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Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 3) by Inkredible(m): 7:16am On Jun 10, 2023
Na wah ooo.

Unfortunately this happened close to home. The Nigerian community here has had a pretty good image and standing with the locals. We never get bad rep like that until this. Now it’s damage control cause for some reason, this dude in the video when asked if he had children as friends back in Nigeria, he affirmed. So, the ignorant ones are running with the assumption that pedophilia is canon in Nigeria. This town is not that big so word gets around fast especially this kinda topic.

Not like anyone cares what anyone thinks, it’s just sad that this is a got to conversation starter for taxi drivers now.

It’ll blow over eventually.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 11:00am On Jan 03, 2023
Does Gmap have option to report Police presence and hazards like Waze?
Does Gmap also show you your speed compared to the speed limit.
I couldn’t find this two functions on Gmap and that’s why I am stuck with Waze. I use Gmap for bus, cycling and walking, but Waze for driving.

You can add reports on Gmap but not police presence. Enter your destination, start it, swipe up, click on add reports.

You can add speedometer and alerts. Settings and then Navigation settings.
Under "Driving options", turn on/off Speedometer.

Early adopters of waze was because of the ease to report police presence, petrol prices checks, ability to see and beep other wazers on the fly, etc.

I do use all three maps depending on where I’m going. If I need to get to place I ain’t been before, I use gmap.

This is subjective because it’s personal preference/experience. If you find the one that works for you, that should be the best for you.

I love and use Waze daily. Just wish google will let it be great.

6 Likes 2 Shares

Travel / Re: Parenting In The UK As A Nigerian Migrant. by Inkredible(m): 9:50am On Jan 03, 2023
Hello everyone!

Please does anyone have tips for preventing mould at home oh especially bathrooms. This wooden houses we live in sef , didn’t have such challenges in Nigeria… mcheew

Many people struggle with this in the uk, so you’re not alone.

Moulds build up when there’s high humidity (water droplets) in the air indoors. If you look at your window right now and there’s is water droplets accumulated on it, you might need to crank open the windows more.

The key to keeping mould out is to ventilate the whole house at least an hour a day and to keep the windows open when cooking or having a shower (keep the blinds closed for privacy in the latter)

Dry your washings in the dryer in winter or outside if you can when possible. If you must dry on the radiator, please keep the windows open.

Get a humidifier to keep humidity low if you can afford it.

Clean any mould when you see it.

Hope this helps.


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 9:29am On Jan 03, 2023
Will be driving on UK roads for the first time tomorrow, feeling kinda apprehensive, abeg any tips from the gurus?

Get and install a front and rear dashcam.

Look. Signal. Manoeuvre! With time, it becomes second nature.

Keep to speed limit. You will be tailgated and beeped on; don’t pay them any attention. Stick to the right speed and be in the right lane.

When overtaking, do it swiftly and return to the left lane.

Drive around your street/city without a map (you will develop a subconscious way of reading the road and adjusting your speed without needing any technology to tell you. It also makes using map easier down the road)

Avoid rush hours / school run times 9am, 3pm to 5pm depending on your city. Your risk goes up in those times as a new driver on these roads.

If a particular roundabout is given you nightmares, head out to it on a Sunday morning and get familiar. Less traffic always on Sundays.

Get to know your car and your limits with it. You’ll figure this one out.

Do road trips. The more you drive, the more you learn the gospel of these roads.

Learn emotional maturity/control. If someone’s driving is getting you worked up, you should pull over when safe to do so and take a minute to do deep breathing exercises. If you’re still angry and want to get back at them, please call someone to drive you home.

Watch YouTube videos on driving analysis. You’ll become better by learning from the mistakes of others.

Not going to overwhelm you with alot of information for now. The more you drive, the more you learn. This is all there is to it.

Hope this helps.

14 Likes 3 Shares

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 8:48am On Jan 03, 2023

If you use an iPhone, use Apple Map; it’ll ease things for you and it’s really good as it mentions traffic lights, alerts you of speed cameras ahead, and informs you ahead of time of turns and the right lane you should stay on ahead of a turn. If you don’t use an iPhone, then download Waze. Waze is equally good, if not better, as it’s more real-time. (I prefer the iPhone map, though.)


These are good but subpar to gmap. I’d suggest using google map. I cannot recommend this enough for a new inexperienced driver. I have all three and then some and from a hands on experience, nothing beats google map based on directions and getting you safely to your destination.

