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Religion / Re: What You See In Others. by justcool(m): 4:52pm On Dec 29, 2024
@ DeepSight

Watch the videos above and tell me what you think
Religion / Re: M_nwankwo/ Justcool - Inconsistencies In The Grail Message by justcool(m): 4:46pm On Dec 29, 2024
Justcool, where are you now in your journey: as a seeker of truth.
I recall you once mentioned having to step back for some deep cogitation following certain realizations with regard to the evolution of the Grail Message.

@deepsight. How are you?
I’m still alive doing well, thanks for asking.

I believe I have answered you question before, perhaps in another forum. I remember you asking me and I answered you.

Remain blessed
Religion / Re: What You See In Others. by justcool(m): 4:14pm On Dec 29, 2024
Religion / Re: What You See In Others. by justcool(m): 5:20pm On Dec 28, 2024
What Path must we follow,
Our religion or Our conscience?

Religion / What You See In Others. by justcool(m): 7:59am On Nov 04, 2024
Religion / Wisdom Nuggets Of The Week. by justcool(m): 5:50am On Apr 08, 2023


1) Life isn’t about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.
~ George Bernard Shaw

Imagine a child deciding to remain the way he was born! He will be unable to walk, and becoming an adult will remain out of the question.
But luckily, children do not let situations they are born in determine or decide thier situation. They may fall a thousand times, yet driven by desire they will keep trying till they become walkers.

But the ignorant adult finds himself in his present circumstances and conditions. If he was born a certain way, he must remain that way all through life. It never occurs to him that life is only an opportunity to create oneself; that what he desires, he can become if he dedicates himself to it.

Indeed the real self is not something one finds, it’s something one makes.

Therefore do not stifle or neglect that spanking desire to change or improve yourself; it’s not for nothing that the creator put it in you! It is the the path towards creating your real self

2) Everything you can imagine is real.
~Pablo Picasso

Everything artificial around us started with imagination! The imposing house on your way to work, the beautifully paved streets you walk on, and even your place of work, all began in someone’s mind.

Hence imagination which involves voluntary thoughts is one of the greatest gifts the creator endowed us with, and thus we must endeavor to keep our thoughts healthy.

Follow Fidelandnikky (Fusion media) on Facebook at

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Family / Child Labor by justcool(m): 4:59pm On Mar 01, 2023
“One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.”
Agatha Christie

Indeed, what can be compared to childhood. It is like a precious prelude placed at the beginning of our lives. A period when we see everything through the rose-tinted spectacles of innocence, free from all the worries, pressures, and burdens of life.
It is unfortunate that so many children are denied the joys of childhood, and thrust too early into dirty and impure workforce.
Child labor is a sin against humanity and God. We should all join hands and put an end to it.

Fidelandnikky invite you to them as they discuss this issue and the dangers associated with it.


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Family / Re: The Unfair Stigmatization Of Single Parents by justcool(m): 9:26am On Feb 23, 2023
Is it fair to victimize people and call them damaged or secondhand goods just because they are single parents?
Join us as we discuss single parenthood and the way people generally see it in Nigeria.
Family / The Unfair Stigmatization Of Single Parents by justcool(m): 4:24pm On Feb 22, 2023
Guys! Can you marry a woman who has given birth before?
Do you consider such single parents damaged or secondhand good as they are usually called by some people in Nigeria?
Is it fair to victimize them as such?

Ladies, please answer the above questions too.

Ladies and gentlemen, join Fidelandnikky as they discuss the way some Nigerians see single parents.

Please put your answers in the comment section.


Subscribe to Fidelandnikky on YouTube and follow them on Facebook @
Crime / Re: Capital Punishment by justcool(m): 4:33am On Feb 19, 2023
Crime / Capital Punishment by justcool(m): 4:32am On Feb 19, 2023
Robert A Heinlein once wrote, “Under what circumstances is it moral for a group to do that which is not moral for a member of that group to do alone?”
This question completely captures the dilemma of Capital punishment. If we agree that it’s a crime to murder, then how does it become moral and excusable when it is done by the government? Does the government have the right take away something that it cannot give, precious human life.
In other words, is death penalty justifiable?
Fidelandnikky invite you to dissertate this issue with us.


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Religion / Re: Does The Soul Exist? by justcool(m): 1:19pm On Feb 09, 2023
Religion / Does The Soul Exist? by justcool(m): 1:17pm On Feb 09, 2023
Almost all religious beliefs are predicated on the existence of the soul, our nonphysical essences that outlive our physical bodies.

