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Religion / A Prayer For The Unkind Individual by McAchikolo(m): 1:27pm On Jul 25, 2020
Maybe for you it’s the customer service person who’s supposed to be helping you out but keeps making everything more difficult with their attitude. A situation rubs you the wrong way every time. You assume that kindness is a part of their job description without considering why they may be behaving rudely in the moment.

Or maybe you’re dealing with an acquaintance who is constantly inconsiderate to your kind gestures. These kind of individuals have no regards for your feelings when you express them and say that you are “sensitive” without trying to hear you out. You wouldn’t have any understanding about their lack of effort to change, especially since you’ve vulnerably expressed your concerns. In as much as we interact with individuals in relationships we expect them to be as invested as we are in the relationship without considering that they might not cherish the relationship in the same sense that we do.

We label people unkind by our own justifications. As creatures of the highest grade, when we judge others harshly we simultaneously cover ourselves with a lot of grace. The moment we experience negativity, we assume that the other party must be the source of that negativity without any understanding to who they really are. Having a view at our situations with our eyes and not God’s heart (1 Sam 16:7) we miss the opportunity to see the value that God has designed.
God’s sovereignty is missed when we dismiss people because of our hurt.
It will be seen as brotherly love if a prayer is rendered for that unkind person in your life, asking God to bring healing to them and to you.

My Lord in heaven, you know how my heart is hurting over ____’s actions toward me. I’m so frustrated and weary of dealing with the hurt she is causing me. Lord, I know you know her heart. And it is very obvious that every time I judge her or get frustrated with her, I condemn myself, because I’m not perfectly kind either. Oh Lord, forgive me! Help me to see my sin too. Help me be kind to her even when she is unkind to me. Help me treat her with hospitality and consideration. Help me see her the way you see her, Lord. And Father, will you convict her heart too? Will you transform her more and more into your likeness? Are you going to aid her in seeing how her actions wound? I surrender this relationship to you now, Lord. Carry my hurt and hold it close, and help me not need her kindness to be kind in return. In your name I pray, amen.

Source: https://dailycrosswalk.com/a-prayer-for-the-unkind-individual/

Religion / Who Is Jesus Christ (A Short Biography) by McAchikolo(m): 1:06pm On Jul 25, 2020
What difference does it make who Jesus is? He lived over 2,000 years ago, so how could that matter today? Mainly the truth is, knowing who Jesus is can mold your character, impact your belief system, and change your lifestyle. And more than that, it will determine your eternal destiny.

Let’s Explore Who Jesus Is
In order to discover who Jesus is, we can begin by reading what is written about His birth. Seven hundred years before Christ was born, the prophet Micah said that One would come out of Bethlehem whose beginnings were from eternity past. (Micah 5:2) The Bible also teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin after being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and angels sang to announce His arrival. All of this makes Him very exceptional.

In Colossians 1:16, we read that “by Him all things were created.” So Jesus did not originate at birth, but was pre-existent with the Father in heaven, and was born into the world He Himself had created.

The Life of Jesus
Next, consider His life. He was raised in Nazareth and worked at His earthly father’s trade as a young man. Nonetheless when He was only twelve, He discussed theology in the temple with the religious leaders of His day. (Luke 2:46-49) It is clear that at this point, He was now about His heavenly Father’s business. John the Baptist acknowledged Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29), and a voice from heaven confirmed, “This is My adored (beloved) Son, in whom I am well-pleased” (Matthew 3:17).
When it was time to launch His ministry, Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, began preaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:17) He taught that, if a soldier says to go one mile with him, we should go two. Thus if someone slaps our cheek, we should offer the other cheek as well. The people had never heard such things, but more than that, they had never experienced teaching with this kind of authority-it was obvious He was no ordinary teacher.

The Miracles of Jesus
Then there were the miracles. At Jesus’ command, the blind could see, the deaf could hear, and the paralyzed could walk. He healed all kinds of sickness and cast out demons. Thousands were fed with just a few loaves of bread and a handful of fish. He walked on water, calmed a raging sea, and even raised the dead. Yes, He was a miracle worker, but that wasn’t the reason He came. It was clear that He was sent from God, and in reality, He was God in human flesh.

The crowd flocked to Him, eager for His touch. Many loved Him and believed in Him. But not everyone did. Some were indifferent, and others, including the religious leaders, despised Him. Although His was a life of absolute sinless perfection, there were those who sought to destroy Him. Today, many people still choose not to believe in Him. When I come across someone who says, “I don’t believe all this about Jesus,” I like to ask, “Whatever is it about Him you don’t believe?
Whatever He was doing, Jesus was both God and man at the same time.

