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Religion / Re: Why Does The Devil Share Almost The Same Power With God? by mostelected: 2:48pm On Apr 14, 2017

LOL... You saw it in a book written by a fellow human like you... I entered into spirituality full time and stepped into the toes of some dead liars whom I didn't even know they existed in real life, until I met them in the spiritual realm first. Now tell me which one should I believe more... a mere book written by a co-scribe and a christian apologists or what I saw deep into the spiritual realms Okay na, send me the book via email: otem2016@gmail.com
Who knows whether the book would be able to achieve the feat Eusebius tried hard to achieve but failed.

it is my own personal research, I was curious who this Jesus is and if he is the true Messiah, I wrote my findings from my researches on it. thank you very much, you will see all I saw. it is a large book though about 50 pages
Religion / Re: Why Does The Devil Share Almost The Same Power With God? by mostelected: 2:45pm On Apr 14, 2017
Let them who have ears hear, don't be condemned with unbelievers, haters of God that call themselves whatever. you are different, do not lose your faith in God, rather build it. many already have deals with hades and won't stop at nothing till they deceive you. do not perish with them, there is more of God and Jesus that you need to know
Religion / Re: Why Does The Devil Share Almost The Same Power With God? by mostelected: 2:31pm On Apr 14, 2017
You have spoken the outright truth. The greatest forger award in history should go to Eusebius(may his soul cry in peace). That forger attacked me because I was stepping on his toes by my revelations.

hahaha... better know who is attacking you, nothing I will seen. no wonder I had the inspiration to write a book ' truth about the new testament, is it true or false?' and this led me to research worthy religious books and I have proof now... please know who attacked you and don't bring this you don't know on your head. I can send this book to you too via email.
Religion / Re: Why Does The Devil Share Almost The Same Power With God? by mostelected: 2:28pm On Apr 14, 2017

The old testament and new testament are two different ideology and religions. The Roman stole the Tanakh (old testament) from the Jews and added their own ideology. God is NOT a man according to the Jews Numbers 19:23, and the Messiah the Jews are waiting for is a man from the sperm of David, and he is coming once, no second coming arrangement or is he a demi God.( half man half God)..those are Greek and roman idea. I guess you have watched "clash of the titans" where Zeus had relationship with a woman to give birth to Perseus.. The Jews don't have that as part of their theology.. They added it and took some Messianic prophesy to create their Jesus story..

God don't make mistake, so the idea of old and new testament is insulting to God.

please dear just drop your email address, I want to share a book with you containing over 40 evidences that Jesus is the Messiah sent by God. 40 evidences in the old testament that you believe and then you will see if the romans created their Jesus story or you are the one clouding your judgement. the bible never said the Messiah will come from David's sperm be corrected. it is never written.

please read this book let me prove it to you that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. the romans wouldn't influence to Israelites to act accordingly to create this story with them. God himself gave us signs that Jesus is the Messiah but you simply ignored it to believe in roman story. it is well, isokay
Religion / Re: Going To God Without Jesus: Jesus Myth Solved by mostelected: 1:21pm On Apr 14, 2017
1)I'm not am
2)The law of moses where for fve Israelites they were a stubburn people
3) Instead of ranting all these , Just post your supposed Scientic /Objective Evidence that Christ Exist(Ed)

I can't, as I say it is over 50 pages and I doubt anyone will like to stay online, on the same post for that long. it is best you download and read on your own convenience.

secondly it is for those who wants to know the truth . this post is not for the evidences, you can request for it...this post is to remind us that Jesus is the only way so don't call it ranting. it will help many.
Religion / Re: Why Does The Devil Share Almost The Same Power With God? by mostelected: 1:15pm On Apr 14, 2017
you made a mistake, Devil can never raise a dead man... I have never seen or heard such magic he doesn't have power over life and death. correct me if u v seen

they do the same but God has always proved that he is more powerful than Satan and that is why he Aaron's serpent swallowed the magicians and Jesus can command demons and they obey him and flew. Satan has power but he seeks permission from God because he knows God is most powerful.

the world was not created by magic or manual labour to say two of them created the world. it was created by the words God spoke, he said and it came to pass. devil has mouth to speak too but two people cannot command at thesame time so only God created the world through Jesus.

