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Romance / Re: “I Started Masturbating At Age 4 My Mum Constantly Kept Dressing Up In Front Of by inkaboutit4u(m): 4:07am On May 01, 2017
*********** [url]inkaboutit4u.com[/url] reply **********

Masturbation is a gift from God for all to enjoy. Per Lev 15:16-19 clearly describes masturbation and clearly NO sin offering is required at all that also includes and loving sexual fantasy that goes along with loving sexual pleasure.





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Romance / Re: Let's Talk Sex. what's your take? by inkaboutit4u(m): 3:03am On May 01, 2017
sex is meant for marriage eventhough its hard to admit anything besides dis is fornication

************* [url]Inkaboutit4u.com[/url] reply ******************

You have the wrong definition for fornication.

Fornication is not single sex but is the worship of a pagan fertility Baal god Per Paul 1 Cor 10:8 and Nu 25: 1-9, Nu 31



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Religion / Re: 7 Things The Bible Forbids, But We Do Anyway by inkaboutit4u(m): 9:24pm On Apr 28, 2017


*********************inkaboutit4u.com reply **************************

Christians are DEAD to the Law.

Romans 7:4 (GW) In the same way, brothers and sisters, you have died to the laws in Moses' Teachings through Christ's body. You belong to someone else, the one who was brought back to life. As a result, we can do what God wants.
Christians are free from the Law.


[url] http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Fornication_Does_NOT_have_10_different_meaning_like_they_want_to_tell_you.[/url]

Read Act 10 and 11. What was called unclean or a sin is now Clean per God. WHY

Because Christians are NEW CREATION, of God.

Christians are under a NEW AGE, Age of Grace, NOT Age of Law.

Christians are under a NEW LAW, The Law of Love in the Age of Grace.

We are DEAD to the LAW.


We have freedom in Christ to love everyone. The true will set you free. We are free. Enjoy your freedom.

Before a person finds a Bible Verse that hinds that we are suppose to be unloving, then show them these 8 pages of love verses.

Don't major on the minor. Major on the major (love) and everything else is minor.

Jas 2:12 - So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.

Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you, human, what is good; he has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God.

G[b]e 1:31 - Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. ...(Note: God designed our human nature, every detail of our natural sexuality, and said it was all very good. The only bad part of us is what we added, the "sin principal" part.)[/b]

Ro 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Tit 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Ro 14:20 - For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.

1Co 10:23 – All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

2Co 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
(Adam and Eve were a "NEW" creation. We are the "new" creation just like Adam and Eve was a "New" creation before the fall, before sin. When they were 100% public nudist and public sexual freedom, make sexual loving in public with no shame, no man made guilt trip.
Like swingers that have sex in front of others with no shame and no guilt. When Adam and Eve was NOT married, they were sex partners only. NO marriage in heaven, No marriage on earth. Jesus said to say NO vows. That means NO marriage vows either. Before the fall both had unlimited sex partners over a life time, the same as all of God 's creation does. In Christ we have sexual freedom to make love to many others as all God's creation does)

Ga 6:15 - For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.

Acts 10:13 Then a voice said to Peter, "Get up, Peter; kill and eat." 14 But Peter said, "No, Lord! I have never eaten food that is unholy or unclean." 15 But the voice said to him again, "God has made these things clean so don't call them 'unholy'!" 16 This happened three times

(Note: this was not only about food, but almost everything.)

Ga 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

2Jo 1:6 - Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.

1Co 14:1 - Let love be your highest goal, but also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives, especially the gift of prophecy.

Ro 13:9 - For the commandments against adultery and murder and stealing and coveting – and any other commandment – are all summed up in this one commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Ac 20:24 -But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the Good News about God's wonderful kindness and love.

Ro 12:10 -Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.

Ga 5:13 - For you have been called to live in freedom – not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love.
Note: this is the "sin principle" part of us. Being unloving, unkind, unforgiving, unthankful, being mean, selfish, rude, etc opposite of 1 Cor 13. God designed the human nature and said it was very good. We added the "sin principle" part.

Joh 13:35 - Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

Ro 12:9 - Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good.

Ro 13:8 - Pay all your debts, except the debt of love for others. You can never finish paying that! If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God's law.

Ro 13:10 - Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements.

1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 13

1 If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth F63 but didn't love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I knew all the mysteries of the future and knew everything about everything, but didn't love others, what good would I be? And if I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; F64 but if I didn't love others, I would be of no value whatsoever.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. 6 It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Love will last forever, but prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will all disappear. 9 Now we know only a little, and even the gift of prophecy reveals little! 10 But when the end comes, these special gifts will all disappear. 11 It's like this: When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly as in a poor mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me now. 13 There are three things that will endure – faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love.

1Co 16:14 - And everything you do must be done with love.

1Co 16:20 - All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss.

Gal 5:14 - For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Ga 5:22 - But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

Eph 3:18 - And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.

Eph 3:19 - May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Eph 5:25 - And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her

Eph 5:28 - In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife.

Eph 5:33 - So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Col 3:14 - And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Colossians 3:12-17

12 Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful. 16 Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use his words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. 17 And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.

1Th 3:12 - And may the Lord make your love grow and overflow to each other and to everyone else, just as our love overflows toward you.

1Th 4:10 - Indeed, your love is already strong toward all the Christians in all of Macedonia. Even so, dear brothers and sisters, we beg you to love them more and more.

1Th 5:13 - Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted love because of their work. And remember to live peaceably with each other.

1Th 5:26 - Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

2Th 1:3 - Dear brothers and sisters, we always thank God for you, as is right, for we are thankful that your faith is flourishing and you are all growing in love for each other.

1Ti 1:5 - The purpose of my instruction is that all the Christians there would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and sincere faith.

1Ti 6:10 - For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:6-12

6 Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth. 7 After all, we didn't bring anything with us when we came into the world, and we certainly cannot carry anything with us when we die. 8 So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. 9 But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 11 But you, Timothy, belong to God; so run from all these evil things, and follow what is right and good. Pursue a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.

Heb 13:5 - Stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never fail you. I will never forsake you."

Tit 2:4 - These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children,

Jas 2:8 - Yes indeed, it is good when you truly obey our Lord's royal command found in the Scriptures: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

1Pe 1:22 - Now you can have sincere love for each other as brothers and sisters because you were cleansed from your sins when you accepted the truth of the Good News. So see to it that you really do love each other intensely with all your hearts.

1Pe 4:8 - Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.

1Pe 5:14 - Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus.

Ga 5:6 - For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, it makes no difference to God whether we are circumcised or not circumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love.

1Jo 3:14 - If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to eternal life. But a person who has no love is still dead.
1Jo 3:18 - Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.

1Jo 3:23 - And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us.

1Jo 4:7 - Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1Jo 4:8 - But anyone who does not love does not know God – for God is love.

