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Health / How To Make Your Skin Glow With Tumeric by Mentaremix(m): 10:25am On Mar 30, 2021
Tumeric is the ultimate herb for a beautiful skin you want to have a glowing skin try these DIY tumeric face mask,i started three days ago and i must say it's worth trying

•Mix 1/2 teaspoon of tumeric powder
•1 tablespoon milk
•1/2 tsp honey
Apply on your face and neck,let it dry for 20 minutes and wash off with water


• 1/2 tsp Tumeric
• 1 tablespoon yoghurt
• 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Apply on face and neck,let it dry for 20mins and wash off with water
Health / True Testimony Of A University Graduate That Got Free From STAPH INFECTI by Mentaremix(m): 2:27am On Apr 09, 2020
I was in Landmark University in 2017 when I was diagnosed of urinary tract infection, so I was naive of the infection and the causes.

I was treated then but unfortunately it just subsided.

I later went Home and started feeling the symptoms again so I went to the hospital at home and I was then diagnosed of staphylococcus infection.

I really didn't take it serious then..

I ignored the fact and was just using the drugs prescribed to me in the hospital then the symptoms were disturbing me.

I was always crying and worrying and I was so naive about the infection

To cut the long story short it went on for years.

After two years I started noticing smelly discharge and blood while having sex and so on..

I decided to go for another serious test and got treated

It went on and on...

The funniest thing is that it never went the drugs only surpressed it.

Below are some of the symptoms I was experiencing

1.Feeling like my bladder is not empty when I go to pee

2. My menstruation is always with clots and I don't have heavy flow, but no matter how light the flow is its always with clots

3. Pain on my left pelvic side anytime am menstruating

4. Pain during sexual intercourse even on light penetration

5. Vaginal discharge buh the odour is not that bad

6. Sometimes when I pee I feel it's peppering me after urinating

7. Just last 3 month I had an ovarian cyst removed but even after that I am still feeling dis way

8. I used to feel something like pimples where my public hair grows, it wasn't paining me before but I didn't know what dat could be.

Well, I ended up having an operation and after then I decided to do research and went online to google for alternative natural remedy that could give me a lasting solution.

Later met Mr Aderemi who introduced me to the organic products specifically for treating all manner of infection.

After over two months of chatting and making enquiry from April 2019 to June 2019

I later came to purchase the Super 3 Infection products on Saturday 5, July 2019

After using the products for over 2 months I saw changes and I was relieved

Since then I have been fine

I later went for test and was the result showed no more staphylococcus

Everything went back to normal.

It was a miracle and also a final relief to me

I also now watch what I eat and drink to remain healty

Thanks to God and the Organic Products that I used
Properties / Invest N850,000 In 1 Plot Of Land In Epe(currently On Promo) by Mentaremix(m): 11:14pm On Nov 13, 2019
It's too far!
I'm too busy, I don't have time!!
It's too expensive, I can't afford it!!!

Rome wasn't built in a day neither was Ikoyi.

New York was once unattractive same as Lekki.

You have every right to your opinion but get this, all the fears and excuses you have right now won't get you anywhere.

Some people gave those same excuses in the 90s but if you ask them what they achieved by doing nothing, regrets will more likely pop up.

Yesterday it was Lekki Phase 1, then Ibeju Lekki and now its Epe.

Most pessimists still regret missing great opportunities like you're about to before the 1st of December when the price for a plot at The Enclave Epe would have risen from N850,000 to N1,500,000.

That's a 76% return in less than 4 weeks.

Don't allow excuses to stop you from taking advantage of this offer.

