Romance / Re: If A Nigerian Girl Likes You, 13 Sentences You’ll Hear by lynn360: 6:28pm On May 20, 2016 |
Odunharry: Agree with you esp your first five points.. A typical Nigeria gal/lady is dramatic...Many are just scared to come out and say their mind.. they fear rejection.
Some 9ja ladies can be annoying though, but trust me they are awesome.. You're a sweetheart 1 Like |
Celebrities / Re: BankyW's Mother Ejects Teebillz From His House - The Capital by lynn360: 8:53pm On May 02, 2016 |
The act of cruelty start from him when he went on social media to made public what is private to their life, hoping to harm the innocent woman with Her past... Huuummm.
The pit a man dug for another man has finally turn out to be his own, enjoy ur d rest of the week my dear. Wish I could give u a cozy hug for this comment....its time we start taking responsibilities for our actions that way we would think first b4 acting. And for those blaming Tiwa for that video, receive sense my people...u saw nothing wrong with teebillz's silly act buh want Tiwa's head cos of the video...Ndi pharisee 5 Likes |
Celebrities / Re: BankyW's Mother Ejects Teebillz From His House - The Capital by lynn360: 8:38pm On May 02, 2016 |
No, he does not need ''true love''.
He needs to face the consequences of his actions.....and be humbled by them.
When some of us jokers tell people ''Don't sleep around'' and ''A real man takes care of his children''....we get knocked as prudes. But there is a cold reason why sleeping around, doing drugs, etc other words committing sin....leads to more problems than it can solve.
Mr Teebillz now has children by three different women. Can he take care of them? And I don't mean financially.
My dad is not perfect. But I am thankful he was around for me and my siblings childhood...and is still around for our adulthood. If he was not ''around'''....God knows where I would be.
And let's be fair. You that is mocking Tiwa....would you agree if your partner/spouse of the opposite sex had babies with other people....while pretending to be loyal to you? Is your concept of loyalty so flexible as to accept cheating in other couples....except when it affects you.?
Abeg....babymamaisim, and sleeping around might be fun.But the hurt caused can take years to resolve. I doubt your gender...u're so sensible, one out of 10 guys in our present generation reason like u do..God bless u Sir 2 Likes |
Celebrities / Re: Freeze: Tiwa Savage, I'm Disappointed by lynn360: 9:18pm On Apr 30, 2016 |
andyanders: Freez or whatever you call yourself, you have lost out on this by saying that Tiwa's interview or what she said was not right.
Listen Freez, you wanted the lady to stomach her problem and be abused/killed because you wanted her to hide some issues whereby a man would come on social media to insult her mother by calling her witch?
Listen Freez, you have no respect for a lady. No sane man would wanna run his woman down morally and financially.
I have taken my time to listen to the interview and I deduce that she was speaking her heart out of what she was passing through. A grown man will be telling a grown woman, " I made you who you are" And then? Even if he helped her to grow, must she be abused?