1Jo 4:10 - This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

1Jo 4:11 - Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.

1Jo 4:12 - No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love has been brought to full expression through us.

1Jo 4:16 - We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in him.God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

1Jo 4:17 - And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world.

1Jo 4:18 - Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of judgment, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us.

1Jo 4:19 - We love each other as a result of his loving us first.

1Jo 4:20 - If someone says, "I love God," but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we have not seen?

1Jo 4:21 - And God himself has commanded that we must love not only him but our Christian brothers and sisters, too.
2Jo 1:5 - And now I want to urge you, dear lady, that we should love one another. This is not a new commandment, but one we had from the beginning.

Re 2:4 - But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first!

Lu 7:45 - You didn't give me a kiss of greeting, but she has kissed my feet again and again from the time I first came in.

Ro 16:16 - Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.

Lu 7:45 - Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet.

Ro 16:16 - Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.

2Co 13:12 - Greet one another with an holy kiss.

1Jo 3:3 - And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

Jas 2:8 - If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well;

James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without favoritism and hypocrisy.

NLT James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere.

New Century Version James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good for others. It is always fair and honest.

NLT Micah 6:8 No, O people, the LORD has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

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Religion / Re: 12 Things The Bible Forbids But We Still Do And Consider Normal by inkaboutit4u(m): 9:11pm On Apr 28, 2017
The worst of all in my opinion is premarital sex. It is now so widely accepted that you are considered abnormal if you don't engage in it.

******************[url]inkaboutit4u.com[/url] reply ************

You have the wrong definition for fornication that comes up with the wrong conclusions and a wrong new plan of salvation of Jesus plus anti-sex to go to heaven. Totally wrong.

You define fornication as single sex, totally wrong. the correct definition by Paul in 1 Cor 10:8 compare to Nu 25: 1-9, Nu 31 is to join in with pagan fertility Baal god worship. This is the one and only correct definition.


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Religion / Re: Pre-Marital Sex Is Not Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 11:51pm On Apr 27, 2017
Fornication Does NOT have 10 different meanings like they want to tell you.


Also, Check out: http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Web_Pages_List

People or man made dictionaries want to say ‘fornication” mean many different things. This is NOT true. They want one word, fornication” to mean 10 different sexual things, this is wrong and NOT true and shows they do NOT know what they are talking about. They are being intentionally misleading you to have you think any thing sexual is "fornication", it is clearly NOT.

Paul clearly defines “fornication” as misusing your God given sexual freedom given to all creation at creation, (2 Sam 12:8, SOS 6:8, creation story in Gen 1) misusing by joining in the pagan worship of a fertility god sex orgy as worship to this pagan fertility god so they will get more blessing in crops and more animal reproduction so they can make more money, that is the one and only meaning for “fornication” and it is Paul’s definition in 1 Corinthians 10:8 and Nu 25: 1-9 and Nu 31.

In Nu 31 proof that a female did NOT do “fornication” was if she was a very young virgin girl, because all pagan women would join in the pagan worship of the pagan fertility god sex orgy, but if they were very young and still virgin then that means they did not join into the pagan worship sex orgy to worship this fertility pagan god. They killed all women who join in the worship of this pagan fertility god just like they kill 23,000 – 24,000 Jewish Hebrews who joined in the pagan worship of the fertility pagan god sex orgy pagan worship in Nu 25: 1-9 compare to 1 Cor 10:8.

Incest is NOT fornication, it is incest with its own definition. During “fornication” they could be doing incest. But incest does NOT equal or mean fornication. That would be fornication plus incest together, each with there own definition.

1 Corinthians 5:1

5:1 “It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.”

In 1 Cor 5:1 Paul uses the word “fornication”. Paul Defines the word “fornication” in 1 Cor 10:8 as joining in the pagan worship of the fertility pagan god. Paul did not use the word adultery or incest but use fornication. Therefore the man must have had sex with his father wife without his father permission while doing fornication or during joining in with the worship of the fertility god. He would have been doing both adultery, incest, and fornication. But fornication does not mean it is adultery and incest. All have their separate definitions of their own.

A special note about 1 Cor 5:1 we do NOT have the letter that the Corinth Church wrote to Paul in Jail explaining the special details. We are missing the details. We can only guess what was in the details in the letter written to Paul. Paul and the Corinth Church knew the details we Do NOT. We have to guess.

1 Corinthians 10:8
10:8 “Neither let us commit fornication , as some of them committed , and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.”

Numbers 25:1-9

1 And Israel abode in Shittim,
and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab.

2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods:
and the people did eat,
and bowed down to their gods

3 And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor:
and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.

4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.
5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor.

6 And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
7 And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand

8 And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.
9 And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand.

Nu 31: 15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive ?
[b]16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, (Nu 25: 1-9) and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD. (23,000 to 24,000 killed)

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have NOT known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. …..
35 And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him.

Adultery is NOT fornication, it is adultery with its own definition. But during doing “fornication” they could in addition be doing adultery with another man wife without the husband permission. Each one has its own definition. But “fornication is NOT adultery, just because the person is doing adultery and fornication at the same time. Separate definitions for each word.

Masturbation is NOT “fornication” it is masturbation with its own definition. But during doing “fornication” a person could be masturbation, but that does NOT mean masturbation is “fornication” or part of “fornication definition. They have there own separate definitions and both could be done at the same time.

Two married people, husband and wife, could be doing “fornication” and that is evil.

Homosexual is NOT fornication. But during doing fornication Gays could be having sex. This does NOT mean homosexual is fornication. Each word has its own definition and are NOT the same thing at all.

Prostitution is NOT “fornication” it is separate with a separate definition and NOT the same thing. But during “fornication” a person could be having sex with a prostitute. But that does NOT mean that prostitution is “fornication.” It has its own definition.

Even in today's modern times If you believe a pagan god called evolution which created all thing, and is all powerful and is every where at all time you are making a god out of evolution you are worshiping evolution as a creator god. This is the same type of the they were doing with their pagan fertility god, they believe this pagan fertility god created life and sex and sexual enjoyment and everything to do with sexual reproduction in the world. Worshiping this made up pagan god is “fornication” type of thing.

Muslims worship 2 idols, located in Mecca.That is why they face Mecca to pray. In Mecca, One of the 2 idols is a Black Stone Meteorite.

Muslim do a similar type thing. They said there made up, Allah, god is the creator god of all things and NOT the Jewish, Christian Creator God, Jehovah God, of the Jewish and Christian Bible. Hebrew, Jews and Christians would call any other god, a man made pagan anti- Jehovah God made up god that is NOT real at all, and did NOT create anything at all , and is a total lie.

