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Culture / Re: Igbo Names & Their Meanings by MightyMuna(m): 6:22pm On May 22, 2017

Kaodinma you mean? It literally means, let it be fine.

It's NNA (father) not NMA (good/fine)

Culture / Re: Igbo Names & Their Meanings by MightyMuna(m): 1:07pm On May 20, 2017
Hey people,

I need your help once again.

I came across the name "Kaodinna" on the Internet, but I can't seem to find the meaning and if it's gender specific.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Culture / Re: Igbo Names & Their Meanings by MightyMuna(m): 9:59pm On May 11, 2017

Chetanna is unisex.
Ok. Thanks. Much appreciated.
Culture / Re: Igbo Names & Their Meanings by MightyMuna(m): 1:35pm On Apr 26, 2017
Hey people,

Is the name Chetanna a boy or girl's name?

I love the meaning and simplicity of the name. Would love to give it to my son.

Phones / Re: Why NCC Asked Big Operators To Raise Data Tariffs by MightyMuna(m): 1:11pm On Nov 30, 2016
So to summarise, the government cares more about companies than its people.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Romance / Re: Can I Still Trust Her? by MightyMuna(m): 7:48am On Nov 30, 2016
U speak of sense,yet u LACK it when expressing urself. Ur comments so far shows how much troublesome u can be. U're confrontational with an ability 2 divert an argument's main point. The OP's post is clear,he needs advice. U jumped in and dropped a comment that doesn't hold water (isn't dat profiling a man). U're already assuming he has cheated also. Where's the sense in that Madam wisdom.....

Absolutely correct. Immediately, one can tell she's a heart broken bitter single miserable hypocritical feminist, that will stay single for life whilst continue to give relationship advice.
Romance / Re: Can I Still Trust Her? by MightyMuna(m): 7:38am On Nov 30, 2016
It is highly recommended for a man to leave his gf once he finds out that she cheated. In fact, she told you because she wants you to break up with her, if she didn't want you to leave her, she wouldn't have told you.

Don't fall for her theatrics, weeping and nonsense. man up and leave her. ain't like you have kids with her. Please leave. The relationship is pretty much over. guilt will eat you and/or her until the relationship implodes. Cut your losses and move on.

Woman cheating is totally different from man cheating.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nnpc Recruitment Interview by MightyMuna(m): 3:30pm On Sep 29, 2016
this thread better be closed, I knw of a friend who did interview last 3 weeks in Lagos. He resumed NAPIMS last week. Naija and connection.
Lies. This is simply not true.
Culture / Re: What Is The Bride Price In Your Own Hometown? by MightyMuna(m): 5:06pm On Jul 16, 2015
I'm from Abia. Umuyota, Umuawa-Alocha, Umuahia.

I have no idea about the bride price of my hometown.

I'd appreciate it if someone can tell me. Thanks.

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Culture / Re: Nigeria Pidgin Proverbs & Their Meanings by MightyMuna(m): 5:38pm On Jun 22, 2015
Na so so play Horse dey play na so Cow win the race.

Translation: Don't underestimate your opponent.
Politics / Re: Buhari Plans Special Courts For Corruption by MightyMuna(m): 10:34am On May 14, 2015
All these extravagant and mellifluous promises made by politicians will never come to fruition. It's the same story very year. Yet, credulous Nigerians keep eating it.

As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice, shame on me.
Education / Re: 50 VOCABULARIES Of Patrick Obahiagbon &their Meanings. by MightyMuna(m): 10:14am On May 14, 2015

As 4 d rule of communication, a word has no meaning in isolation unless situated in a context. If you have really passed throgh the four walls of a school, it would not be difficult for you to derive meaning from contexts of words. I can assure you that patrick's exalted diction has not in any way inhibited communication effectiveness. You read newspapers dont you!

It has. He usually addresses the masses. The MASSES in Nigeria are uneducated and most likely will be oblivious to what he's saying. UK, US and other developed countries use plain and common words so that most people will understand what they're saying.

To me, he's an insecure person. My opinion though.
Education / Re: 50 VOCABULARIES Of Patrick Obahiagbon &their Meanings. by MightyMuna(m): 7:58am On May 14, 2015
The man is an illiterate. Knowing uncommon/sophisticated words doesn't make you clever. It's the application of the words that matters and in most cases, he misuses the words.
Obviously, he tries to elicit veneration from people and make them think that he's an erudite but that only works on illiterates and ignorant people.

First rule of communication is if the people you're addressing don't understand what you're saying, means you have failed.

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Politics / Re: Fuel Scarcity: Blame FG For Your Suffering, Marketers Tell Nigerians by MightyMuna(m): 9:46pm On May 12, 2015
Can any knowledgeable person answer my perhaps ignorant question?