But does the soul really exist or is it just a superstitious figment of our imagination? How do we arrive at the truth of this matter? Here science cannot come to our rescue because being limited to the physical, science cannot venture into the nonphysical. Hence this is question each individual must confront personally.

Join us, let’s reflect on this issue and see if we can arrive at a definite solution.


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Fashion / Fusionfashion by justcool(m): 10:32am On Feb 06, 2023
Introducing you to FusionFashion.
Where modern meets modesty.


Subscribe to Fidelandnikky on YouTube and also follow them on Facebook at

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Health / Intermittent Fasting by justcool(m): 10:53am On Feb 04, 2023
Our experience with intermittent fasting, an interesting weight loss journey.


For more interesting videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook at:

Fidelandnikky (Fusion media)
Foreign Affairs / Racism by justcool(m): 7:38pm On Feb 03, 2023
Racism comes in different guises; the most subtle of which is casual racism. This involves offhanded remarks, jokes, and cliches that imply racism and betray the speaker’s racist mindset.
Have you ever been a victim of such racist remarks? If so, how did you feel about it?
Join us as we delve into racism, and share your experiences with us.


For more thought-provoking and interesting videos, follow us on Facebook at:

Religion / Re: Agnosticism by justcool(m): 3:04am On Jan 26, 2023

Great man, great friend, I salute this work. More grease sir!
Brilliant one.

PS: Personally, I propose that the fact that a self-existent principle must perforce exist can be logically and intuitively inferred, but its nature cannot be known by mankind, being too remote and transcendental an element.

Oga DeepSight!
I salut you, my friend. Longest time! The above submission is quite logical and resonates with me
Religion / Agnosticism by justcool(m): 2:07am On Jan 25, 2023
The vastness of existence haunts mankind; we know so little about the universe whose vastness overwhelms our imagination.
Some people doubt that the human mind is capable of knowing all that exists; therefore, the knowledge of whether the universe has a creator or not is out of the question. Hence, agnosticism!
The Agnostic proposes that the human mind is incapable of knowing whether God exists or not.
Is the agnostic right? Do you think that we can know whether the universe has a creator or not?
Join us as we examine the interesting viewpoint of agnosticism.

Religion / Atheism by justcool(m): 12:55am On Dec 16, 2022

1 Like

Religion / Evolution Vs Creationism by justcool(m): 5:49pm On Nov 21, 2022
Evolution vs Creationism! Did we evolve or were we created. Are the two mutually exclusive or can the two different perspectives find a common ground?

Is the theory of evolution just an educated guess or are scientific theories based on facts? Is creationism fact of faith based?

Join Fidelandnikky as they explore the two “divergent” views.


For more interesting, thought provoking, and even funny videos subscribe to Fidelandnikky (Fusion media) on YouTube.


And follow them on Facebook at

Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 4:53pm On Jun 17, 2022
Hello KnownUnknown


You are in California!!!
Why do you think L Ron Hubbard's spiritual views have gained more ground than Oskar Ernst Bernhardt's.

This is quite an assumption. There is no way to judge the popularity of the Grail message. The Grail message is a book and not an organization. You don’t judge the popularity of the Grail message by the number of people in any movement or associations inspired by it.

While L Ron Hubbard formed a church or a religion, Oskar Ernst Bernhardt did not form any church or religion; he simply wrote a book to which members of any religion can adhere to.

You don’t compare a book and a church or religion. That’s like comparing apples and oranges.


Do you think Oskar Ernst Bernhardt would be more popular if Tom Cruise adopts his views?

This is another strange question; it assumes that Tom Cruise is more popular than Oskar Ernst Bernhardt. He died decades ago and we are still talking about him and forming organizations inspired by his works. Tom cruise is still alive and I doubt that he will still be celebrated decades after his death.

Oskar Ernst Bernhardt was not a celebrity who sought popularity or being celebrated; he was a writer who never went out of his way to popularize himself. Again, apples and Oranges.

Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 4:35pm On Jun 17, 2022

Your answers to wirinet do not answer my question which again is how did man interfere with the lion, a carnivore and what is the evidence of this interference. Your answers to wirinet don't clarify how the lion's carnivore nature has been affected nor does it contain evidence for such an interference.

Copy my replies to deepsight and wirinet and give someone in your environment and ask the person to find the answers to your questions.

I will not waste time and energy on your assumptions. If you raise any questions about what I actually said then I might clarify, otherwise I won’t.
Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 2:18pm On Jun 17, 2022

Good so the question is how did humans interfere with lions if they have always been carnivores and what is the evidence for this interference?

