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Religion / Is Artificial Insemination A Sin? by itzmarvyx(m): 7:26am On Mar 02
Hello All,

I was discussing with a sister who is well over 40 like mid 40s or so still waiting on the Lord for the right partner.

I mentioned to her that instead of waiting for a man to come and lets be honest chances are low even if there is nothing the Lord cannot do, that since she wants a child in the least, she can decide to do IVF, get a sperm donor ad inseminate or in the least go for adoption. That will give her at least little comfort and a sense of responsibility as a woman. She said her beliefs/church wouldn't accept it. Since the topic was very personal, I didn't want to press further. I just let it go.

But to everyone, even if it isn't the perfect will of God, and I know it is best a child grows in a two -parent home but in as much as she isn't fornicating with any of these suggestions I mentioned, is there any doctrinal/belief problem with my suggestions among Christians?
Religion / Re: What Can Church Do For Members During This Hardship? by itzmarvyx(m): 9:24am On Nov 10, 2024
Teach them how to be exempted.

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Religion / Re: Hardship: Are Nigerians Now Becoming Atheists? by itzmarvyx(m): 8:40am On Nov 10, 2024
In these last days perilous (hard) times truly has come and many are really turning away from Christianity.

See this thing called finances eh, any Christian that takes it so casually would find himself paying dearly for it. Don't be fooled, mammon is so powerful that Jesus said you can't serve God and mammon because in the pursuit of money to help yourself and your family, you will engage yourself in things that God abhors.

Even if you don't have the mind to do evil, when you serve God as a civil servant for 35 years and you can't even build a house for yourself, do you really think your children will join you to serve that God?

I truly believe that the seat of Satan himself is in the economy. Manipulate the economy enough to make Christians suffer and you just wait for them, they will turn turn back to Egypt.


Religion / Re: How Many Christian Of Today Has This Mindset? by itzmarvyx(m): 12:25pm On Jun 25, 2023
Bro. Christians these days are not strong.
Religion / Re: Jesus is coming soon. This thread is for faithful watchmen by itzmarvyx(m): 12:16pm On Feb 23, 2023
I am just curious. It's not our prayer but there would be people that will still have access to the internet when the rapture happens.

Who will update this thread when it happens? Certainly not me I pray.

Just need to put this out here so that when it happens, the internet will never forget that we warned the world.
Computers / Re: Uk Dell E6530 Intel Core I5@90k by itzmarvyx(m): 8:34am On Feb 26, 2022
What is your location?
Business / Re: How To Get RDP With Admin Access And Dedicated IP Address by itzmarvyx(m): 4:30pm On Feb 09, 2022
Remote desktop is much better than Vpn by 1M ways.
I was researching and I came across this thread. Can I get an RDP for Lesotho?
Business / Re: Write And Read Reviews Of My Premium Escrow Service: Exclusively On Nairaland! by itzmarvyx(m): 9:00pm On Jan 15, 2022
I understand that perfectly.

Reason why I'm starting this. If there's trust, then there will be no need for escrow.

And no, it's not a Nigerian thing, dishonest people are everywhere.
Do you still offer escrow service?
Crime / Re: Court Convicts 17 Internet Fraudsters In Uyo (Photos) by itzmarvyx(m): 7:11pm On Sep 20, 2021
I wish they arrest our corrupt politicians like this, it would have made everything very balanced.

4 Likes 2 Shares

Romance / Re: Should I Continue With This Relationship by itzmarvyx(m): 10:20am On Sep 12, 2021
I stopped here.

I'm sorry to tell you this painful truth; you are now dating democracy.

Once a girl is in the university, she is democracy.

Lol.. I disagree sha.. Don't generalize. I met ladies that changed my mentality in school. One of them got married last month a virgin. No jokes. But na strong church girl with values sha cheesy


Romance / Re: Will You Tell Your Friend His Wife Is Dating Your Boss? by itzmarvyx(m): 12:39am On Apr 20, 2021
This are some of the reason people get missing and never to be found again.

