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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 9:30am On Jun 03, 2017
Patience is one of the most important virtues in this business. Not long ago FBNH was begging people to buy at N3. Those of us who were on board seemed like we were on a long thing. Now you know the rest of the story... Enjoy...


Car Talk / Re: FRSC Gives Reasons For Drivers License Issuance Problems by megainvest: 2:16pm On May 17, 2017
All lies. Even those who have correct data never get the permanent cards. How come banks can give you ATM cards (With the chip and all the security) at the banks instantly at less than 2k but FRSC cannot do same with 6k?


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:27pm On May 11, 2017
Why is it that whenever Buhari travels out of the country, the economy begins to recover aggressively?
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 5:11pm On May 07, 2017
Trading on the nse with the help of this thread is very sweat until you make that big loss,then you start looking at comments here as ....depending on the loss,if the loss is in the region of a few hundred thousands,you stay away from this forum for 2weeks.if in region of millions then you stay away forever.where are our brothers?even the owner of the thread ran away.megainvest,agba,pa emma,born2berich etc they have left perhaps FOREVER.

I'm still here and am still in the market big time. Ain't running away. Been busy advancing my career while my stocks work for me.


Politics / Re: Abdulmumin Jibrin: "Is This The Buhari We Know? Noooooo Something Is Wrong! by megainvest: 4:27am On Mar 31, 2017
Those who thought GEJ was the weakest president ever have just been shown who the weakest president really is. PMB is weak in many more ways including his health, leadership ability, communication, etc.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 8:10am On Feb 25, 2017
Who told you production has hit 2.2mil. Its still less than 1.8m and the hope is that forcados comes back by end of 2nd qrt to raise it to that level.


I was also wondering where he got that news. May be he can give us the link if there is any.


ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria's oil production has risen to 2.2 million barrels a day (bpd), Finance Minister Kemi Adeosun said on Thursday, after a fall in attacks on oil facilities in the Niger Delta.

"We now do 2.2 million bpd production," Adeosun said.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 8:44pm On Feb 16, 2017
Congratulations team UCAP. On to the next one...
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 7:53pm On Feb 04, 2017
Nice summary for the week.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 7:47pm On Feb 04, 2017
WorldStage Newsonline-- The Nigerian Stock Exchange All-Share Index (NSE ASI) and Market Capitalization depreciated by 2.00 percent and 1.84 percent, to close the week at 25,802.54 and N8.892 trillion respectively, as all other indices finished lower with the exception of the NSE Premium Index and NSE Industrial Goods Indices that appreciated by 0.15 percent and 4.37 percent respectively, while the NSE ASeM Index closed flat.

Twenty three equities appreciated in price this week, lower than 29 equities of the previous week.

The week’s 23 equities that appreciated in price were led by Caverton Offshore Group, Lafarge Africa and Unity Bank. They added 15.94 percent, 9.82 percent and 8.11 percent each to close the week at 80 kobo, N44.40 and 80 kobo respectively.

On the other hand, 37 equities depreciated in price, higher than 30 equities of the previous week.

The week’s decliners were led by Forte Oil that dropped 15.14 percent to close at N61, Neimeth followed with a decline of 15.07 percent to close at 62 kobo while UACN depreciated 13.89 percent to close at N2.48.

More at: http://worldstagegroup.com/wap/readnews.php?id=34099
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 5:06pm On Feb 04, 2017
Last week Forte oil down -15.14% Total -10.36% Nestle -9.33% Uacn -7.37%

bearish big caps
Pls who were the top gainers for the week?
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:43am On Jan 30, 2017
Meritrade is working perfectly

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 7:52pm On Jan 17, 2017
When everybody is bullish about a stock, it is probably time to start being bearish. After result & dividend declaration, I may be selling my UCAP.

I repeat what I have said before: 2016 was an exceptional year for UCAP. I may not be right but this is my honest opinion. Many people here already know my stand with UCAP So no beef.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 2:15pm On Jan 16, 2017
- Three White Soldiers forming



Are these soldiers riding bulls or bears? grin
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:04pm On Jan 16, 2017
Create the future you want to see - Megainvest
Food / Re: Photos : See The Big Fishes This Nairalander Bought In Lagos by megainvest: 11:51am On Jan 15, 2017
Fine boy. Na u I dey look not the fish. Lol

... or him pocket where the money to buy the huge fish come from?


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:05am On Jan 14, 2017
Hello everyone. Pls can anyone direct me to where I can find the NPL ratio of Unity bank and Wema Bank based on Q3 2016 results?
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:06am On Jan 13, 2017

a lot of sizing up going on
buyers do want to pay more
sellers want to get d most as possible
lol nbst

Today is Friday. If no special news hits the market, it will naturally end red. grin
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 2:34pm On Jan 12, 2017
U... B... A......,
Africa's Global Bank!!!