So a Muslim having sex believing and worshiping their man made, Allah, god would be doing “fornication” saying their, Allah, god created all thing, and created sexuality, and sexual enjoyment, and sexual reproduction. Same type of thing the other pagan gods did during their worship of their Baal's fertility pagan god, but they would be more public about it, and more sexual active in their Baal's pagan fertility god temples.

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Romance / Re: All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 11:32pm On Apr 27, 2017
205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Nudist



Naturism is healthy for the Family

Nudity is often more comfortable and practical than clothing


Naturism promotes mental health


Some observations on the nature of modesty


Naturism promotes sexual health


Naturism promotes physical health

Naturism is socially constructive

Naturism is especially consistent with feminism and the struggle for women's freedom

Naturism is more natural than clothes-compulsiveness

Accepted clothing requirements are arbitrary and inconsistent

Naturism is growing in acceptance

Constitutional support for Naturism

Additional legal support for Naturism.196

Historical support for Naturism

Historical origins of the repression of nudity

Christianity supports Naturism.277

Personal experience supports Naturism

End Notes: Special Thanks


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Romance / Re: All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 7:17pm On Apr 25, 2017
Nudism Is this OK for our kids?


article is from https://www.purenudism.com/images.html

Imagine two boys. One has visited a nudist club many times with his family, the other may have only rarely seen a parent unclothed, and they may have seemed embarrassed when that happened.

The non-nudist boy says to his friend, "Look what I've found!" as he shows the nudist kid a copy of Playboy or some similar magazine, which he found somewhere.

As they look at the pictures of scantily clothed, erotically posed women, the boy who has seen hundreds of people of all ages and body types, will probably think, "I've seen lots of naked people before. Why does he want to sneak looks at this?" He might also think, "This isn't even what most people look like."

Growing up without shame

Puberty can be a very difficult time for adolescents; their bodies are growing rapidly, their genitals are changing, body hair is developing. Some kids feel clumsy. Many are embarrassed by the changes that are taking place. They can become VERY body-conscious. At that time, a wise parent will try to keep lines of honest communication open but still give them privacy and time to be alone in their room or with their friends. Most adolescents would rather be ANYWHERE except where their parents are.

All these things happen to nudist kids, too. The one big difference for kids who were lucky enough to grow up in a nudist environment is that those kids have literally seen those changes take place, as their older friends and/or siblings went through that difficult time. Because of that experience, they are better prepared for it themselves.


We read in the papers almost daily of some teacher, youth leader, church official or some other trusted individual who took advantage of a child in a sexual way. With hundreds of nudist clubs in North America, that problem almost never takes place at our facilities.

A family which is open enough to have experienced nudism, just like a healthy non-nudist family, is also open enough to have discussed sex abuse with their children. These children know that they can tell their parents immediately if they ever suspect that something is wrong.

We have been told by authorities that the reason nudist clubs have a very low incidence of sex offenders is that we have the reputation of prosecuting those individuals, while until recent years, many other organizations have "swept those problems under a rug", more concerned with their public image than with the safety of the people they should have been protecting.

Historically, sex abusers have felt much safer committing their misdeeds within organizations which have tried to cover up their problems with molesters.
You may find it encouraging to know that Bare Buns, and many other nudist clubs, have a very good relationship with law enforcement agencies. Some of their officers are members of our club. You can be certain that if we were doing anything illegal or immoral, they wouldn't join. Instead, they would very quickly close us down!

Another fact to ponder: Almost all sex offenders are males. At a nudist club, it would be very easy to tell if a man were to become sexually excited.

Some other interesting facts

Surveys show that overall, adults who were reared as nudists think of their childhoods as having been stable. They also find that nudists tend to be very slightly better educated than their non-nudist peers.

We don't present this information in an attempt to try to make ourselves appear to be "better" than our non-nudist friends; instead, this information could explain some other interesting observations about nudists' lives:

The divorce rate is lower among nudist families, and
their children tend to make better grades than similar children in non-nudist families.

We don't think that this is BECAUSE the families are nudists; it's more likely that the marriages are more stable AND their kids make good grades AND the families are nudists because the family members tend to communicate a little more openly with each other in their daily lives.

Learning to accept and respect all bodies

In spite of what Madison Avenue would have us think, human bodies really do come in all sizes, shapes, and conditions. Few are "beautiful" using Hollywood's standards. We think it's helpful for kids to learn this early on; you may be aware that in those parts of the world where nudity is acceptable at places like the beach and public saunas,

there is a much lower rate of eating disorders and suicides among youth.

In those cultures, where kids see all types and ages unclothed, they learn acceptance of the maturing and aging processes; they don't think they have to have face lifts, boob jobs and collagen injections to become socially acceptable; they don't grow up thinking "You are what you wear".

They've probably never had a case of a kid being killed for his tennis shoes or his Eddie Bauer jacket!

We think that when Americans learn to accept the body as natural and wholesome, many of our social problems which stem from body acceptance will decline.


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Romance / Re: How To Deal With LUST by inkaboutit4u(m): 8:04pm On Apr 21, 2017

Your picture is totally mislead. Do you realy believe that everyone who admires a beautiful sexy women is an adultery. Totally wrong.

Do you believe every person who does should cut out there eyes and chop off there hands to avoid going to hell

If you do, then you just created a NEW plan of Salvation,--Jesus plus must wear blind fold over your eye the rest of your life.

God put Adam and Eve on earth 100% nude and if they ate from the "tree of (eternal) life all humans would be 100% nudist forever.

This is 100% opposite of your thinking.
This is 100% opposite of your wrong understanding of Matthew 5:27-30.

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Romance / Re: Masturbation Vs Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 7:45pm On Apr 21, 2017
*****inkaboutit4u.com replies ****

St Paul Defintion for fornication is NOT single sex but is the joining in the pagan fertility Baal god worship per 1 Cor 10:8 compare to Nu 25:1-9 Nu 31

Fornication Correctly Defined with all Bible Verses

Also, Check out: http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Web_Pages_List

Baal worship is a super major problem in Bible day both OT and NT.
Baal worship included worship of many gods. One of their major gods was a fertility pagan god they worship to get good farm crop and fertile animals, so they can get lots of money.
Fornication was to join in the sex orgy to the fertility pagan god which was part of Baal worship, as we see in Numbers 25: 1-9, which Paul calls "fornication" in 1 Cor 10:8 see all the fornication verses below they all reflex Numbers 25:1-9 what God got very angry over. Not SEX per say, but using sex to trick them into joining in the worship of one of Baal god-- fertility pagan god.
Nu 25 clearly shows the correct definition of the word fornication.

Baal worship was a super major serious problem in the Bible days. see all the Baal worship verses below.

Even in the NT it was a major problem. 1cor10:8

Jewish men knew they all had sexual freedom, but Paul is telling them reminding them of the Baal worship back in Nu 25 that they were doing the same thing as they did in Nu 25 that Got God very angry with them.