lastly, yes Devil is powerful that is why he waged war against God and the host of heavens with his angels. but God is most powerful, he can always defeat the devil. that is why as a human being as powerless as you are, you can cast devil and he will run away from you. at least devil is afraid of me because of he that is with him. even devil knows the koko, em get power to do wonders in your eyes, as humans who go deh shout see power o. but most arch angels in heaven alone can challenge him let Alone God.
Religion / Going To God Without Jesus: Jesus Myth Solved by mostelected: 12:49pm On Apr 14, 2017
And Jesus said 'I am the only way' that is to say that without Jesus no one will go to heaven or paradise? how true is it? if I pray and fast and do good, does it mean I won't go to heaven because I do not accept this Jesus? these questions led me to find out why Jesus said he is the only way...

To clear the air, I can prove to you in my book of over 50pages that Jesus is real and that he came to the world, I can prove it religiously and scientifically. I can also prove to in this my book that he is truly the son of God and the messiah. this book has the greatest proof ever and I bet you, after reading you can stand anywhere as a Christian and proclaim Jesus is Lord. I am not selling this book at all, every one deserves it, just drop your email or send me your email as text and I will give you this book. until you read it believe what ever I write here that Jesus is truly the Messiah. those that already know he is the Messiah can read on, those that still doubt can request for this book, it is over 50 pages with more than 40 evidences from the bible and other religious books, scientific evidences etc so I can't post it here, na to read tire. at this point let me assume that we all know he is real, he came to the world and he is the Messiah. those that think he is a mythical being, a roman god nothing I will not hear in this world, how devil has blinded many, please read this book and see how foolish you were to believe the devil, am not cursing you. I wish I can publish it for download but for now just get the softcopy and read

my point now is if Jesus is the Messiah, does that mean I will never go to heaven without him, is that a joke? if I pray and do good, why would I need Jesus?

before I answer permit me to share a little story.
After God chose Abraham, he decided to make him a nation and his descendants his people. so God chose Jacob and blessed him with 12 sons. After years, the children of Israel cried out to God and God sent Moses to them ( that was the first time the bible recorded the killing of innocent children) this is because Moses was a deliverer and through him God delivered the Israelites. then God gave them laws and commandments through Moses and with the blood of the ram and bulls a new covenant was sealed. read Genesis through to Exodus to see this.

God told them to observe those laws given to them by Moses. the bible also recorded that they couldn't observe the laws and commandments of God, and this angered God

Isaiah 58:2 'day after day they seek me out, they are eager to know my ways, as if they are a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken my ways'

so you will see that the Israelites sort God with their hearts, they wanted to serve God, they also prayed and fasted and pleaded God, but yet God was still angry with them because they did not obey his laws and decrees. truth be told, those laws were quite much but you will notice at this point that it is not about praying and fasting or seeking God or doing good, you must also obey the laws to the latter to be counted as God's own and not be cut off from his people. so the Israelites perished.

Isaiah 59:9 'so justice is far from us ( they were condemned) and righteousness does not reach us (because they couldn't keep the laws). We look for light but all is darkness (they don't have hope) and for brightness but we walk in deep shadows (they are lost and cannot be saved)

God was not pleased to see his people condemned or perishing because of their numerous sins, he needed to do something, he needed to help them.

Isaiah 15b-16 ' the Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice (many were condemned). He saw that there was no one, he appalled because there was no one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation for him and his own righteousness sustained him'

so when God saw that sin abound and his own people are being condemned of their evil deeds, he decided to send someone from his own arm to bring salvation to his people, someone to intervene, someone who is righteous and his own righteousness will sustain him. so God said to them through Isaiah in the same chapter after he has seen the fate of his people and decided to send someone.

Isaiah 59:20 'a redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins' declares the Lord'

this is self explanatory, God himself now told his people that he has decided to send someone, someone who will redeem them, and also destroy his enemies and judge them. this means that this coming redeemer will bring justice and judge the world through the spirit of God. not Almighty God will judge you but this redeemer that will bring justice will judge men on earth, irrespective of your nation, tongue, religion, tribe, the redeemer will judge. read my book as well and see how the bases the world will be judged.

so now we as children of God Almighty are aware that a redeemer would come, to save and also condemn the world. now order this book for free to see proof that Jesus is the promised redeemer, I have over 40 of them from the old testament that proves that Jesus is the Messiah and other religious books. Since we have agreed Jesus came, our question can I go to God without Jesus?

