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Religion / Re: Tithes And Offerings Are Eternal Principles by julietjuks: 9:00am On Oct 31, 2013
Why is tithing with money a major problem. Why are people so shortsighted and stereotyped.in those days,the Jews had their currency and commodity was the currency for trade or other financial transaction. The world has changed now. Its no more 2000 years ago HELLO!!!!!!!! The financial system and medium of exchange backed by law has evolved. Money note has become the order of the day. Why don't you tax today with commodity items or pay the doctor with same. Guys you went to school for a reason so see the answers are before you gentle men.
Religion / Re: Sickness Is Not An Act Of God by julietjuks: 11:23pm On Jan 10, 2013
Religion / Re: Sickness Is Not An Act Of God by julietjuks: 11:14pm On Jan 10, 2013

Jesus died to save His own, His church, see Ephesians 5:25; Acts 20:28; Revelation 5:9-10 "And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth.”"

(New International Version)

This is the world that Jesus died for in John 3:16, the world of His church, the world of His elect or chosen ones, only. His death and His resurection means eternal salvation for His church from His wrath in the eternal Hell fire, to be with Him in his eternal Kingdom of Heaven. It also means at our resurrection at His second coming His saints will get perfect eternal bodies, all assured and gotten by His death and resurrection.
In the bible we are told of saints who were sick and nothing about them been healed, see Philippians 2:25-30, 1 Timothy 5:23 (Timothy was told to drink wine instead); 2 Timothy 4:20.
Romans 11: 36 "For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen."

Read the article "The Charismatic Movement 35 Doctrinal Issues" for further information at: http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/doctrine/charis06.htm

i am thrilled at ur employment of scriptures but i must say that they are inappropriately. where was the church before he died or even came. u speak as though the church was reserved somewhere then he came to die for them. he came to die for the world it was after his resurrection that the church existence was possible.i appreciate ur zeal but u need guidance. i say this without meaning any offence.

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Religion / Re: Sickness Is Not An Act Of God by julietjuks: 10:07pm On Jan 09, 2013

Malachi 3:6 "For I the LORD do not change..." English Standard Version (©2001).

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" New International Version (©1984).

The Jesus of the new covenant is the same God of the old covenant and He doesn't change. Jesus sent sicknesses in the old covenant and He stills sends sicknesses in the new covenant.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture (both the old and new testaments) is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (English Standard Version).

1 Corinthians 11:27-32 "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. 31 But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world." (English Standard Version).

Romans 11:36 "For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen" (English Standard Version).

Ephesians 1:11 "In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will" (English Standard Version).

1 Corinthians 8:6 "yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist" (English Standard Version).

Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things" (King James Version).

From the above passages of scripture we see that God is in absolute sovereign control of all things, and sovereignly causes everything, be it good or evil, light or darkness.

The book of Revelation tells us that the Lord will be sending plagues (among other things) on the earth to destroy the earth in the last days because of man's evil and wickedness. And that all these thing will be happening before He comes back.

Read the article "Sickness, Disease, Healing" at this link: http://www.acts17-11.com/dialogs_sickness.html

On the hatred of God.

Romans 9:10-13, 18, 21-23 "And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;

11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that callethwink

12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,"

(King James Version)

Psalm 5:6 "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man." (King James Version)

Psalm 11:5 "The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth." (King James Version)

Hebrews 12:5-8 "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:

6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons."

(King James Version)

From the above scriptures we clearly see that God hates and is wrathful against some people, and others He loves. In other words God don't love everybody.

i dont understand why u have to employ all this scripture to prove a point. if Jesus is the author of sickness as u say it then why did he die. have u asked urself was his death,burial and resurrection a political arrangement among the dieties to fool man or did he die to resue man from sin and sickness.by his death he took mans place, i mean ur place in death,sickness and the judgement of God so that u do not ever have to go through any of them.God is love and does care about how we enjoy our lifes cos thats his desire for his children.
Religion / Re: Sickness Is Not An Act Of God by julietjuks: 10:10pm On Jan 08, 2013
for many of u who are not sure whether sickness is an act of God along with other tradegies labelled to be acts of God,first we should ask what is an act of God. it is an premediatated, preconcieved and determined expression of God.in other words,God expresses himself through this so-called acts. but this cannot be true.sickness or any such disaster could never be an act of God. how can one seek to destroy his object of love. GOD LOVES MAN.so if it is not God who has the world in a mess then who is to blame. u must realise that God gave man authority to rule the world as u would find in genesis but he handed that authority to the devil who is a wicked spirit. the devil has worked through to bring about what u see around.Jesus came and died that he might put to end the disaster man is in.he has done it already but man has not accepted what he did. thats why we have to tell the world about thr love.
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:58pm On Nov 21, 2012

