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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:10pm On Apr 01, 2016
FBNH on Overdrive! Wetin dey happen?
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:38am On Apr 01, 2016
FBNH on full bid.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 9:31am On Apr 01, 2016
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:23pm On Mar 31, 2016
Just imagine if you can see the scoreboard by Friday next week. What decision would you have taken today?
It is all about risk!

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:51pm On Mar 31, 2016
Wishing everyone best of luck in all our struggles. Please trade with caution especially with FBNH. Expectations is the root of all headache grin

Abi o. We should expect nothing from FBNH. Maybe then Mr. Market will decide to surprise us! tongue
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:49pm On Mar 31, 2016
this forum is quiet.. is it because of fidelity went opposite direction.... grin grin grin grin grin

I guess so. But the irrationality is gradually dispelling. Somebody has placed a huge bet at 1.3 so investors are getting encouraged. grin

This market is ruled by the money!
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 10:44am On Mar 31, 2016

It's now on full offer!

Funny market but it wont last forever.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 10:33am On Mar 31, 2016
Fidelity still up for grabs. I don't think it will be available for very long. Do your DD.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 3:58pm On Mar 30, 2016
fcmb @ 0.78k gave 0.10k... expecting diamond bank to give 0.15.. fidelity 0.13k and first bank 0.50 plus bonus issue.. grin grin grin grin

No FBNH bonus expected this year. Just dividend.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 3:25pm On Mar 30, 2016
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 3:11pm On Mar 30, 2016
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:47pm On Mar 30, 2016
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:45-46 (NKJV)

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:44pm On Mar 30, 2016
Anything can happen. I mean anything!
Unprecedented results are very common in this market.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:23pm On Mar 30, 2016
Please by Friday if not tomorrow we will see an abrupt turn around in some stocks like Zenith, and others. like @Megainvest has rightfully said opportunity is presenting itself wink

... Not a buy or sell recommendation.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:03pm On Mar 30, 2016
Fire for fire on FBNH! now N3 grin grin grin
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:45pm On Mar 30, 2016
what's wrong with zenith

Opportunity is being created!

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:39pm On Mar 30, 2016
NSE has been here since 1960.

When you are making money, you will find it interesting. When you are not making money you will not find it interesting.
It has been like that since 1960!

As long as people will keep making >100% on NSE while others keep losing 99.99%, NSE will remain.


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 10:27am On Mar 30, 2016
FCMB has proven once again that investors will always over-react to bad news and that is where opportunities are created for the value investors.

FCMB in the bank, watching FBNH in 5D. Cha - ching cool !!!

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 9:58am On Mar 30, 2016
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:29pm On Mar 29, 2016
All eyes on Fidelity grin

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:13am On Mar 29, 2016
@Godisfaithful, when is Fidelity coming to the market?
Autos / Re: Fhemmmy Motos Present You With Everything LEXUS**Come In And Get One**SUV & CAR by megainvest: 5:29pm On Mar 28, 2016
Happy Easter Fhemmmy. Pls how much is 2009 or 2010 Lexus GX 460 or 470 full option with DVD, reverse camera, navigation etc?
Also can you educate me on what the difference is between 460 and 470? Thanks.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 3:36pm On Mar 26, 2016
Had a meeting with my broker and he gave recommendations..he said having presco, Jb, okomu oil will not be a bad idea..I wonder y I neva think in d same path wit my broker when it comes to buying..but wait, make I go do check on dis coys make e no b say d bro don smell sometin..issokay.. grin

Be very careful with stock brokers' recommendations. What ever decision you want to make, do your own DD.


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:48am On Mar 26, 2016
See this news from SEPLAT:


The MD/CEO has 1,621,536 units of performance related share awards. If valued at N300 per share, total is > N484m.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 4:50pm On Mar 25, 2016

So you think FBNH cannot report a loss?

It is very obvious. They can not report a loss for FY 2015. You may ask me why.
1. The last press release said they will discuss dividend payment. A loss making company will not even consider dividend payment.
2. Their profit warning said that FY PAT was materially lower than for 2014. It didn't say there was no profit at all.
3. Q3 results tells the whole story.

FBNH can decide to declare 5 kobo dividend if they want but they will not declare a loss.