One of the best ways to understand someone is to find out what he thinks about himself. Jesus said many, many things about who He was-He said that He is the Son of God (Matthew 16:16-17), that He and the Father are one (John 10:30), and that the Father is the One who sent Him. (John 5:37) He also announced that He did not come to be served, but to serve and that He came to give His life as a ransom for many.
statements from the book of John reveal that He claimed to be the Good Shepherd who loves the sheep (10:11), the Bread of Life who can prevent hunger (6:48), and the True Vine who abides in us as we abide in Him. (15:1)

Jesus, the Door to Heaven
Jesus also said He was the Door to Heaven (John 10:9), and in John 14:6, He expanded on that thought: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; Nobody comes to the Father but though Me.” That statement has caused many people to back away, thinking, What a bigoted, egotistical statement! Imagine how narrow-minded to think that the only way to Heaven is through the person of Jesus Christ. Still, this man called Jesus is exactly who He says He is. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the Bread of Life. He’s the way, the truth, and the very life itself. Since, you see, in order for us to have eternal life, we must receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.
At the moment, if you believe all the other things Jesus said, but decide He can’t be the only way to Heaven, then you are saying He told partial truths or lies. You can’t have it both ways. Either Jesus is who He says He is, or He is not. You can’t say, “Jesus is a good man, a wonderful teacher, an effective preacher, a great healer, philosopher, and humanitarian, BUT…” Whenever your belief in Christ’s validity has caveats, you make Him a liar. When it comes to all that He said about Himself, either He is a counterfeit and a fraud, or He is exactly who He says He is God’s Eternal Living Son, the Savior of the world, and the One who will someday judge each one of us.

The Death of Jesus
Yes of course, to find out who Jesus really is, we have to look at His death. Looking at biblical accounts, it is obvious this was no ordinary death.

Christ’s crucifixion was plotted by the religious leaders-the same men who had exaggerated the requirements of the Mosaic law and then coerced the people to obey in minute, burdensome detail. The same men were jealous of Jesus because their position of authority was threatened by His popularity with the crowds.

So, in spite of the fact that they enforced the Law with others, these men were so ungodly that they were willing to lay aside one of the most basic principles in Scripture: “You shall not murder” ( Exodus 20:13). These individuals were committed and determined, at all cost, to kill this man Jesus. They felt so threatened by Him that they were totally blinded to the truth of who He was.

The death of Jesus was plotted by those who hated Him. And it was performed by Roman soldiers, a group that had no earthly idea what they were doing. They crucified two thieves, between whom they crucified the living God, clothed in human flesh, the sinless One born of a virgin, who began His ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.

He never harmed anyone. He never rebelled against the government. He never violated the law. It’s a death He in no way deserved, and therefore, it looked like a vicious plot and a tragedy. But remember what Jesus said?-that He came to do His father’s will and to give His life as a ransom for many.

So why was He dying? Because, together with the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, God the Father had planned His death before the world ever began, knowing that man would sin against Him and be hopeless and helpless to save himself.

On the cross, it was not simply a man dying; it was an awesome, eternal scene in which God the Father placed upon His Son the sin-debt of all mankind, past, present, and future. And God unleashed the full force of His wrath to punish Jesus-instead of you and me.

Here is one more aspect to investigate if we really want to know who the man Jesus Christ is-we have to go beyond His death. This is not possible to do with anyone else, of course, but because Jesus is the Son of God and the living God, He did exactly what He had promised: He rose from the dead.

Even His disciples were shocked, though He had told them ahead of time. Through His resurrection, Jesus settled once and for all that there is life after death, not just for Himself, but for all who believe on Him.

Jesus Christ’s resurrection also proves that everything He ever said is true.

Jesus said He is coming back. Can we believe that? Affirmative, because the Bible says so, and also because all the other promises Jesus made that could possibly be fulfilled in His lifetime came to pass exactly as He had said.

Knowing the truth of who Jesus is means you are confronted with a decision: Will you believe the testimony of the Scriptures and receive Him? Or will you turn your back on truth and walk away to face a hopeless eternity?

Next time you see a manger scene, remember who’s lying there-His life, His death, His words about Himself, and His resurrection. He is not just a baby; He the Son of God, sitting at the Father’s right hand, with all the sovereign power of the universe, and with the offer of eternal life to anyone who believes on Him.