I fear them my sister! The way they twist scriptures to defend and preach the importance of tithing is really crazy! Now e come be like say we dey spoil bitness for them grin *smh* nothing wey person no fit see oh!
if u would fellowship with the word and the holy ghost long enough u will soon realise the truth.dont be confused
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:54pm On Nov 21, 2012

I'm not interested in the bolded now! Salvation is all that matters to me; prosperity won't be a problem in the Kingdom now, would it?
prosperity is a very important part of ur salvation. ur prosperity now towards God on earth will be a measure in the kingdom. the church will get bigger and richer cos through prosperity God is expanding the kingdom of heaven on earth.we will rule this world with their money for the gospel. the last man on earth must hear it and it cost money
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:48pm On Nov 21, 2012

Oh...so u have known me so well to have come to this conclusion??
And how can you differenciate origina Pastor from fake one? They all make sense with Malachi, they all preach tithe and neglect other OT laws. So tell me, which one is origina? The origina one to me is He who is consistant. He who does not preach all Old laws, or He who preach all OT laws, one who teaches Only the NT law or one who teaches both New laws. Not those who select to suit thier greeds.
If you must be an origina pastor You should do one out of these.

Just my opinion !
keep it to urself and God.remember job he kept his opinion between himself and God. and maybe like job God will answer u.
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:45pm On Nov 21, 2012

These are the kind of treatening words they use in the church. Just read yourself shocked
This sounds very unscriptural sad
i advise u go to the mosque and stop mocking the church...

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Religion / Re: They Ain’t Right? by julietjuks: 11:30pm On Nov 21, 2012

It depends on what you mean by church.

We are the church if we preach the truth , if however we go off preaching our own doctrines and or falsehoods we are a false organisation , though we may bear the name of Christ.

It is still important to expose those who profess to know Christ while working contrary to him as frauds !!

i didnt know that we had the office of inspector general in the body of God.how amazing!

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Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:26pm On Nov 21, 2012

I see - so only tithe belongs to God? I thought the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof? cheesy

So God now uses 'unexpected things and emergencies' to 'collect what belongs to Him'? cheesy Please provide the bible passage that states that God uses 'emergencies' as his collection agents.
you dont pay ur tithe and let life teach u a lesson.the world will get tougher and lets see if u will be like noah who floted or the others who mocked and drowned after 5 yrs.may life not drown u pay ur tithe
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:19pm On Nov 21, 2012

keep quite!

What is the value of what you just said?
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:18pm On Nov 21, 2012

keep quite!

What is the value of what you just said?
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:08pm On Nov 21, 2012

keep quite!

What is the value of what you just said?
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 11:00pm On Nov 21, 2012

That is what they made you believe so you can continue to pump them money to buy more private Jet that they will use to fly to the mountain in Judea during the tribulation.

Many Christian are successful giving offering and other help to the poor.
Christ says "if you do that to them, you did it to me" when u cloth someone without clothe, you equally clothe Jesus. And you get more blessing because you are not reminded to do/give it. Many people pay tithe because they are byforced not because they truelly have or are willing to tithe. This is unscriptural!!
because u see the fake does not mean the original wasnt around first and is still around. if u were a soulwinner u would understand but u are not.start winning souls,preach the good news of Jesus and not urs.
pls can i know how much u would need to pay to get honda baby 2001. thank u
Religion / Re: They Ain’t Right? by julietjuks: 10:07pm On Nov 21, 2012
its a shame to see christians be a part of tearing down they claim is important. who made u an inspector general of the church. judge not another mans servant. before his master he stands.or fall and he will stand. are u aware that the body of christ has structures and its organized.who made u a master over the church to criticize it.remember moses,aaron and mariam who was made leprose by God for criticizing wrongly what moses did. cos of this some are sickly and some sleep. respect the anointing
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 9:54pm On Nov 21, 2012
Goshen360: In this season, we begin an exposition of Hebrews chapter 7 where tithing (both the pre-law and according to the law) was disannulled, abolished and nullified. My exposition of Hebrews 7 is NOT to teach whether tithe was money or not, it is to reveal the truth that WHATEVER is called tithing, tithe or tenth has ended, set aside, nullified, abolished and disannulled both tithing, “before” or “pre” Law and tithing "according to the Law". I have heard many criticisms against me and other anti-tithe teachers in the past that we are stingy; we do not want to give our money to church or to God. This is a false allegation against our person. What I/we (anti-tithe teachers) believe is that, giving in the New Testament is according to Grace and not according to percentage nor according to the law. We believe the NT doesn't place a certain percentage to giving unlike tithe of the OT. We believe tithe according to the law was specifically from crops and animal but giving can be of/from anything including money.

