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Religion / Re: Pastor Iginla Has A "Pool Of Betheseda" In His Church by iaatmgirl: 1:44am On Apr 02, 2020
where is pastor Iginla in this time of COVID19?
Crime / Re: Customs Arrests Man Who Hid Rice In His Body by iaatmgirl: 12:03am On Apr 02, 2020
the hunger in the land is causing desperation
Romance / Re: Kiss & Tell: Lady Confronts Guy On The Road For Telling His Friends They Had Sex by iaatmgirl: 12:00am On Apr 02, 2020
i believe this is staged. doesn't look real
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:28pm On Nov 06, 2019

I had my baby 10 days ago... we were discharged on 3 days after birth. I am mix-feeding him as well (water excluded). He did not pooed for 2 days....when he finally pooed it was very hard and small.

With time his stool texture changed and is very regular.

Give her sometime...she will finally do what you wish.

Evening mama,

Pls note that if you're giving formula, try to also give water. Formula could cause constipation and that could be why baby's poo was hard.
Babies poo should not be hard, it shows the body does not have enough fluid.

This constipation thing is prevention is better than cure. My thoughts


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 8:31am On Oct 20, 2019
Thank you so much am still looking for one I actually got one from church just 2 days she’s already telling me she wants to bring her kids to spend the weekend with me I noticed she likes watching movie and she doesn’t come on time most times I’ve already finish cleaning my babies room and done all the washing before she comes I dont know how to put to work bcus I’ve already told her all I wanted a nanny for cryI feel so lonely I really wish I have a mother cry cry

Don't start what you can't continue sha. If she brings them 1/2 times and you then want to stop them, cud b a problem.although is this person supposed to be a help hired or she's just trying to assist you? If hired help, then calmly remind her of her duties and leave work for her to do instead of finishing it. Else she'd get used to not working. Eg leave the cloth washing for her, I don't know how much daily arrangement you do for babies room, leave it for her sometimes so she can start doing what you got her for.
God would send you the help that would greatly reduce your burden so you can be at peace.

People have different thoughts on this but if you're to get another anytime, don't tell them all their work is nanny work, tell them they'd assist you in house work sometimes. It doesn't mean they'd do all house work when they come but at least you can seek their help sometimes. Cos truth is, most times, the babies would be with you not them and you might need them to do sthng else.


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 8:50am On Oct 09, 2019
Using menthol on a baby close to the nose or on the nose is very dangerous

This is noted.

Could you pls expantiate on this for our education. Is it that it is too hot or it might enter his nostrils or what exactly.

Trying to relate it to using ori instead.

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 8:47am On Oct 09, 2019

She's two so there's only so much I can do. I don't let her do it when I'm there, so she's taken to doing it when she sees that they're alone. She's seen him as a rival since he was born, but I think as she grows older and starts to understand that he's her brother their relationship would change. I think she's taken to just screaming at him because she knows she can't hit or push him, but she'd outgrow it.

All the best with both of them.
She shud pls do fast and see him as her cute little brother that needs cuddling and a laughing n playing mate.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 2:52pm On Oct 05, 2019
So this morning, I bathed GiddyBaby first, then I bathed Amalinze, then I tried to put them in front of the TV to watch nursery rhymes so that I can get stuff done.

They both love nursery rhymes but whenever GB notices that two of them are alone, she starts yelling at Amali, and the yelling scares him so he cries and she laughs. This is what she does every single time they're left alone, I can't even go into how much it annoys me.

Anyway so she's yelling, and his wailing, and I'm just trying to shut out both their voices for a minute so that I can finish what I'm doing. But GB is relentless, so I finally had to go and pick up Amali and now I'm pissed at GB.

Their father has always said I should stop pinching her and start putting her on time outs instead. Rolls eyes.

Anyway so I take Amali into our bedroom, and lock GB out as I try to console him cuz believe it or not, if I leave the door open, GB would follow me and keep yelling at Amali and laughing so that he'd never stop crying.

Whenever I lock GB out of the bedroom, she usually stays by the door banging and crying. Whenever she doesn't do this, I know that she's up to mischief. She was quiet today but the living room is more child proof than its ever been and the kitchen door is locked so I figure she can't be up to much and ignore her while I breast fed Amali.

5 minutes later I start hearing faint coughing sounds and it also sounded as if she was swallowing. I quickly opened the door and she was no where to be found, I checked the second room and there she was, squatting over the water I used to bath Amali, using her hands as cup to scoop it and gulp it down. cheesy cheesy cheesy. Reminded me of an ancient African widow practice but it didn't scare me because it couldn't be worse than when she ate my weave. cheesy

This is the reason they tell you to put your children in creche at one.