Remember just as Moses birth, king Herod killed all the newborns and innocent children (second place such action took place in the bible and the last) when Jesus was born. Just like Moses, Jesus brought a new law from God and a new Covenant but be made sure he fulfilled the laws of Moses for all of us once and for us because those laws must be fulfilled. so he gave a new law and a new covenant sealed with his own blood because he is the Lamb of God (note he died as a passover lamb as well, I will prove it in my next thread today) while Moses sealed his with the blood of rams. blood is needed to seal all covenant, this means that the New Covenant must be obeyed by all man on earth irrespective of your belief or tradition, tongue or religion, to be God's own people you are obligated to the new law and covenant not a choice.
Moses came to Israelites but Jesus came to the world.

even though you pray and do good, you cannot enter Paradise for the following reasons
1) Israelites prayed and fasted too and did good but were not saved because the law must be obeyed.
2) this Jesus will judge the world not God, and let me share a secret he told us. he told that he will not judge us. he said because we walk with him in the light, we are not hidden so he won't judge us let alone condemn us, so having Jesus is like having the president's trust. imagine, you are seeking for a contract and in your profile you feel you are so qualified with 10 years of experience (that is your fasting and praying), then the president comes and say he will award the contract to Lagosians only irrespective of your profile, my brother with your large file as long as you are not a Lagosian no work for you. and this work is worth millions and you need it, and you heard that if u r not a Lagosian you should go and register at the govt house, u refuse because you carry big file. that day don't say you did not hear. the president will come, he won't even look into the profile of all those that registered but your profile won't get u the work. hear now and choose to register or not
3) all your sins are still on your head, everyone has sinned. as long as you say you are a child of God, and you don't observe all the laws of Moses, it is a sin and it is on your head. do you think the Israelites were stupid when they killed rams, placed they hands on it and transfer their sins to it and killed it and by the blood of that ram they become clean again? your sin can be more heavier than you imagined but the yoke of Christ is lighter. as that ram, all our sins has been placed on him and he was killed. he didn't die of illness, he was killed and his blood shed. better go and start killing rams now if u will not accept the one killed for all. make sure you do it forever or my brother you will b judged. don't think you ask for forgiveness and you are forgiven. only blood can wash out sin. that's why king David said wash me with blood so I can be clean. the act of ask for forgiveness and be forgiven is possible through Jesus and his blood will cleanse you. but without Jesus , God will forgive you and not punish you but those sins are still on you until you wash it away with blood. pray 20 times a day, all those sins you did while small and as you grow are still on your head, even rejecting Jesus.
4) God has given Jesus the authority to destroy his enemies with iron sceptre, if u don't follow him you are against him. the word of God Almighty must come to pass, psalm 2 says break them with iron sceptre and dash them to pieces as a potter's vessel. if God will vex like this for you for not following Jesus, who will save you from the wrought of God, is it the Jesus you rejected?

in short let me add it to more books, some people don't like reading, they will say it is too long, see more authentic reasons in my book

Jesus has already taken up our sins, he is responsible for our sins of not observing the law and has been punished. the wages of sin is death, so to save us from dying cos the law must be obeyed. he died in our place. do not be deceived, Jesus is the new Covenant and the only way

God promised a redeemer, see over 40 evidences that he is Jesus so you will never ever doubt again or call him a Roman god.

most elected
be blessed

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Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 10:04pm On Feb 05, 2017
No it was Uzair(Ezra) that was the only prophet that died and came back. You said David A.S. asked for blood to be poured over him, yes I was not there when the book was written buy him but I know with the kind of wisdom Almighty Allah blessed him with he cannot say such and also he being a prophet will definitely make him control his tongue and I cannot afford to buy and an original Gospel because its in millions of dollars the last that was found in turkey ancient Rome was sold for $40,000,000 and it Jesus did not die he ascended into heaven alive and it was Paul that betrayed him not Judas, and it was confirmed an original because it was in Aramaic.
I have faith in Jesus A.S. but it is not his power that's going to save it is God's own, if sin Allah is the one that forgives me not him, Allah feeds me not him Allah created me not him, I love him as a prophet and messenger of God and that's it.

