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Religion / Re: Don’t Persecute Daddy Freeze: Tithing Today Is A Scam - Femi Aribisala by linkszelda: 5:26pm On Dec 12, 2017
Buhari is a terrorist

and fake pastors are

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Crime / Re: Vikings Cultist Shot Dead By SARS In Enugu (Graphic Photos) by linkszelda: 12:12pm On Dec 12, 2017
Quick questions.

Who found the gun in his waist?
Who judged him and found him guilty of possession of a gun and being a cultist?
Who executed him?

An organisation will be playing the accusers, judges, jury, executioners with jungle justice at the same time?

This is a failed nation! How can I get a VISA to Libya grin

oga calm down. That guy is a well known cultist so i wont be surprised if he moves around with a gun
Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Leke Adeboye, Pastor Adeboye's Son (VIDEO) by linkszelda: 4:10pm On Dec 11, 2017
How is your daddy? Greet your daddy for me

grin grin grin
This one just kuku weak me aswear


Religion / Re: Tithing Controversy: Nigerian Pastors Speak by linkszelda: 7:27am On Dec 11, 2017
paying tithes is not wrong. it is something that should be done voluntarily and not a must on the congregation.
but the part of it that aches is when these so called Men of God use it to acquire personal businesses and properties.

just imagine a Man of God having 4 private jets including a bombadier which is just like a rolls royce version of private jets.
the $60million (N21.6bIllion) used to buy just that bombadier can be used to fund the education of a large number of individuals in his congregation into the best schools and institutions.

A Man of God is known as someone who is modest and mindful in every aspect of life politically, socially, and economically. he is not expected to be wasteful in anyway and his main purpose is to spread the word and help the needy in the society.

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Religion / Re: Bishop Oyedepo Asks Lady To Return To The Altar After Her Testimony At Shiloh by linkszelda: 4:57pm On Dec 08, 2017
good news for his pocket/business

lemme go about my own business and enrich my own pocket

see ya all later
Religion / Re: Femi Owolabi: "Pastors Use Tithes And Offerings For Humanity" by linkszelda: 3:56pm On Dec 06, 2017
If not for tithing, christianity would seize to exist

because christianity has been turned into a business venture by some so called pastors. just like business, if you ain`t making profit you have to stop to cut your losses


Religion / Re: Dominican Republic: TB Joshua Gets Highest Senate, Congress Awards by linkszelda: 10:14pm On Nov 26, 2017
TB Joshua is a false prophet the bible warned about. If he is a true prophet of God he would not receive award/merit from a worldly government and ALL his failed prophecies and predictions would be 100% accurate just like Jeremiah , Daniel, Isaiah, etc.

The 12 apostles of Jesus Christ , John the Baptist are hated by the government of the day because they preach the truth and rebuke wicked political establishment of those days.

Read this great piece of blog

And watch this video. You will get some truth.


this man is oooo on point
Politics / Re: O.N Godwin Kisses Governor Umahi's Hand Severally At Event (Photos) by linkszelda: 9:33pm On Nov 26, 2017
see how he is even dragging the hand with the owner
anyways its all part of the strategy for running a successful business
Religion / Re: Pastor Humble Okoro Vs Daddy Freeze: Power Clash That Will Deliver OAP (Photo) by linkszelda: 9:20pm On Nov 26, 2017
hehe wetin man no go see grin grin grin
pastors are now using freeze as a new means of growing their business and generating more money. ISSOKAY

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Religion / Re: Bishop Oyedepo- "We Have Never Made Profit From Covenant University" by linkszelda: 9:20pm On Nov 25, 2017
Politics / Re: Igbo Leaders To Buhari: We Won’t Be Deceived With 2023 Igbo Presidency by linkszelda: 9:30am On Nov 18, 2017

Do you know how to comprehend simple English?
We withstood Nigeria for almost 3yrs while you had the backings of your colonial daddy and other world powers.

A war you lost. You didnt withstand Nigeria for almost 3yrs. Nigeria was clearing your war mongering maniacs for almost 3yrs.
Politics / Re: Igbo Leaders To Buhari: We Won’t Be Deceived With 2023 Igbo Presidency by linkszelda: 9:06am On Nov 18, 2017
If given a choice between President of Nigeria or Independence of Biafra. 95 percent of Igbos will take Biafrans.
We are not on the same wavelength as you Nigerians and we will never accept this dehumanizing tag by the British called Nigeria.

grin grin and the biafra 95% of igbos call a choice could not withstand one week of military action and their so called savior is no where to be found. ISSOKAY
Politics / Re: Igbo Leaders To Buhari: We Won’t Be Deceived With 2023 Igbo Presidency by linkszelda: 8:34am On Nov 18, 2017
so they have given up on 2019 abi?? when 2019 comes again they will give up on 2023
Crime / Re: Over 1000 Nigerians Are In Chinese Prison by linkszelda: 5:20pm On May 19, 2017
are the developers now representing nigeria at the 2017 prison olympics in china or what undecided undecided undecided