Afternoon mama,

I read this post and I want to ask experienced mamas a question on Giddybaby's yelling at baby brother. Sorry that I'm asking a question on your post.

Is there no way to control it, manage it or stop it because there may be moments when they may be alone and I'm wondering if baby won't start getting scared of her. Just thinking out on how parents manage siblings relationship.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 2:42pm On Oct 05, 2019
Good day Mama's, please I have a newborn, she is over 2weeks and has catarrh, what can I use for her please, I have menthalatum in the house too, don't know how to use it. Please help a ftm. Thanks

I use metholetum on my baby's chest and feet whenever the weather is cold. It cud be several times a day on a rainy cold day especially when he already has cold. But other days I use it after each bath and in the middle of the night till the symtons leave.

You also have to switch off the fan or reduce it to the minimum to ensure baby is not feeling cold. You can use metholatum or ori on the bridge of the nose.

Also note that the noisy breathing of a new born does not mean they have catarrh.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 12:36pm On Aug 23, 2019
Well WHO encourages breastfeeding up to 2 years
I personally have no intention of breastfeeding a child past 12 months, anything after is jara
With my son I even stopped at 10 months because he was eating other foods more and was using BM as pacifier/sleep aid. That in my opinion is abuse of privilege so I stopped him grin
Last last, do whatever you are comfortable with

This post is funny with the Jara and abuse of privilege.

Thanks for your response
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 12:35pm On Aug 23, 2019

My son z 2yrs and few days shy from 3 months...I still breastfed him.my choice tho#

Guess it should just be a decision.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:51am On Aug 23, 2019
Morning parents,
Hope we are good today.

I want to ask, does it really matter whether we wean our little ones at 12 or 18 or 24months from br.st milk?
Does that extra feeding after 12 months make difference? For their health?
Trying to decide when to stop. We're almost 15 months and I don't have an exact time to stop in mind. Sucks between night and morning when I'm home. His main meal is cereals,others are taste and go.

I know most people stop at 12 months. So wondering if my extra mile is adding value. What's our take?
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:02pm On Jun 13, 2019
Good morning mothers,

I want to start giving my one month old baby formula but at lost on which to buy. I want a good and easy to get in all location brand.

Help a FTM mother.

Let your pocket decide on which to buy.
Don't let someone that earns a lot convince you that the most expensive is best. They are good, yes. But babies that drink the others are also fine.

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:09am On Apr 15, 2019
Hey mums,please has anyone used baby hair products from Wura's hair secret on Instagram? Her products are quite pricey I want to be sure it is very effective. My baby girl is 6weeks old and her hair isn't the way I planned in my head for it to be...lol. Please if anyone knows any other product that will prevent hair shedding and also help her grow I will appreciate it. Thanks.

Cc: Zaynie,Giddyperson and other sabi mamas.

I don't know about any products but I think 6 weeks is too small to worry about that.

Please let her grow a bit older. Just wear fine head bands or ribbons for now but remember to let the head breathe without covering sometimes too.

Don't worry, her fine hair is coming

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:38am On Apr 11, 2019
Sabi mamas, my little girl is 9days old and hasn’t poo’ed in her diaper. The only time she did was when mentholatum was dipped in her anus and warm water was consistently poured in her anus. She was passing the fences as the act was going on. That has been the only time she pooed,what do I do pls?

Just want to ask, has baby pooped all those green / black stuffs that come out the first few days? If yes, let baby be. The body is stuffing nutrients and besides that brea sts milk has minimal waste.

If going to 5 days and you're worried, you mummy shud take lots of water, fruits and vegetables. If you can, drink ewedu soup also.

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 10:59pm On Feb 02, 2019
Please FTM here o!

My son is 10 weeks old. Breastmilk has long since stopped flowing so we are purely on formula. My challenge is that a tin lasts less than 3 days and his consumption seems to be increasing and he eats every one hour plus. This isn't pocket friendly plus the formula doesn't hold him for long . What can I do to supplement his food.. Is it okay to introduce pap right now?


Just thinking. You're 10weeks pp. If there is no unusual reason for the breast milk that has stopped flowing, can't something be done to restart the flow of the milk. Lactation cookies, teas, pap, fenugreek n others?

Why not give them a try. It wud save you a lot. 10 weeks is too young for anything other than milk.

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 11:10pm On Jan 26, 2019
Sunbestie and Jessie21 it is well with your children. May the Lords hand rest upon them.

At this point it should be boldly written in the mind of mummies that all these teething meds for babies is just (a scam) Paracetamol. Most of them don't do anything than bring down temperature. Please teeth will surely sprout and paracetamol will do the trick. But if you want to go the teething medicine way, don't include another paracetamol biko. Say NO to drug abuse.

I .