Source: https://dailycrosswalk.com/who-is-jesus-christ-a-short-biography/


Religion / 3 Reasons Why Christians Are Not Christ by McAchikolo(m): 12:51pm On Jul 25, 2020
Here are 3 reasons why Christians Are Not Like Christ

1. Christians Aren’t Perfect
The Bible makes it clear that humanity is a flawed creation. Despite our best efforts on our own we do not have the power to live righteous lives. Romans 3:23 lays this out for us pretty clearly, it says, “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

One implication of this truth is that every Christian leader has flaws. While God uses people, He uses us despite our imperfections. Believers have to hold the teachings we receive from pastors and other leaders up to the standard of the Bible.

It is up to us to question, dig deep into the Word of God, and have a community to lean on and learn from as we wrestle with issues pertaining to life, faith, and relationships.

When leaders or other believers fail us, we need to offer them grace and forgiveness because they are only humans doing their best to point us to the perfect Christ. Their failure is not a failure of our Savior but just a symptom of humanity’s fallen condition. In these moments, Christ-followers have to bring our grief over the sin that fills our world to the cross and allow Jesus to once again heal the brokenness that disappointment delivers.

Our belief in Jesus has to go beyond our affiliation with a particular person or faith community. The faith we hold in our hearts has to be rooted in the truth of Jesus. The book of Acts 4:12 tells us more.

If only we are following all God because we want to please a particular person and that person makes a mistake, there is a good chance your heart and faith will be damaged.

Only faith rooted in Jesus alone is secure.

Why Christians Are Not Christ
2. We’re Called to Live with Humility, Always Pointing Others to Jesus
The Church talks a lot about being “called by God” or “chosen” to do God’s work. The idea of being called is found in the Bible. Thessalonians 2:14 says, “He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But every child of God is a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

These passages of scripture point to the idea that we are partners with Jesus in His mission to heal, save, and redeem our broken world! What an honor to be in His family and to do His work.

At times though, we can take this concept of “calling” as a badge of individual honor, allowing pride to trick us into believing we are what the world needs, rather than being a vessel that points the world back to Jesus. Proverbs 16:18 warns us that pride leads to our destruction. Nonetheless, pride is one of the sneakiest sins that very easily taints our thoughts, actions, and the ways we use our God-given influence.

Each of us are gifted, called, and used by God as a part of His body. We are to humbly serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13). Love is not proud or puffed up (1 Corinthians 13:4). When we serve with love and humility, we are not the main attraction.

Christianity’s role in this world is to point those around them to the truth of Christ.

3. Only Jesus Has Power to Offer Salvation
Salvation comes through Christ and Christ alone! Any doctrine or personality that points us away from this central truth is not representing Biblical truth. The great story told in the Bible is one of a fallen creation in desperate need of a great Savior. Only one without spot or blemish could come and atone for the sins of mankind. Jesus Christ is that Savior, fully God and fully human giving His life for us so we can be saved.

He is the only one with the power to defeat sin and death! John 14:6 says:
Jesus made it clear that He is the one we follow. John 3:36 says:

Any Individual who believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.

It is only through faith in Jesus that we have access to eternal life. No other entity can restore us to right-standing with God.
Christians are to build each other up and offer encouragement to one another.

John 34:13 says: Consequently a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

Believers are to be the embodiment of God’s love here on Earth. We love others because God so loves us! We cannot offer salvation; only God has the power to transform our hearts and minds.

Source: https://dailycrosswalk.com/3-reasons-why-christians-are-not-christ/

Science/Technology / What Is A Pingback? Are They Good For Your Website SEO? by McAchikolo(m): 11:16am On Jul 21, 2020
Pretty much every blogger knows what a comment is, but are less certain about “pingbacks”. In this blog, we’ll be answering two questions: 1) What is a pingback? and 2) Are pingbacks good for SEO?


They are really special, WordPress-exclusive comment that’s created when you link to another blog post, as long as the other blog is set to accept pingbacks. Comparable to comments, pingbacks are a way in which one blogger can link his or her blog to another blog. For example, if another WordPress site links or references your article, you will get a pingback notification that will display as a comment on the blog post they linked to.

Descriptions from WordPress states them them as a form of ‘automated comments’. Think of it like this:

Person A publishes a post.
Person B publishes her own post, including a link to Person A’s post.
automatically sends a pingback to Person A’s post, letting Person A know that someone has linked to them.
Person A’s post then displays a special type of comment linking to Person B’s post. They appear mixed in with any other comments on the post.