Nigerians love to patch things up until either party dies in the process and we start shouting, " why cant he/she walk out"
A man on drugs is a waste and cannot run a family. A man that will hide from his wife that he has another child from another woman is nothing but demon. A man on drugs is a waste and cannot run a family. A man that will hide from his wife that he has another child from another woman is nothing but demon. Here's the valid point u made, she needed to clear this up to let pple know how much of a psycho TJ is..its even better she had this interview cos if that guy went on with that suicide coupled with all these allegations against her then the earth would have been a living hell for her.. |
Romance / Re: 8 Places Materialistic Ladies Choose For Valentine That Scare Many Guys Away by lynn360: 11:39pm On Feb 13, 2016 |
I was the one who asked her if she wanted anything o.o other than that she never asked she only wants to spend time with me!!!! So not all babes in that category young man!!!! Some people have refused to believe there are still good and reasonable ladies out there. They keep mingling with the wrong set of women then come to NL to cry like beaten bingos..they look for every possible means to talk ill about ladies...pls don't mind that fellow sir, enjoy your day with ur pretty one..All the best |
Romance / Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by lynn360: 10:29pm On Dec 17, 2015 |
queenfav: God bless u darling..I have been noticing op's threads on nairaland,most are void of commonsense and rational thinking.He needs a healthy dose of reality! I am telling you, this Op never makes sense. His irrational way of thinking is been displayed in all his threads. My goodness, if this fellow is above 35 then there's a huge problem for those around him and heed to his advice. Biko what is this.. anyway common sense is actually not common, no be by grammar and maturity is also not by age. Pls op I beg you find a way to change your thinking pattern. Saying a guy who uses condom on his gf shows a sign of disrespect for her is total RUBBISH..oga abeg where did u get that from, what then will you say to married couples that use it? Hiaan nawa o |
Romance / Re: Any lady that says YES to these questions can't remain single for long. by lynn360: 10:21am On Dec 13, 2015 |
Tomorrow now, this person will do this same thing to that poor young girl who has defied all odds to ensure she encourages him in his struggles, and when he gets to the top and takes in the view, he'll just tell her, "thanks a lot, it's been quite the ride" and go straight for the fresh-looking babes. We know your type.
Ladies, please do what your heart tells you. I would honestly advise against marrying a struggling man with no regular source of income. It is not good for raising a family. A sense of financial security is necessary for a stable family. It reduces potential frustration. Now I'm not saying that things can't change even for the rich, but even God ensured that Adam was working and was made responsible before Eve came on board. Don't listen to sentiment-whipping embittered male folk. Do what your heart tells you to. Every lady must not say yes to the abovementioned questions, they have a right to their preferences, and it still doesn't make them gold diggers.  wish I could you give a hug for this post... you deserve a Range Rover for a Christmas |
Romance / Re: Any lady that says YES to these questions can't remain single for long. by lynn360: 7:58pm On Dec 12, 2015 |
double0seven: Op, what's up with the bad language
" A man who lives in face me i face you screws you at will "
Can't you be decent in your speech? While you may be making some points, but your bad language shows you might just a a guy who is very angry due to some personal bad experience; or otherwise a kid who just knows how to make up theories.
first how do you know a man living in face me I face you screws a particular girl at will And if you do, what happens to phrases like "makes love" or "intimate with". By using words like "scre.w you", you implying the girls are some kind of prostitutes or worthless creatures. So why does the guy in question wish to marry them then?
Tell me, do you really need this part to be able to make your point? I strongly suspect you are someone that has little or no respect for women.
you may some points, but your very appalling language and angry tone makes nonsense of them all. Wish I could give you a thousand likes for this |
Romance / Re: Any lady that says YES to these questions can't remain single for long. by lynn360: 7:47pm On Dec 12, 2015 |
darlenese: The Op has complex issues
Guy go hustle jor,
OK over to the guys........... 1. Can u marry a woman with flat chest? 2. Can u marry a woman with flat ass? 3. Can u marry a woman with shape?
If. Ur answers to the above questions is no, then delete ur post! No babes, the question should be... 1. Can you marry a woman who's a bad cook? 2. Can you marry a woman who cannot take care of a home? 3. Can you marry an extravagant woman? The questions you asked are even fair enough as some guys can deal with the physical commas of a woman but not these ones. The society expects the female folks to be perfect while it's normal for men to be imperfect.#heartbreaking 7 Likes |
Romance / Re: Any lady that says YES to these questions can't remain single for long. by lynn360: 7:28pm On Dec 12, 2015 |
This Op's reasoning is dangerous, read all his post and you'd confirm that. Seeing Nigerian ladies as gold diggers has become a kind of norm for some dudes. Do you think for a sec every lady dating a rich guy is out for his money? Staying with a broke guy doesn't guarantee happiness in marriage same goes with marrying a rich guy. Choosing a life partner should be a thing of choice and more of a personal decision not this wacked analysis of yours.