Please calmly read comment again, and also my reply to wirinet.
I have answered these questions and I won’t repeat them again.

Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 9:42am On Jun 17, 2022

You said that humans interfered with nature and made things the way they are. By inference a lion didn't use to be a carnivore according to your narrative. On the other hand if I am wrong in my inference then the lion has always been a carnivore, how then did humans interfere with its nature?

Your inference is totally wrong and actually very contrary to my explanation.

Please read my post again
Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 8:32am On Jun 17, 2022
Hi LordReed


What evidence do you have that lions for example were ever plant eaters?

And where did I say that lions for example were ever plant eaters?
Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 8:29am On Jun 17, 2022
Hi wirinet

Nice to hear from you


Studies have shown that plants do indeed feel pain and respond to external stimuli, but it does so at a much slower time frame.

Response to stimulus is not the same as feeling pain. Scientifically speaking, it’s impossible to feel pain without brain and central nervous system.


How did man interfere or halt the development and evolution of creation? Are you insinuating that man changed and destroyed God's plans?

Man interfered or halted the development of material creation by choosing not to play the role assigned to him. Every creature has a role to play in the evolution of its environment. Creatures like man, endowed with the gift of freewill can choose paths contrary to the Will of God.

Yes, man can delay God’s plan. But I’m the end the Will of God will triumph. The man who stubbornly clings to wrong path will end up being destroyed in the end.


Evolutionarily man started out as a vegetarian, as he had no facilities to hunt, eat and digest meat. But the need for more concentrated energy source to drive his increasing brain size and capacity made him include meat in his diet. Even up till now digesting meat is a problem for the human digestive system even after cooking (which partially digest it).

Yes, you can say that man started as vegetarians.

However, he didn’t become carnivorous just for concentrated energy. On the contrary, plants are more efficient energy providers than meat. The largest animals like elephants, cows, etc, that need a lot of energy for metabolism are vegetarians.

No other primates eat meat; mankind started eating meat after the incarnation of human spirits. Mankind needed to eat meat this stage in their development to keep their spirits firmly connected to to the earth. I do not want to elaborate on this now, because it will take us away from the topic at hand. Let me just say that meat eating allows the body to produce a certain binding radiation which firmly binds the soul to the physical body. This is why some people fast or stay away from meat momentarily for some spiritual purposes.


Breastfeeding is only painful at the initial stage - the first few days after childbirth. After that it becomes pleasurable until the woman starts weaning the child of breast milk.

At least you agree that it is painful at a stage, that’s enough to make my point. Also you can replace breastfeeding with childbearing and birth. These are equally physically painful process which mothers joyfully and willingly pass through to offer others souls the opportunity to live on earth.


Agree with this postulation. The dynamics between prey and predator keeps an ecological balance for the environment. Predators keep the population of prey in check as they they usually breed in large numbers. Not keeping them in check would be destructive to vegetation of the environment. Preys are usually small in numbers due to the difficulties and dangers of associated with hunting prey.



Don't agree with this. I am certain goats, cows, and chickens did not elect to sacrifice their bodies to feed mankind or any other animal. It's just the nature of nature.

You are certain? You actually talked to their souls before they incarcerated?

At best you will admit that what you wrote here is just your view or perception. Certainty is out of the question.

My view here is my perception as well.


I agree that strife is fundamental to earthlife. I also agree that man contributes to excessive strife (sufferings) by our greed and lack of empathy. But to to put the blame so let on human is unacceptable to me. Nature plays a huge part in suffering also, aka diseases, famine, natural disasters, etc.
Are you insinuating that man can alter God's wishes? If that is possible, how come you guys continue to argue for his omni this and omni that?

Yes, I’m actually saying that man can interfere with creation and cause things to develop wrongly or contrary to God’s intention. Man is the master of his fate; and as spiritual beings, man will rules in subsequent creation or lower worlds with includes the physical plane to which the earth belongs.

“Omni this and Omni that” is totally different from the meaning that people ascribe to it. However, going into that will derail this tread. If you are interested in knowing my views on that, you can start another trade for us to discuss it.

Thanks and remain blessed
Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 5:35am On Jun 17, 2022

Long time great brother.

Yes bro it’s been a while. I’ve been on a retreat. I haven’t quite decided to return, but your posts are thought provoking and have a way of calling or grabbing my attention even when I try to turn a deaf ear.


I am saying that the fundamental construct itself, where working fine, is cruel.


I beg to differ.

[quote author=DeepSight post=113875607]

So for example, the very dictate that living things must consume other living things to live. This is fundamental.

