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Phones / Re: A New Scam Yahoo Boys Have Invented. by iamnemo(m): 11:46pm On Dec 25, 2015
Baba you be mumu jor. angry Which kind story be type ur number by mistake? Na only one time fb go send code? Why didn't he correct his number n request new code? Its totally absurd that u could fall for such silly story.
Family / Re: My Husband’s Friend Is Wonderful In Bed, But… by iamnemo(m): 7:20am On Oct 08, 2015
see the types of English you speeks. you are not shame with your self. as big as you be.

Wole Soyinka. tongue Hmmm 'you are not shame with yourself ' Really?
Romance / Re: How Do I Handle A Stubborn Girlfriend? by iamnemo(m): 7:08am On Oct 08, 2015
Baba you don't love her as you think you do. You are scared of being alone. From the beginning you came on too strong. As human we have this innate feeling to want to know why someone will keep rejecting us.Even if we keep doing everything to prove our commitment. She has seen this from the start she knows you will always come begging even if she is the one at fault.
She has come to enjoy seeing you long for her love and affection. She enjoys the power she has over you.
Also lack of confidence gives permission to another to rule you. Unless you won’t show your importance, other won’t come to know what you mean to their lives.You have placed her love on such high pedestal and when people become so important in your life, you become weak in front of them.

Whatever you think you have done for her over the years forget it and move on. As a man you have to endeavor to stand your ground.
You mentioned you have girls in your radar reach out to them, flirt with them. You need some one that will pull out your balls she has trappled on it for so long my brother - Let her know you have options and when or if she comes around begging tell her its too late.
Oko won lode and the girls know it too. You are a rare commodity keep your head up and start acting like one!
Good luck.


Religion / Re: A Christian Group Feeds Muslim Beggars On Sallah Day (Photos) by iamnemo(m): 7:58am On Sep 25, 2015
Can we all just get along
Romance / Re: Why Guys Should Stop Complaining About Ladies Going After Readymade Men by iamnemo(m): 9:39am On Sep 24, 2015
For the OP - Gerrarra here men tongue

But guys make sure you una hustle sha.
Be so fresh to death that you will need a pall bearer.
Then girls go follow you like ants follow sugar.
You will never have to toast a girl ever again!!
Celebrities / Re: D'banj Becomes SLOT Ambassador, Gets Brand New Porsche [photos] by iamnemo(m): 5:09pm On Sep 23, 2015
Correction. A beg I wan be ambassador too oh.
Business / Re: How To Start A Frozen Chicken Business In Nigeria by iamnemo(m): 9:53am On Sep 23, 2015
Farm Fresh Frozen Tasty Tender Halal Whole Chicken availble for sale. Call us 08120852100

All our broilers chicken are grown in Nigeria.When our chickens are ready for market, we have them prepared to the cleanest standards, and we are proud to say they are Halal Certified. Much of our product comes directly from farmers, growers and packing plants. By buying in bulk directly from the source, we eliminate distribution trucks and warehouses, which gets farm fresh food to you fresher and cheaper.

Freezing In the Goodness
Our frozen chicken is blast chilled or flash frozen to preserve as much nutrition, texture and freshness as possible. A quick freezing process prevents the fluid inside the chicken from turning into large crystals, which can cause faster deterioration in texture and nutrition.

Flash-frozen chicken has a nutritional profile similar to fresh chicken's, as the process does not use any preservatives. Our modern freezing technologies lock in freshness, meaning that a lot of your frozen favourites can be cooked straight from the freezer, and because our products are frozen at their peak, remain in perfect condition until you are ready to use them.

We only sell in bulk for now 30Kg and above.

We have them in various sizes ranging from 1.1 to 2.0kg at a very low price starting from 750 per KG

On Purchasing above 30KG -100kg price is N745 per KG
On Purchasing above 100KG- 200KG price is N735per KG
If you are purchasing outside of Abuja please don't hesitate to call us for affordable quotes.

We look forward to your business.

