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Politics / Re: 2019: Who Will Be The PDP Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates? by KingTugreat: 8:59pm On Aug 03, 2018
I see Atiku/Fayose or Atiku/Saraki
Romance / Re: What Is The Craziest/scariest Thing You Have Done Romantically? by KingTugreat: 6:47pm On Jul 14, 2018
Rule to babes: never give a huge amount of money to a guy who is not your husband. Ever!
rules to men never give a dime to a woman ever.Luckily i only give prostitutes money but a normal girl i cant remember
Romance / Re: What Is The Craziest/scariest Thing You Have Done Romantically? by KingTugreat: 6:44pm On Jul 14, 2018
Lies from poor peasants. Let me be reading peasants lies. Poor people can lie well well grin
mr bill gate.oloshi
Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Wants Me To Impregnate Her by KingTugreat: 3:03pm On Jul 14, 2018
For you to take a cheating spouse back into your life shows you are a weak man.A man with no option a manipulated man.When i want to lecture you guys you said no,see what women have turned men into.Am sorry bro take care of your problems
Romance / Re: Yes, I'm Proudly A Small Girl With A Big God. by KingTugreat: 10:06am On Jul 14, 2018
you never learn. Unfortunate breed of excess estrogen.
Tell me how sweet smelling your anus which sick perverts like you are drilling is.
You didn't come out through the vagina but through the nose shey?

I bet you catwalk and shashay better than Beyonce too.
I dare you to post your pictures here and watch the nigerian police come after you immediately. Rubbish
Go and die with your smelly ugly blood ozzing pussy
Romance / Re: Yes, I'm Proudly A Small Girl With A Big God. by KingTugreat: 7:41pm On Jul 13, 2018

to use a stick to do what?
Stupid faqqot, go ask your mother where u came out from and run back to modify this rubbish. Stupid child.
Stupid fool.i was born through ceasarian.i am not born of a woman.I no pass through woman toto come this world.No woman can harm me,neither do i worship a smelling pussy,like yours and your fellow irrelevant ugly creatures roaming the earth
Romance / Re: Yes, I'm Proudly A Small Girl With A Big God. by KingTugreat: 7:19pm On Jul 13, 2018
you sissy wimp.
I strangle your kind to death in their sleep when I catch them.
Are you jealous you don't have queue of men lining up to burst your virgin and still precious anal orifice?
Sorry. Stay away from my threads bros sis
hahaha dirty blood ozzing pussy fool.You are angry because we gays dont fall for the pussy,to us the pussy is irritating,mehn it stinks with smelling blood and nonsense pussy odour.I hate pussy i hate women.Your pussy is useless to me.i sometimes think to use a stick to stab it urggggggggghh


Romance / Re: Yes, I'm Proudly A Small Girl With A Big God. by KingTugreat: 7:10pm On Jul 13, 2018
are u okay?

Why type this nonsense
Did I ask your sexuality?
Nairaland, home of IQ deficient idiots
i pity those mugus you use their foam brains,collect their money and give them your rotten blood ozzing pussy in return.Mehn i hate women and i dont know what men see in them,irritating unclean apes

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Romance / Re: Yes, I'm Proudly A Small Girl With A Big God. by KingTugreat: 7:06pm On Jul 13, 2018
Im never ashamed of saying this, never.
I can't come from an average to poor family and still stick to a man who's not at least a multimillionaire. For what now?
Did I come to this world to swim in suffering?
And so what if he is married?
Na today husband start dey pursue me?
I think women who decided to be slaves to monogamy should control their men, shikena.

Because I'm very attractive and he must take a second look. Sigh
Me i am gay and am proud of it shikena;and i hate women they irritate me,especially women like you


Romance / Re: Photographer Beats Up Groom After He Finds Out Bride Is Underage by KingTugreat: 7:13pm On Jul 12, 2018
If it suits the man and the girl they can marry
Romance / Re: Women Don't Need Love Or Care But by KingTugreat: 9:32am On Jul 12, 2018
Loving women is a waste of your time and energy. Starving them of it makes you more desirable in their eyes.