Op, with all the riches in the world I can't settle for a man with your kind of mentality, it can suffocate a woman in marriage. 3 Likes |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pains Of A Recruiter / HR Mgr by lynn360: 8:47pm On Oct 30, 2015 |
yorex2011: I'm usually saddened when Nigerian graduates and students are belittled, using qualifiers as "half-baked" and "unemployable". Considering I'm a recent Graduate myself. We are compared with our counterparts from other developed countries, forgetting that we are a developing country. True, there are a number that fall short of expectation, but it is like that in other countries too. I recently registered for a massive open online course (MOOC) organized by IFP school France, and i am impressed at their methodology, and i imagined, that's how it should be in their schools there too, learning is convenient and interesting, unlike here in Nigeria where we have to go through hurdles, such as economic hardships, poor amenities, difficult learning conditions and yet still graduate with good grades.
Nigerian graduates should not be belittled, if not for anything but for the fact that we triumphed in difficult conditions. Everyday we see topics of Engineering students building stuff and here on Nairaland are still insulted, and their efforts rubbished. Do they think its easy building something out of nothing, it shows our innovative and never say die spirit.
We should try to help out, we wont get anywhere by criticizing everyday, we should try to offer solutions, seek out ways to improve the state of things. Rome wasn't built in a day.
I'm currently looking for a job, but i helped a fellow nairalander review his cv once, I'm not a professional CV writer, but i read a lot and I did it, as a way of contributing to some form of development. Same with a group i created for unemployed graduates where we share ideas, information, tips, ideas. Its not much but I'm contributing the little i can.
We sometimes forget the days of humble beginnings, someone that schooled in Nigeria, maybe holding a good position, calling graduates unemployable...
Nigerians are good people, hardworking, it goes beyond what you see, its a way of life, even if 90% of us can't write a cover letter or 85% of use can't write a CV, we will keep persevering, we will keep going till we overcome
Note that a future president, future CEO, future Nobel prize winner is currently among these so-called half baked.
God bless us all Well said sir, recruiters have this annoying way of belittling Nigerian students with this notion of been unemployable but the fact still remains our poor educational system has caused more damage. Give Nigerian students the same learning facilities given to these expatriates and we'll record a tremendous success nationwide. We have very brilliant people here in Nigeria whose invention can shake the world if exposed to modern technology and not some archaic way of learning. I have not come to lay blames, we need solutions and not these constant criticisms Nigerian graduates face each day not just a surface solution but a grassroot solution which requires restructuring of our educational system. God bless the good of Nigeria and reward their efforts... |
Family / Re: Marriage? Nigerian Guys In Europe Are Shying Away From Nigerian Girls by lynn360: 12:20am On Jul 21, 2015 |
zeb04: your mentality is shaped based on the behaviour of your sisters and your girlfriends but whose fault is ?
whose fault is it that you keep on attracting hoes .you better check yourself man before you reach 40 and would still be attracting motor park girls when others are busy getting married to successful intelligent women. Two Victoria secret panties for u babe#thumbsup |
Romance / Re: Daily Pains Of A Single, Rich Guy by lynn360: 12:34am On Jul 07, 2015 |
A hopeforcharles:
Tis okay on that dating part I was joking, I can't do distant relationship stuffs anyway, I just hope he knows that he has gotten an exceptional pricy jewel in you, I for my own part I am always luck I meet good girls, I believe it's because I have a good heart. Awww! How I love guys with good heart, they're as rare as seeing Genevieve shopping at balogun Keep it up sir |
Career / Re: 10 Forms Of Frustration Single Men Face At Work – My Case by lynn360: 4:23pm On Jul 06, 2015 |
[quote author=Whobedatte post=35552560]positive? Just being a realist. How can you say 'definitely' when you r only making mere assumptions Anyway just think if there had being success stories, there would have being at least 1 or 2 peeps who would have shared how they met&got married thru NL
My opinion though[/quote) probably they have, also try been real by knowing that not all marriages that kicked off via NL ended as a failure. There's definitely one or two out there who made it through and might feel sharing their story here is irrelevant.