Celebrities / Re: Twins Osaso & Osato Most Beautiful Model In Nigeria Dazzle At Gold Pool Party by iamnemo(m): 10:57pm On Aug 02, 2015
Beauty pageants are so lame. I don't understand the need for it. I hate that term ' the most beautiful girl in wherever'
I think its exploitative, lowers the women's self worth and self esteem.

I mean what's the point really angry

So every other girl in the country is ugly and the winner is the prettiest of them all? For what?? angry
Family / Re: I Am Getting Tired Of My Long Distance Marriage. by iamnemo(m): 7:57am On Aug 02, 2015
My dear. I can relate to your feelings of deep sadness, frustration and loneliness which can hover over you like a veil when you are in a long distance relationship.

If you feel that you belong together, hang in there even when loneliness threatens to overwhelm you. Many long distance couples have found that all the emotional turmoil that they went through while they were apart was worth it in the end. Don’t listen to others that say a long distance relationship can’t succeed. If there’s enough love there and both of you are willing to put in the effort to make it work, anything is possible.

Put your mementos of your relationship in a scrapbook. Create a page of all the things you love about your man like funny or sweet things he’s said to you. Going through your scrapbook when you are feeling down will be an instant boost of happiness and it will remind you why this relationship is worth it.

And don't just sit at home. Hang out with friends as long as you are putting time in your relationship and nurturing it, you don’t have to hang up your social butterfly wings. Go out and spend time with your friends doing fun things that you enjoy. It’s a good idea to check in with your husband throughout so he’s a part of the activities even though he can’t be there.

I know this won't be like having him there. But I think it can help you cope.

But in future, this is the wrongest place to seek advice. Especially of this nature. Just look at this comment in quote and see the amount of likes and shares. Its sickening to say the least.

Talk to your husband instead. You both know why you are doing this.
Goodluck and hang in there.

Look at you. Why bother when you can give me a call to come keep u. Do u even have big yansh to start with? sad


Business / Re: Man Dies After Losing Money To Lotto by iamnemo(m): 3:22pm On Jul 31, 2015
You be mumu grin
Get rich quick or die trying sad
Career / Re: Shell Sacks 6,500, Slash Capital Spending by iamnemo(m): 3:18pm On Jul 31, 2015
Hmmmm... Na wa ooo smiley

when your customers dont have money to buy eggs and chicken nko?? grin
Health / Re: The Sack Of Angela Uwakwemh, The Boss Of FMC Owerri Causes Workers' Celebration by iamnemo(m): 1:41pm On Jul 31, 2015
Omo see jubilation grin.
Business / Re: Frozen chicken fresh from farm available for sale. by iamnemo(m): 12:53pm On Jul 31, 2015
smiley I look forward to your business.


WoW! Didn't think of that. I'm in PH. So I guess we can start a partnership. Even in d frozen chicken aspect. Thanks
Career / Re: Microsoft Nigeria Sacks 34 Workers In Phone Division (Out of 40) by iamnemo(m): 12:49pm On Jul 31, 2015
The hotels I supply to request for eggs every week. On a bad week 100 or 150. Lol a crate or two ke Eggs can be stored in a cool room temperature for more than three days. That's why I said look for demand first so as not to tie down your capital. Anyways, Its lucrative for me. I also supply to bakeries, fast food .Its about volume the same cost to transport just one crate is the same as transporting a 1000 crates. Just cause it doesn't work for him doesn't mean its not a good business. I am not saying its easy. I know how many times I have been rejected. I have people that I supply just 10 to. I understand that if you don't have a market its hard. So its really about volume.
For people in and around abuja. I'm more than willing to make the delivery for you.I will sell it to you at N720 per crate minimum of 20 crates. Just get the market first.
How often do you supply hotels?It's not a everyday supply.Hotels don't request for more than a crate or two because eggs quickly get spoilt when store for more than 3 days.It's not hygienic to serve a guest omelets that is not fresh.I have worked in a hotel before.Moreso,when you calculate tf and other expenses,what is left?
Career / Re: Microsoft Nigeria Sacks 34 Workers In Phone Division (Out of 40) by iamnemo(m): 11:31am On Jul 31, 2015
OK. So he just sells one crate abi? If he is able to supply a 1000 in a month how much be that? The question you should ask him is how much is he willing to move around. You have to stay hungry bro. I supply to 3 hotels I make 100 on each crate. 250 per week for each hotel. Thats 750 in a week. Now multiply that by 100.
And I have not included other people I supply too.
But hey ! what do I know?