They don't need your love or attention to stick with you.

Giving excess of these makes you look like a pest, a weakling.

Gold has value because it is scarce!
You said the truth bro.Thats the absolute truth

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Romance / Re: Is It Possible To Be In A Relationship Without Sex? by KingTugreat: 9:30am On Jul 12, 2018
Haahahaahahahaha keep on being manipulated for the rest of your life.Your problem not my problem,if you cant learn the easy way you learn the hard way
Romance / Re: "I Can't Find Myself Being A Feminist Because I Expect My Man To Foot The Bills" by KingTugreat: 9:27am On Jul 12, 2018
Haahaha i like this girl so honest unlike some hypocrites on nairaland forming feminist,while being sustained by men
Romance / Re: I Want To Stop Paying For Sex! by KingTugreat: 9:23am On Jul 12, 2018

those gals u spend 5k on are also your gfs

they wont even satisfy u well

spend such on a gal u toast and see magic

According to the laws of power "Despise the Free Gift"i always choose to pay so that tommorrow you cant blab your mouth against me.I keep my pride intact and keep your mouth shut for life,you cant use anything against me

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Romance / Re: I Want To Stop Paying For Sex! by KingTugreat: 9:20am On Jul 12, 2018

Well I have like 3 girlfriends, they come around, cook, clean and fúck me. And all I give them is transport fare and a promise of good things to come. That's cheaper than spending 5k everytime I want to bust a nut like wtf? To be honest I'd rather masturbate than spend so much. No be fûck bring me come dis world na. Something that should be free.
I dont like what is free what is free comes with a lot of payback directly or indirectly,knowingly or unknowingly.According to the laws of power "Despise the free Gift"

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Romance / Re: I Want To Stop Paying For Sex! by KingTugreat: 10:23pm On Jul 11, 2018
mr bolt that is the best life you are living now get a girlfriend,spend more and regret it forever. Me I spend 5-7k home service.no stress


Romance / Re: Football Is Coming Home To England! !!!!! by KingTugreat: 10:19pm On Jul 11, 2018
The English team is just like mr cork made up of overhyped brats,yeah don't you know am from England, am from pekam,I drive a 25000 pound car.hahahahaha me I am from new York city of Nigeria and I ride a 60bn dollar bombardier jet.lol


Romance / Re: 3 Reasons Why Having A Girlfriend Is Better Than Masturbating by KingTugreat: 10:47pm On Jul 10, 2018
masturbation all the way


Romance / Re: Should I Forgive Her Again by KingTugreat: 10:08am On Jul 10, 2018
Dump her that girl is cheating dont decieve yourself

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Romance / Re: Feminism,the Product Of Hypocrisy by KingTugreat: 9:17am On Jul 10, 2018

Poor peasants. I just useless your topic for you. Lazy copy and past asshole grin

Bye peasants
hahaahaah you think i aint gat brains like you,bro thats my hard earned creativity up there and am going to turn it to a book.Numb school,people view it or not non of my business,when am done writing i sell and make my dollars online.Hahaha Numb skull
Romance / Re: Feminism,the Product Of Hypocrisy by KingTugreat: 10:22pm On Jul 09, 2018

Poor peasants
hehehe you are not even among the balling niggers in your street, you are calling me broke.I forgot you guys call everyone in Nigeria and on nairaland broke.Rich dude with a manipulated brain.we know how your kind ends.You are going to end up paying child support all your life. cool
Romance / Re: Feminism,the Product Of Hypocrisy by KingTugreat: 7:57pm On Jul 09, 2018
Bye peasant
You are welcome Bill Gates.Fool tongue