Almost like magic, pingbacks are automatically created when you link to another WordPress blog. You may even be pingbacking already without even realizing it!

We’ve said this many times before, but getting more links to your blog is one of the best ways to improve your SEO. Subsequently pingbacks are created by having external links on another person’s blog, they are directly related to your SEO. So yes, pingbacks are good for your blog’s SEO.

A caution regarding pingbacks is that spammers can abuse them, just like the spam comments. Classless pingbacks could eventually hurt the integrity of your blog, so we recommend setting up notifications for pingbacks that will enable you to approve or deny each request. For professional bloggers, the best way to use pingbacks is to display only authentic pingbacks and monitor new requests often.

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/what-is-a-pingback-are-they-good-for-your-website-seo/

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Science/Technology / The 5G Technology And It’s Remarkable Ways Of Transformation by McAchikolo(m): 11:00am On Jul 21, 2020
During the annual Mobile World Congress that was held early this year, 5G technology was among the hottest topics that participants discussed at great length.

Service providers around the world- from the United States to Kenya, and from China to Britain- are already educating consumers about the numerous benefits that 5G technology has to offer. The benefits range from faster download speeds to enhanced support for self-driving vehicles, among others.

The 5G (Fifth Generation) network infrastructure can be placed in buildings, streets and many other locations, courtesy of the number as well as the size of small cells that power it. The technology is, without doubt, turning out to be the biggest game changer in the telecommunication industry.

Majority of the leading network providers across the world have by now announced grand plans for the revolutionary 5G networks. Throwing a glance at the United States, for instance, giant telecommunication companies such as Verizon, Sprint and AT & T have already made known their plans regarding Fifth Generation networks. American Tower and other leading service providers are already rolling out infrastructure to support this endeavor.

A good example is Smart Pole- an exciting street level product by American Tower that seeks to enhance its footprint from about 60,000 telecommunication towers to more than 150,000 Smart Poles with the ability to support next-generation 5G networks.

This possible disruption will extend beyond the current ability for users to live- stream movies on their smartphones. This Fifth Generation network is already causing a global technological revolution, and it is undoubtedly changing the landscape of doing business. China is the leading country to adapt to this 5g technology and is way ahead of the race, that’s why it is important to understand different ways of doing business in China.

It is presenting exciting opportunities for investors and end-users, and the opportunities may last for several years.

Click to continue: https://exploremytown.ng/the-5g-technology-and-its-remarkable-ways-of-transformation/

Health / Foods That Aids In Boosting The Immune System by McAchikolo(m): 1:08pm On Jul 16, 2020
The immune system comprises of organs, cells, tissues, and proteins.
They collectively carry out bodily processes that combat pathogens, which are the viruses, bacteria, and foreign bodies that originates infections and disease.

When the immune system comes in contact with a pathogen, it activates an immune response. The immune system discharges antibodies, which ascribe themselves to antigens on the pathogens and kill them.

A strong, balanced diet takes on a vital role in staying well.

The following foods can aid in boosting the immune system:
1. Blueberries

These fruits have antioxidant materials that can enhance the immune system.
Blueberries hold a type of flavonoid known as anthocyanin, which contains antioxidant materials that can aid in boosting a person’s immune system.

A 2016 study noted that flavonoids play an important role in the respiratory tract’s immune shield system.
Scientists found that individuals who eat foods rich in flavonoids are less likely to contact an upper respirational tract infection, or common cold, than those who did not.

2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has an antioxidant known as theobromine, which helps in boosting the immune system by shielding the body’s cells from oxidants.

Free radicals are particles that the body manufactures when it breaks down food or comes into contact with pollutants.
Notwithstanding its potential benefits, dark chocolate is high in calories and saturated fat, so it is essential to eat it in equability.

3. Turmeric

This is a yellow spice that a lot people use in preparing meals. It is also existent in some alternate medications. Overwhelming turmeric may increase a person’s immune response. This is owing to the qualities of curcumin, a compound in turmeric.

ALSO READ: How To Stay Safe And Healthy In Trying Times

4. Oily fish

Salmon, tuna, pilchards, and some other oily fish are very rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
In Accordance to a 2014 report, long-term consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune condition that takes place when the immune system un-intentionally attacks a strong section of the body.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is another source of vitamin C. It also contains potent antioxidants, such as sulforaphane. In lieu of these reasons, it is an excellent choice of vegetable to eat habitually to sustain immune system health.

6. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are opulent in beta carotene, a kind of antioxidant that provides the coat/skin of the potatoes its orange color.

Beta carotene is a source of vitamin A. It aids in making the skin healthy and can even provide some defense mechanisms against skin mutilation from ultraviolet (UV) rays.

7. Spinach

Spinach has the ability to boost the immune system, as it contains a lot of essential nutrients and antioxidants, which includes:
• flavonoids
• carotenoids
• vitamin C
• vitamin E
The Vitamins C and E also help in supporting the immune system.

8. Ginger

People make use of ginger in a collection of meals and desserts, as well as in teas also. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative materials and is probable to proffer health benefits. Nonetheless, additional research is essential to approve whether or not it can efficiently avert illness.

9. Garlic

Garlic can aid in preventing colds.
Garlic is a common home-based cure for the deterrence of colds and other illness.
The assemblage of applicants taking a try-on had more than double the number of colds between them than those taking the garlic supplements. Nonetheless, the examiners concluded that more research is necessary to determine whether or not garlic can help to prevent colds.

10. Green tea

Green tea comprises of just a little volume of caffeine, so individuals can enjoy it as a substitute to black tea or coffee. Drinking it may also toughen the immune system.

Just like blueberries, green tea comprises of flavonoids, which can reduce the risk of a cold.

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/foods-that-aids-in-boosting-the-immune-system/

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Health / Re: Ebola Virus Outbreak 2020: New Cases Confirmed In The Republic Of Congo by McAchikolo(m): 11:40am On Jul 14, 2020
The world is going...
Jokes Etc / Re: 35 Funny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Are Sad������ by McAchikolo(m): 11:29am On Jul 14, 2020
[quote author=McAchikolo post=91676374][/quote] you're welcom
Health / Ebola Virus Outbreak 2020: New Cases Confirmed In The Republic Of Congo by McAchikolo(m): 11:19am On Jul 14, 2020
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has reported a fresh Ebola Virus Outbreak in the north western part of the country on 1st of June, 2020.

This latest outbreak is the 11th for DR Congo since they first discovered the virus in the country in 1976.
The country’s ministry of health has told the world health organization that in Wangata the discovered eight Ebola Cases and four out of these eight patients succumbed to death.

Since April 4, DR Congo has recorded more than 30 possible cases of the Ebola Virus, which has been the cause of 18 people.

Ebola spreads very quickly. Just a drop of sweat or spit from a person or an animal that is a carrier of the virus can infect someone who is not.

According to the WHO, new Ebola Outbreak will always occur in DR Congo because he virus lives in animal reservoirs that are present in many part of the country.

Fruit bats are the main carriers of the virus, but people can get infected if they come in close contact with the blood, organs or bodily fluids of animals that have the virus like chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, antelopes and porcupines.

The disease is very rampant in the area and it won’t be possible to destroy all the animal that have liable to carrying the virus.
As long as people don’t touch and eat them, there’s every possibility that the virus would return.


Quick and well-coordinated responses to the disease can also help in containing it, and also reduce the number of infections or infected persons that could die from the virus.

WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the health body will send a tea of 25 personnel to DR Congo on the 2nd of June to support and see what is happening.

The team will collect and test samples which they will carry to the laboratory for confirmation.
They will begin contact tracing and send additional supplies to the country to support the government.

The WHO will also make sure that they send essential health services to areas where the outbreak is serious


Five identified strains of Ebola virus has been discovered, the deadliest is the Zaire strain.
This is the strain that was seen in the last outbreak, and there is a vaccine available for the treatment.

A vaccine was developed in 2014-2016, when the epidemic was very serious but they could not use it, because as at that time it was already late.

It has not received its full license for use, but with the help of global efforts, it has proven to be safe for human use and over 300,000 doses are in store already.

WHO guidelines recommend that Ebola outbreak will occur before they give the vaccine its license. The vaccine will be available for all suspected patients, contacts and health workers that are at risk of contacting the virus.

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/ebola-virus-outbreak-2020-new-cases-confirmed-in-the-republic-of-congo/

Jokes Etc / Re: 35 Funny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Are Sad������ by McAchikolo(m): 7:03pm On Jul 13, 2020
Genius. soooo hilarious
Jokes Etc / Re: 35 Funny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Are Sad������ by McAchikolo(m): 4:59pm On Jul 13, 2020
Thanks, you made me laugh.
Jokes Etc / 35 Funny Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Are Sad������ by McAchikolo(m): 4:30pm On Jul 13, 2020
1- One idiot used ''GUNSHOTS'' as his ringing tone, His China phone rang in the bank today, over an hour we're still looking for the cashier and two security men������

2- And This Nepa will Bring Light when someone is sleeping. as if someone paid for (MTN) Night plan.......��‍♂️��‍♂️��‍♂️

May sense locate u people today

3- Nigerians will go to burial, they'll cry and still carry away food to their house.