Call/Whatsapp: 08030424466

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Business / 7 Top Mistakes You Need To Avoid Before Running A Facebook Ad by Mentaremix(m): 5:51pm On Apr 23, 2018

If you really want to succeed online one of skill you need to learn is how to run a successful Facebook Advert that is if you already have a Facebook Business Page for either your online or offline business

Below are 7 Mistakes you need to avoid when starting your Facebook Ad Campaign

1: Not doing Your Homework Before Hopping on Facebook

2: Leaving your Placement as Automatic instead of Manual Bidding

3: Using Manual Bidding Instead of Automatic Bidding

4: Trying to scale up Fast with a New Account

5: Poor Advert Message or Ad Content or copy

6 Poor Image or Video

7 Poor Targeting


1) What is Your Objective

2)What Audience are you trying to reach

3)How do you intend to reach them

4)What type of Objective Facebook Campaign Do you want to run

Robert G Allen the author of "Multiple Streams of Income"

That is what a Fisherman does

He has bait but he will search every where to get where there are lot of fishes where he can place his hook to get more fishes

Said before starting your online marketing campaign

Your first goal shouldn't be about your products and services you want to promote

80% of your Ad set and time is to find where those your customer to be are

So before I start my Campaign I spend more Time on how I can get my target audience


When you want to run your Facebook Ad ensure you don't put it on Automatic rather Click on Edit Placement so that your Ad don't show on all platform thereby making you to spend more money and targeting unecessary audience

So make sure you uncheck Instagram,Audience Network, Instant Articles, Instream Videos_ e.t.c

You need to Click on Edit Placement so as to direct your Ad only to Facebook Feed

And on Mobile and not Desktop

Most people uses mobile more than desktop to surf the internet


Facebook will suggest you to leave your Ad campaign on automatic but due to most people's inexperience they will want to minimize cost by trying to click manual which is not good for your Advert


Scaling up is a terminology used in Digital Marketing when trying to increase your ad spent/budget while running an high performing Facebook Ad campaign.

My advise is don't increase your ad budget too early such as trying to increase from $3 to $30 so as to get more result or else you will be tagged by Facebook as a scammer and your Facebook page might be flagged or banned

Imagine running a Facebook ad of about $80 to make $4,000 worth of sales

This made me now to begin to learn and even pay for online courses on how to run FBK Ad at minimal cost and get higher returns


Your advert copy or ad content people see is very important.

How you write,form or make up your advert content on your post is a key to how your ad will engage,get good response and succeed

Their are about 5 types Fail Proof Ad copies that you need to learn before getting your FBK ad set up

Your First Sentence, Your Headline,Your Call To Action,The Body of your Ad content are some of the 3 Top elements you ought to be serious about if you want to run FB ads that win big

E.g these two titles on health Weight Loss Niche can give you different cost per engagement

1: Discover how to lose 10kg in 2weeks ($ 0.15 per click

2: Every nite,I cried myself to sleep....I was too fat ($0.01 per click)

These two headlines are for the same Advert

One cost more per click and one cost less..

The second cost lesser because it was more emotional and filled with suspense

Their is a basic human psychology to online marketing


What catches most people's attention on Social Media is Images and even Videos are more engaging especially on Facebook and Instagram

It is often said 1 Picture can speak 1000 language than text

The type of your image/video/info graphics are very important

Images that are wide,colorful, thought provoking,attention grabbing with little or no text performs better on Facebook ad

I will share some images and videos I have used for advert that got more result

So watch what kind of images and videos you use for ad

I do more of videos for Page Post because they are more engaging because people respond well more


Noting is going to work if you end up targeting the wrong set of people

Their are different types of targeting

We have Broad Medium and Narrow Targeting

Example if you are running an ad that has to do with business

If you Click the *Interest* and checked BUSINESS your Targeting will be too broad

If you checked

DANGOTE your Targeting might be Medium

But if you clicked or picked


Your Targeting will be more narrow,specific and more better

It is better to target 150,000 specific people on your Advert than targeting 1,500,000 Audience on Facebook

You can target people more on their Demographics,Location, Age,Online Behavior,Type of Employment, Level of Education

Their are still more powerful tools to get better Targeting for your business,products & services

So in summary if you have poor Targeting you will just be dashing Facebook your money

P.S: To get a Free EBook on "The Ultimate Guide to get Effective Interest Targeting For Profitable Facebook Ad Campaign


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Business / How to Make over N1M in 2018 by Acquiring Digital Marketing Skills by Mentaremix(m): 5:11pm On Feb 14, 2018