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Romance / Re: Feminism,the Product Of Hypocrisy by KingTugreat: 7:37pm On Jul 09, 2018
Women cannot make sacrifices,i don't mean frivolous sacrifices, men on the other hand have made millions of sacrifices,great sacrifices that have sustain the world till these present age.They abandoned pleasures in order to craft every inch of everything good we as humans are enjoying today.A woman will rather sleep on her bed,wake up,gossip,engage in useless chatter,at most,tend her garden,breast feed her baby and sleep. Food is there for her to eat,clothes are been provided for them by men,nice shelter and security are been provided for them by this same men.Show me a beautiful woman who have climbed the ladder of success,i will show you a RoosterDrinker, who used her beauty to climb the sucess ladder.The ones that are ugly,average and not that beautiful are the ones who try as much as possible to use their intelligence to become successful.They know that there are ugly and of less appeal to most men and thereby will receive less favour from men,so there have no option than to not just work but work hard,while silently wishing they were like the former.Most beautiful girls on instagram represent the former while the ones here on nairaland,represent the latter. They end up most times on romance and politics section to impress men with their illusionary intelligence.If they were truly beautiful they would have been working on any modelling agency or spend much of their time on instagram than on nairaland.
A woman spend most of her time, and men's money on things that would make them captivate attention,because all they wish and live for is men's attention,worship and validation to stroke their fragile ego's and make them feel like elusive demi gods;all thanks to men and their manipulated minds.If you think i am lieng you all should stop giving your women attention and money for just one month and see them all lose their minds.
A woman who is an engineer will hardly be seen in the field with men working under the scorching heat of the sun and drenched under the rain.There will rather spend their time in the office under the AC going once in a while for inspection and still demand for same pay sometimes outrageously demand for more pay because they are women and have private parts.Before i proceed ask yourself this question,why do women live longer than men?This question i will let you answear yourself.
If women want equality there should go somewhere else,build their own world and live in it,maybe there should go to probably Venus which some of them claim they come from,there they can continue their endless chatter.If a woman was in a man's place,men would have never had a voice, there would have just been a farm apparatus,and a perpetual slave living in servitude, just like they have succeeded in subtly enslaving most men today
If God created man in his own image and likeness,we can also create woman in our own image,in a better form and likeness all thanks to science,God, and the god-like intellence of man.So tell me woman will you,if you were in the shoes of man give up all what you and your fathers have worked for to man,and be his willing slave?I know the answear will always be" NO".In my own humble but true words "Give a woman power she would still crave more,give her an opportunity to be like God she will crave to be more than God".To all feminists and manipulated men that will like to crucify me;i tell them there won't be need for that because Jesus Christ have already been crucified and have already died for my sins,so crucifying me would be of no good use.
So i hereby call upon the three gods of romanceland to air out their opinions from their fountains of great wisdom.
Cc Miseducations
Cc Mimimile93
Cc 4faceAdeleke
Romance / Feminism,the Product Of Hypocrisy by KingTugreat: 7:29pm On Jul 09, 2018
Feminism is a movement held by women who feel they have been marginalised by men.All these claims lies in their illusion.The foundations of the world from the primitive society to the modern society where been built by men.They didn't depend on artificial beauty,illusionary movements like women do,child procreation ability,or their private parts,they didn't depend on their ability to give life,the dependended on their brains,their creativity,their god-like strength and their great imagination coupled with sheer persistence to build the world and make lives comfortable for themselves,their wives and woman's children;sometimes losing their lives in the process. These men had the powers to behave like women, to tell the women to pay them for sex or for procreation but they didn't.They had every reason to because they protected the women and the women's children, gave them shelter,and gave them food.
From the inception of the world,up till these day,men have been catering for women there have lost their lives in millions if not billions trying to protect their women,they killed their fellow men,brought down empire after empire for the comfort and protection of women.If women are in their position and have the power men wield's,the human race would have long gone extinct.Women would have ended the world due to their inability to think logically,they are not thinkers, the world itself was built by hard cold logic,and not the push and pull of impulse,irrational or confused emotions.In thought women are equivalent to the animals we all see around,there are just different from them because they took the physical appearance of man and not his brains nor thinking pattern.If men were only concerned about an elusive chain binding them like women do,I bet,you and i would have still have been walking stark naked in a thick forest eating raw meat,living under trees,and eating roots;they wouldn't have been the iphones you women flaunt around,the instagram photos coined with their usual slang and the new slang onboard "small girl with big God"not to talk of the cars,the technology and comfort of modernity,the makeups the artificial things you apply on your body to make yourselves more masquerade-like,than beautiful.All the comfort,security a woman enjoys is as a result of men,men create your security, create your comfort,so that you can have all these things to live a good and comfortable life.
Men built the world with their sweat and blood,and he should still subjugate himself to a woman? That's what the feminists want.The most irrational of them all are their Nigerian counterparts.Feminists claims of fighting for equality are all false,they are all subtly fighting for total control and enslavement of men.They want to make men their donkeys and slave,to toil the earth and bring the fruits of their labour to their thrones bowing down in worship to them. You might think it's never going to happen.It might not be fully actualised in our generation, but ofcourse we are all seeing signs of them today,even if some of us choose to ignore them.Feminism is not a movement of a generation, it is a movement that the matriarchy will pass unto their daughters from generation to generation until it has been fully achieved.Most men don't care about these they don't see the exploitation and subtle manipulations by women,all they see is their work and their ability to use the fruits of their labour to please women,so that they will massage their ego's as a little boy would want of his parents approval.
Politics / Re: R-APC: PDP Summons Atiku, Makarfi, Others by KingTugreat: 7:09pm On Jul 09, 2018