There is not much gain in this your egg business. I know a guy who is into it.He makes #80 gain after he sells a crate.Is that lucrative? yuck!
Romance / Re: Desperate For A Husband. by iamnemo(m): 11:05am On Jul 31, 2015
Baba no time to say no time. wink



some guys have no chill
Business / Re: Frozen chicken fresh from farm available for sale. by iamnemo(m): 10:59am On Jul 31, 2015
Thank you. But I will recommend you to go into the marketing aspect for starters. There is much more money to be made there. And you don't get to invest nothing. You only buy when you have a demand. Even though its N10 you make on each crate. Its a start.Go to hotels, bakeries, around you. Tell them you can supply egg to them at N750-N780 per crate. For malls and supermarkets though you need to have a packaged egg with your brand name. You can supply to them in 30pcs or 15pcs ,12pcs or 6pcs you can set the price however you like. What will set you apart is how neat your eggs are and a good package attracts customers too.

I can give you N730 if you order 100. So you do the math.smiley

Hope this helps.


Nice work... Really motivating. I also want to go into poultry. I love ur battery cages where d eggs roll out after being laid. What's d mechanism behind it? How many birds (layers and broilers) do u advice I can start with? Many thanks
Career / Re: Microsoft Nigeria Sacks 34 Workers In Phone Division (Out of 40) by iamnemo(m): 10:16am On Jul 31, 2015
Start your egg supply business today!! Its lucrative. Paid job is not promised tomorrow.
Career / Re: Shell Sacks 6,500, Slash Capital Spending by iamnemo(m): 9:56am On Jul 31, 2015
Sure you can. To start you need to first get demand. Hotels, bakeries, market women, basically anyone that wants eggs (open crates) or chicken in bulk.

If you can't get these look for malls, supermarkets, pharmacies around you and offer to be delivering eggs to them(retail). But you have to have a good package not just the typical egg crates. Same for chicken too.These will just stand you out from the competition.

When you get demand. I will offer you a good price.
Thanks for stopping by.


i want to start the business. pls how do i start? What are the requirements and the procedures to follow?
Career / Re: Shell Sacks 6,500, Slash Capital Spending by iamnemo(m): 8:54am On Jul 31, 2015
Eish. Sorry to the sacked ones. Come into business with me. I will show you how you can pocket 100-300k monthly. Supplying eggs and chicken. Its so damn lucrative!! Check out my personal text.


Romance / Re: Desperate For A Husband. by iamnemo(m): 8:29am On Jul 31, 2015
True..true... Why did they wait so long? Me sef na atawewe (21-24) cool I dey find o. But I still fit consider 25 sha if she is slim. The slim ones tend to get prettier as they age.


You are right bro

Do you know that despite the fact that i really want to settle down with a good lady,anytime i se a lady in her thirties i tend to pause and take a deep look unlike when i see 20something year old lady.

The moment a lady clocks 30 and she is yet to marry i will advice her to be very very careful because at this point on,even if she is not desperate at all,that age automatically puts her at a precarious situation.
Romance / Re: Desperate For A Husband. by iamnemo(m): 8:13am On Jul 31, 2015
So all the pretty ladies looking for a ready made Dangote.

I offer the following analysis of your predicament.

In economic terms, you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain: you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35, stick a fork in you!

Your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity … in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful!

It doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what most of them are asking) so I’d rather lease. In case you think I’m being cruel, I would say the following: if my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It’s as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating(leasing), not marriage.