Pls this needs to be emphasized

I remember receiving the advice of pican n bonababe when my lo was born. To give from 2 /3 months. I just always wondered why we wud be treating sthng that does not exist.

Thank God I didn't. my boy is 8 months n yet to grow any tooth. Means he'd have been taking it for 5months.

It's just like the mulrivite thing or vit c. I don't think giving baby daily is necessary. If having cold or recovering from illness, yes or if recommended by Dr but not giving because you feel like. Pls these babies are too precious for this.


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 9:52am On Jan 14, 2019
Good day mamas of nations, pls assist a FTM ooo, pls is it right to breast feed a 2month old baby while lying down. Thank u.

It's not wrong per say, Just risky for that age. One risk suffocating baby if mum falls asleep n baby's nose is covered with b.reast. Baby night not be able to remove his face.

The likelihood that mum wud fall asleep is near 100%. The few times I tried it that young, I was dead tired with aches and needed rest but my mum or husband sat beside us to hold/adjust the bre,ast. They removed baby once he slept off. The idea was for them not to leave my side without carrying baby.

As he grew older I tried it again but he later figured it out himself by adjusting his head n sucking the cloths looking for food

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:15pm On Jan 12, 2019

I don't know what method they used but it wasn't ring. They said we can remove the bandage later this afternoon (it was done before 8am this morning). They said after removal I should start applying Vaseline mixed with mentholatum and it would heal in 2-3 days, I told them I'd be using penicillin instead and she said it's still ok. The crying is something else. How long before he stops wailing at intervals like this.

It's the traditional method of blade I guess. Pls put oil (penicillin as you prefer) as often as possible. Try not to touch it though, We need to keep it clean so there is no infection . also try to wear his diaper a bit free so it doesn't touch it (to avoid bruising it or making it stuck to it)

The pain while peeing wud soon go. Just remember it's an open wound so there is bound to be a little pain till it heals.

Pray speedy healing for him

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 6:57am On Jan 12, 2019
Morning all

Pls people that know someone that knows about @proudmom38 should pls find out how she n her family are doing?

It's been a while she made a post n its getting me anxious.
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 7:58am On Jan 11, 2019
Thanks everyone. We're doing it in the village hospital, just wanna be prepared incase I hear 'Use engine oil' cheesy


As you mentioned village hospital. Let me chip something in, in case they do the traditional/surgical type where one mama wud use blade to do it. Although if you have alternative, pls don't let them do this method. I don't know why this is still in practice sef.

If that approach, you may be given antibiotics, pain reliever and vit C for him. They'd put bandage after the exercise to absorb the blood. Pls pour olive oil regularly to keep it moist (the hospital actually mentioned engine oil but I can't use that on baby).

They shud instruct on when to remove the bandage or tell you to leave till it removes itself. But don't leave it too long. I was told to leave it till it removed itself but it started smelling a bit and i asked a nurse when i went for my injections. She said I cud remove it since was already a few days , i didn't have the mind so mil removed it for me. Then just continue with penicillin.

The first pee after the removal is usually painful for them. I guess cos of the open wound sha.

Let's just hope it's the ring method. Wud save you the bandage thing.

Hospitals have their own guidelines sha so ask and use extra knowledge from here to decide on what to do. We are always here for each other.

Kisses to baby
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by iaatmgirl: 12:38pm On Dec 03, 2018
Good afternoon all

How are we all fairing with our bumps.

Anyone interested in these two items can contact me.

Bottled Goya Olive Oil expiring June 2019
Pregnacare original. 19 tablets expiring Jan 2019

Pickup is preferably around Keffi,ikoyi Lagos.

May the Lord grant us safe delivery

Health / Re: Trying To Conceive A Child? TTC by iaatmgirl: 7:36am On Dec 03, 2018
Good morning all

How are we all fairing?

Anyone interested in these two items can contact me.

EPO. Exp July 2019. 23 capsules left.
Pregnacare conception. 15 tablets expiring Spt 2019

Pickup is preferably around Keffi,ikoyi Lagos.

May the Lord grant you your heart desires


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 5:42pm On Nov 25, 2018

Use hot water for it that's during bathing,then apply penicillin and Vaseline always.

Warm water please

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 4:47pm On Nov 21, 2018
Mamas please my baby’s umbilical cord fell off today, do I still need to be cleaning the navel with spirit and cotton wool, what else do I need to do to the navel.. I’m totally clueless, please help!



I've Neva heard of penicillin or Vaseline for cord. I only know those for circumcission.

I simply continued with the spirit for lo. The healing process is still going on

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 4:49pm On Nov 19, 2018
My 4 months Old baby cannot suck well as usual, please mothers in the house should tell me what to do

God bless u as I await your responses

You might have to expatiate on your question, particularly what exactly what the problem is; so mamas can respond based on experience.