My humble opinion too |
Career / Re: 10 Forms Of Frustration Single Men Face At Work – My Case by lynn360: 4:22pm On Jul 06, 2015 |
[quote author=Whobedatte post=35552560]positive? Just being a realist. How can you say 'definitely' when you r only making mere assumptions Anyway just think if there had being success stories, there would have being at least 1 or 2 peeps who would have shared how they met&got married thru NL
My opinion though[/quote probably they have, also try been real by knowing that not all marriages that kicked off via NL ended as a failure. There's definitely one or two out there who made it through and might feel sharing their story here is irrelevant.
My humble opinion too |
Career / Re: 10 Forms Of Frustration Single Men Face At Work – My Case by lynn360: 3:58pm On Jul 06, 2015 |
Whobedatte: have their being. Success stories of people who met on NL&got married? I don't think so  Definitely there should be, you don't expect them to go about telling their stories after they are married, they keep their stories to themselves whether it's that of success or failure. So be positive dear friend  1 Like |
Career / Re: 10 Forms Of Frustration Single Men Face At Work – My Case by lynn360: 2:46pm On Jul 06, 2015 |
Ab025: @op....please select any nairaland babe of ur choice and wed her ending of this year
most of them are single and searching for a man to marry.... lol..i concur, nairaland single guys should start getting married to the ladies here. We've got some cool headed damsels here u know#teamnairalandfuturecouples |
Politics / Re: Cramjones Apologizes For Ben Murray-bruce's Post - Cramjones by lynn360: 10:33pm On May 13, 2015 |
1 Like |
Celebrities / Re: Omotola Defends Ben Bruce After He Was Blasted By Nigerians On Twitter(pics by lynn360: 11:59am On May 13, 2015 |
Built2last: We are in a deep shi.t in this country because anything you say now is weighed wearing the Binoculars of either APC or PDP.
Since I knew Ben Bruce, He has been vocal on the state of the nation.
Ben was the first in 2012 Subsidy debate to tell Ngozi Okonjo Iweala that her policies are wack. Ben said you cant remove subsidy without providing alternative transport system.
Google the subsidy debate of 2012 and know that Ben has been speaking long before those accusing him on twitter ever registered on twitter.
Ben is of the elite class, and so will not be toutish in approach, this is the first time he is coming in as an elected official.
If he has chosen now to make his voice more vocal in the interest of the masses, why crucify him.
Kayode Ogundamisi is asking him to account for 30billion on social media. Imagine the nonsense. social media should remain social.
one wonders exactly what Nigerians really want. You speak up for them, trouble, you keep quiet they call you names.
IMO, we should munch his tweets and constantly remind him and other law makers that they are accountable to us.
Ben is currently setting the precedence on what the masses expect from this government be it NASS or FG.
He has told us he doesnt want the Ghana must go shared to him
he has told you he is ready to serve from his own house in Abuja to save cost.
He has told you, that leaders should not earn more than those they serve.
whatexactly do people want?
must we weigh everything on the platform of APC or PDP? unfortunately I can give you only one like, wish I could give you hundreds of them for this great comment of yours..kudos bro 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: Can You Take This Away From Ben Bruce? by lynn360: 8:45am On May 13, 2015 |
admax: My grouse with him is that; was he in coma for the last 5 years when Jonathan was ruling? Why forming activist now? Do u think he would have won if he voiced this out earlier before the election, they would have frustrated his political dreams and see him as an enemy of progress, the truth is our greedy politicians don't want to see anything or any human that would stop their pockets from getting fatter(looting) which is their sole aim.. standing against something bad while in the system is actually better cos you'd be seen as a talker if done otherwise..that exactly is what this man is doing.. Let's all encourage this genuine change and give kudos to those few politicians who have the interest of the mass at heart. I believe in a better Nigeria, I don't think we've lost it entirely.. 1 Like 1 Share |
Romance / Re: How Can These DECENT Ladies Get Their Dream Husbands? by lynn360: 7:11pm On May 12, 2015 |
My dear,It might not even be the shakara itself..Shakara is good. But it depends at the way you go about it..Have asked ladies out who turned me down,I mean who said NO and we are still best of friends till today..I always pray for one of them to get someone better than me cos she deserves the best..