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Romance / Re: All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 7:28pm On Apr 21, 2017
Inkaboutit4u.com reply

Yes i am a Christian.

What do you think?? Can a person be a nudist Christian

Do you Think God want all Christians to be nudist

Do you think God's plan was that 100% God's creation be nudist?? Including humans

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Romance / Re: Badagry, Is It Possible To Turn It To Be A Nudist Heaven For Naturists? by inkaboutit4u(m): 8:40pm On Apr 19, 2017
******inkaboutit4u.com replies ******* All Christians Should be NUDIST.

The first thing Adam and Eve did after they sinned against God, they put "clothes" on, or fig leaves on, and hide behind trees and bushes to hide from God. How dumb!!! That the confused sinful mind thinks like.

Jesus came to reverse what Adam and Eve did. So the first thing all Christians should do is the opposite of sinful Adam and Eve and become NUDIST and take all clothes off as a sign of following God with a pure heart that God gives NEW CREATION Christians.

Sinless NUDE Adam and Eve were a NEW CREATION in God, 100% nudist per God's creation plan forever. Heaven on earth, nude.
Sinless Christians are a NEW CREATION in God should obey God's desire, follow God's creation plan and be 100% nudist forever per God's design,
Gods desire

God wanted and wants all creation to be NUDIST, that is why God put 100% of all his creation on earth 100% nude for all creation to be nudist for all times. This is from God, it God design, God's desire, and God's plan, it's God creation. God did not want Adam and Eve to where clothes at all.

If Adam ate from "The Tree of (eternal) life" all God's creation , all humans would be 100% nudist forever per God's desire, per God's plan, per God design. But As soon as Adam and Eve sinned they covered up God's creation , God's created human body which God wanted to be nude forever.

Some will respond, but God gave them furs to ware instead of the fig leave. God did NOT change HIS mind, but dry fig leaves would be sharp and cut them. Furs would be better and not cut them. God still let them have free will.

But God's desire is that all people be nudist showing off God's creation and not man made cloths. All the rest of God's creation is nudist.

Why do we copy sinful Adam and Eve and put man made cloth on to cover God's human body creation, we should do as God desired, and God's creation plan, especially NEW CREATION sinless Christians

If you are dating, then become a NUDIST dater, going on NUDE dates.





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Romance / Re: Masturbation Vs Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 8:05pm On Apr 19, 2017
*******[url]inkaboutit4u.com[/url] replies *****************



Masturbation 7 Health Benefits of Masturbation

Health Benefits of Masturbation

From http://www.chacha.com/gallery/3903/health-benefits-of-masturbation

Safest Sex

For the longest time, masturbation was a known as a socially unacceptable bad habit, but it's finally coming into a good light. Recent medical studies defied conventional wisdom and proved that playing with yourself actually has a number of health benefits! Check out all these reasons why you should add masturbation to your daily routine.

First of all, masturbation is (obviously) the safest form of sex because you don't interact with other people. It allows you to have a fun and safe sexual experience without the dangers and concerns of intercourse. Here are just a few things you won't have to worry about when you're masturbating:

Cross-contamination infections
Impressing someone else

Immunity Builder

You probably won't be surprised that orgasms increase the amount of hormones in your body, but you will be surprised to learn that it actually strengthens the immune system! A small amount of the chemical called cortisol is produced that gives these benefits:

Reduced inflammation
Lower blood pressure
Lessened reaction to allergies
Increased energy

Cancer Killer

Prostate cancer is a common problem for middle-aged men. They will be glad to know that regular masturbation greatly reduces the risk of this disease. An Australian study discovered that men masturbating at least five times a week had 33% less risk! If you're concerned about prostate cancer, here are some of the symptoms to watch for:

Strange lumps on the prostate
Slow urine flow
Blood in urine
Pain in the groin area

Cramping Relief

While men get a reduced risk of cancer, women get their own unique benefit from masturbation. Menstrual cramps are an extremely annoying and painful part of being a woman, but orgasms provides a natural method of relief. In addition, masturbation helps with all these related health issues:

Chronic back pain
Painful menstruation
Yeast infections

Stress Eliminator

We all deal with varying levels of stress every day, but spending time with your friend Palmela Handerson can help a lot. The body releases chemicals called endorphins that reduce pain and boost satisfaction. Having an orgasm actually provides the highest natural boost of dopamine possible. A few other activities that produce endorphins include:

Playing sports

Light Exercise

You don't want to abandon your regular exercise plan or anything, but masturbation actually provides a decent workout for the time it lasts. While actual intercourse is a much more rigorous workout, one session of playing with yourself should burn at least 100 calories. In addition, you'll gain these sexy benefits:

Improved pelvic muscles
Prevention of erectile dysfunction
Better endurance in bed (you'll last longer)


If you're having trouble going to sleep or you just want to take a nap, then you might consider a quick masturbation session. The chemicals released during orgasm include a natural sedative that will put you right to sleep. Don't bother with sleeping pills, and have some fun instead!



Masturbation Health Benefits 2

Health benefits of self cultivation

By Carrie Levine, Certified Nurse Midwife

From http://www.womentowomen.com/sexualityandfertility/healthbenefitsofmasturbation.aspx

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Romance / Re: How To Avoid Sexual Intercourse During Dating And Courtshi by inkaboutit4u(m): 1:24am On Apr 19, 2017
****inkaboutit4u.com Replies ********

Pre-marital Sex is NOT a sin.. It is NOT fornication. Fornication is the joining in with the pagan fertility pagan worship per St Paul Definition in 1 Cor 10:8 compare to Nu 25:1-9, Nu 31.



So if you desire to have sex before marriage it is OK.

What Jewish Hebrew single women in the Bible did to avoid vaginal sexual intercourse, they were quick to have MouthAction and anal sex to avoid vaginal sex so they did not want to break their Hymen.

In the Bible days fathers sold their daughters for money. Virgin got more money.

They had sex in the middle of there wedding day to prove their hymen was not broken and blood from the broken hymen would put blood on the bed sheet and that sheets was give to daughter's father to prove a virgin daughter at marriage to validate the virgin price that was paid and they were still a virgin at wedding day.


They would not discourage their daughter from having NUDE dates on their beds to get a man to marry them and pay lots of money for them. We clearly see this in the SOS.

Look at SOS, a single girl nude on her bed, (where are the parents?) Solomon is making love to her nude body but they are not married at all. The proof of that is, At the end of SOS, she is still a virgin (SOS 8:10). SOS 8:10 They had lot of MouthAction and more an likely anal sex but NO vaginal sex because that would bring major shame on her father, and her family because they make a lot of money being sold as a virgin. Family greatly needed that money.

