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MickzyDonald's Posts

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Politics / Re: You Call Yourself Accommodators Yet You're So Wicked & Selfish by MickzyDonald: 10:13am On Jan 31, 2022
Does tribe matter in politics, what we need is a good leader irrespective of whatever tribe it is, someone that'll develop the country, make life better for its Citizens and so on, if you are judging by tribe only God can help the progress of this country
Forum Games / Re: Guys HELP I Don't Understand What's Happening To My G.T.A San Andreas by MickzyDonald: 10:04am On Jan 31, 2022
guys it been a while .. my gta has been stuck inside a house . I was just flying and I crashed into a house and I don't want to start a saved game cos I had already done three mission without saving .. pls GTA players what's this
The best option is to start from those saved games, then use the cheat code to skip or complete the 3 missions you've previously done, enjoy your game, dont keep CJ stranded grin
Phones / Re: Help My Infinix Phone Keeps Saying DNS Failed, Not Browsing by MickzyDonald: 8:00am On Jan 31, 2022
How do I fix this, my Infinix phone keeps saying DNS failed and refused to brows on Chrome and my POS App and it's been affecting my business cus network On and Off most time wen I get customer. Pls I need help Assap
Go to your settings, the network section, you'll see "PRIVATE DNS" tap it an turn it off just like the first picture

Then after that dail *#*#4636#*#* click on the first option, the second picture, change Your network to Lte/wcdma, then scroll down, you'll see TOGGLE DNS, it should be off like the last picture

After that quit the apps restart you device or put on airplane mode and turin it off back, go online to confirm if your sites are browsing

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Webmasters / Re: How Do I Boost Twitter Followers by MickzyDonald: 8:14am On Dec 31, 2021
Hello, does anyone know how to Boost Twitter followers....??
Good day sir, You can boost your followers by

posting contents that will make people always look forward to more of it.
Doing constants giveaways, that gives a lot of engagement.
Sponsoring your posts

I sell FB, TWITTER, IG, Google Voice if you are interested sir

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Romance / Re: .. by MickzyDonald: 1:07am On Dec 31, 2021

Thanks a lot brother
You are welcome sir
Romance / Re: R.I.P by MickzyDonald: 12:43am On Dec 31, 2021
Rise In Progress is my wish to you.

I love you all.
I wish you success.
Untill we meet again.
See you when I see you.
You are born to make an impact.
Have fun, but don't forget your mission.

Door closed.
And you too grin
Romance / Re: .. by MickzyDonald: 12:41am On Dec 31, 2021
Good evening everyone,
Please I was not getting the right response at the right section for this post.

I started a remote job with this white company abroad and they pay via PayPal. I had to create a Lesotho PayPal account since Nigeria is blacklisted by Paypal.

The other time they sent money, I contacted a PayPal guy here in Naija, we discussed the rate, I did the transfer. Part of the fund was deducted by Paypal alongside a very low rate. At the end of the day, the value of my money fell below my expectations.

Please how do I convince them to simply send this money to my wallet Adress in Usdt? I have contacted one of the top workers there but he said the company doesn't pay in Crypto.

But I don't know if it's proper for me to tell him to use the money and buy Usdt for me and send to my wallet direct.

Please help a brother, payment will come in few days into January.
They can use Western Union, tbh i dont know what you are doing to get paid but don't say the word crypto to the hear of the white you are working with, you might be one of the few lucky ones, some will terminate your contract with the mind of you are planning something from there, Use Western Union or continue receiving your money like that, or best open a US PayPal account, the rates are low compared to our naija exchange

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