I will like you to tell and/or invite your friends, family and neighbor(s) who are still being coerced and manipulated in their churches to follow and/view this thread for an eye opening truth and exposition. You can also invite your pastor(s) who teaches tithe in your local church to come partake and/or challenge the truth of this exposition that brought an end to tithing.

I will be doing the exposition verse-by-verse and presenting the truth/evidence where and how tithing (pre-law and law) was brought to and end. After each post or verse exposition, contribution, questions and criticism (not insult) is allowed for participation.

Hebrews chapter 7 is extremely important because it is the only New Testament scriptures that mention tithing (both the pre-law and according to the law) after Calvary! By this statement, I mean that, Jesus is the Mediator of the New Testament and as such, when Jesus was still physically walking the earth, the New Testament has not began and biblically speaking, the Old Testament was still in effect until after the death of Christ and resurrection.

For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance--now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living. This is why even the first covenant was not put into effect without blood. Hebrews 9:15-18 New International Version.
u seem to feel that u can prove something. the truth does not change whether u believe it or not. u seem not to be afraid to become the lecturer of the body of christ. remember esau! fear the anointing and speak not on things u know not of and keep ur skepticism of the truth to urself. thank u sir.
Religion / Re: Tithing Ended And Abolished In The N.T - An Exposition On Hebrews Chapter 7. by julietjuks: 9:44pm On Nov 21, 2012
Goshen360: Although this chapter, Hebrew 7 is not primarily a discussion of tithing but it draws heavily from Numbers 18, which is the ordinance establishing the priesthood and tithing as tithing “according to or under the law” and also pin down on the "pre-law tithing or tithing before the law". It contrasts the mortal Aaronic priesthood, which was partially sustained by tithing principles (according to the law), with Christ’s Melchizedek priesthood (pre or before the law), which is eternal and is sustained by grace principles of the unlimited eternal power of God.

Also, let me state clearly that the writer of “The Letter to the Hebrews” did not set out to teach tithing as a topic or practice per say in Hebrews chapter 7 but to teach an in-depth exposition of the superiority or betterness of the priesthood of Christ for the New Testament believers compared to the Old Testament Levitical Priesthood that was established in the Pentateuch. However, tithing (both pre-law and according to law or during the period of law) was referenced because tithe/tenth also pertained to the Levitical Priesthood that is being discussed by the writer. There are many laws, ordinances and commandments that are inseparable from the Levitical Priesthood and one of such is tithe/tenth. So, one cannot discuss or teach the Levitical Priesthood in totality without mentioning or teaching tithe/tenth alongside because they are inseparable!

Once again, kindly tell and/or invite your friends to follow and/or participate in this thread on Nairaland even if they are not members, invite and/or tell family members and neighbor(s) who are still being coerced and manipulated in their churches to this thread for an eye opening truth and revelation. Also invite your pastor who teaches tithe in your local church to come partake and/or challenge the truth of this exposition that brought an end to tithing. I will be doing the exposition verse-by-verse and presenting the truth/evidence wherein and how tithing (both pre-law and law) was brought to and end. After each post or verse exposition, contributions, questions and criticism is allowed and welcomed for participation and teaching purpose.

...to be continue
u will pay the doctor for medical attention, u will pay the school for education,u will pay subscription for clubs but tithe is a stumbling block for u. are you not aware that permanent prosperity starts with paying ur tithe. jesus said the poor u will always have. dont believe in tithing so will poverty come like an armed bandit. u will spend ur money on unexpected things and emergencies cos God will collect what belongs to him for u rob Him. viewers dont be decieved by those who contend against kingdom principles.