So you can learn from the Bible, have lots of oral s e x and anal sex to avoid vaginal sex, if that is your goal.

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Romance / Re: All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 11:13pm On Apr 18, 2017
This is what philosophy has turned some people to, to be reasoning from their anus.

******[url]inkaboutit4u.com[/url] replies ************* You have it totally backwards.

I can't believe people are so brained washed to be hung up over there God created NUDE Human body. It is crazy.

People go to the beach just to cover up male penis or female vaginal or female nipple of the breast. (O But the male nipple is ok to see) HOW CRAZY!!!.

What would happen if i saw their male penis, or female vaginal, or female breast nipple NOTHING. i just say praise God for God's beautiful human being master piece. Give God praise. But you cover up God's master piece. You cover up God great nude design and call it evil. God said it was God's excellent design. You call it the opposite of God. You copy sinful Adam and Eve instead of God's desire, God's plan.

What in the world are you "hiding"? Just like sinful Adam and Eve in their super confused sinful state of mind.

Titus 1:15

“Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure.
But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are defiled.”

You copy sinful Adam and Eve.

Christians should copy Adam and Eve BEFORE they sinned against God NOT copy them after they sinned.

Christians are NEW CREATION in God just like Adam and Eve were NEW CREATIONS before they sinned.

You copy sinful Adam and Eve maybe you are NOT a New Creation in God.

True Christians should be a new creations, NOT the Old sinful person passed down unbelieving creature from sinful Adam and Eve


Get over God's NUDE creation.

Titus 1:15

“Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure.
But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are defiled.”


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Romance / Re: All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 10:53pm On Apr 18, 2017
There are many Nude Dating Sites.


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Romance / All Christians Should Be NUDIST. by inkaboutit4u(m): 9:46pm On Apr 18, 2017
******inkaboutit4u.com replies ******* All Christians Should be NUDIST.

The first thing Adam and Eve did after they sinned against God, they put "clothes" on, or fig leaves on, and hide behind trees and bushes to hide from God. How dumb!!! That the confused sinful mind thinks like.

Jesus came to reverse what Adam and Eve did. So the first thing all Christians should do is the opposite of sinful Adam and Eve and become NUDIST and take all clothes off as a sign of following God with a pure heart that God gives NEW CREATION Christians.

Sinless NUDE Adam and Eve were a NEW CREATION in God/Jesus, 100% nudist per God's creation plan forever. Heaven on earth, nude.
Sinless Christians are a NEW CREATION in God/Jesus should obey God's desire, follow God's creation plan and be 100% nudist forever per God's design,
Gods desire

God wanted and wants all creation to be NUDIST, that is why God put 100% of all his creation on earth 100% nude for all creation to be nudist for all times. This is from God, it God design, God's desire, and God's plan, it's God creation. God did not want Adam and Eve to wear clothes at all.

If Adam ate from "The Tree of (eternal) life" all God's creation , all humans would be 100% nudist forever per God's desire, per God's plan, per God design. But As soon as Adam and Eve sinned they covered up God's creation , God's created human body which God wanted to be nude forever.

Some will respond, but God gave them furs to wear instead of the fig leave. God did NOT change HIS mind, but dry fig leaves would be sharp and cut them. Furs would be better and not cut them. God still let them have free will.

But God's desire is that all people be nudist showing off God's creation and not man made cloths. All the rest of God's creation is nudist.

Why do we copy sinful Adam and Eve and put man made cloth on to cover God's human body creation, we should do as God desired, and God's creation plan, especially NEW CREATION sinless Christians

If you are dating, then become a NUDIST dater, going on NUDE dates.






Romance / Re: Masturbation Vs Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 7:40pm On Apr 18, 2017
*******[url]inkaboutit4u.com[/url] replies *********Masturbation is CLEARLY NOT A SIN but is a wonderful GIFT FROM GOD FOR ALL TO ENJOY.

Under the most super strict ceremonial laws in Lev 15:16-20 Masturbation is clearly described and clearly there is NO SIN OFFERING REQUIRED, meaning it is very clear it is NOT a sin of any kind. That would also include any loving sexual fantasy that would go along with solo sex or partner sex. They had loving sexual fantasy just like we do today and that is NOT a sin.

Any other verse in all the Bible are taken out of context and are clearly NOT talking about loving sexual masturbation or loving partner sex.

Most all other negative talk about sex in the Bible is talking about joining in with the worship of pagan fertility god worship.(This is called fornication by St Paul in 1 Cor 10:8 compare to Nu 25:1-9, Nu 31) One of Baal's many pagan gods. This was the biggest and most popular religion of all the Bible days.







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Romance / Re: How To Permanently Stop Masturbation (lessons From An Ex-chronic Masturbator) by inkaboutit4u(m): 3:27am On Apr 18, 2017
Masturbation is NOT a sin but the gift of God for all to enjoy. The Bible and common sense tells you that.




Great way to reduce masturbation, if you are trying to do that,, Copy King David, (Man after God's own heart) he had 20++ wives and concubine and UNLIMITED virgins available to him 2 Sam 12:8

OR copy King Solomon wisest man on earth he had 1000 wives and concubines and UNLIMITED virgins available to him SOS 6:8

All men have UNLIMITED virgin availiable to them also even today. At creation God gave unlimited sex partner to all creation including all man for all times not only during the OT but for all times.


Another way to avoid masturbation is to have sex with a prostitute like they did in Bible days. Prostitution was alway legal in the Bible days.. The bad prostitution in the Bible was in connection with the Baal Pagan worship of pagan fertility god that Paul defined as fornication in the Bible.




Another way to avoid masturbation is to have your master or Boss loan you one of his many wives as they did in the Bible days. In Ex 21: 4-6 Ex 21:10-11





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Romance / Re: Masturbation Vs Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 3:19am On Apr 18, 2017
*******Inkaboutit4u.com replies ******* God designed sex both sole and partner and said they were excellence design. Gen 1:31


50 Advantages of Masturbation

By Albert Ellis, Ph.D.*


People can often achieve better sex through resorting to autoerotic practices than they would achieve if they only resorted to interpersonal sexual contacts. For example:

1. They can help establish the philosophy that sex is good in, by, and for itself; and that there is nothing whatever wrong about experiencing it as a fine thing in its own right.

2. They can explore various kinds of self-stimulation and discover which ones are maximally satisfying for themselves.[/b]

3. They can frequently learn, through masturbating, enjoyable forms of sexuality that they can subsequently use to achieve satisfactory modes of sex participation with others.

4. They can often judge just how sexually responsive they personally are, and determine how big or little a part they wish sex pleasure to play in their lives.

5. They can manage to repeat enjoyable arousal and orgasm almost at will, without any restrictions from a sex partner. They can thereby participate in sex more frequently than they are likely to do with other individuals.