Silence is golden!

May God never give us your type of friend. Amin.. undecided

25 Likes 3 Shares

Politics / Re: How Lack Of Judicial Autonomy Affects You by itzmarvyx(m): 3:00pm On Apr 18, 2021
The only thing Nigerian politicians obey is judgement of elections because na dem dem. Very shameful!!

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Religion / Re: The Appointed Time Is Upon Us! JESUS Is Coming! by itzmarvyx(m): 10:04am On Apr 18, 2021
I wonder what NL religion section would look like after the rapture. As much as I would love to see the posts of these Christianity - mockers here, I rather go with the first flight to heaven.

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Travel / Re: Petrol Tanker Rams Into Vehicles Along Abuja Highway, Many People Feared Dead by itzmarvyx(m): 2:58am On Mar 07, 2021
You leave your house and return back home, you don't know what God has done for you.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Monthly Net Salary Of Federal Government Ministries,departaments, Agencies And P by itzmarvyx(m): 8:46am On Feb 17, 2021

cry cry yea... I woke up recently from my sleep
Lecturing job ain't easy like that o. If you're not ready to study like a scholar, forget any benefits attached to it. Since your heart didn't go for it at first, forget about it. Don't go and be a lecturer and use the anger to frustrate innocent students.

E better say you relax for CBN or FIRS for years than to be lecturer and for the same years, you go dy fight to be Prof with better hardwork.

I'm happy you rejected it so that those that have the passion and are grateful for the job can take it to make our academic space better.

Just like your 'Angel' said, go for what you love doing and are satisfied with. May your opportunity not be lost forever. So take heart. grin


Religion / Re: Why Did Jesus Have To Leave The Earth Before The Holy Spirit Would Come? by itzmarvyx(m): 3:47am On Jan 06, 2021
Hmmmmm... I believe the trinity works in dispensations to reveal a certain nature of their Godlike characteristics to man. God the Father was dominant on earth right from the beginning till Jesus was born. He showed the dimension of God as a God who abhors sin, who is a consuming fire and a man of war.

When Jesus was born, He revealed a dimension of God as a God who even though abhorred sin, was also a God of love, who could forgive sin and who you could draw close to. Notice that that was why the Israelites especially the Pharisees and keepers of the law couldn't just understand what Jesus was saying and never wanted to agree. Because they were already used to the dimension of God the Father.

Now, Jesus had to go so that the comforter could reveal the dimension of God that we all know of right now. Notice that even though Jesus carried every attribute of God, He was limited by Human nature. So He had to go so that the Helper could come us and be with us forever. John 14 from vs 16 - And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.

So Jesus had to go so that the Holy Spirit can come and dwell with the believer, lead and guide Christians, and empower them with spiritual gifts and in addition to what the Holy Spirit does from that scripture the OP quoted.

If you understand this, you'll understand why a Christian in China can be studying the Scriptures and God (the Holy Spirit) will teach him lots of things. You in Nigeria will discuss will study and still receive the same kind of revelation from that same scripture. I've walked into churches countless numbers of time and it was if the pastor was preaching from my quiet time notebook. Amazing right? cheesy That happened just among the prophets of old but now., we all have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.

I hope my knowledge in part helped a little.

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Religion / Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 2:23pm On Oct 21, 2020

Not so bro. The power of faith can transcend space and make you a partaker of the grace and anointing that abound in the Christian gathering even if you are not there physically. All you need to do is place your hands on your TV and connect in the Spirit.

Don't forget that worshipping God in the Spirit and truth is all that matters.
Perhaps you have not really stayed in the midst of the brethren dwelling together and eating together in unity or you are not being truthful to yourself but have it your way. Trust me, nothing can beat physical fellowship. Quote me anywhere. Cheers.
Religion / Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 1:00pm On Oct 18, 2020

Yes you are right bro, but human beings have destroyed so many Christian dealings and they took it deeper that we all think of.

