jesus didn't die.
We also see how the Pervert Prophet Muhammad plagiarised various pre-islamic books pointing them out as his revelations. A notable example is the Jesus speaking from Cradle, a miracle description thing he copied from a Syriac Infancy Gospel book(a pre-islamic sixth century work). He didn't complie the Al'koran as Utman did.
I bet you never knew that Muhammad didn't regard the Bible as corrupted but it was a writer named Abd al-Jabbar ibn Ahmed who stared these lies.
For some reason, i could not quote this your post since 2 days ago. For some reason, everytime i posted i was banned!!!
i have to use alternate account.
Why Why Why!!! why are u inventing lies like this?
Do u know what taqiyya is?
TAQIYYA is when you hide your religious identity when u confront a danger to your life(death) because of your religion. This is appalling!!!!
How did i turn verses on its head!!! You are the one who sickly interprets verses without giving sight to previous and next verses that state conditions. because of your natural hate disposition, u are just looking 4 every turn to demonize Islam, to make your own look right, when i have showed u in your reasoning of your doctrine, contradictions, falsehood, lies. But what do u do, u resort to insults and fabricating lies about d prophet.
I have already explained the Marriage of Aisha, with verses of age and maturity but no!!! u still continue to deny in your ignorance. Of course when there are numerous contradictions in the bible and u believe them, y wont you concoct lies to suit yourself.
Anybody reading this should pick up the Quran himself/herself and read with reasoning and see if there are any contradictions. if u don't understand, ask a person of knowledge in the field(imam).