Apple and waze has struggled to get me to the right location of a business because they aren’t updated when their office address changed. Waze is catching up but apple map is meh.

Apple map and waze(Now owned by google btw. Hopefully they don’t kill it off like apple did dark sky ) have great GUI but still not at par with Gmaps in Europe or UK at least. However if you live in USA, Apple maps is quite a joy to use.

Any basic navigation software that’s hoping to be of any use in this time and age must possess those feature’s mentioned above which gmaps perfected a long time ago, you just need to enable them all in settings.

When I find time, I will make a guide to settings based off UK roads navi options.

Ranking them based off my experience;
Gmap (only cause google who bought waze won’t let it be better than it’s stock app)

Hope this helps.


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 5:29am On Jan 01, 2023
Happy new year everyone!!!


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 7:51pm On Dec 30, 2022
Hi Guys,
Please what's the best way to negotiate for a pay above the advertised rate when offered a job? Can this lead to withdrawal of the offer? Please note that pay was not discussed during the interview. Will appreciate suggestions. Thanks.

I always hedge pay rate with market rates for the position and what other employers are ready to offer as well.

I’d say to hold off till they make their offer known (any company that presents an offer wants you and will adjust their offer to meet yours) then chess move with “I’m in talks with so and so company and they’re offering this x amount. However, I will love to work with your company and if you can match or offer something closer; I’d end further interviews and sign up with you today.

The key is not to say the amount you want but make them tell you first then play the field. The person to say the amount first loses their advantage.

Hope this helps. All the best!


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 7:37pm On Dec 30, 2022
@inkredible the paid version of this link is very useful and all you need


For more practise test use the free version of link below (more annoyingly difficult framed question and answer bank but does the job � grin)


Good luck.

Thank you very much dear. Valuable resource right here.


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 7:22am On Sep 10, 2022
Greetings everyone.

Has anyone gone through the Life In the Uk test recently?

I need the current study materials if anyone has any recommendations.

Thank you.
Travel / Re: The Adventures Of A New UK Migrant by Inkredible(m): 11:21pm On May 16, 2022
i will be resuming to Belfast in September this year. I would love to connect.

Hi geobreezyt, good to hear. Sending you a mail now.

1 Like

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 6:01pm On May 13, 2022

I want to start this path too and will be happy if I can be under your guidance

Thats great Elisinho. I will send you a mail now.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 5:17am On May 12, 2022
Swears, you step away for a minute and theres a mountain of valuable knowledge/information to sift through. cheesy

Greetings to the ELDERS of this forum. It's being awhile, hope life has being good and kind to you all.

So, in the pursuit of happiness, I now walk the path of a Fullstack web developer. I will like to reach out to software engineers in this forum who would be kind to spare 15minutes of their time for a virtual coffee chat at your total convenience. I'd love to get to know what it is like in the industry and to make new friends and guides in this field.

I have a calendly link I can mail out if that's easier for scheduling purposes according to what time works best for you. Would post but don't want to risk nairaland's ban.

Anyways, nice to catch up with the house again. cheesy

1 Like

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk-life Of An Immigrant (part 2) by Inkredible(m): 8:41am On Dec 24, 2021
Season’s greetings ladies and gents. Been awhile on here.

Stumbled upon this on Reddit. May benefit someone out there. Time is EST so might not be that convenient with GMT.



Travel / Re: The Adventures Of A New UK Migrant by Inkredible(m): 7:16am On Dec 21, 2021
Anyone schooling or living in Belfast? I will love to know the cost of living and the possibility of a student getting jobs while studying.

Hi, being offsite for awhile now. The cost of living has just gone up from what it used to be pre covid but still very much affordable. You can get a job while studying. If your university is in Belfast, I can help you drop off your application for a care job where I work if you fancy that.

Apologies for the late response and all the best.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 11:40am On Aug 11, 2021
$600M gone. Stay #SAFU

Car Talk / Re: Car Talk Chat Room by Inkredible(m): 12:01pm On Jul 21, 2021
How well does LexusIS250 hold up in Nigeria?

Any common/major issues associated with this model?
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 11:09am On Jun 09, 2021
Please anyone who has traveled London to lagos recently using virgin? . What Covid PCR test or provider did you use

Just got a text from virgin that they are not accepting the NHS Covid test

Disclaimer: I used BA

They only accept negative PCR test from private firm. I used Randox at the airport 3 days before my flight.

Hope this helps.