Chai, this world is a set up

4- Some guys can deceive eeh.. They'll be like ''Baby i see my future kids in your eyes'' Well-done sir chairman of national population census, Hope you're seeing golden morn, pampers, school fees and other baby food on her forehead too?����

Am not feeling fine jare

5- Some people are blessed with wickedness, How can i beg you for salt and you are telling me that your mum has counted it���

6- I cried for 2hours when one girl told me she took 1st in her waec result..

Some people can lie ehn�����

7- Miss those people in primary school that use to say ''If i give you one dirty slap, you'll fly to America'', Come and slap me now oooo
8- A scientist wanted to develop a bra that stops women's breast from bouncing while running and also another bra that doesn't show nipples when wet.

but we guys don't panic... We killed the idiot immediately

9- Nigerian Girls love money, I'm telling you, You'll get angry and tell a girl "Go to hell" She will look at you and be like... "I don't have transport fare

10- Someone covered my eyes from my back and ask me to guess who he was , after guessing for 5 mins, i removed his hands and i saw a mad man......

Bros, come nd see temple run ...

11- When money is involved, Nigerian girls will be like , I love his mouth odour it's so matured 馃槀 馃槀 馃槀 *

12- I mistakenly step on a soldier's boot, when trying to board a taxi, the next thing I heard was " are u in ZAIN", something was telling me to reply "no am in MTN" . . No God forbid ooh, the devil won't get me dis January ending

13- The hardest thing to find this day is to see a girl without a boyfriend...

Everywhere is occupied

14- When you build a house let your wife decorate the ceiling, she has seen more ceiling designs than you.. Am i communicating?

15- If you want to be my friend, be my friend, If you want to be my enemy, be my enemy, Stop confusing the thunder that will strike you.

16- If yhu read all this post without liking or dropping any comment, I promise yhu, your phone will fall inside hot oil.

I mean d condemming one

17- Bathroom is for slim girls, Fat girls should go to car wash...

Ye who stone me?

18- My girlfriend travelled to London with my earpiece and charger !is it okay for me to tell someone i have properties in London?

19- Some people will hate you,just because you use water to bath

20- Teacher : morning class..

Class : it's not your period sir

21- I should seriously stop listening to random conversation in a taxi... Now i just followed someone home just to hear the rest of the story....

22- My Ex saw me at Shoprite and she said “so u are still alive”

I replied “No ooo....I just came to buy bread then i will return to my grave"......... Idiot

23- Dear ladies not all guys that follow you to the kitchen are actually romantic. My dear, they just want make sure that you don't put poison in their food

24- Girls do you remember that year, when you use sweater to make a baby in school ? That's when your stupidity started

Am beside my mom come nd beat me if u can

25- Guys do you remembered when you made cars with tin and slippers ? Then begged your mum to allow you park the motor in the room so your friends won't steal your jeep , do you remember ? That's when your stupidity started

u can beat me, if u can beat Broke Lesnar

26- I bought power bank for 20k at circle ... And I was very happy it was cheap until my phone started charging the power bank

Abeg which kind witchcraft be dis?

27- I bought Gucci soap for N2000 and Gucci sponge for N3500 and since morning I've been looking for where to bath for people to see me

28- Nobody knows short cuts more than a driver who doesn't have a drivers license

29- Teacher: Simply define Confusion

Me : CONFUSION is when you go kitchen to steal meat from the pot, and you forget whether the spoon was on top or inside the pot

30- When you mistakenly left your phone for bae then few minutes later you see her playing with knife ... my brother run for your life oooo

31- My brother no girl hates you on Facebook they are all good girls .. They just don't comment on your post because you don't sponsor competitions

32- Dear future hubby wherever u are, please if u are on Facebook freemode? kindly say Hi lemme subscribe for u I dnt want u 2 turn blind

33- People who hardly post on social media thinks they have a Masters Degree In maturity.