I like your honest analysis.you have indirectly admitted that pdp will want an unfree poll which will favor apc more.you claim to hate permutations but your permutating more than me and contradicting yourself.how can you even imagine that pdp will outspend apc in vote buying? This is unfunny and unthinkable.in all the guber polls so far held after buhari took over,apc have outspend pdp.same thing will happen in ekiti.nobody is richer than the government except in anambra state where most of the leaders are in apc.apc even spent mors than apga and pdp combined.even in 2015 polls where pdp was in power,apc was only outspent in ss/se.during the 2016 rivers rerun,amechi matched wike financially.even sylva matchd dickson in bayelsa.dont forget most governors are in apc and pro buhari while only those funding pdp are wike,okowa and udom who still have a 2nd term to plan on.efcc have even strangled many pdp members financially.
Your right that buhari will not be in the field so as most pdp leaders.buhari has die hard field agents,pdp do not.pdp can only rig where there liked which is ss/se which apc will heavily mark down and choke while apc have the remaining areas.so apc will win.Your a very funny and desperate analysis.you even claimed that buhari has the money but doesnt know who to give.hahahaha.you underestimate somebody that has been contesting since 2003.you forget that the people working with him are vicious and highly efficient and ruthless unlike the clueless ones that were with gej.how can you even say pdp will rig more when he outrig pdp outside power in 2015? Pdp have few people to rig or checkmate apc in the west and north but apc have a lot f people to checkmate pdp in ss/se.many of those that use to rig for pdp in ss/se are now in apc.my brother,apc have far more advantages than pdp
funny buhari had the north 3 times he failed,it was the Yoruba's that put Buhari in power. I am a Yoruba man an anti-Buhari from day one,i voted for every one that stood against Buhari.Buhari as i am talking to you now have lost the goodwill of the south west,and part of the middle belt.Many people that voted for Buhari in 2015 are strongly against him,not to talk of the middle belt,you sincerely know. The big wigs and the powers that be in Nigeria are against Buhari,coined with the people of southern Nigeria and the middle belt,for the North I can't say much about them because they are swayed by sentiments.Don't rely on Tinubu he has lost his influence in the south west and can't do much.Even his Lagos APC has been split into two.This election is between the people, the powers that be vs Buhari and APC.
Politics / Re: R-APC: PDP Summons Atiku, Makarfi, Others by KingTugreat: 4:14pm On Jul 09, 2018