You know what I'll type next....... This is not a buy or sell recommendation cheesy


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:58pm On Mar 25, 2016
An Excerpt from 9m earnings call:

Q: Hi, sorry, came on late on the call, but just on your OpEx, can you just kind of walk us through why the sharp drop in personnel cost? This is for the three months to September. And could you also clarify the Atlantic Energy exposure. I know I just joined the call just now. Could you repeat this if it was asked before? Thank you

A: Okay, as to your question on Atlantic Energy, this is one exposure that is taking significant management attention. Currently, the account is still performing. We are cautiously optimistic that we'll resolve all the issues regarding Atlantic Energy before the end of the year, so we're not looking at making impairment charges at this time.

Q: What kind of impairment are we looking at in the event the deal doesn't close?

A: In the event that this doesn't close, we still have windows of opportunity. There is a deal that is on the table right now. If that deal doesn't work out, there will be another one. However, even if this deal doesn't close and we need to make an impairment, it probably won't be more than 10% impairment, let's say, in the next three months.


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:34pm On Mar 25, 2016

What I think will move the stock and the entire sector, more than any dividend, is if the result generally, especially the PAT, turns out not as bad as feared right now.

I believe PAT will be better than expected. I have gone through FBNH's accounts and earnings call transcripts and it seems that although PAT will be lower than in 2014, it may not fall below 20% YoY.

If you listen to the Q3 earning call again, you will hear when a question was asked about the provisioning for Atlantic Energy loan. Management mentioned that if they have to make provisions for it, it is not likely to exceed 10% for Q4. I also recall there was news that Atlantic Energy had come up with a payment plan sometime in November 2015.

As a shareholder, the greater immediate concern with FBNH is the increased retention. The price has already adjusted to the impairment news. The problem is that Investors do not know how much retention FBNH is aiming at this time. Significantly higher retention means that payout will be much lower. However, it will be very unfair of the management to reduce payout by more than 50%.


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 7:52am On Mar 25, 2016

Yeah, even the banking subsidiary's income grew y-o-y from the 9 months result but net income suffered from impaiment charges like you said. However last year they had good results but still chose to hand out peanuts due to the reason I stated. So frankly I'm not very confident of this year's corporate action. The board had a meeting on the 22nd after a closed period and still didn't release results, although the longer they hold, the more beneficial it is to me. Anyway keeping the fingers crossed. It's going to be good. It has to be good

I like this discussion on FBNH. This to me is the next stock to watch out for because it can go either way right now. It is still very feasible going by all the records, for them to declare 60k dividend and at the same time, it is also possible for them to declare just 10k!

Last year, they declared 10k and 1:10 bonus. That can be equated to about N1.05 based on the share price at that time. As at Q3, PAT had dropped by 9.7% YoY to N50.2 billion. Even if the increased impairment losses and CBN fines shave off another 22 billion from the FY results, they can still comfortably pay 60k dividend going by the payout ratio of about 40% of EPS in 2014. However, the management has also said severally that they will increase profit retention which means lower payout ratio (maybe 30% EPS?).

FBNH can also decide to be stingy because they have every reason to do so this year. They have suffered so many losses and have even issued a profit warning. This is enough for them to deceive investors with and hide under the cover of "profit warning" to declare a paltry 10k. It is very unlikely for them to declare bonus shares this time.

In all, investors who have a very strong heart can take a huge risk on FBNH right now. Short termers need to remain very cautious. Long termers do not need to panic at all. In fact, this is an opportunity for a lifetime. I just bought some significant volumes yesterday. I am ready for whatever outcome FBNH comes out with.

We all expect a 10k dividend this year. At least there was a press release that the board will consider dividend payment in their meeting. But Just Imagine for a second what will happen to FBNH share price if they declare anything above 50k.

Do your DD. Follow me at your own risk!


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:57am On Mar 24, 2016

Ooga,no result is showing on NSE o

Be patient.
Some of us get result before NSE! grin

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 8:55am On Mar 24, 2016
SEPLAT result is out.

EPS down by 76%

Final dividend: US$0.04 per share
Car Talk / Re: How To Process Your Car Tinted Permit Plus My Experience by megainvest: 7:06am On Mar 24, 2016

Deadline extended

Praaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaise the Lord. Thank you for this news. cheesy
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 4:24pm On Mar 23, 2016

Remember this post? That's what is happening. Am out of the MKT now.
Left zenith at 13.30 a day or two ago
Left ucap yesterday and the rest today.
May reconsider if it gets too depressed. At all at all na him worse pass.

In all.. Don't lose money- ......intendy.

Enjoy your loot. I left UCAP and Zenith today grin

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