The things provided for consumption are plants (fruits, and vegetables) which, although living, do not feel pain.

If mankind had not interfered or halted the development and evolution of creation, at this point man and animals would have evolved out of meat consumption and become vegetarians.

It is true that at the initial stages, animal consumption is necessary, however this is not cruelty. At the initial stages of our earth lives, during our infancy, we suckled our mother’s breasts for nutrition. But this is expected only at the stages of infancy and once this stage is passed, the child is weaned off its mother’s breast.
Some women have confessed that breastfeeding their children gave them indescribable joy. But do you know that breastfeeding is painful.
Only a weakling will say that it’s cruel that infants have to suckle their mothers, which is physically painful to the mothers.
As with individuals, so with the entire mankind. Indeed, the development of a child mirrors the development of the entire human race. At the initial stages of development of the physical realm, living things had to feed on others to survive. This is quite beneficial to both the prey and the predator, as it keeps them in motion, preventing indolence and laziness which is detrimental to life. Animals gladly incarnate into this physical realm either to become a prey or predictor, as this helps their souls evolve. The hunting for food or running away from predictor gives the animals impetus to become alert; and this alertness helps their souls evolve. It appears cruel only looking at it from the physical perspective, however once you overlook the entire process, you will observe the blessing inherent in the process.

The animals, like goats, cows, and chickens, that incarnate to provide food for mankind are like mothers who sacrifice their bodies, or gladly offer their nipples to infants. When one considers the joy that mothers feel when they see their children grow, the consequential pain that accompanies breastfeeding becomes negligible.


It did not arise by reason of man's failure. Its fundamental to Earthlife. And this inescapably provides for certain strife in nature - which, even if arguably healthy for the system, does not dispose of animal suffering therein.

You can say that strife is fundamental to earthlife; however, strive is not tantamount to suffering. Whenever excessive suffering arises, there you see the failure of mankind. The creator does not wish the His creatures suffer.

Human beings are supposed to be portals or dispensers of Love. After incarnating on earth mankind could have made this earth a reflection of paradise over time. Had they kept to the laws of creation, overtime, they would have evolved their physical bodies to the point where it doesn’t require meat eating anymore; by now mankind should have become vegetarians. However, mankind failed in evolving to this stage. Hence our present earth bodies still require meat eating.
Also, had mankind not failed in unfolding their spiritual gifts, animals would also have been driven to further along in their development. Love, emanating from the human sprits would have permeated everything, even the animals, making them milder and less aggressive.
Where the animal uses aggression to keep itself and its environment in motion, the human spirit uses love. The human spirit stands above the animal soul, and hence has a leading role on creation. The will or desire of humans has a strong effect on animals. You must have observed how domestic animals sense and obey the will of their master.
The excessive aggression we see in animals is due to the failure of mankind. Rather than flooding the earth with love which will permeate all creatures and bring peace, humans flooded it with hate, anger, lust, greed, etc. These negative radiations have effect on animals, making them very hostile.
When mankind finally fulfill their spiritual duties, then animals will gradually become milder and less hostile, even the lions will become vegetarians.

We cannot blame the creator for the cruelty in the world when we, the anti-cruelty agents He introduced or allowed into the world fail to do our work.
Religion / Re: The Sadistic Nature Of Earth-life by justcool(m): 3:13am On Jun 17, 2022
Oga deepsight

A broken or failed electric bulb sits sadly in darkness wondering why the house builder did not provide a device that would illuminate or light up the house.
Autos / Re: Clearing Agent Needed by justcool(m): 6:40pm On Apr 20, 2022
sent check ur mail.

I didn’t get your email. Please check the address again and resend. What your email address, so that I can search for it in my inbox

Autos / Re: Clearing Agent Needed by justcool(m): 8:06pm On Apr 19, 2022
can I send u my clearing agent number? Pls provide an email address let me send u for security reasons.


Thanks a lot
Autos / Clearing Agent Needed by justcool(m): 6:33pm On Apr 19, 2022
Please I need a professional and experienced clearing agent to help me clear a car sent from US. Arriving through Grimaldi Agency Nigeria Ltd. PTML Terminal Tin Can Island Port Complex.

Please leave your contact information here and I will contact you.
Properties / Re: General Topic Thread-To Discuss Anything And Everything in Building Construction by justcool(m): 9:45pm On Apr 18, 2022

Foundation - 3 - 4m
BLOCK work Ground floor - N3.6m
Upper floor Block work - N3.3m.


Traditional hip roof + parapet - N3.5m - 4m


Thanks a lot!

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