The only people that have a chance of dividing bubu votes or defeating him up north is the sultan or emir of kano.tambuwal will end up like riadu.pdp are engrossed on dividing northern votes forgetting that apc are depleting their ss/se bases that were always won through federal might.this area always produced alarming results for pdp.how did yaradua have more votes in ss/se than the north if not through mindless rigging? Apc is stronger in the south than pdp in the north.pdp controls only two state in the north and with the looming defections of tambuwal and saraki,we can say five but apc controls 7 southern states.apc controls sw where pdp is weak except in ekiti and will win narrowly here in a worst case scenario to counter any narrow apc loss in the nc.
In the ss/se apc have formidable structures and leaders.in rivers,pdp will still win but apc will get over 25% of the votes.the combination of magnus/amechi/ojukaye will provd too much for wike/odili/obuah.the state is the biggest vote producer for pdp and buhari has marked it down.in edo,apc holds sway here.oshiomhole is battle hardened and theres no way buhari will not win here by fire by force.in akwa ibom,the governor udom is friendly with buhari and has refrained from criticizing him.i see h concentrating more on his 2nd term.apc have strong leaders there like nsima ekere,umanah umanah and senator albert akpan who have all closed ranks and will try to deliver at least 25% for buhari.elections here are won through federal might.all pdp members there agreed that there was no federal or guber polls in akwa ibom,akpabio manufactured the figures.in cross river which is my state,the governor is very close to buhari and will not campaign against him.apc are getting stronger here.most of the top politicians are in apc.plus,buhari has given the state more appointments than any southern state which is unprecedented.buhari will get a lot of votes here.in delta,the popular great ogboru is in apc plus senator agege who is a political warrior and emami ayiri who controls warri.this state is another high rigger for pdp and buhari will give it close marking.the governor will prefer to focus on his own election.in bayelsa,this is where apc is weakest in the south south and will perform poorly.i will be shocked if timipre,lokpobiri,alaibe can churn out something here.plus seriake dickson is leaning towards apc.i dont see pdp getting up to 4 million votes here with apc getting over a million.
In imo,most of the top politicians are in apc plus the governor.apga is even more preferred than pdp and there talks of an apc-apga alliance.apc may win or lose here narrowly.in anambra,apc is clearly stronger than pdp and the governor prefers apc to pdp plus a possible alliance.i see apc getting over 25% of the votes here.in ebonyi,umahi is clearly pro buhari and will secretly campaign for buhari or remain neutral focusing on his own reelection plans.i see apc getting up to 25%.in abia,the governor is not anti buhari and is clearly focused on his re election.an apga-apc alliance will give apc up to 25% or close.federal might made t.a orji,abaribe and even ikpeazu to win so i see it coming to play.in enugu,apc is weak here despite having major chieftains.if sullivan chime and ken nnamani can pull their full weight,apc may get something.finally,ipob may likely call for a sit-at-home which will obviously work in favour of buhari.only bayelsa and enugu state is where apc will perform woefully.up buhari,up apc.
People are ready to kill anybody that stand in their way to remove buhari.I pity the army,policemen,thugs,on the APCs side they will be killed like fowls.People are ready is it weaponry,fortifications they are ready people are angry with this government.Southern Nigeria will witness the highest bloodshed i pity those innocent police,and army men that will stand against the peoples willingness to remove buhari.Bro i smell blood
Politics / Re: R-APC: PDP Summons Atiku, Makarfi, Others by KingTugreat: 4:06pm On Jul 09, 2018