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:49pm On Jan 12, 2017
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:47pm On Jan 12, 2017
Is there a new NSE guideline on latest date for submission of FY results?
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 8:26pm On Jan 09, 2017
I don't want to be a party pooper but UCAP is slowly strolling into the over-valued region for an FI in my opinion

Wait till you see the FY result! After that, it will become overvalued but until then, it is still undervalued.

Remember that after it returned over 100% of PAT as at q3, it went on to close a N9 billion bond deal (very successfully) for Forte Oil in Q4. They made cool cash from that deal also. FY EPS will likely be about N1 and dividend about 50 kobo. This is enough to drive it to km 4.


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 12:25pm On Jan 09, 2017
Mr. Market on steroids. Look before you leap.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 11:54am On Jan 09, 2017
The NSE is on fire!!! I repeat , the NSE is on fire!!!

Been a long time coming! cool
I was able to catch some great rides this morning before it took off. grin
We can now sit back and watch our money grow like grass.

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Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 10:35am On Jan 09, 2017
Big news must have hit the market. Likely dividend ...k
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 2:09pm On Jan 06, 2017

Which hard work?
You are only more psychologically balanced and a vulture..... grin grin

Prof, patience is hardwork o! grin


Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 2:03pm On Jan 06, 2017
With more than 100% on UCAP,I made a decision since last year to hold it for long term.I believe the stock will consolidate on previous performance.

I agree. However, I think it may fall considerably after dividend payment. You can enjoy both capital appreciation and cash flow if u sell and buy back again for long term. I am not saying this with all authority but honestly, 2016 was a special year for UCAP.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:54pm On Jan 06, 2017

When some of us have benefited long ago and moved on...Anyways, enjoy the loot.

I sold, bought again and I can cash out again! Talk about a double whammy!!!
Though I think it may be better to wait for dividend announcement b4 selling.
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 1:47pm On Jan 06, 2017
I can now smile to the bank with UCAP in the bag! grin grin grin
Hardwork breeds success!
Investment / Re: Nigerian Stock Exchange Market Pick Alerts by megainvest: 2:17pm On Jan 03, 2017
The new Skye management is disgraceful, even fitch complained about lack of market information and up till now no results.I will like to do some speculative JIJO but based on result which I can't do for now since result may never come.

Skye is like this:

Crash forever or Fly forever.
It's either 100% or nothing.
If you wait for result, you get nothing because its either there will be no buyer or there will be no seller.
If you don't wait for result you may lose everything or gain everything.

Who can tell the future?
Can you bear the risk? grin

Disclosure: I don't have a single unit of Skye as at today!
Religion / Re: My Pastor Said I Should Stop Keeping Beards by megainvest: 6:26am On Dec 29, 2016
Op pls tell me that of all places to seek advice, the best place for you is here?? Oh come on. I am very sure u re aware that these people will haul insults to this innocent man of God. I pray u understand the meaning of what you have just done.
He adviced you to shave your beards. So?? I heard you cant be a surgeon with bushy beards. I guess u will opt out of med school if the consultant commands(not advice) you to shave before you enter the theatre.
Itz well..

OP did not say he wants to be a Pastor in the church. He was sitting on his own and the Pastor decided to confront him because of his own unconscious bias towards beards. How can you tell your church members not to grow beards? Soon they will say dont drive white cars or wear green clothes! Is that what they should be focusing on? It's better we speak the truth here so that those who desire to know the real truth of the word can find it. I have studied and still study my own bible for myself several times. What the Pastor said is very inconsistent with the word. It negates what Jesus and Paul stood for. In fact Paul vehemently stood against such doctrines.
Read Galatians 2.
Religion / Re: My Pastor Said I Should Stop Keeping Beards by megainvest: 8:55pm On Dec 28, 2016

attaching spirituality to the man's opinion to seek knowledge is like you trying to hide behind your finger. the truth is bitter even the Bible said "by their fruit you shall know them" so if daddy GO does not keep bears is automatically a sin for a member to keep bears what a teaching nor God or Christ forced any doctrine on mankind "life and death have i placed before you but i urge you to choose life" spirituality is from your personal conviction and level of relationship with God asking what seems to confused him whether on social media or not does not made him less spiritual or concern about him (God). if keeping beard is a sin God wouldn't program it to be part of man's nature. God please save this generation. false teachings everywhere

Exactly. God himself created the beards! They think they know more than God. This problem is very real and serious in the churches today. People follow their pastors instead of following God. They think that those who don't follow their pastors are wrong. They must dress and talk like their pastor else they are not "spiritual". Actually, that is being carnal according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 3.


Religion / Re: My Pastor Said I Should Stop Keeping Beards by megainvest: 8:37pm On Dec 28, 2016
Many people unknowingly practice "Churchianity" while thinking they are practicing "Christianity". They set their own standards outside what the bible teaches. They seek to imprison your mind with their own doctrines. The best thing you can do for yourself is to know the truth and the truth will make you free.

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