Am friends with them cos they got a good attitude and they said No then because of a good reason.
But when a lady now have a bad behaviour and attitude,Guys would run away from her. Even if Na she and Jesus Christ dey sleep on the same bed,people would just be making jest of her say she be devil..
Am 100percent okay with my current girlfriend,she gots all I need in a woman.I do ring it in her ears that if we don't get married the fault would be from her and not from me.
She is the most beautiful,neither is she a virgin,But she is the opposite of my ex...
To me,The defination of a bad girl is not a girl that sleeps around alone,No,if you have a very bad attitude and behaviour,weather you are a virgin,you are nothing but a bad girl and you are in the same position as a girl that sleeps around.Shikena we are still on the same track, some ladies think been rude is actually shakara but it's not. A girl without good attitude is as ugly as an ape no matter how beautiful your face might be. Good you appreciate your girlfriend this much, kudos to u two 1 Like |
Romance / Re: How Can These DECENT Ladies Get Their Dream Husbands? by lynn360: 1:31pm On May 12, 2015 |
Eze2000: I'm a 35 yr old man also looking for my dream woman for immediate marriage. I'm desperate but careful in my search so I have looking for 4 yes now. I've discovered 2 things. one a dream partner doesn't come ready made like we dream it, and 2 no one is perfect. But the upsetting thing is every single lady wants to marry a rich and handsome man even with so much poverty and hardship so commonplace. Funnily these rich guys and their families want to marry a lady of their own class meanwhile the guys are busy sleeping with and lying to all the other girls who want them..... consequently the 'leftover old cargos'. An intelligent hard-working man with God's blessings and a loving supportive wife can become rich tomorrow and a rich man with all d world poor overnight.....a wise girl should bear this in mind and seek a man who will love and cherish her. (Tall, big in build (tall), full figured and gentle natured and religious) if there exists any lady with these qualities, plus wisdom and a reasonable heart, ready for marriage then would I like to know her. { my BBM pin 51598DE3 / e-mail} Lol...And what happens to the short and portable ones#sadface#diaris God bro 1 Like |
Romance / Re: How Can These DECENT Ladies Get Their Dream Husbands? by lynn360: 12:24pm On May 12, 2015 |
alobam1: Hmmmm,Have you stopped to ask those friends of yours their attitude towards members of the opposite sex?Ohh they might be religious,but they might have a very very repulsive behaviour..Like my ex,Seeing her for the first time you would think she is the holiest of all.but when you get close you would know her attitude is nothing to write home about..I tried my best to change her but she never ever wanted to change..She naggs,transfers aggression,goes moddy for days yet she is a church goer..she is born again but her attitude to her fellow man,woman is very very repulsive..Almost everyabody complains about her,Her roomates,family,friends and yet she complains about everybody and everything..I told her I pray she does not end up marrying just anybody when she has used her attitude in sending prospective suitors away..
Tell your friends to watch their behaviour..No Man is looking for a virgin,No Man is looking for a perfect person,All what we need is a woman that we would understand..not someone who's attitude is very very repulsive..
My 2cents Good points you've made, we ladies have to watch it...our attitudes towards the opposite sex could be appalling most times...all boils down to the so called shakara we were made to believe is the best way to get a man 1 Like |
Crime / Re: Indonesia Set To Execute Drug Convicts, Including 4 Nigerians by lynn360: 11:02pm On Apr 24, 2015 |
Politics / Re: Top 10 Worst Dictators In Africa's History! Photo by lynn360: 4:01pm On Apr 24, 2015 |
oga stop disgracing yourself on internet. dont you know the meaning of 'DICTATOR'? you are such a stark illiterate like your pay master (I'm sorry to say but stop behaving like a fool). God bless u sir, you took d words out of my mouth. Attention seekers roaming about nairaland, pls I beg you ask google the definition of a "DICTATOR"@keneking or wateva 3 Likes |
Celebrities / Re: Chika Ike Celebrates Being Celibate For Five Months (pics) by lynn360: 3:03pm On Apr 24, 2015 |
I can tell you for a fact that he is not at all.