My name is Aderemi Aribalusi.I am an expericened Financial/Risk Analyst Field Marketer,Blogger,Trainer,Coach,Wellness Consultant and a Digital Marketer

My journey to the digital marketing industry started about 6 years ago when I came across an INTERNET MARKETING workshop advertised on SUCCESS DIGEST magazine titled “How to make 7 streams of income from the Internet" hosted by Mr Henry Omenogor

Attending the seminar was the beginning of my skill acquisition in the DIGITAL INTERNET MARKETING. industry that has been generating weekly and monthly income for me since 2012

Over the years I have developed and upgraded my skills on Website Development And Design, Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Bulks SMS Services, Social Media Marketing (Such As Beginner ,Intermediary and Advanced Facebook And Instagram Advertising),Video Marketing ,Email And SMS Marketing

I have helped several business owners,individuals and organisations to improve their business,bottom line and sales

So,if you want to learn and participate in my forthcoming 7 in 1 DIGITAL MARKETING TRAINING workshop

Click the link below to join a Free Beginner Online Digital Marketing Training & Business Launch( Biz Ideas that can generate N50k to N100k extra income monthly) workop on

How to Leverage on Social Media,Your Contacts and Turn your Smart Phone to a Money Making Machine==>>

Date:Every Friday

Venue: WhatsApp

Time: 8 pm

Drop Your WhatsApp Number to be added or Check my Signature for my WhatsApp number
Investment / Earn N1m In 30days Or Less With Mig Team by Mentaremix(m): 3:33am On Sep 18, 2017
Ask me How to How to Make N1M in 30 Days or Less with your Smart Phone and Leveraging on your Contacts...

I belong to a team of Smart Online Business Experts that has created over 10 Millionaires in less than 30 days and yesterday alone another 3 Millionaires were celebrated..

Check my Signature for WhatsApp Number

PLS:This is only for serious minded people and INVESTORS!
Agriculture / Re: Where Can I Get Cucumber And Tomato Seed by Mentaremix(m): 4:28pm On Aug 26, 2017
You can get it from MG Agro Company at Obafemi Awolowo Way,Ikeja

WhatsApp me on 08030424466
Agriculture / 6 Reasons Why Some Farmers Fail by Mentaremix(m): 4:19pm On Aug 26, 2017

People don’t just fail. People fail because they fail do certain things that they ought to do. The farming industry is replete of many farmers who have given up. Let’s quickly explore the six vital reasons why they failed.

1. They are absent. Absentee farmers will always fail. To succeed in farming, you must be around your farm most of the time one way or the other.

2. They do it alone. Those who do the farming business just by themselves without meaningful and proper interactions with farmers that matters will pack up sooner or later. No one can succeed alone. A smart farmer knows that there are webs of interactions with farmers, vets, nutritionists and other notable professionals that will make farming successful.

3. They like cheap inputs instead of going for quality. A cheap mentality at the expense of productivity will always lead to frustrations. When a farmer is fanatical about cheap inputs, he is digging his business grave.

4. They bite more than they can chew. Some farmers, in a bid to make it big fast will take on more than they can handle financially and technically. And of course they will crash!

5. They don’t keep proper records. Structures and order usually bring increase. What you don’t measure may not grow and may even die.

6. They focus more on work than science. One Israeli prime minister once said that agriculture is 95 percent science and 5 percent work. When a farmer focuses more on activities than the laid down scientific obligations, he is bound to fail.


��You Will Succeed


Agriculture / HYDROPONICS: The Future Of Farming by Mentaremix(m): 2:07am On Aug 24, 2017
HYDROPONICS - The future of farming (PART 1)

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is the growing of plants in a soil less medium, or an aquatic based environment. Hydroponic growing uses mineral nutrient solutions to feed the plants in water, without soil.

We are no longer limited by climate or by season as we can now grow virtually any plant at virtually any time of the year – the only limitation is our imagination.

Why does Hydroponics work so well?

That's simple. If you give a plant exactly what it needs, when it needs it, in the amount that it needs, the plant will be as healthy as is genetically possible. With hydroponics this is an easy task; in soil it is far more difficult.