He cannot suck or he doesn't want to suck? I assume it's b.obs. did something happen or did something change?
Health / Re: Baby Foods And Recipes (weaning And Solids For 6m+) by iaatmgirl: 5:49pm On Nov 18, 2018

Carrot puree and pear puree (english pear) were also one of the first fruit purees i started my kiddo with from 6 months.
Make sure u scrape of the back of the carrot, boil for a few mins and then blend... U can even do apple+carrot or any other mix of ur choice.

I tried watermelon but she didn't like it , but it did help when she ws constipated

Thank you mama for your response.
I'd try then out
Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 5:44pm On Nov 18, 2018

Thanks for your response, I spoke to her pediatrician and he said I should start cleaning it every two hours that the odour will stop but if it continues, I should come in for examination. He also said I should let him know if I notice any sign of fever. I cleaned it all night and I noticed the odour reduced.

Good to know

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Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 8:12pm On Nov 16, 2018
Good evening mamas, this is my first post here and I’m a ftm. Please I need your help, my baby is 5days old and I have been cleaning her cord with spirit and cotton wool from when she was born, the cord is already drying up but I just noticed it’s producing a foul odour, is it supposed to smell while drying out? I clean it morning and night after bathing her.


I don't think the foul odour is right but just to comment. You are supposed to clean it as often as possible, eg, you can clean it at each diaper change. Also pls dont let tthe diaper rest on it. The cord/navel needs to breath.

If the above are fine pls check with the Dr. Else adjust for a day, if no difference pls see the Dr. That navel thing is very delicate and we need to prevent infection.

Mamas with more experience would give their responses.

Kisses to baby


Health / Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iaatmgirl: 5:00pm On Nov 15, 2018
Good morning experienced mamas, please i have this rashes in between my two breast. its very itchy and painful and its beginning to spread like wild fire. Has anyone experienced this? if so, what did u use.

Also, my 6 weeks old baby weighs 4.2kg. My mum thinks she's small as she's being exclusively breastfed. issit sth to worry abt?

Thanks for ur awaited responses

As regards baby's weight, it depends on baby's birth weight. If as high as 4kg, then baby may be said to be underweight. If as low as 2.8kkg/3kg, then the weight is still okay.

If she's sucking well and her weight continues to increase, don't be worried. Most Grandmas don't believe in exclusive breastfeeding so they believe you're starving baby.

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Health / Re: Baby Foods And Recipes (weaning And Solids For 6m+) by iaatmgirl: 9:53pm On Nov 14, 2018

Wow this your questions plenty.

Okay let me answer the one I can relate from my knowledge.

I observed thaf banana,boiled apple n avocado are part of babies first fruits from 6 months. I'm just wondering when other fruits can be introduced? Pls mamas when did you introduce others?

I've not really played around different fruits cus I'm scared of allergy, so I just go with the regular fruits and observe for reactions. I don't introduce any fruit without gaining knowledge or doing a research from Google about their health benefits for babies. So in other words I'm very sceptical about what goes in my baby's mouth.
So I think you can introduce then later combine them but never forget to know their health benefits before giving to baby.

Also, why is watermelon not part of first fruits, I mean to blend and maybe sieve. After all, it's said to be over 90% water.

From what I learnt about watermelon for infants is bcus watermelons(as the name implies 'water') has alot of water in it which is what is known as electrolyte. Infants needs more milk than just water. Secondly, the seeds for infants can be a choking hazards for baby. To me that's just the few things that I know about babies against watermelons but they tend to weigh the disadvantage above the advantage. Watermelon also is good for rehydration.

In addition, what's the longest time you've kept fruit puree fresh at room temperature.

I keep not more than 24hrs. I discard or eat it after 24hrs.

wondering if it can be prepared early morning and kept till lunch snack?
Why not! As long as it's in a cool place. Don't leave it in heated place cus it's a fresh fruit and it's likely to get bacteria if not in a cool place. Banana and avocado should not be stored or refrigerated. Consume immediately.

One last thing, did you get a dedicated pot for baby's food? And if yes, was it nonstick?

Yes I did. But not nonstick. It's a brand new pot from a set I got. It's your choice to go for nonstick pots but be careful bcus most nonstick pots becomes stick pots when the thing supposed to be making it nonstick goes off.. and most times it mixes with your meal, trust me you don't want that for your baby. So if you're getting, get original.

I hope I made sense. Sorry for the many English.

Good night

Thank you for your detailed response
You really helped.
Health / Re: Baby Foods And Recipes (weaning And Solids For 6m+) by iaatmgirl: 9:49pm On Nov 14, 2018

Check page 1, there's a picture that is well detailed

Thank you
I saw them. No age was specified, hence my questions.

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