The only people that have a chance of dividing bubu votes or defeating him up north is the sultan or emir of kano.tambuwal will end up like riadu.pdp are engrossed on dividing northern votes forgetting that apc are depleting their ss/se bases that were always won through federal might.this area always produced alarming results for pdp.how did yaradua have more votes in ss/se than the north if not through mindless rigging? Apc is stronger in the south than pdp in the north.pdp controls only two state in the north and with the looming defections of tambuwal and saraki,we can say five but apc controls 7 southern states.apc controls sw where pdp is weak except in ekiti and will win narrowly here in a worst case scenario to counter any narrow apc loss in the nc.
In the ss/se apc have formidable structures and leaders.in rivers,pdp will still win but apc will get over 25% of the votes.the combination of magnus/amechi/ojukaye will provd too much for wike/odili/obuah.the state is the biggest vote producer for pdp and buhari has marked it down.in edo,apc holds sway here.oshiomhole is battle hardened and theres no way buhari will not win here by fire by force.in akwa ibom,the governor udom is friendly with buhari and has refrained from criticizing him.i see h concentrating more on his 2nd term.apc have strong leaders there like nsima ekere,umanah umanah and senator albert akpan who have all closed ranks and will try to deliver at least 25% for buhari.elections here are won through federal might.all pdp members there agreed that there was no federal or guber polls in akwa ibom,akpabio manufactured the figures.in cross river which is my state,the governor is very close to buhari and will not campaign against him.apc are getting stronger here.most of the top politicians are in apc.plus,buhari has given the state more appointments than any southern state which is unprecedented.buhari will get a lot of votes here.in delta,the popular great ogboru is in apc plus senator agege who is a political warrior and emami ayiri who controls warri.this state is another high rigger for pdp and buhari will give it close marking.the governor will prefer to focus on his own election.in bayelsa,this is where apc is weakest in the south south and will perform poorly.i will be shocked if timipre,lokpobiri,alaibe can churn out something here.plus seriake dickson is leaning towards apc.i dont see pdp getting up to 4 million votes here with apc getting over a million.
In imo,most of the top politicians are in apc plus the governor.apga is even more preferred than pdp and there talks of an apc-apga alliance.apc may win or lose here narrowly.in anambra,apc is clearly stronger than pdp and the governor prefers apc to pdp plus a possible alliance.i see apc getting over 25% of the votes here.in ebonyi,umahi is clearly pro buhari and will secretly campaign for buhari or remain neutral focusing on his own reelection plans.i see apc getting up to 25%.in abia,the governor is not anti buhari and is clearly focused on his re election.an apga-apc alliance will give apc up to 25% or close.federal might made t.a orji,abaribe and even ikpeazu to win so i see it coming to play.in enugu,apc is weak here despite having major chieftains.if sullivan chime and ken nnamani can pull their full weight,apc may get something.finally,ipob may likely call for a sit-at-home which will obviously work in favour of buhari.only bayelsa and enugu state is where apc will perform woefully.up buhari,up apc.
i have no time for political permutations.lets wait and see.rigging i laugh.Buhari owns power he has the money do he know the hands to give.Nigeria is a corrupt society apc pay 50 pdp pay 70 who will you choose.Buhari will rig but PDP will rig more.Buhari wont be in the field on election day,his boys will,when their palms are greased you know the typical Nigerian.PDP have the sympathy of the people and the people are ready to vote them and help them rig.It is hard to rig in a place where you are not liked.If blood will flow it must flow.Buhari is going back to Daura
Romance / Re: Gays Are Rich Because They Don't Date Girls -South African Man by KingTugreat: 1:03pm On Jul 09, 2018
I have seen many gays that are really rich,only few are poor.He is right.They use money and gifts to entice you
Romance / Re: I Like You Dammiesugar by KingTugreat: 12:58pm On Jul 09, 2018
Hahaha dem don decieve this one every girl will claim they are independent,different from other girls,faithful bla bla bla when you start dating them you go see say all na wash.i have been there before.OP if you know you know
Romance / Re: Is This Perfection? Is This luck? ( Help ) by KingTugreat: 12:54pm On Jul 09, 2018
OP make sure she is not a cheat do your research hiddenly and do it very well.If she is truly loyal and faithful marry her ASAP no delay at all.
Religion / Re: Kumuyi Seeks Support For Church’s Plan To Check Unemployment by KingTugreat: 12:50pm On Jul 09, 2018
Rubbish tell your members not to vote Buhari,with buhari still in power this country and its people wont make significant progress


Politics / Re: I’m Weighing Options Between Joining APC Or Remaining In PDP— Uduaghan by KingTugreat: 12:37pm On Jul 09, 2018
Hahaha the day you go to APC that day you kiss your political ambition goodbye.You will lose your seat as a governor.Running from frying pan to fire

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