6. They can best schedule their sex activities as well as their resting periods, between activities, since they do not have to depend on the participation of their partners.

7. They can avoid making undue demands on the time, energy, and sexuality of their partners, thereby often helping these partners have maximum sex satisfaction and minimum pain or frustration.

8. They can in many cases (especially if they are females) have more intense and more satisfying forms of arousal and orgasm than is likely with their regular or special partners.

9. They can best train themselves in suitable sexual fantasies, since they have no interferences or distractions from their partners, and may focus on what is most pleasing and useful to themselves in this connection. Once they learn how to fantasize best during masturbation, they can often transfer this learning to their sex affairs with others.

10. If they have unusual sexual desires or have some kinds of handicaps or deficiencies (such as inability to come to orgasm in a reasonably short period of time), they can often cater to these desires or overcome these handicaps through masturbating than they can with sex partners.

11. They often can focus better on their own sexual sensations and pleasures than when they are distracted or interfered with by the presence of partners. As in the case of fantasy, their learning to focus may then be transferable to their sex acts with others.

12. They may be less limited in their use of mechanical objects (such as dildos), special apparatuses (such as vibrators), fetishes (such as certain objects of clothing), or other sex aids than they would with a partner present.

13. They may be able, in many instances, to engage in much longer periods of arousal and near-orgasm than they would with partners; they may also be able to prolong the duration of their orgasms.

14. They may naturally have, with no intent or special technique on their part, more intense orgasms through masturbation than they are likely to have with others; and they may usually come to orgasm, if they wish to do, much faster through autoerotic practices than through any other mode of sexuality.

15. During masturbation, they can be observed by a partner, and may thus bring themselves and the partner special arousal and satisfaction. They may also be able to learn about their own sexuality and gratification by their partner's observations.

16. They may naturally build up considerable sexual tension when they do not have sex play and orgasm; this kind of tension may be satisfactorily (or more satisfactorily) released through masturbation.

17. Because they find masturbation easily available and ideal for experimental purposes and because they have minimal restrictions in participating in it, they therefore can practice it at whim and may increase their sex desire and proclivities.

18. They may have inhibitions about having sex with partners, particularly because they are too shy or ashamed to engage in interpersonal sexuality, and may therefore be afforded a very active sex life despite these kinds of inhibitions.

19. They may have specific sexual handicaps that prevent them from easily acquiring partners--such as a low sex drive, inability to come to orgasm quickly, or unusually small sex organs; and they may be able, in spite of these handicaps, to lead an active sex life through masturbation.

20. They may have specific nonsexual handicaps that prevent them from easily acquiring partners--such as small stature, physical deformity, diseases, or homely features; and they may be able, in spite of these nonsexual handicaps, to lead an active sex life through masturbation.[/b]


People can often achieve greater emotional health and satisfaction through resorting to autoerotic practices than they would achieve if they only resorted to interpersonal contacts. For example:

1. They can adopt a philosophy of enjoyment that not only aids them in their sexual but in their general life. They can seek more emotional satisfaction and less pain.

2. They can especially see the value of giving to themselves, and not merely to others; and while not becoming entirely autistic or self-centered, they can add a hedonistic philosophy to that of social interest--or choose, if that is their wish, to become more devoted to themselves than to others.

3. When they are forced by conditions or circumstances to be alone, and this is against their wish and they feel lonely, they can divert themselves into the pleasurable pursuit of masturbation and thus feel much better.

4. They can use autoerotic pursuits to distract themselves from anxiety, self-downing, depression, and other disturbing feelings. Masturbation will not solve these basic emotional problems; but as a distraction technique it is one of the best and will at least serve as temporary palliation for emotional distress in innumerable instances.

5. Masturbation can be used as a shame-attacking and guilt-attacking homework assignment. In rational-emotive therapy (RET) and other forms of cognitive-behavior therapy, a good many "shameful" acts are given as homework assignments for individuals to practice, to show them that nothing is intrinsically "shameful"--that people only attribute "shame" or "guilt" to certain acts. As such an assignment, masturbation can prove very helpful emotionally.

6. People can use masturbation to gain confidence in their own ability to arouse themselves and bring themselves to orgasm; and when they gain such confidence, they tend to feel much better and stop downgrading themselves, sexually and in other areas of their lives.

7. When people's lives are filled with few enjoyments and many frustrations, masturbation can easily remain as one of their frequent pleasures and distractions. It may enhance their lives and make them feel much happier and less depressed.

8. People can use masturbation as a goal-directing and pro- thinking activity. Given the problem of satisfying themselves sexually, and not having interpersonal outlets easily available, they may think up various forms of masturbatory activities that will help them live more happily; and they may also develop useful goal-directed attitudes and pursuits in the process.

9. People can use masturbation as a form of self-exploration, to discover exactly what they like or do not like sexually. Thus, they can explore their own likes and dislikes as well in other important areas of their lives. They can also become more risk taking and adventurous through these avenues of enjoyment.

10. People can not only distract themselves from disturbed feelings by masturbating, as mentioned above, but they can also directly release bodily and emotional tensions thereby. The release of tension through masturbation frequently helps men and women relax, get ready for other pursuits, and restfully sleep when they want to do so.


People often achieve greater physical and general health through resorting to autoerotic practices than they would probably achieve if they only resorted to interpersonal contacts. For example:

1. Undesirable pregnancy and abortion are avoided.

2. The possibility of acquiring venereal diseases from others and acquiring various other diseases, such as colds, coughs, respiratory ailments, skin infections and the like is minimized. [This was written before AIDS; that medical problem could be added to this list.--Editor]

3. People often aid their physical healthy by managing to obtain regular sexual release and satisfaction; and sometimes by going through involved physical exercises as they masturbate.

4. Women, in particular, may help overcome pre-menstrual tension or other physical conditions association with their menstrual cycles when they masturbate.

5. Masturbation often leads to relaxed sleeping conditions and to concomitant conditions that aid some people's physical health.

6. When physically ill or disabled, people can often masturbate when it would not be practical for them to have interpersonal sex experiences, and they may thereby help themselves back to a healthier condition.


Although masturbation, when resorted to by oneself, is obviously a solitary pursuit, some people actually achieve better relationships with their partners or mates than they would probably achieve if they only engaged in sexual contacts with these partners. For example:

1. When one partner or mate wants much more sex than the other, masturbation enables one partner to be steadily satisfied and, at the same time, not impose on the other. This kind of consideration for the other partner frequently enhances the love relationship between the two.

2. When one partner or mate temporarily wants less sex than the other partner--as when one is in the last stages of pregnancy, is ill, or is disabled--masturbation may again enable one partner to be steadily satisfied sexually without imposing on the other. An ill or disabled partner may especially appreciate the other's masturbating; and their relationship may be considerably bettered thereby.