Religion / Dont Look At The Waves by julietjuks: 11:38pm On Nov 15, 2012
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me (Matthew 14:30). On a certain day, Peter and the other disciples were in a boat, far into the sea, when they saw someone walking on the water towards them. The disciples were frightened, thinking it was a ghost; but the Lord said, “…Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid…” (Matthew 14:27 NKJV). Then, Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to you on the water” (Matthew 14:28 NKJV). Jesus said to Peter, “Come,” and Peter got on the water and started walking to Jesus. However, as he approached Jesus, Peter got distracted by the boisterous wind and waves: “…when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30). Peter walked on the water as long as he kept his gaze on the Master. He only began to sink when he turned his attention away from Jesus, the Living Word, to look at the boisterous waves. Don’t look at the waves! Don’t observe lying vanities (Jonah 2:cool. Don’t allow natural occurrences determine the circumstances of your existence. Don’t be moved by what your natural senses can perceive; be moved only by the Word. Those who take their eyes away from the Word are easily overwhelmed by the crises of life. This was what happened to Peter; he took his eyes away from Jesus, the Living Word, to look at the waves. The waves here could mean the challenging circumstances that come against your faith. No matter how frontal and ferocious the attacks of the enemy may be, ignore them, and walk on in victory. Be like Abraham, who refused to consider his body dead, when he was about one hundred years old, neither did he consider the deadness of Sarah’s womb (Romans 4:19). Refuse to be cowed by the waves of terrorism, sickness, failure, fear, and discouragement that the adversary may hurl at you! Adversities may come your way but you’ll always rise to the crest because there’s something in you – the divine life of God. That life makes you unconquerable, for it’s not subject to defeat.
bible reference
Isaiah 43.2
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Religion / His Glorious Ascension.. by julietjuks: 11:25pm On Nov 15, 2012
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight (Acts 1:9). Something remarkable took place after the resurrection of Jesus that most people tend to overlook because they don’t realize how marvellous it was. It’s His glorious ascension into heaven. His ascension was a staggering experience for all those who saw it happen. On that particular occasion, Jesus was talking to His disciples and suddenly, He began to levitate from the ground. Before long, He was a foot off the ground; the next thing they knew, He was more than a meter off the ground, and they watched as He ascended into the clouds. No one ever had this extraordinary experience. The Bible tells us how God took Enoch and Elijah away, to heaven. But Jesus ascended. They watched Him as He kept going upward and upward into heaven. What a glorious way to leave this world. He didn’t need any vehicle; He simply unlocked the power within Him and up He went. While the disciples were standing there, gazing into heaven at the wonder, two angels appeared to them and said, "Men of Galilee, ...why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven" (Acts 1:11 TLB). Now, that’s the point; He’s coming again in like manner. This is the reason we’re preaching the Gospel around the world; the world needs to know that He’s coming again. We have to tell the untold about what He came to do the first time, so that when He comes back, many will be prepared for Him, and this time, they’ll go with Him. Halleluiah!
Family / Re: Taking 'the Vow' Put A Strain On Relationships? by julietjuks: 7:53pm On Nov 13, 2012
Ninapha: . Its not d vow but the selfish intentions of our youths.. Women want to attach 'Mrs' and men want someone to share in d bills. Most marriages are just unwritten contacts. But if u see marriage dat is rooted in love and Gods standard, u see the essence of d VOW.
people dont seem to understand what marriage is? some think i s all abt economic snd sex compatibility. the vow in marriage should strength the marriage. the vows made should listened to again and again so that u remember why u are in marriage.there is a law that states that repettition is the law of deep and lasting impression.
Religion / Re: Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 9:53am On Nov 13, 2012
pastormustwacc: Anyway, when it comes to destinies, i am not an expert, but i dont think you can just classify them into natural and divine destiny. You will agree with me that even born again christians led by the holy spirit knowingly commit blunders atimes.

And at every point in our life, we led natural/divine destinies like you put it. Putting all these into consideration, this classification e get as e be.
alot of people live their lifes without knowing what their purpose in life that is Gods purpose for their lifes so they walk in darkness and confusion living short of it.
Religion / Re: Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 9:09pm On Nov 12, 2012
pastormustwacc: @OP, you are completely wrong about destinies, what if:

Do you know the 3 levels of wills of God? The good, acceptable and perfect will. And do you also know the permissive will of God?