Why can't NNPC/FG do the importation of fuel themselves, why delegate it to some individual/private company, whose interest is themselves and not the people of Nigeria?

Thanks in advance for answering. It has me flummoxed.

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Romance / Re: What Can A Guy Gain From A Relationship Without Sex? by MightyMuna(m): 3:54pm On May 08, 2015
I'm flummoxed that some guys concur to the notion of "sex isn't important".
Oblivious people.
All that time, money, effort and whatnot invested and you're suppose not to get sex but intangibles such as education skills, good conversationalist, friendship, etc

Look at the mirror while reading this.

loof tseggib eht era uoY


Car Talk / Re: Photo: Fatal Accident At Oshodi This Morning by MightyMuna(m): 2:32pm On May 05, 2015
Really? even on this thread Sai Buhari? Seriously? ? ?

My dear, some people belive in Buhari more than God. I'm serious.

Brain washed credulous peasants.

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Culture / Re: Is There Any Danger In Sleeping With A Widow When Her Hubby Has Not Been Buried? by MightyMuna(m): 5:02pm On Apr 26, 2015
Nah. No danger at all both physically or spiritually. However, that person is an unscrupulous recreant. Lowest of the low.
Family / Re: What Factors Should A Family Consider When Hiring A Househelp? by MightyMuna(m): 12:56pm On Apr 22, 2015
I will never have a live-in house help. Just come early in the morning, does errands and chores and leave in the evening.

Too much horror stories for me to allow a house help live with me.

My prerequisite for hiring a house help is he/she has no disability, is competent and I know where the person's family resides.
Romance / Re: Seven Things More Pleasurable Than Sex by MightyMuna(m): 12:17am On Apr 20, 2015
you know what I mean... depends on whom you practice is with... whith a girlfriend it's fornication, which is sin before God

Mea culpa.
Romance / Re: Seven Things More Pleasurable Than Sex by MightyMuna(m): 12:09am On Apr 20, 2015
Who said sex is pleasurable...
Sex is overrated that's why many fall into fornication all because of curiosity...
The most pleasurable thing in life is knowing God, living a life that please God and knowing where you're going after life which is Heaven.... that's what i call pleajoy

'overrated' sex brought you into this world. If not, you won't be here typing this.

As for the topic, nothing, absolutely nothing on planet earth is better than food and sex. This is a fact and not an opinion.
Religion / Re: The Demonic Activity Behind Pornography (exposed) "Must Read" by MightyMuna(m): 3:30pm On Apr 19, 2015
I await the day Nigerians will brand 'drinking water' and 'breathing air' as sinful and immoral acts.

Everything to you people is demonic, sinful, iniquitous and/or spiritual related.
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You're Under Spiritual Attack And 3 Steps To Freedom by MightyMuna(m): 3:22pm On Apr 19, 2015
I don't believe in spiritual attacks. Just because something is inexplicable to you, doesn't make it a spiritual attack.
Family / Re: Girls Who Cohabited In The University Do Not Deserve Bride Price!!! by MightyMuna(m): 9:18pm On Apr 12, 2015
OP made some incontrovertible points. People have no rebuttal, hence the lousy insults.

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Family / Re: What would be Your Reaction If You Caught Your Child Self Servicing? by MightyMuna(m): 9:37pm On Mar 23, 2015

Ok 1.) I'm a woman 2.) I didn't say genes r human o I said sperm are semi humans. If genes put in eggs could produce a human I'm sure cloning wd hav bn in existece by now. And 3.) Leakage n waastage r 2 very different things. I no wan comment on this post again. Everyone has their own opinion abt where they think the "morality line" shd b drawn n I respect urs but it doesn't change my view. It is a sin dat is up there with abortion murder n so on... That's what I believe.

You're scary. What a radical and obscene perspective.
Family / Re: What would be Your Reaction If You Caught Your Child Self Servicing? by MightyMuna(m): 4:54pm On Mar 22, 2015
I can't believe that some of you an archaic mentality and outlook. Deploying ignorant and unreasonable parenting methods. Anachronism comes to mind.
I feel sorry for your kids.

SS is normal. It's NATURAL. Nature/God gave us these urges. Having an urge is not a sin. It's as natural as being hungry. Suppressing that urge/drive, usually have adverse effects.

Seriously, who here can honestly say they've NEVER EVERYTHING SS?
Religion / Re: I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by MightyMuna(m): 6:49pm On Mar 19, 2015

lol i am the unbeliever here.

You said you have a baseball and i say prove it ; all you need do is provide the baseball and i will know you truly have a base ball.