But rational arguments rarely win the day in dating, love, and marriage.

Good luck in your search.


Celebrities / Re: Dbanj Blasts Nigerians Who Laugh At Him For Selling Garri by iamnemo(m): 4:12pm On Jul 30, 2015
Dbanj koleyewon. Packaging lo matter.
Crime / Re: Man Butchers Friend In Akwa Ibom (warning: Graphic Content) by iamnemo(m): 2:55pm On Jul 30, 2015
Savagery shocked
Well at least he didn't blame it on the devil.
Crime / Re: New Method Of Scamming, DO Not Fall Victim!!! by iamnemo(m): 2:50pm On Jul 30, 2015
Hmmm cray days ahead. Stay sharp!!
Foreign Affairs / Re: 3 Girls Scam ISIS On Social Media, Get $3,300 From Them by iamnemo(m): 2:45pm On Jul 30, 2015
Format toh bad!!"

1 Like

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Graduate Vacancies At Guinness Nigeria by iamnemo(m): 2:41pm On Jul 30, 2015
My fellow Nigerian graduates please start thinking outside the box. You dont have to work for Guinness. You can be Arthur Guinness too. In a nation of 150m people or more. The opportunities are boundless. Your only limitation is your imagination.
But what do I know

In the words of Mojeed
"Don't struggle to eat, struggle to stay hungry. There will be plenty of food and I don't wanna get comfy."

6 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: Pastor Lesego Daniel Commands Gay Spirit To Enter Member (photos) by iamnemo(m): 2:31pm On Jul 30, 2015
If only we know that true and perfect righteousness is not possible for man to attain on his own; the standard is simply too high. Not even a pastor, imam or whatever yours is called can be deemed so.

Hence, you don't need any so called man of God. Just kneel and pray to Baba GOD he always answers eventually.
But what do I know?
Politics / Re: Akpabio Suffers Setback In Bid To Retain Senate Seat by iamnemo(m): 2:17pm On Jul 30, 2015
Oh eya Pele.
Business / Re: Frozen chicken fresh from farm available for sale. by iamnemo(m): 1:01am On Jul 30, 2015
Thanks for stopping by smiley
Yes you can. Let me know the quantity you want please. I look forward to your business.


This is really nice.

Can we buy eggs from u on whole sale?
Business / Frozen chicken fresh from farm available for sale. by iamnemo(m): 11:39am On Jul 29, 2015
Farm Fresh Frozen Tasty Tender Halal Whole Chicken availble for sale. Call us 08120852100

All our broilers chicken are grown in Nigeria.When our chickens are ready for market, we have them prepared to the cleanest standards, and we are proud to say they are Halal Certified. Much of our product comes directly from farmers, growers and packing plants. By buying in bulk directly from the source, we eliminate distribution trucks and warehouses, which gets farm fresh food to you fresher and cheaper.

Freezing In the Goodness

Our frozen chicken is blast chilled or flash frozen to preserve as much nutrition, texture and freshness as possible. A quick freezing process prevents the fluid inside the chicken from turning into large crystals, which can cause faster deterioration in texture and nutrition.

Flash-frozen chicken has a nutritional profile similar to fresh chicken's, as the process does not use any preservatives. Our modern freezing technologies lock in freshness, meaning that a lot of your frozen favourites can be cooked straight from the freezer, and because our products are frozen at their peak, remain in perfect condition until you are ready to use them.

We only sell in bulk for now 25Kg and above.

We have them in various sizes ranging from 1.1 to 1.5kg at a very low price starting from 750 per KG

If you are purchasing outside of Abuja please don't hesitate to call us for affordable quotes.

We look forward to your business.

1 Like

Celebrities / Re: So The Lady That Accused Timaya Of Raping Her Is Even A Mum Of 3? (see Receipts) by iamnemo(m): 6:48am On Jul 29, 2015
Hmmm...these our celebs sef no get taste. Why all these warm jars of mayonaise they fight over them?
The guy probably has to strap a board to his butt to avoid falling in. lipsrsealed

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