I can for instance jump out of this window in my room right now straight to my death - God aint gonna stop me?
*Looks outside the window* Shivers, this aint bugs bunny, i aint jumping anyway

Then, what happens if i decide to leave my christian life and become a satanist? Is that one natural destiny?
Or i decide to start serving sango? because i come from such a lineage?
Or start worshipping osun, because i had a very interesting encounter with an osun priestess?
Or i just decide to become an atheist - not a likely possible, not after all i have experienced, i will just die of madness/suicide (will actually jump out of the window or a higher window and slit my throat before i get down just in case i dont die from the fall) ASAP

How about classifying as Natural and Unnatural destinies? Mehn, let us not even go there at all. You need to go back to the drawing board.
thank u for ur elaboration. all those instances u have mentioned still fall within the natural course of life. natural destiny is a destiny man creates for himself.for instance jumping out the window it was ur decision and so u created ur destiny that way.divine destiny is one inwhich starts with one being born again.it is when God has taken charge and he is leading u by the word and his spirit...
Religion / Re: Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 7:27pm On Nov 12, 2012
Adeniyi A.:
if i may ask,wats d relp betw DD& ND.
or can u completely absolve DD from ND.
dont u think we can categorise ND as experience-gatherin school under DD e.g Moses n david as shepherds in prep for leadin ppl.
i ask, wen did d divine destiny of joseph begin...
if u
if u must know its not everything a man does thats within Gods destiny.
Religion / Re: Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 7:26pm On Nov 12, 2012
Adeniyi A.:
if i may ask,wats d relp betw DD& ND.
or can u completely absolve DD from ND.
dont u think we can categorise ND as experience-gatherin school under DD e.g Moses n david as shepherds in prep for leadin ppl.
i ask, wen did d divine destiny of joseph begin...
if u
if u must know its everything a man does within Gods destiny.
Religion / Re: Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 4:57pm On Nov 11, 2012
Adeniyi A.:
human being shaa!, we like to complicate issues for oursefs,wch one is natural again, can there b any natural thing wiout divine intervention or initiation?
wat u even call natural destiny is wat i call 'artificial destiny', cos the destiny of God for a man is constant,but man,due to his lack of vision n his unconsciousness of God's plans n purposes for him(jer.29vs11),n disobedience to His word,derail by charting a new path for himsef(artificial d) wch of course might lead to frustration n uncertainties.
there is such a things as natural destiny means when a mans life flows in the natural course of this world from childbirth to old age. it has to do with a structure of life man has created for himself. u are mistaken.not everyone is functioning in Gods destiny. man is a free moral agent and has been the rite to choose.submittin to Gods lordship means a start in his destiny for u. please read my post carefully with an open mind and u will understand it.
Religion / Divine Destiny Vs Natural Destiny by julietjuks: 3:56pm On Nov 11, 2012
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified (Romans 8:30).

There’re two destinies for every person that’s born into this world: A natural destiny and a divine destiny. Most people only find themselves fulfilling their natural destinies. Natural destiny is guided and controlled by such factors as lineage and place of birth, where you grew up, and your existential values.

Divine destiny, on the other hand, is the destiny of God in or for a man’s life. It describes the course of events in one’s life, organized or structured by God to fulfil His divine purposes. In fulfilling divine destiny, your life becomes the expression of God’s grace and the unveiling of His love. Some have asked, "How can you tell whether or not one is fulfilling divine destiny?" It’s simple. First, who gets the glory in your life? Whose power is behind what you do? For whom do you live? If the answers to these questions turn out to be the Lord, then you’re in line to fulfilling divine destiny. Along with the foregoing is the specific leading of the Holy Spirit.

Are you treading the path of natural destiny or divine destiny? Divine destiny doesn’t start until you make that divine contact with the Spirit of God. Until Moses encountered Jehovah, his divine destiny didn’t begin. Saul of Tarsus began his divine assignment only after his encounter with the Lord on the Damascus road.

If you’re born again, let the Holy Spirit lead you into the destiny He has for you, and be faithful to fulfil it (Colossians 4:17). But if you’re yet to be born again, it means you’re only fulfilling natural destiny. Ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart today and set you on course to fulfil your divine destiny in Him.
Religion / Re: Christians Have Power Over Devils by julietjuks: 3:46pm On Nov 11, 2012
pastormustwacc: I know a particular woman at ijebu-ode that fits that category perfectly. The family had to build a house for her where she lives after she turned to a lunatic.