1 Like

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 12:46pm On Jun 08, 2021

Watching LIVE tv without license is against the law.

Watching TV (streamables that excludes BBC programs example Netflix, NowTv) is not against the law.


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 10:06am On Jun 08, 2021
If you still get pesin for here, send them money. People dey suffer gan. Things are costlier now

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 9:06am On May 28, 2021
Did you get a date and time or you walked in?
The postal order is gotten from where?

Walked in. Postal order can be gotten from the post office before heading out.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 1:51pm On May 26, 2021

There has always been only one....however there is another office where foreigners go to get Nigerian visa in Fleet Street london . That not really for we people cheesy

Explains why they were so nice and cautious there. cheesy


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 11:21am On May 26, 2021
The one in Fleet Street.

Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 11:19am On May 26, 2021

There only one Nigeria High Commission in the UK . The only close to charing cross station

Actually there’s two. Just found that out today surprisingly.

Finally figured out it’s the one at charring cross.

Ps: To anyone going for passport renewal today, you’ll need a Postal order or £20. They started requesting that today.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 9:58am On May 26, 2021
Abeg which Nigerian High commission branch does ETC in London?
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 5:37am On May 17, 2021

OMG, this part I don't like to tell people.

I am in a school in the North of England and their accent their na die. It was hard for the students to understand my accent at first. Everytime it's PARDON.
I had to fine tune my accent eventually, and try to speak slowly (this is still hard cos I sometimes stutter).

The clarity in speech comes with time but with conscious effort.

Tbh, I’ve gave up adapting to anymore accents just so they can understand me. Naaa fam, if you don’t get this well enunciated words which are quite audible to the both of us, then you’re the one who really need to be writing these IELTS exams though. cheesy cheesy

As a teacher, I suppose you gotta make it work whichever way. Kudos!


Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 5:25am On May 17, 2021
Hi Guys, I’m currently in the Uk and I can say I don’t really enjoy the environment ( Please don’t advice me on how to live with what I don’t find pleasant ). I’m really thinking of moving to Canada. The express entry is a long process. Please which other options do I have to move to Canada. I know about student visa. Can you guys please advice me on this ?

Genuinely curious, what don’t you like about the environment? Is it the weather? Infrastructure? People?

Not gonna lie, when I arrived as well, I wasn’t all that impressed (I’ll blame Hollywood movies here).

Re: Options; Migrating through work remains up there but studies too is viable. You stand a better chance applying from here than from Naija anyways.

Best of lucks.

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Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 12:56am On May 13, 2021

Some people just isolate themselves, from happenings around them. Thinking, no evil shall befall them....... grin

Someone said earlier, they don't read newspapers (online & offline), they don't listen to news, they only use YouTube to watch religion programmes and nollywood, they think nairaland is for jobless people, they never join other forums etc etc etc...... cheesy

Imagine getting scammed £800 in this Buhari era. Money that can open kiosk somewhere grin

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Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 12:35am On May 13, 2021
I believe everyone on this thread is now wise enough, not to fall for scammers calls....

Someone just received a fake inner london court arrest warrant...... She already transferred £800.00 to them, before their juju clear from her eye's......

If you receive any cold calls, sms or emails, demanding any form of payments..... You should have a default position set, that all unwarranted money requests are SCAMS .....

I find it really funny when people fall for this scam. Street OT is enough to know this is scam from a mile away but fear and ignorance makes people fall victim.

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Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 12:09am On May 13, 2021

Everywhere in the UK is predominantly white, including London.

Overlook the way it’s worded. I don’t mean predominant in a literal “headcount” sense. Withal, thanks for your feedback. I got it sorted already.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 11:02pm On May 11, 2021
Please seniors and juniors in the house, where can I buy good bulk UK used I phones and laptops in England.

And another question, which detergents are u people using to wash ur clothes as I used sunlight and our clothes are getting whiter as if we are in Naija.

Thanks and God bless

Facebook marketplace or gumtree but you’ll have to pick it up one phone at a time I guess.

On detergents, trial and error till you find one that works for ya. Currently using Sunlight and don’t notice any issues.

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Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 9:46pm On May 11, 2021
Which city has more blacks between Glasgow and Edinburgh? Maybe a healthy mixture of other races but not predominantly white

In a position to advice but I don’t have enough info to do so.
Travel / Re: Living In The Uk/life As A UK Immigrant by Inkredible(m): 9:01am On May 05, 2021

Sign out and when trying to sign in, click on reset password

Thanks. Figured it out already.


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