I'm sorry but then your point is pointless and baseless. Just speaking on your own understanding and wisdom as a human. Don't start an argument when you cannot defend it. Its an individual race so good luck on your own wisdom.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 9:55am On Feb 02, 2017
No Jesus A.S. is not dead that's why he's going to come back. Paul was the betrayer and not Judas. If you notice the book that's most popular among the christians is the Bible that was written by Paul and not Gospel that was revealed to Jesus A.S. the Jews killed prophets and men of God intentionally because they do not want to follow what they do not like that's why they omitted God's words intentionally and corrupt people where made monks and priests so that they will sin how much they like and that's the reason for their curse, the christians on the other hand they paid more attention to miracles and they followed the words of the pastors, popes e.t.c. and abandoned the teachings of the bible an thus the corrupt ones among them edited the word of God and till today they still do edit the bible, they tell you people that they are just making it simpler to understand then whats the use of popes, pastors and so forth and was the use of bible classes? I do not believe a prophet of God will say that blood should be poured over him for it is known that prophets do not behave fetish and barbaric, if you notice John the baptist A.S. was martyred by the and also Zachariah A.S. was martyred by them too and do not forget the Jews have more prophets and messengers than any other nations. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.s name was mentioned in the book songs of solomon but they insulted Prophet solomon by changing the verses and making them erotic
-[God's refuge is sought]- also the 10,000 soldiers that will liberate conquer paran(mekkah). There several more that i can tell you but I think my fingers should rest here.

Thank you for saying Jesus is not dead and is coming again. The only prophet (as they said) they rose up again from death.

Then all this omission and Editting, my brother please were you there when they did all those things? Have you by chance read the original scripture to find out all this were fake? Did you read the book of Solomon before the Editting?,
No! You just heard and believed. Then why are you so sure that what you heard was the truth?

Who was the prophet that asked that blood would be poured over him?

The teachings of Jesus is more extended than that of Paul. Paul's teachings was mostly on faith, he encoraged us to accept Jesus, have faith in Jesus and that Jesus with save us. Why Jesus taught about repentance, baptism, faith in God and in him, commandments and will of God etc Please tell me how that betrayed Jesus?

I'm willing to hear from you since you know a lot from what you heard or read from unknown sources and not from the scriptures or divine revelation.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 9:44am On Feb 02, 2017
Please show me a passage in Gospel that says that Jesus A.S. over threw a king if you cannot then I am 100% sure your satanic popes changed those verses to increase you in polytheism because of their greed. What does God the Eternal need a son for?

He will overthrow kings. Psalm 2 said he will rule with iron scepter. Isaiah said his government will be an everlasting one and Jesus himself said that his kingdom is not of this world: all in the Bible. If you read NY passage further you will understand that he will overthrow kings by putting them to shame when he will take over his kingdom and rule. He will judge everyone even the kings. I do not mean any physical combat where kings will be overthrown. No!

Secondly God does not need a son but sons. We all are children of God so why does God need us?
David wrote Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 8:36pm On Jan 31, 2017

Exactly. If Mostelected was born in Saudi Arabia, chances are, he/she would have probably been a muslim. Not saying there are no muslims there that converted to christianity but we are influenced by our environment. Everything we know is based on what our immediate environment teaches us. Most people ended up being Christians or Moslems based on what their parents thought them. Sure we have a choice when we get older but the formative years are crucial in a childs life. At the end of the day, i personally believe there is no such thing as religion. Man simply created it to account for law and order. Most of the religions have something in common. In the bible, they once prayed the way muslims pray today. So you can see that they have a common origin. As far as i am concerned, believe in God, do good to your other man and you will make heaven regardless of what religion you belong to

That is why my greatest testimony is the privilege given to me to know Christ and to know the truth. God loves me greatly and that was why I wasn't born in Saudis Arabia. Among all the people, God called Abraham and blessed him. So I believe he has done the same to me by not taking me there. You have the privilege as well use it. By the grace of God, the gospel of truth have gotten to most of them and they have repented. They are Christians even in India. Use the privilege God has given to you wisely.
Religion / Re: Must I Always Get Angre With God Before He Answers Me? by mostelected: 6:56pm On Jan 31, 2017
Unless God tells me this Himself, it makes no sense. This is because as long as it's indefinite, we can have faith in anything or anyone; Zeus, Odin, Allah etc. A true test of the workability of faith should have a set limit, so it can be discarded as null and void if evidence is not seen after the set time.