3. When one partner wants sex only occasionally or intermittently, the other partner may keep up his or her level of arousal and interest in sex by masturbating, and may therefore be ready for sex when the first partner wants to be available again. Otherwise, both partners might sink into a kind of sexual apathy and inertia and their sex and love lives might be impaired.

4. People often make themselves hostile toward each other because one partner wants the kind of sex that the other does not, or for various kinds of nonsexual reasons. When they resort to masturbation, they are able to get some of the kind of sex that they cannot obtain from their partner, and thereby hostility abates: since one partner is no longer sexually deprived and the other is not imposed on.

5. Masturbation allows both partners a large measure of freedom and self-satisfaction; when they know that they have this freedom they tend to tolerate some of the restrictions of an enduring relationship much better and have a more loving relationship.

6. Masturbation frequently helps bring about better attitudes on the part of both partners toward themselves and toward others.

7. People who resort to masturbation when they are mated and who find unusual or extra satisfactions in this kind of autoerotic activity tend to feel less overconstrained by the mating relationship and to adjust better to their partners.

8. As noted previously, people who learn self-satisfying sex acts in the process of masturbating can often bring these acts to their participation with others and thereby enhance their interpersonal sex relations.


Millions of people throughout the world have always found and still find a great many other advantages when they resort to masturbation that they would not find if they only participated in interpersonal contacts. For example:

1. They save a great deal of time and energy arranging for masturbatory pursuits rather than always having to arranged for interpersonal sex.

2. They can easily intersperse their masturbatory activities with nonsexual acts, while they often do not do the same with their interpersonal sex contacts.

3. They can masturbate with just about no paraphernalia, room requirements, space requirements, etc.; while they often have trouble in these respects when having sex with a partner.

4. They can engage in masturbation most inexpensively, while other forms of sex often require some kind of monetary outlay.

5. They can easily and quickly keep themselves out of potential sex, love, or general trouble by resorting to masturbation. If they could not masturbate, they might sometimes be tempted to resort to various kinds of unethical or criminal behavior.

6. They can use masturbation in symbolic, religious, value laden, and other ways and, if they wish, derive unification experiences and other profound nonsexual experiences from engaging in it.

You will note, in the foregoing list, some fifty advantages of masturbation. The list is hardly exhaustive and could undoubtedly be increased to more than a hundred.

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Romance / Re: Fornication Is NOT "Single Sex" But Is "Pagan Fertility God Worship" by inkaboutit4u(m): 2:52am On Apr 18, 2017
writeboy said----- So you mean I should not seek for a means of ejaculating accumulated semen in my body? You would much rather prefer me to come down with dangerous sperm build-up right?

inkaboutit4u.com reply **************What are you talking about I said nothing like that at all.

If you take time to read any of web pages you clearly find the opposite of that.

God is very pro-nudist, pro-sex, pro-masturbation in the Bible.





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Romance / Fornication Is NOT "Single Sex" But Is "Pagan Fertility God Worship" by inkaboutit4u(m): 11:02pm On Apr 17, 2017
[url]Inkaboutit4u.com[/url] reply******I greatly disagree with Dictionary definition for fornication. "Tradition of Men " definition.

Fornication is NOT single sex, but is pagan fertility god worship.

Common sense tells you that it is wrong. Their wrong fornication definition creates many contradictions.


It creates a new plan of salvation, Jesus plus anti-sexual freedom to go to heaven.

It create millions of divorces and create lot of fear, worry, and confusion.


Their wrong definition would wrongly send over 80% of Godly men in the Bible to hell.


Their wrong fornication definition chases away million from going to Church. It chases away Godly Christians from going to Church.


[b]It made over 75% Young Christians feel that they failed as a Godly Christian.

[b]Dictionary reflexes how a word is being used , but may not be correct. Hundreds of years ago the Catholic Church using corrupt indulgence money to get money for their major building programs of the time, corruptly declaring sex to be a sin, so they could get more money.

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=How_Sex_Was_Made_A_Sin [/url]


They came up with these wrong Bible sexual word term definitions that we still have today.


These wrong definitions passed down for many generations become "tradition of Men" teachings. When you try to apply these wrong definitions in the Bible they do not fit.

The Bible, itself, defines fornication correctly and exposes these wrong "tradition of Men" dictionary definitions. Compare 1 Cor 10:8 to Nu 25: 1-9, Nu 31

St. Paul defines fornication correctly in 1 Cor 10:8 referring back to Nu 25: 1-9, which defines fornication. This definition will fit in all 39+ verses where fornication is used in the Bible.


The correct definition is: the joining in with the worship of a pagan fertility god, one of Baal's many gods of the Bible times to get a promise of good farm crops (make more money farming).

The bait pagans used to get both Hebrews and Christians, was to have a sex orgy to worship the pagan fertility god.

Both singles and married joined in with this pagan fertility god worship.

God gave all creation, including all plant, all animals, all humans, sexual freedom at creation, the Hebrews knew this. (2 Sam 12:8, SOS 6:cool SOS 6:8


So Satan and pagans took advantage of this God given sexual freedom given by God at creation, to use it as bait to get them to join in the worship of this pagan fertility god.

God got very angry because of the worship of a pagan fertility god worship was a super major violation of both the Hebrew's first commandment and violation of the Christian's Law of Love.

This super major violation could send people to hell because it violated the most important command from God.



Romance / Re: How Pornography Changes The Brain Chemistry Of The Viewer. by inkaboutit4u(m): 3:47am On Apr 14, 2017

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Romance / Re: All You Need To Know About Masturbation by inkaboutit4u(m): 2:43am On Apr 14, 2017
Loving Masturbation is NOT a sin but is a gift of God for all to enjoy.

Clearly Lev 15: 16 - 18 CLEARLY show that masturbation is NOT a sin at all.

NO sin offering is require at all. Clearly proving that masturbation is NOT a sin of any kind at all.

No other verse in all the Bible describe masturbation to a tee like Lev 15: 16-18 does and clearly show it is not a sin.

Any verse they use against masturbation is clearly taken out of context and misused and not talking about loving nature masturbation.




Masturbation is NOT mental fornication at all.

Most people have wrong understanding of fornication. It is NOT single sex at all.

Paul in the Bible, defines the word fornication in 1 Cor 10:8 and describe the definition in Nu 25: 1-9 and Nu 31

The correct definition to fornication is --the joining in with the worship of a fertility pagan god.

That is Paul's definition of Fornication.

There are NOT 10 different meaning of fornication only one.



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Romance / Re: How To Deal With LUST by inkaboutit4u(m): 12:52am On Apr 14, 2017
[b]You have the wrong understanding of what Lust is and is not.[/b]

People take Bible verses out of proper context. They totally misunderstand Matt 5: 27-32

With wrong definitions of sexual terms you end up creating a new plan of Salvation. Accept Jesus and be anti-sexual freedom to go to heaven.