With hydroponics the plants are grown in an inert growing medium and a perfectly balanced, pH adjusted nutrient solution is delivered to the roots in a highly soluble form. This allows the plant to uptake its food with very little effort as opposed to soil where the roots must search out the nutrients and extract them. This is true even when using rich, organic soil and top of the line nutrients. The energy expended by the roots in this process is energy better spent on vegetative growth and fruit and flower production.

If you grow two genetically identical plants using soil for one and hydroponics for the other, you will almost immediately see the difference this factor makes. Faster, better growth and much greater yields are just some of the many reasons that hydroponics is being adapted around the world for commercial food production as well as a growing number of home, hobby gardeners.


Health / Get A Free Ebook For Fertility Diet,fertility Cleanse & Fertility Boost by Mentaremix(m): 4:42pm On Aug 23, 2017
I have many friends who have struggled to conceive and I’ve witnessed how painful it was for them to want to have a child and struggle to get pregnant.

Thankfully, in almost every case, my friends were eventually able to conceive by focusing on supporting the body with proper diet, supplements and lifestyle.

There are so many confounding factors that can cause or contribute to infertility, which is why conventional treatment can vary so much in effectiveness… it simply can’t address all the possible causes.

Fertility drugs and artificial hormones of any kind, including birth control, can make underlying problems better, but can also make them even worse and make future fertility more difficult (this is sad, because hormonal birth control is often prescribed for various hormonal imbalances and problems)

I want to therefore give out a FREE EBOOK that contains Fertility Diet for Women and Men.

The EBook also contains recommended Natural Fertility Cleansing & Fertility Boost

Send me a mail on remedy4consult@gmail.com

Or Contact me on WhatsApp +2348030424466

Or Drop your Name and WhatsApp Number

To get the FREE EBOOK

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Business / Re: What Business/investment Can Get Me 15-20% Monthly On A Step-up Of 2M Naira by Mentaremix(m): 2:41pm On Aug 20, 2017
You can involve in a Diamond company with presence in over 140 countries that has developed a unique project based on real operations where the company shares profits with their investors and partners

You can earn 5% weekly Return on Your Investment and 20% Return of Investment monthly for 50 weeks by partnering with a 5 Carat Diamond mining, manufacturing and processing company

For example if you invest N500,000 you will earn N25,000 weekly and N100,000 monthly for 50 weeks

You can chat with me on WhatsApp:
+2348030424466 to get more information in our WhatsApp group
Business / How To Make 5% Roi Weekly & 20% Monthly Investing In Diamond Biz by Mentaremix(m): 7:44am On Aug 20, 2017
A Diamond company with presence in over 140 countries has developed a unique project based on real operations where the company shares profits with their investors and partners

Discover how you can earn 5% weekly Return on Your Investment and 20% Return of Investment monthly for 50 weeks by partnering with a 5 Carat Diamond mining, manufacturing and processing company

For example if you invest N500,000 you will earn N25,000 weekly and N100,000 monthly for 50 weeks

You can chat with me on WhatsApp:
+2348030424466 to get more information in our WhatsApp group
Business / Re: Finally I Saved Up 700k Legitimately, Which Business Can I Survive On? by Mentaremix(m): 12:03pm On Aug 19, 2017
You can earn 5% weekly Return on Your Investment and 20% Return of Investment monthly for 50 weeks by partnering with a 5 Carat Diamond mining, manufacturing and processing company

For example if you invest N500,000 you will earn N25,000 weekly and N100,000 monthly for 50 weeks

You can chat with me on WhatsApp:
+2348030424466 to get more information
Agriculture / Re: Agriculture Is The Answer To The Recession & The Bad Economy In Nigeria by Mentaremix(m): 4:32pm On Aug 06, 2017

How do we repay the loan in dollars? 

There is a very wealthy Nigerian, you all know him but I won’t call his name. He is very rich. He is a very unhappy man now.  He said to me,a few days ago, that he was owing $3 billion abroad on his investments. He has mountains of Naira here but he couldn’t convert the money into dollars and his partners abroad are angry with him.