Definitely, u can have faith in anything Zeus, devil, sand, chair etc but faith can ne'er be limited to a time zone. Its just like limiting righteousness to a period of time and then become a sinner or saying your father is a your father for only 5 years then you will get another one. There are things that should be part of you and can not have limit as long as you exist.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 5:42pm On Jan 31, 2017

So, at the end of it all, can it be safe to say that there's actually NO god or is that there are several gods working actively or passively in the affairs of men? Or these are just myths of olden days organized to form a more civilized form of religion? What can you tell me about the origin of 'Yehova' - God? Though I read that archaeological artifacts provided evidence of various religious practices that coexisted in Judah alongside the official worship of Yahweh. If most of the Bible stories were invented, what can we say of the gods of our fathers, e.g. Chineke (Chukwu), Olodumare, etc. Sorry, for the multiple questions. lol

Chai see confusions. I told you that you will get confused and confused till you are entangled. I have really been there. May you find the truth in Jesus Name. All this questions, I have worked and researched on them in earlier days, anything you still see or read now is still myth. You were not there when they happened or occurred neither have you seen what transpires in the spirit. Best for you to believe the one many people testifies to than seek knowledge where it is not.

I came back to ask you to chat me up that I can give you way to get revelation from God as you wished but it is obvious you are not ready until you are ready.
And I pray it Wont b too late. I will still pray for you.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 5:26pm On Jan 31, 2017

Thanks for your heartfelt concern. But at this stage, I will need a personal revelation of Him to believe, and not some conviction of men. If He is real, nothing stops him from showing himself.

You can only find him if you seek him. To find him you will first of all accept this conviction of men, then you seek him in truth and in spirit and there you will find him. Unless he has a special purpose for you that's when he can reveal himself to you like he did with Paul, he made him blind. But now, you know the truth, don't wait for him to come and show himself, you should be the one that will seek him and then you shall find him. Pray over it anyways, ask God to reveal the truth bout Jesus to you, please pray with all your heart and be in the right situation for God to hear you. Remember the prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto him.

I pray you find him, he is very real. I have found him, I have seen him not stories. But I did because I sought him
Religion / Re: Must I Always Get Angre With God Before He Answers Me? by mostelected: 5:20pm On Jan 31, 2017
What is the limit of faith? Or is it a belt to be worn indefinitely?
Yes and the higher your faith the more pleased God will be with you. If possible, become the most faithful man on earth and it is a belt to be worn at allllll times. Even in your sleep. If only you know how pleased God is when he sees great faith.
Religion / Re: Must I Always Get Angre With God Before He Answers Me? by mostelected: 5:17pm On Jan 31, 2017
Must time i always feel like God prefers someone run to crazy, he enjoys seeing someone frustrated and out of the frustration you lose you temper with him then he listens and answers your prayer. Most time i come to God begging for a miracle he ignores but once i decide to take laws into my hands he now listens, my question, must you first get mad before God takes you serious, cant he help before the frustration overwhelms you?
Does God like been pushed around? does he enjoys pain? Must you always shout out of anger before he listen? if he does i dont understand. is funny.

Good write up, I will give you a good answer.no, you must not shout out of anger before he listens, you just may not have the right approach to him.

Why do you shout and get angry when you don't get what you wanted? I remember in my cases, there was a particular case that I wanted something so badly, I even cried and prayed but I didn't get it yet I took it the way I saw it, later on I got something five times more worth. And I sat down and thought' if I have gotten this then, I would have totally missed this now because they were actually oposites'

You need to know the will of God before you act. What you just got might not be all God wanted for you. Always be patient and faithful. Do you even know how many times you get God angry and yet he doesn't push you around. Be careful of the things you do or say when angry so you won't blaspheme or curse God in the process. Many people has been through worst and still stood fast in faith. God might actually be testing you.