Big part of that context is understanding God's creation.

Study God's creation and you will understand God more.






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Religion / Re: 10 Things The Holy Book Teaches About Fornication by inkaboutit4u(m): 4:00am On Apr 12, 2017
Pre-Marital Sex is NOT Sin and is NOT Fornication.

“Fornication” = “Sexual Immoral” is = to joining in to worship a pagan fertility Baal god. (NOT = "single sex" as many are told).

web site --Expose Wrong Sex Teaching With URLs

side note --- great tracker, size of a quarter, to track you car keys, your car, any item you want to track only cost $14.50 (if you buy four you get four free). If thieves steal it ,you can find it. If you miss place you keys you can find them.

God is very: pro-nudity, pro-sexual freedom, pro-swinging, pro-sexual enjoyment for all.

Index Pre Marital Sex


Fornication. Define the correct definition of the Bible word “fornication ”or “ sexual immoral ”== is joining in to worship a pagan fertility Baal god. (NOT = "single sex" as many are told).

Many are wrongly told that it means “single sex" before the “one man, one women” marriage, is a sin.” This is the Totally Wrong and a wrong definition.
Pre-Marital Sex is clearly NOT a sin in the Bible.
Many Godly men in the Bible had sex before and during and after the marriage of the “one male, one female” marriage, had sex with other women other then their “one male, one female” married spouse. I clearly explain details, and explain the correct definition and show proof. Check for yourself. http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Fornication_Definition_Expose_Wrong_Definition
Index Fornication Pages
Fornication Definition Expose Wrong Definition
Fornication or Sexual Immorality is NOT Single Sex
What Fornication is NOT What Adultery is NOT
Fornication is NOT Premarital Sex
Fornication Mistranslation by libchrist com
Swinging or Wife Swapping is NOT Adultery, NOT

a sin at all.

Index Player Wifeswaping

Adultery. Totally wrong definition. They teach the wrong and misleading definition for the Bible word “ Adultery “. They say it is sex after the “one male, one female” marriage, that they have sex with someone who is NOT their living “one male, one female” spouse, is a sin. Totally Wrong Definition. Can easily prove it. http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Adultery_Definition_Expose_Wrong_Definition

Index Adultery Affairs Marriage

Masturbation Is NOT a sin. Lev 15:16-18 clearly shows masturbation actions and clearly shows no sin offering is required at all, meaning, it is NOT a sin, This also includes sex fantasy that may go along with masturbation is not a sin, even under the very strict ceremonial Laws.

Today, Acts 10: 13-16, "God has made these things clean so don't call them 'unholy'!" removes the word "unclean" and makes them all "clean" in God's eyes. Not even a "clean up" is required today.

Many web pages looking at it from every angle. Also by many others that clearly say it is NOT a sin, but 100% normal for all to enjoy.

An Email that I got from a 46 year old good Christian man, who has had major Shame and Guilt problems his whole life over Masturbation enjoyment.Masturbation is NOT a sin in the Bible, but is the Gift of God to all people to enjoy their whole life with NO shame and NO guilt. Read his story and my reply to him, HOW to overcome any shame or any guilt they may have. Many others have similar stories to tell.

Lots of FALSE man made shame and guilt trips based on lies and false "tradition of men" false teachings from the Bible, from medical people. I clearly expose the lies. http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Shameless_Guiltless_Gift_From_God

Index Masturbation Pages

Bible Sexual Freedom Bible has a lot of Bible Sexual Freedom God gave all creation, at creation, sexual freedom, including humans. I Clearly explain the truth and expose the misleading, wrong, taken out of context, information many are told in the local Church about sexual freedom that God gave to all of creation at creation, including humans. I can prove it.
Index Sexual Freedom Pages









See many more pages below

Also read more about Sexual Freedom in Bible Examples: http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Sexual_Freedoms_From_Bible_Examples

Nudity: NOT a sin. God is very pro-nudity. Many religious leaders are anti-nudity. One pastor researched nudity in the Bible and became a nudist, but his Church's Association kicked him out, based on wrong Church sexual teachings, based on false, “tradition of men” teaching. I also have a list of 205 reasons supporting Nudity. Show off the God created nude body and NOT just man made clothes.

Index Nudity Naturism pages http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Index_Nudity_Naturism

Sexual Freedom: NOT a sin. God is pro-sexual freedom. God given Sexual freedom, God gave all creation at creation, including humans. Also support other places in the Bible with many examples of Godly men using their God given sexual freedom.

Index Sexual Freedom Pages http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Index_Sexual_Freedom_Pages

Polygamy: NOT a sin. Church leaders bad month polygamy and call it a sin based on false, “tradition of men” teaching. They say any sex outside “one man,one women marriage is a sin. Totally wrong. God is pro-polygamy. This is part of the God given Sexual freedom God gave all creation at creation. At times, God himself, force people to be polygamist. God rewards soldiers by given more women to the better soldiers. Nu 31 King David, “man after God’s own heart”, had over 25++ wives and concubines and “unlimited” virgin available to him. (2 Sam 12:cool King Solomon, “wisest man on earth with special God given wisdom”, had over 1000 wives and concubines and “unlimited” virgins available to him. (SOS 6:cool SOS is a marriage man, Solomon, with 140 wives and concubines try to get a single girl to marry him and have lots of nude dates and MouthAction but they were not married because she is still a virgin at the end of SOS. Hebrew married women broke their hymen on their wedding day. (SOS 8:10)

Index Polygamy Marriage http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Index_Polygamy_Marriage

Concubine: NOT a sin. Religious leaders want to tell you that God is against concubines. Totally wrong. God is pro-concubines in the Bible. God rewards soldiers by giving more concubines to the better soldiers. (Nu 31) God gives priest who did not even fight in battle concubines. In Bible days Concubines could be brought at Debtor auctions.

Index Polygamy Marriage http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Index_Polygamy_Marriage

Prostitution NOT a sin. Non-pagan non-fertility god non-worshiping prostitution, NOT a sin. But pagan fertility god worshiping prostitutes was a major, major sin and major violation against the first commandment which gave sexual freedom in the Bible a bad name. (Nu 25, 1 Cor 10:cool

Today Religious leaders ignore the differences and want to make all prostitutes, and all sex outside the, “one man, one women” marriage to be a major sin. Totally wrong and NOT true at all. I can prove it. Just check it out. Expose the "tradition of Men" lies.

PROSTITUTION From the Book Divine Sex http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=PROSTITUTION_From_the_Book_Divine_Sex

PROSTITUTION From the Book Divine Sex
Prostitution in the Bible Godrules Net

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