34- RIP President muhammad buhari

Before u start sharing it lemme tell u wat i mean

-> Remain- in- power President muhammad buhari

35- she broke up with me just because of dis

She said nobody knows tomorrow
And i said tomorrow is Tuesday and she blocked me�����
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Health / Cancer: Causes, Types And Treatment by McAchikolo(m): 3:36pm On Jul 13, 2020
The term Cancer can be quite broad. It explains the disease that comes about when cellular modifications causes the uncontrolled growth and cell division.

Most types of cancer cause fast cell growth, while other ones cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate.
Certain types of Cancer results in obvious growths known as tumors, meanwhile the others, like leukemia, do not.

There are so many existing causes of cancer, and some of them can be prevented.
For instance, more than Four hundred and Eighty Thousand individuals die every year in the United States, and most of these deaths are resulting from smoking cigarettes, in accordance to statistics in 2014.

In addition to that, risk factors for cancer includes:
High Alcohol Intake
Excessive Body Weight
Inactivity of the body
Malnutrition. Amongst others.

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Genetic factors can also attribute to the developmental growth of cancer.
An individual’s genetic code informs their cells the right and wrong time to divide and expire. Modifications in the genes can result in faulty instructions, thereby aiding the formation of cancer.
An Individual can obtain the inheritance f a predisposition for a type of cancer.
A medical specialist can refer to this as having a hereditary cancer syndrome.
Innate Genetic Mutations significantly attribute to the development of 5 to 10 percent of cancer cases.

Groundbreaking researches has projected the development of modern medication and treatment technologies.
Specialists often ascribe treatments based on the kind of cancer, its stage at prognosis, and the individual’s overall health

Here are some of the approaches to annihilating cancer.
Chemotherapy: It goals to exterminate cancer cells with medications that aim fast dividing cells. The drugs will help in shrinking tumors, but the after effects can be catastrophic.
Hormone Therapy: This therapeutic process involves the intake of medications that alter how certain hormones function or interfere with the system’s ability to produce them.
Immunotherapy: This process makes use of medications and other modes of treatment to boost the immune system and also push it to combat cancerous cells.

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The most common kinds of cancer in the World is the Breast Cancer, backed up by the lung and Prostate Cancers, in accordance to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) which excludes non-melanoma skin cancers from their findings.

Medical Specialists classify Cancer by:
The location of the cells in the body system.
The tissues where the cells form.
For instance, sarcomas develop in the bones or tender tissues, while carcinomas form in the cells that cover the internal or external surfaces in the body system.

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/cancer-causes-types-and-treatment/

Health / Top 13 Health Benefits Of The Bitter Leaf Plant by McAchikolo(m): 2:56pm On Jul 13, 2020
The bitter leaf scientifically known as veronia amygdalin and sometimes referred to as Iron weed, is bitter as the name implies, with a bitter leafy green color or sometimes gray vegetable. Known in Nigeria as onugbu by the Igbos, ewuro by the Yoruba and chusa-doki shawaka by the Hausas.

The bitter leaf offers many great health benefits including blood sugar regulation but it is not limited to it, aiding in the repair of the pancreas and may also help reduce the risk of cancer cells attacking your organs amongst other benefits.

The Country Nigeria is extremely lucky to have a soil that is effective in growing the bitter leaf plant anywhere and everywhere in the country.

It is also among the list of cost efficient vegetables in the country and also amongst the foods that boost the immune system. As such there is definitely no reason not to incorporate it into your dietary.

Below are some health benefits of the Bitter Leaf plant.
1. Washing and drinking the bitter leaf juice: Drinking the juice extracted from the bitter leaf is very effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

2. Taking in the constituents of the bitter leaf can reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk factors associated with stroke, heart attacks and Alzheimer’s diseases.

3. Bitter leaf contains antioxidants in abundance which helps to check oxidation thereby increasing the body’s disease fighting properties.

4. It helps in digestion.

5. Aids in maintaining the liver and also the kidney.

6. It aids in cleansing the body system.

7. Bitter leaf increases metabolism which, alongside other factors, help in maintaining a healthy weight.

8. Bitter leaf is a great source of essential fatty acids such as poly-unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acids which aids in protecting against cardiovascular diseases.

9. It also helps in eradicating excruciating pain.

10. It aids in the regulation of the blood sugar thereby helping to reduce the risk of type II diabetes.

11. It’s a good source of vitamin A, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2, Vitamins C and Vitamins E.

12. It helps in relieving fever.

13. The bitter leaf plant contains constituents of antibiotic and antifungal properties which helps in curing skin ailments and diseases.