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Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 8:36pm On May 14, 2017
it seems many people misunderstood me by the comment i posted

im not saying what the police did was good but the mum to run away leaving the boy unprotected is my problem here.

if the police left that boy in the house or compound with the neighbour and something happened to the boy, same people insulting me here will be the ones asking why the boy wasnt taken into protective custody by the police.

im sorry if i offended anybody`s perception of what happened

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Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 7:41pm On May 14, 2017

Eediot, I see how your puny, fried brain works, a kid had to be arrested to fish out his mum is quite alright.....And you'll tell me you're educated abi....nitwit

am trying my best to make you reason but it seems you have an aggressive brain that can only resort to insults

i never said what they did was good. im actually annoyed at the mom for leaving the boy alone with the neighbour. what if the police came and they didnt see the mum and then they left the boy alone with the neighbour what do think will happen.

especially if the neighbour is someone that has an aggressive poor reasoning brain like yours

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Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 7:29pm On May 14, 2017

you reason like a donkey.

at least a donkey has a brain. i dont think you have one

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Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 7:25pm On May 14, 2017

The child isn't being "caught" for anything you slowbrain. What has this poor little kid done wrong? He hasn't done anything, and he's a child. Is he also a criminal because his parent commited a crime? What kind of barbaric subhuman logic is that? That's what runs through the minds of rats, not intelligent fair human beings.

i can see your brain is far more slower than mine infact slow is an understatement.
have you even stopped to reason and think of what would have happened to that boy if he was left alone with the so called neighbour
Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 7:22pm On May 14, 2017

Fvcktard, so this is justifiable ehn....

you are the fvcktard here. have you thought of what would have happened if the police left the boy in the presence of the neighbour without his mum there.

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Crime / Re: Police Arrest 9-Year-Old Boy In Asaba, Delta, Keep Him Behind Bar (Pics) by linkszelda: 7:17pm On May 14, 2017

So because she doesn't care for her child the police have to jail him to show they care? Smh

im not saying what they did is good but its even better that they took him away. because i can only imagine what the neighbour would have done to him without his mum there.
we all know how far some neighbours can go in other to seek revenge
Crime / Re: The Face Of The Thief Electrocuted By Barbed Wire in Kogi (Photos) by linkszelda: 2:58pm On May 14, 2017

Why should people be allowed to use electrified barbed wires on such low fences?


Why should people try to jump into other peoples houses.
Religion / Re: Lady "Vomits Cockcroach" As T.B Joshua Prays For Her In His Church (pics) by linkszelda: 10:02pm On Apr 02, 2017
Food / Re: Hilarious: Nigerians On Twitter Forcing Foreigners To Accept The Name Puff Puff by linkszelda: 10:23am On Apr 02, 2017
Anywhere i go in this world and i see any food that looks like puff puff even though it doesnt taste like it, i will still call it puff puff.

Loukoumades ko soulaimades ni
OYO is their critical case
Religion / Re: Kenyan Pastor Storms Mortuary To Resurrect Wife, But Failed (Photos) by linkszelda: 1:47pm On Mar 30, 2017
Its just so annoying when people compare this gods of men to Jesus.

Jesus didn't ask his followers for a certain percentage of their incomes as tithe

Jesus practiced what he preached

Jesus didn't ask anybody to buy divine umbrellas, shoes, etc from him

Jesus didn't commit adultery talk less of doing threesomes

Jesus preached in other to teach others the word of God not in other to make money and be in the Forbes list
TV/Movies / Re: What Movie Moved You To Tears? by linkszelda: 11:21pm On Mar 27, 2017
has nobody watched Ashique 2(tum hi ho) or what
its more emotional than 3 idiots

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TV/Movies / Re: What Movie Moved You To Tears? by linkszelda: 11:08pm On Mar 27, 2017

Ugh. I can't bring myself to watch that movie. The book is my least favourite John Green book, and movie adaptations are almost always worse than the books.

I didn't shed a single tear when Gus died in the book. Didn't connect at all with any of the characters.

maybe you should try watching the movie. you might not cry but you will be moved emotionally
TV/Movies / Re: What Movie Moved You To Tears? by linkszelda: 6:40pm On Mar 27, 2017

didnt cry though but its really emotional
Celebrities / Re: Ojo Arowosoge 'Fadeyi Oloro' To Become A Pastor by linkszelda: 10:35am On Mar 23, 2017
This church business will make sense o. cool with all the goodies and free kudi
Politics / Re: Ohanaeze Ndigbo To Capture Data Of All Igbo by linkszelda: 10:26am On Mar 23, 2017
As long as they will not ask for money to do the capturing of data. undecided

Hehe.... We are talking igbos here....so money has to be involved

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