We both gave our life to Christ at the age of 13 and had the taught of marrying as virgins but i guess i was so hot in my younger years that i got molested by ladies while he managed to keep his virtue but i now wonder why he is taking it too far but he said he wants to marry a virgin or remain single so abeg if you know any virgin lady who wan marry abeg let me know. pls permit to laugh cos this sounds more hilarious than serious...not doubting anyway |
Politics / Re: Chimamanda Adichie's Article On The Oba Of Lagos Saga by lynn360: 10:18am On Apr 11, 2015 |
Your kabiyesi asked for the insult, why in heaven sake should one be grateful for residing in a particular region still in the spheres of Nigeria. Imagine if an igbo traditional ruler made such a disregarding statement about d yorubas, of course hell will let lose. Pls let's be reasonable for once, stop the unnecessary bias thinking it won't help us as a nation... MugabeRobert:
Are you minding the ungrateful parasites? We gave peace and they paid us back with constant abuse of our traditional values. Can they try half of what they are doing in southwest in the north? Heck, can they insult Emir of Kano the way they did to Kabiyesi?
Politics / Re: Chimamanda Adichie's Article On The Oba Of Lagos Saga by lynn360: 9:20am On Apr 11, 2015 |
No doubt about it.. Godwin10123:
Obviously u have a problem! |
Romance / Re: Which State In Nigeria Has The BEST Of Wife Materials by lynn360: 1:41pm On Apr 10, 2015 |
Oh really, I served in portharcourt so I wouldn't know, I also made my observation with the akwaibom girls I've seen in Lagos, Delta, Portharcourt, Bori and Abuja...
I've not really had a thing for igbo girls. I always feel most of them are arrogant and somehow excessively tribalistic. (Not generalising though) just judging from those I've seen before igbo girls start attacking me.
Though I've dated like 3 igbo girls in the past. One in the Uni from anambra who took 2 years for me to deflower then she started bleeping my entire hostel mates.
The other in Lagos I met at a shop in Alaba international (beautiful pawpaw from anambra)..she kept asking for sex without protection so I ran away out of fear...
The 3rd was a Uniport Chick from imo state...3 of them came to do Teaching practice at my PPA in Khana, Rivers state. We shared them amongst ourselves. She use to dress decently so I thought I was picking the most decent amongst the 3 of them not knowing that my chicken wanted to lay cooked eggs. This girl can bleep a man to death...u will go 4 straight up, she will go make milk shake for you..u will go two more..then she will go make nice vegetable/fruit filled meal for will eat and she will bleep you out again.....when you go to the bathroom, she will come in and drain you again.... In 2 months I was dehydrated and found myself in the Hospital....I started avoiding her after that.... hmmmm  1 Like |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: All Working Class Lets Meet Here And Help Other Unemployed by lynn360: 12:31am On Apr 10, 2015 |
A sister needs advice on how to improve more as an economics graduate, have computer skills already.. thanks |
Politics / Re: Jega Live On NTA: INEC Stage Is Set For The Announcement Of Presidential Result by lynn360: 4:20pm On Mar 30, 2015 |
Exactly my thoughts, God bless you real good...let's accept whoever wins with good heart violence never solves a problem. God bless naija... dealslip: Please stop opposing army for the sake of your life. They are trigger happy as we speak. Southerners and corpers find your way out of the north. If Buhari wins they will still attack you, if he loses, mayhem may happen. Almajiris don't understand peace accord signing. The fairly peaceful election is not as important as the reactions to the result. Stay alive to see your candidate sworn in. You may never get justice for the people who have lost their lives so far. Change and transformation are synonyms therefore APC and PDP are the same. They will still take you for a ride for the next 4 years knowing our short memory and come to kiss your foot when election is near. 4 Likes |