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Romance / Re: What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 4:39pm On Jan 05, 2015
Lol, public enemy...pele ti e

You are not pretty.
Crime / Re: RITUAL KILLING: 85-yr-old Woman Murdered, Eyes Gouged In Taraba by kccarew(f): 2:52pm On Jan 05, 2015
In the last days the bible says the love of many will wax cold...is it not obvious these are the last days...repent for the kingdom of God is here
Romance / Re: What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 2:00pm On Jan 05, 2015
Wrong person to comment first on my post, may u not find urself in need of help that u won't get, some people r not just worth it
You this lady what do you want now for God sake?
You are looking for someone to sin against God abi...?
Romance / Re: What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 1:57pm On Jan 05, 2015
Thanks, u are right
Maybe u just haven't met the right guy yet. truth is, being pretty or handsome doesn't guarantee u a smooth relationship life.....u just have to wait ur turn and pray to God to lead the right one to u.
Romance / Re: What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 1:56pm On Jan 05, 2015
Thank you so much, I am feeling better, thanks a lot, may you also find good councel when u need one, amen!
The reason they don't want a full-on relationship with you is mainly because they don't think there can be any romantic spark or am I wrong? They don't wanna commit, just want to hit the spot as quickly as possible and move on. So it's either you become more liberal or you shift your mind to guys of your type--churcy. But there's no need to get all worked up. You'll eventually get a guy that truly values u and know your worth. In the meantime, don't jst rush into dating anybody cos u are pressured or feel you should be dating. Don't let any guy mess u up...

Hmmm...by the way you are truly beautiful. No be mouth
Romance / Re: What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 1:53pm On Jan 05, 2015
You are right, one said so lately, but note, I don't act too church, its my life, I live it, not act it .

Maybe because you act too churchy ( like you said )
And they don't want to spoil the relationship by acting naughty or too intimate with you.

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pls Who Else Received This Message...kindly Advice by kccarew(f): 12:53pm On Jan 05, 2015
Not. Trying to scam you, but your refrees, when you sen the names, deffinately u will send phone numbers and other infor about them, there and then these scammers will start their reall jobs on the info you gave to them, be careful pls
Romance / What Could Be Wrong? I Need Your Advise Please! by kccarew(f): 11:52am On Jan 05, 2015
I am a pretty lady, I mean you can check my profile to confirm that, not bragging, just saying...

But I think something is wrong somewhere, I just can't tell,every guy wants me, but at the end says my love is too good to be true, "boy am I too faithful". some I turned down which is only normal as part of life, but others, we end up as friends, but as friends the feelings grow on both sides, but its either I say I'll rather call you a brother, or he says he'll rather have me as a sister, but really, latelly, apart from one that left because I am all churchy that came back and I refused to accept but as a friend, I have been getting the friend zone more, what could be wrong, talk to me people...because when it comes to character, I would say you should ask them yourselves, not bragging, life is too short to be naughty, silly or for me to have bad characters...I am too emotional, I tried to work on it to be less emotional, but I think I am up at it again, I love like crazy, think am too passionate though! But pls help me, what could be wrong?
Health / Re: Ladies Do You Clean Up After Urinating? by kccarew(f): 11:32pm On Jan 04, 2015
I know a lot of ladies who doesn't, and when asked , they be like, nothing I don't like to, some say I dey rush
It's hygienic to.

Who doesn't?
Romance / Re: Must Have Before You Toast A Nigerian Lady by kccarew(f): 11:24pm On Jan 04, 2015
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font][/b]Not true
[b][size=20pt]have lots of money an they will be the one toasting you[/size]
Family / Re: Separation Is Imminent In My Marriage. by kccarew(f): 10:17pm On Jan 04, 2015
I do not support divorce but I would rather you guys go for councelling, call her and talk to her, if she wouldn't give U any attention, send her inform of a text message, keep sending her good messages, pary for her instead and let go to let God
Forum Games / Re: How Many Hands Can You See by kccarew(f): 9:47pm On Jan 03, 2015
Celebrities / Re: Sad! Ex-enyimba Football Star Romanus Orjinta Found Dead At His Home In Enugu by kccarew(f): 7:20pm On Jan 03, 2015
Sad rip
Food / Re: Why Do Nigerians Hate Local Rice? by kccarew(f): 5:30pm On Jan 03, 2015
Simply becaUse of stones, and that is because we don't have the right equipment to process Them...but its is loved by so many, e.g my aunt cos it has less starch
Celebrities / Re: Denrele Dresses Like A Real Man, Wearing A Suit For The First Time (photos) by kccarew(f): 11:48pm On Jan 02, 2015
New year things new looks thank God for his life
Events / Re: This End Of The Year Party Cake Will Blow Your Mind (see Photos) by kccarew(f): 11:39pm On Jan 02, 2015
Wow, what a cake, have u read the comment on it?
Fashion / Re: Beautiful Ankara Styles by kccarew(f): 10:11pm On Jan 02, 2015
Make up and gele, Eniola carew
Chek this out, style by yolanda:
Make up and gele by Eniola carew Head to toe make up
Fashion / Re: Beautiful Ankara Styles by kccarew(f): 9:53pm On Jan 02, 2015
Chek this out, style by yolanda:
Make up and gele by Eniola care Head to toe make up