There are rules for dealing with dark satanic forces, it is not to be foolishly confrontational when not necessary. Yes christians have power over devils, but that power must be used cautiously and not foolishly.

If you look at the life of Jesus, he was not foolish in any way like our today's christians:
1. When there was trouble in Israel, God sent Jesus to Africa.
2. When people were trying to trap him, and he senses danger, he usually escapes stylishly, until the right time came.

There was another incidence witnessed by my mother:
A young born again man was trying to by-force preach to a herbalist, the herbalist slapped the young man and the young man became deaf instantly, the herbalist later removed the curse after being begged.

Ecclesiastes 10:8, "He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him." There is a natural hedge of protection around God's people (Job 1:10), but if there's a hole punched in that hedge, it is an open door to the enemy and we can get bitten by serpents (evil spirits). Look at what happened to Job when the hedge around him was removed! Demons affected many things in his life, including his body... which was covered with sores that were caused by demonic spirits!

If you cross your boundary, even as a christian, you shall be destroyed.

Jude 1:9
But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

That account shows us that arcangel michael showed great caution when contending with the devil, he did not start boasting and bragging of power. If you read this well, this should tell you something, that Satan in his current form is still more powerful than arcangel michael. In fact, it is said that satan is the most powerful creature created by God. So angel michael had to call on God to interceed on his behalf rather than relying on his own great power.

Caution: Dont mess with the powers of this world. We are pilgrims in this word. Even Jesus christ told us to be smart - it is a requirement.

in the old testament, the devil functioned with adamic authority which stole from man.man was next to God in class and authority. angels are junior to adamic authority that the angel had to rebuke him by God. all that has changed now. the devil has been stripped of that authority and it has been restored to the one who will believe in what did by his death and resurrection though Jesus died for the whole world. in the class of things now after God it is the new creation and the devil is longer a factor! glorious news to the one who will believe this. the devil is defeated and remains defeated. all he left is his structure which is still operational in the earth. no christian should be afraid of him cos he is afraid of you. the devil is a liar and everything he does centres on lies.
Religion / Re: Christians Have Power Over Devils by julietjuks: 3:34pm On Nov 11, 2012
the name of Jesus is a tool and those christians u talked about knew how to use the name of Jesus to enforce obedience their story would not be the case. life is spiritual and spiritually the devil has been stripped off of all his power and what u see of the ability of the devil has manipulations,tricks and deceptions, the working of wicked spirits. please learn from this u may need this.
Religion / Re: Christians Have Power Over Devils by julietjuks: 3:28pm On Nov 11, 2012
u seem to forget who the christian is.the christian is a new creation,one who has the same nature with God himself. 2 corinthian 5:17. the new creation is superior to the lucifer himself in the spiritual hierarchy. pls dont be sentiment about the truth. it is either true or not true. lets stop dancing around the truth and looking for ways to fault it. the christian has been given power over all devils,thats the truth.the name of Jesus which we have given is potent enough to drag any demon to his knees.the question is the christians conviction and consciousness of this truth thats where the power is.
Religion / Christians Have Power Over Devils by julietjuks: 7:33pm On Nov 10, 2012
Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1). Jesus called His disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, to cast them out and to cure diseases. Notice the word "all" as carefully chosen for us by the Holy Spirit, letting us know that we have power and authority, not over some, but ALL devils. You might say, "But some devils are very strong"; it makes no difference! If you’re born again, you have power over all devils: strong ones, weak ones, fat ones, thin ones, little ones; no matter what kind of devils they are—they’re no match for the authority Christ has given you. While not disputing the possibility of an organized structure of devils, as the Apostle Paul explains in Ephesians 6, the words of Jesus still hold true. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Notice the order: principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world (that’s the highest in the earth realm), and then, wicked spirits or spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms. This latter category operates and sets up their throne in the heavenly realms, where they control large dominions and rule over nations or regions. They control the affairs of men as men yield themselves to them. However, the Lord Jesus has given us power and authority over all devils, irrespective of their ranks! It doesn’t matter the hierarchy any demon belongs in, you have power to cast him out. What a life of glory, dominion and power given to us in Christ Jesus, to live above the devil and his cohorts of darkness! The Lord Jesus said in Luke 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." How much better does it get? Realize that Satan has been eternally defeated, and he’ll never rise again. Keep him where he belongs— under your feet.

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