So we have got to earn dollars, Euros and Pounds Sterling.  We have got to change gear a little bit. Rice self-sufficiency By the end of this year, we will achieve self –sufficiency in rice. Rice farmers came to my office this afternoon (Thursday), we are distributing 200 rice mills nationwide.

We will not need to import a grain of rice into this country by December.

By the end of the year, anybody talking of foreign rice is joking. We will have more than we need.

In 2015, we harvested five million tons of paddy rice. In May, a report came out from the DFID -we grew 17 million tons of paddy rice.  November 17 will be Rice Day in Nigeria. In another one year, the quantum of rice grown by farmers will be beyond what we can eat. 

So the next stage in our operation is the export programme. What are we going to export? We are going into plantation first, shear butter. 

The shear butter we are harvesting now is wild.  Farmers are going to start growing shear butter in plantations. 

We are going into massive cashew processing and export. Wallmart, the super market chain, officials came here two years ago to ask us to produce cashew nuts for them. They wanted 130, 000 tons of roasted cashew nuts. The total value is $7 billion dollars. Right now, we are exporting raw cashew nut to Vietnam.

They are roasting there and selling to Europe. We want to roast the cashew here ourselves and before the end of this year, there will be six factories roasting cashew.

Then we go into coconut oil. Ladies will tell you it is very good for cosmetics and all of that; castor oil is also good for cosmetics and cooling of electricity transformers.

Foreign debt  Sesame seeds, bananas and Gum Arabic are those things we don’t really consume here. They are for export. If, by 2020, Nigeria doesn’t have the capacity to earn between $10billion and $15 billion from agriculture, we will be in serious trouble. This is because many of the debts we are taking now will be due for re-payment.  And if you don’t have the dollars, you can have all the Naira in the world, nobody wants your Naira. 

Then of course the Indians came here about six months ago with their Vice President asking us to grow beans for them plus the black-eye pea, brown beans and all of that.  Do you know that the Indian market is worth $100 billion per annum? If we can tap up to 25 per cent of that, we will be quite happy. And we can do it. Agriculture is the lowest hanging fruit.

Audu Ogbe BOA restructured What are the challenges we have?  Banks are lending money at 18 per cent, 25 per cent. That kind of loan is not for agriculture.  It is not for anything productive.

Do you know what we are doing?  We have restructured the Bank of Agriculture. We have applied for a micro -finance licence for the Bank of Agriculture because the licence they have is a development finance institution licence.

They can’t take deposit. We are looking at 50 million farmers to become shareholders and depositors in the Bank of Agriculture. 

Just this afternoon, 12.2 million of them decided to transfer their accounts to the Bank of Agriculture. They will put all their money in that bank, and you know farmers don’t withdraw their money on large scale unless there is need. We want to bring all farmers under that umbrella.  We are targeting something in the range of N200 or N300 billion in the coffers of BoA. We are following the example of the Bank of Agriculture in China.  It is the largest bank on earth….800 million depositors.  The bank is so rich that it has 5-star hotels across China.  The World Bank has been telling them to split but the Chinese said no. They told the World Bank they were happy with the bank the way it is.

The bank charges only 3 per cent interest when they lend to farmers. That is the same percentage of interest in Europe.

  So 18 per cent, 19 per cent in Nigeria cannot work. We are pushing this seriously in the next 12 months by which time we will have tidied up the Bank of Agriculture. The Universities of Agriculture have been brought under our ministry now and they are going to concentrate on seed research, livestock research and processing. 

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2017/08/trouble-looms-dont-earn-15billion-non-oil.

A while ago, I had a discussion with a Princeton University graduate. And he said what they do is link Nigerian farmers to buyers any where in the world. They got aids and support for this when I Google them. these wiz kids are Nigerians like us and those foreigners believed in the potentials of Nigerians to make the project a reality
I tell very soon. I mean very very soon, family without farmer in Nigeria will be one of the poor ones.
Stop claiming oil rights, Nigeria has been benched,

Let's farm!