Your heart is key bro.....
Agreed. But no Christian can really grow independent of others. Let's say you can, what about others? You have a responsibility to admonish other Christians as Christ did for us. We need each other.

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Religion / Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 12:58pm On Oct 18, 2020

You can listen to Christian messages and watch videos to get sharpened. I learned a lot from Oyedepo without ever visiting his church for once.
Agreed. Thank God for technology but you'll agree with me that there's this corporate anointing and atmosphere that abounds when brethren gather together to sing and pray to God that cannot be substituted for Christian messages and video.

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Religion / Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 12:54pm On Oct 18, 2020
please can I get the Bible quote for that " don't forsake the fellowship...?"
Hebrews 10:25 KJV: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
Religion / Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 10:11am On Oct 18, 2020
God is everywhere, Pray from your bedroom and you will see wonders, Help the less privileged and be kind to everyone, Christianity is not more than that.
Ever read the Scriptures "don't forsake the fellowship of the brethren" and "iron sharpens iron?"


Politics / Re: Law To Legalise Cultivation Of Marijuana In Nigeria Underway by itzmarvyx(m): 11:46am On Oct 12, 2020
Damn nigga.. Issorite will like this news..

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Politics / Re: Ondo Election: Akeredolu Defeats Jegede With Over 99k Votes by itzmarvyx(m): 2:46pm On Oct 11, 2020
Sadly Ondo na Lagos. But if they voted because Akeredolu was performing, no wahala but if they voted because of APC and bullion van, I really pity for Southwesteners then.

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Romance / Re: The death of a medical student - Death of Simps?? by itzmarvyx(m): 6:31am On Sep 02, 2020
Wow. This is really unbelievable. These things still happen? Guys ought to be wiser now nau... @ubunja
Don't be too harsh man..

1 Like 1 Share

Romance / Re: How Do I Withdraw My $40 In My Limit Leshoto Paypal by itzmarvyx(m): 6:26am On Sep 02, 2020
how do I sell it or withdraw bro?
Have you done it?
Romance / Re: How Do I Withdraw My $40 In My Limit Leshoto Paypal by itzmarvyx(m): 8:21am On Aug 28, 2020
I have $40 in my limited leshoto paypal, the limit has ended yesterday and they sent me a message that I can now withdraw my funds.

How do I get it out ?
Sell it to an exchanger or withdraw by yourself (not advisable for funds below $50.) you can quote me back for my contact for guidance.
Pets / Re: UK's Top Diplomatic Cat Retires To Spend More Time With Favourite Tree (Photos) by itzmarvyx(m): 2:25pm On Aug 08, 2020
Lemme not even pretend to understand a word about this.


Politics / Re: Yakassai Backs Power Rotation, Seeks Nigeria’s Return To Parliamentary System by itzmarvyx(m): 9:29am On Aug 05, 2020
What wrong with Nigeria is more spiritual than physical. Only if people knew the kind of diabolical things these politicians do to influence the mind of people during election periods.

If not, what plausible reason will someone that was in this country from 2015 - 2019 vote in the present government again for 1k and empty promises that they know at the polling unit?

Parliamentary or whatever, this country will remain the same until people wake up to the truth.

Majority of minds have really been enslaved in this country.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Monthly Net Salary Of Federal Government Ministries,departaments, Agencies And P by itzmarvyx(m): 9:27am On Aug 05, 2020
Someone should please drop info on the NIMC recruitment. Is it is for graduate entry level?
No.. Do a Google search and you'll see all the info you need.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Royal Mifadelo Global Foundation by itzmarvyx(m): 5:20pm On Jul 30, 2020
Hi, How was the interview? Could you shed some details about it?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Monthly Net Salary Of Federal Government Ministries,departaments, Agencies And P by itzmarvyx(m): 8:40am On Jul 29, 2020
I don't think anyone has ever mentioned NCDC job here, well to get that one, qualification matters, msc added advantage too. From there you can secure permanent NCDC, USAID and other well paying NGO jobs. Good luck.
Nice one... Can I get in touch with you?

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