I advise next time you are in need of something, just pray and believe you already have it. Your faith can move mountains. If it doesn't come, do not murmur just praise God. I put it to u that something much more better will come to you. Dont push God to the wall in the name of being Angry, you should be asking not demanding. He is not your agemate. Ask and it shall be given to you. God is not your age mate for you to push about. Even be careful of whatever answered your prayer, Devil might b given you false hopes to continue in your anger.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:46pm On Jan 31, 2017
Please note that THE NAME OF YAHWEH OF HOSTS is the name given to Jesus (Righteous one) before the presence of Yahweh of Hosts. It is a mystical name that John in his revelation talked about written on him.

So it is evident that is Jesus that can save.
Book of Enoch is not part of the bible so please make Better references from the bible.

Jesus is righteousness, he is the Saviour.
Note that the angels praised and worshipped him. Just as they also did in the book of revelation. This is for those who claimed Jesus should not be worshiped, if even angels worshipped him, why can't I or you?

Do not be shaken in your belief, if you have found jesus, you have found life. Endeavor to baptize by immersion. For those who see him as a frictional character, you have read the truth. Your belief is on you. Make your choice now, myth or the truth.

I'm leaving this thread now, please contact me by mail for any further questions...

May God bless us all and reveal Jesus Christ to us that we might be saved. To participate in my forthcoming messages please join my group on Facebook or Whatsapp. I will share a link anytime I visit this thread again, I need to create the group so I can bring believers together and let's share the truth. @jchioma, Jesus is not a myth or a frictional character else many people o old and new won't testify about him. I am a witness that jesus is very real, please believe what you want now. The choice is yours. You can contact me privately for a chat, I will really like to lead you to Christ if you let me.

Sighs! May God help us all with the spirit of wisdom and understanding. Bye for now

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Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:29pm On Jan 31, 2017

My personal opinion doesn't matter so i won't say whether i do or not. The fact remains that there are several religions out there that also believe in God but do not believe they need to go through Jesus. Basically, you are saying they are wasting their time right? For example, Muslims pray 5 times a day every day all their life. Are you saying someone that prays to God all day every day will go to Hell? Forget about being righteous. We are looking at hypothetical situations here. Let's say this person is a saint and harms nobody and does no wrong. Prays 5 times a day for life until death but does not believe in Jesus. You mean to tell me this person will go to Hell? This is my question. Will the person in this scenario go to Hell. Yes or no?

Yes the person will go to hell and this are my reasons: Righteousness can only be found in Jesus Christ that is to say the person is not righteous to begin with. As long as Jesus has been revealed to the world, no one can ever go to the Father but by him.

Lemme clarify you more; I won't do this based on Christians belief or that of the Muslims but I want to reveal to you the testimony of Enoch even the coming of Jesus. Enoch was the father of Methuselah, great grandfather of Noah, he was a righteous man and the first man to ascend to heaven without dying as recorded in the bible.

Enoch recorded his experience in heaven. Then he said that he saw someone his hair as white as wool and he looked like the son of man( a human being) and he asked who the man was? They told him that the man is called the Righteous One and The Elect (chosen) one and in him will be righteousness and wisdom. I'm just writing these ones to let us know of the sonship of Jesus and his power, let's now speak on how this Elect one will judge the world and save the righteous.

Enoch wrote that
At that place, I saw the One to whom belongs the time before time. And his head
was white like wool, and there was with him another individual, whose face was like that
of a human being. His countenance was full of splendor like that of one among the
kodesh malakim.
46:2 And I asked the one -from among the malakim -who was going with me, and who
had revealed to me all the secrets regarding the One who was born of human beings,
“Who is this, and from whence is he who is going as the prototype of the Before -Time?”
46:3 And he answered me and said to me, “This is the Son of Man, to whom belongs
righteousness, and with whom righteousness dwells. And He will open all the hidden
storerooms; for YAHWEH of Hosts has chosen Him, and He is destined to be victorious
before YAHWEH of Hosts in eternal uprightness.”
46:4 “This Son of Man whom you have seen is the One who would remove the kings
and the mighty ones from their comfortable seats and the strong ones from their
thrones. He shall loosen the reins of the strong and crush the teeth of the sinners.”