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Agriculture / Agriculture Is The Answer To The Recession & The Bad Economy In Nigeria by Mentaremix(m): 4:15pm On Aug 06, 2017
Trouble looms if we don’t earn $15billion from non-oil export by 2020 – Audu Ogbe
ON AUGUST 6, 2017

By Emma Ujah, Abuja
Bureau Chief

Non-oil export is generating controversy as some Nigerians argue that the export of agricultural produce like yam would create scarcity in the local market and lead to price hike. Some even argue that Nigerians don’t have enough of the agricultural produce to eat not to talk of exporting. But the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbe, justifies the export, saying the nation produces 61 per cent of global yam but that 30 per cent rot away each year. 

According to him, with dwindling price of crude oil from which Nigeria earns the bulk of its foreign exchange, especially as many countries are now turning to electric cars, if the nation  does not meet its target on non-oil export, it would be doomed in a few years’ time.

Justification for non-oil export Almost 30 per cent of the yams grown in Nigeria rot away because we have no facilities for preservation. At the time we started exporting yams, new yams had started coming out.

There was a fight in Kwara and it was about new yam festival. So, new yams are here. The old yam stock is still heavy. So they are going to rot away if we don’t do anything.

I saw someone on TV who also tweeted that it was not a great achievement and that it would have been wiser if we converted the yams to yam starch so that pharmaceutical companies can buy it at a higher price. In his argument, he omitted something.  He didn’t tell Nigerians the price of a 3kg tuber of yam in London or in the US. 

I was in the US last year.  I went to North Carolina University and a group of Nigerians gave me lunch. A 3kg tuber of yam was selling for $15. Multiply that by 350. They say these things and confuse people.

That critic even said he was not sure the yams will not be fed to animals. That is a very bad point and totally unrealistic and illogical. And then there are *about 4 or 5 million Nigerians in the UK and they are looking for yams*

These are Nigerians who are entitled to feed, to benefit from what their country produces. From Texas to North Carolina, Nigerians have been calling, ‘Why are you exporting only to the UK?’ The world yam market is worth $10 billion.  Why shouldn’t we be part of it? We embarked on yam export because we have capacity to do so… and because the demand for our products abroad is very high, other than oil and gas. 

We need to be bold in what we are trying to do. If there is such a huge demand, rather than bemoan the export, let us grow yams. We have 45 million hectares of land-a hectare is a football field-lying fallow.  What are we afraid of? Let us grow yams. The only challenge in the way of yam production is labour.

  If you are in Benue, you have to get young men to make the heaps and if you are in Ebonyi, the yam heaps are very high.  This is why Ebonyi yams are this high (gesticulates), very large because they are soft tubers.

Ebonyi , Delta north and Onitsha area produce big yams. How to tackle obstacle Making the yam heaps is the challenge because young men are leaving the villages to ride Okada in the towns. And the cost of making the yam heaps are going to increase, so we are designing a new plough at the Nigerian Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation, Ilorin. 

We are building new tractors and ploughs for yams. Once we mechanise, if the world want $20 billion worth of yams, we give them.

Petrol dollars going India announced two weeks ago that by 2030 no single car made or brought into India will be using diesel or petrol.  They will all be electric. 

Germany is passing a law along that line. The French are wiring up their highways for vehicles; the US is working on the shale fields and of course the Chinese will soon start their own. So if we are waiting for oil and gas thinking that a miracle will happen, none of you, in another six, seven years, will be a happy human being. 

You can’t, because we don’t have the money and we are borrowing heavily. Implications for debt servicing is pilling

Let's revolutionize AGRICULTURE
Agriculture / Re: Free Watermelon Training: September - December 2017 Registration Opens. by Mentaremix(m): 2:30am On Aug 06, 2017
@Alpha2k..I am interested in the land lease
Health / Re: Sexual Benefits Of Garlic And Vitamin C Combination by Mentaremix(m): 1:46am On Aug 06, 2017
Woww this is an eye opener.. I believe this natural supplements below will provide the 1,000 mg needed:

· Garlic-thyme,the two powerful antioxidant;combine to a great tool in maintaning good health.it contains many sulphur compounds,which give it its healing properties.
· Disinfects the lungs and the skin;helps prevent body odour.
· The odourless softgel capsule;helps support the conversion of fats to energy due to lecithin.
· Detoxifies the body and protects against infection by enhancing immune function.
· Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation.
· Aids in the treatment of arteriosclerosis,arthritis,asthma,colds, and flu,digestive problems,heart disorders,insomnia,liver disease,sinustis,ulcers by inhibiting growth of helicobacter pylori,the ulcer-causing bacterium.good for virtually any disease or infection.
· A great nutrient in the fight against cancer.