Thank you for reading. Before you go, do check out our post on How To Stay Safe And Healthy In Trying Times

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/top-13-health-benefits-of-the-bitter-leaf-plant/

Health / COVID-19: Tips On How To Boost Your Immune System With Your Diet by McAchikolo(m): 2:48pm On Jul 13, 2020
Acute respiratory infections, including Covid-19, are one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
A healthy immune system allows the body to fight infection, proper nutrition and sports can support it.
However, this point is often overlooked in public discussions about immunity.

Today we will talk about the main ways of how you can boost your immune system. Stay with us and learn all the details about it.

So, how to boost your weak immune system with a healthy diet? Let’s take a closer look.
Healthy nutrition.
You need to maintain a healthy diet including vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, meat, fish, and dairy products provides the body with vitamins, minerals, and other substances important for the full functioning of the immune system.

However, researchers acknowledge that dietary supplements are a safe, effective, and inexpensive way of supporting the body when food is unable to cover all its needs and provide enough Omega-3 vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.

“Tough in-susceptibility isn’t going to protect anybody from the infection, the best protective measures are social distancing and hand washing,” immunologists say.

However, the immune system helps the body cope with the virus, and we want it to function properly when faced with infection.

Researchers explain: vitamins and minerals are necessary for the synthesis and maintenance of antimicrobial protein activity, cell differentiation, and phagocytic activity. They are also important for supporting the functioning of lymphocytes, the production of cytokines, and antibodies.

In particular, vitamin C is important for maintaining the barrier function of the epithelium, the growth of immune cells, the migration of white blood cells to places of infection, and the production of antibodies.
Vitamin D enhances the activity of monocytes, regulates the production of cytokines, supports the action of antigens. Its metabolites regulate the production of antimicrobial proteins that kill pathogens and help reduce infection.

The deficiency of vitamin E and selenium in the body can give the virus a chance for mutations and allow it to become stronger. Several studies show that poor nutrition in population leads to the development of more pathogenic strains of viruses, thereby increasing the burden on the healthcare system.

Foods for that will boost your immune system

We advise you to eat more vegetables and fruits. It is a source of vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining the immune system and virus protection.

High-fiber foods for immune system health are also important – they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which also help the immune system. Fatty fish should be included in the diet – this is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for regulating immunity. Finally, meat is important as a source of iron and vitamin B12. Individuals who do not eat meat should take nutritional supplements to boost the vegan immune system.

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Consuming prebiotic foods can help populate your intestines with beneficial bacteria. However, doctors offer just to eat more plant foods – the fiber contained in it will be a good environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria that are already in the large intestine.

Most often, a lack of vitamins A, C, D, and E, magnesium, and zinc are observed in the diet. Older people lack vitamin B6. Women lack folate, iron, and copper. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals depends on the region and social group but is present almost everywhere.

Physical activity
Take your workout routine to the next level to strengthen immunity. While excessive physical activity can, on the contrary, disrupt it, this is due to competitive stresses, hormonal changes, and overstrain. And if your main goal is to activate the protective functions of the body, and not participate in the competition of bodybuilders, do running, cycling, and some home workouts. Walk a lot if it is possible.

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It will have a good effect on well-being, state of health, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, help to remove mucus from the bronchi, and increase the response of the immune system. With regular moderate exercise, the likelihood of getting a respiratory infection is reduced by 50 percent.

Be sure to get enough sleep
A night of healthy full sleep will allow the body to restore strength, the nervous system, energy reserves, increase immunity. A 7-8 hours rest is required. Do not forget that with a lack of sleep, a person becomes irritable and inattentive. It contributes to the development of stress.

Quit smoking and alcohol
During smoking, a focus of inflammation is created in the mouth, which focuses the attention of the body’s immune forces. Therefore, smokers are more prone, for example, to tuberculosis or cancer.

Alcohol also suppresses the protective abilities of a person, increasing the risk of oncology and liver diseases. Therefore, to improve immunity, you should stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption.

Every day we are surrounded by many viruses and harmful bacteria. But how often do we ask ourselves what specific virus we are faced with today? We only think about this when we find coronavirus symptoms in ourselves. Any virus goes through its cycle, and if the immunity is strong, then this cycle does not even start.
During a Coronavirus pandemic, the need to maintain the body’s defenses is more relevant than ever: strong immunity can protect a person from being infected with viral and bacterial infections. In any situation, keep great spirits – a good mood strengthens the immune system.

Source: https://exploremytown.ng/covid-19-tips-on-how-to-boost-your-immune-system-with-your-diet/

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