Travel / Re: New Year Train Ride From Portharcourt To Enugu (Pics Inside) by kccarew(f): 6:19pm On Jan 02, 2015
Cool nice, a better Naigeria this Year In Jesus name amen
Celebrities / Re: Actress, Adaora Ukoh Bares Cleavage As She Sends Out New Year Message by kccarew(f): 12:30pm On Jan 01, 2015
Ugly, she looks like she is wearing a rag
Politics / Re: Suicide Bomber Strikes At ECWA Church, Gombe, On New Year’s Day by kccarew(f): 12:22pm On Jan 01, 2015
Thank God, this year is a year of peace and rest from all our fears amen, and the fact that they didn't get in is a sign!

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Fashion / Re: Who Started This Trend In Naija? by kccarew(f): 12:03pm On Dec 31, 2014
Aso ebi lol smiley

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Romance / Re: My Fiancée Is Pregnant by kccarew(f): 10:58am On Dec 31, 2014
Na nice u want to marry or wait na the mum u want to marry, my dear, pls back ur life and move on, u don't have to explain to anybody, just move on and believe everyone will get the gist ok! No waste time, if she can do it now, what will happen if u travel out of the country for 3years when u are married?
I need your advice, I have been going out with a girl for over 3yrs, d 2families knew each other well. my Mom do visit a parents. But she is pregnant now bt obviously not for me because she have been seeing her ex boyfriend regular because they stay in d same town.
within me I'm no more interested and I don't know how to tell her mom because she had been so nice to me both in kind and generosity. Right now I'm so confused, she has always be cheating on me, in which she will confess . But now I'm so fed up.
pls I need ur advice how do I take d mater up
Family / Re: Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:27am On Dec 31, 2014
Hmmmm, but. I don't understand, pls explain
Awon liars association. They will only be beer parlour buddies. Their relationship will not go beyond seeing each other at the beer parlour watching football smoking and arguing about arsenal and chelsea
Family / Re: Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:25am On Dec 31, 2014
By their response and likes you shall know them!!!
madam, do not attack people's families so it can be well with you.

do you have a man? If your answer is no, then insulting your fellow women isnt what will get you a marriageable material since you are not marriageable yourself.

change your ways.
Family / Re: Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:11am On Dec 31, 2014
Wooooow u saying your kids too will join you to smoke and drink in ur living room? Omg
I'm d dude dt will light up a stick with her n buy her a drink.
I'm back here to let u know dat my position remains undaunted.
I WILL MARRY HER so long as she is a resonable being n wud make a good wife n mother in other aspects.
If she's out there, u berra let's hook up now. Don't mind those "pomo boys".
Family / Re: Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:10am On Dec 31, 2014
Yes ooo, bro, white no fit stain white,well done bro, unlike some people that doesn't care
Not possible now, ayam who I attract
Family / Re: Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:07am On Dec 31, 2014
Speak for yourself, if u don't others do, and your response show who you are and what kind of family man you would be, one that doesnot care, think about it Mr.

Whether I will marry a lady that smoke/drink should not be your problem. No one cares

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Politics / Re: Fg Declares Jan 1st & 2nd, 2015 As Public Holidays by kccarew(f): 10:39pm On Dec 30, 2014

The Federal Government has declared January 2nd 2015 as public
holiday to mark Eid el Maloud celebration. In a statement released
today by the Minister of Interior affairs, Abba Moro, the Federal
government asked Muslim faithfuls to offer prayers to God for the
peace and Unity of Nigeria.
Family / Men,can You Marry A Lady That Smokes And Drinks? by kccarew(f): 10:04pm On Dec 30, 2014
I had asked the question before and was advised to make it a thread because I know there would be different opinion, and so the question I would ask is, what kind of family would you have if you marry a lady that smokes and drinks?
Health / Ladies Do You Clean Up After Urinating? by kccarew(f): 9:52pm On Dec 30, 2014
I would like to know if as a lady when you urinate if you do clean up, if no why?

Well here are some reasons why I would clean up after I urinate:
1.I hate the feel of urine or even water so after I urinate I clean up and dry with clean cloth or tissue to prevent my undies from getting wet
2.It makes me feel clean instead of having the smell of urine or satins on my panties.
3.I feel comfortable if any doctor wants to examine me
4.If I find myself in a friends house I wouldn't be shy to use her toilet cos I know am clean
5.Its healthy because it prevents me from having infections,

Now 5 is very important because our urine is toxic and the basicity could be harmful on our delicate part.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: should I retain or take this new job - pls advice by kccarew(f): 9:34pm On Dec 30, 2014
Since u are a contract staff in both organizations, my advise will be, take the new job and in the process look for another contract job, but in the process, invest your income from mtn well so u can have something to fall back to in d rainy days!

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