· Aids total absorption of the vitamin c.
· Bonded in the matrix of oat bran.
· It is necessary for the maintanance of healthy connective tissues.
· Natural anti-histamine.
· Beneficial for skin and joint,urinary tract respiratory problems and cataracts.
· Helpful with the collagen of the skin.
· Helps reduce cholesterol level in the blood stream.
· Powerful antioxidant;protects at cellular level.

Call/WhatsApp: 08030424466 on How to get it
Health / How My Friend Lost 7kg And Flat Tumy In Less Than 10 Days by Mentaremix(m): 12:49am On Aug 06, 2017
On Sunday 16th of July, this year, 2017 a friend visited my house to spend some time with my family.

I noticed that he has added so much weight over the years. I expressed my concern over this[url][/url] and he said he has been making efforts to lose weight without success.

So I told him I can help him.

I had a FIT DETOX PROGRAM in the house, so I advised him to run the program since he will be staying for 1 week, I begged him to leave once the 9 day is up, so I can monitor his progress.

First, I weighed him on my Scale, and took his measurements

Here are the results after days 3 and 6:

Day 1 [17th, July, 2017]

Weight = 109kg

Thigh = 28inches

Waist = 46inches
Day 3 [19th, July, 2017]

Weight = 105kg

Thigh = 26inches

Waist = 44inches
Day 6 [22nd, July, 2017]

Weight = 104kg

Thigh = 25inches

Waist = 42inches

On Day 8, and the next day the concluding measurement will be done by
Day 9.
So far, he has lost 5kg in a space of just 6 days.

In the first 3 days, he lost 4kg in a space of 3 days, because of the 2 days detox, and from day 3 – 6, he lost another 1kg totaling 5kg.

At the current rate of 1kg every 3 days he lost another 1kg or more by the time he finished running the program he will lose more weight.

While he is running this program, I made sure of the following about his diet.

That he takes at least 8 – 10 glasses of water everyday.

That he takes small quantities of carbohydrate and more of protein rich foods and lots of vegetables.

That he exercise at least 20 – 30 minutes everyday.

Even I was surprised at his progress.I mean I get lots of testimonials all the time, but this very one happened before my watchful eyes.

I could see the happiness in his face, as his “Beer belly” actually came down. His Belt button has shifted by 2 holes, and his trousers was now very free on him.

And what’s the secret to this powerful experience?

FIT DETOX PROGRAM was the secret, under my supervision and coaching

Click the link in my signature for details on the program he used

Agriculture / Re: Turn Your Backyard Garden To A Money Makng Venture by Mentaremix(m): 11:09am On Jul 28, 2017
OK..You will all be added
Agriculture / Turn Your Backyard Garden To A Money Makng Venture by Mentaremix(m): 4:39pm On Jul 26, 2017
Yes, you can earn extra income from that empty space at your backyard.

Order for these hybrid seedlings:

� Mango start fruiting in 18 months
�Guava - 6 months
� Coconut -3yrs
�Paw-paw 6-8 months
� Oil palm 2yrs
�Plantain/Banana 8-9 months
� Dwarf okra 45 days
� Cucumber 45 days
�Orange (budded)
� Grape(budded)

Partner with Monrole Global ,so you can get it directly from the company and benefit from other opportunities that exist there.
As member you will be trained in many money making opportunity in agriculture.
You get all the seedlings 50% cheaper.

Drop your whatsapp number for our Whatsapp trainning and Details
Or WhatsApp me on:


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