You say their is a god, i say prove it.. You see? smiley

Now dont turn the side of the coin here, be a good person and prove to me their is a god.

Btw i have a pink blue diamond side unicorn in my house,.. prove that i dont..smiley

Dude, you're on fire.

Also, it's always baffling how religious people are unreasonable and are not receptive to logic
Religion / Re: I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by MightyMuna(m): 6:43pm On Mar 19, 2015
See it this way.
Theist : Their is a sky man, that created the universe and has a son without a wife and is not concerned with all the natural disasters (evidently) but is concerned if i bang my girl friend or not.

Atheist: I don't believe you... prove it to me..


I love you. Lol.
Religion / Re: I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by MightyMuna(m): 2:30pm On Mar 19, 2015
YAHWEH is not a monster, it is those that fail to understand that are, in fact we can't really blame them cos sometimes YAHWEH speaks in parables. There is nowhere in the Bible that states that hell is till eternity.
Jesus warned that we should not fear those that can destroy the body but HE that candestroy body and soulin hell. A parable of Jesus about a man planting a vineyard and the enemy coming to sow weed among the good plants, which the man knowing this, suffered not to destroy the weeds lest the good ones be destroyed. The man waited until the vine was ripe for harvest anddestroyedthe weed in fire. Do you burn weeds forever? Another is the story of Noah's Ark, where God destroyed the people once, whose difference from the pending destruction is fire, are they still being destroyed today in water? They were killed once witheternaleffects: they died once and died forever, the same way it is impossible for weed burnt to rise again cos the effect of the Burning had eternal effect.
To nail it on the head, in order to clarify doubt Jude 1:7 called the fire of Sodom eternal fire! Is Sodom burning today? Certainly not. They were burnt once with eternal effects. Though some may point to the Story of Lazarus and the rich man but I want us to know it was only for the purpose of admonition and not for the purpose of telling us what hell is about. The LORD shall destroy evil men and affliction shall not rise second time.

This is the epitome of beating around the bush and obfuscation.
I'll not engage you any further.

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Religion / Re: I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by MightyMuna(m): 1:44pm On Mar 19, 2015

Hebrews 9:27-28 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

If you reject Him and the mercies provided for ALL of your days on earth, nothing should surprise you if you spend ALL of your days in hell. Justice demands that God does exactly what has been proscribed for SIN. For the wages of SIN still remains DEATH.

If you are afraid of billions of years without being removed from HELL FIRE, RUN to JESUS: Here it is WHOSOEVER believeth. John 3:16.

His LOVE is here. There He would have translated from Saviour to JUDGE. Choose Him as Saviour Here or have Him as your JUDGE THERE!!

The Choice is yours. INDECISION or ATHEISM is a DECISION.

We, mortal men, our love and mercy is supposedly nothing compared to that of God's.

But please, tell me what YOUR OWN CHILD can do to you that warrants you to TORTURE HIN FOR ETERNITY.
So because he denies you as his father or insults you or what did he do that you believe it is FAIR to torture him FOREVER?


Religion / Re: I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist by MightyMuna(m): 6:37am On Mar 19, 2015


My belief is that there is a supreme entity or being, something that governs the universe. However, I don't believe that supreme being is the supreme being of religions.

Because it's abundantly clear that the characteristics and attributes of God in these religious books are false, contradictory. Embodiment of paradox.

They say God is all-knowing, all-merciful, etc yet he will torture you for eternity. I repeat eternity.
How can he say his love for you is unfathomable and his mercy knows no bound but in the same breath say he will PUNISH YOU FOR ETERNITY.

1 billion years and he's still punishing you. Eternal damnation. When does the mercy come into play?


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Diamond Bank 2014 Recruitment. by MightyMuna(m): 10:26am On Feb 27, 2015
D trainin pay is 80k for two months....den branch attachment for 4months b4 d conversation to ET nd once dey convert to ET all d outstandin pay wud be paid for d four months branch attachment....during d branch attachment u wud stil be paid 80k...

From the convoluted recruitment process to the tortuous waiting time to the ridiculous and inconsiderate training location, in addition to the meager(my opinion) initial salary have all dissuaded me from the job.
I won't be attending the training, I wish you guys all the best.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Diamond Bank 2014 Recruitment. by MightyMuna(m): 10:12am On Feb 16, 2015
Just got this message this morning

DB TRAINEESHIP PROGRAMME (STREAM 1): 2/Mar/15. Time-8am. DB Academy, Diamond Bank Branch, Plot 6, Ikenegbu Layout, WAAST Avenue, Owerri, Imo. Duration: 10weeks.

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