The Elect one was Jesus. Enoch went further to say that he will be revealed to the world by his name will they be saved because righteousness dwells in him. He further said that Jesus would sit on the throne and judge all, he will save the righteous and punish the sinners.
At that hour, that Son of Man was given a name, in the presence of YAHWEH of
Hosts, the Before Time; even before the creation of the sun and the moon, before the
creation of the stars, He was given a name in the presence of YAHWEH of Hosts.
48:4 He will become a staff for the righteous ones in order that they may lean on Him
and not fall. He is the Light of the gentiles and He will become the hope of those who
are sick in their hearts.
48:5 All those who dwell upon the earth shall fall and worship before Him; they shall
magnify, bless, and sing the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts.
48:6 For this purpose He became the Chosen One; He was concealed in the presence
of YAHWEH of Hosts prior to the creation of the world, and for eternity.
48:7 And He has revealed the wisdom of YAHWEH of Hosts to the righteous and the
kodesh ones, for He has preserved the portion of the righteous because they have hated
and despised this world of oppression together with all its ways of life and its habits in
the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts; and because they will be saved in His Name and it is
His good pleasure that they have life.

All those who claim to be righteous and calls the name of Yahweh of Hosts (God of hosts), shall be saved by the name of Jesus and Jesus will give them life. No wonder he said'I have come to give life and give it more abundantly'

Don't be deceived that you can see God or gain eternal life without Jesus. It has been written and God honors his word more than his name, it is in Jesus the Righteous One and the Elect one will we be saved.
dom, and power of the Elect One
49:1 So wisdom flows like water and majesty is measureless before Him forever and
49:2 For His might is in all the mysteries of righteousness, and oppression will vanish
like a shadow having no foundation. The Elect One stands before YAHWEH of Hosts; His
splendor is forever and ever and His power is unto all generations.
49:3 In Him dwells the spirit of wisdom, the spirit which gives thoughtfulness, the spirit
of knowledge and strength, and the spirit of those who have fallen asleep in
49:4 He shall judge the secret things. And no one will be able to utter vain words in
His presence. For He is the Elect One before YAHWEH of Hosts according to HIS good
His Mercy And His Judgment
50:1 In those days, there will be a change for the kodesh and the righteous ones and
the Light of days shall rest upon them; and splendor and honor shall be given back to
the kodesh ones, on the day of weariness.
50:2 He heaped evil upon the sinners; but the righteous ones shall be victorious in the
NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts. He will cause the others to see this so that they may repent
and forsake the deeds of their hands.
50:3 There shall not be honor unto them in the NAME of YAHWEH of Hosts. But
through His Name (Jesus) they shall be saved, and YAHWEH of Hosts shall have mercy upon
them, for HIS mercy is considerable.
50:4 HE is righteous in HIS judgment and in the splendor that is before HIM.
Oppression cannot survive HIS judgment; and the unrepentant in HIS presence shall
50:5 YAHWEH of Hosts has said that from henceforth HE will not have mercy on them.

You can only be saved through the name of Jesus and only cos God would have mercy on you.

Nb: it is Jesus that will judge the world ( he will separate goats from sheep) or separate sinners from righteous according to Enoch words on the Righteous One. It will do you more good than harm to be one of his own on the judgement day rather than being among those that blasphemed against him. Even if you don't accept him at least acknowledge him, it will do you no good in fighting or speaking against the one who will determine where you will go.
He with judge the world. All of us! Please be on his part not against him.

Only in Jesus is righteousness, you can't be righteous by doing all the things you mentioned

And lastly it is only the name of Jesus that will save you. As long as he has been revealed to the world, there is no two ways about it. Take it or leave it. Accept him or not.

Now I have gone to extreme to prove to you the power of Jesus from the book of the Noah's great grandfather, why not seek knowledge in your Bible now and find wisdom in Jesus. It will guide you to the right path. Please contact me for help or guidance.

In conclusion to your question: yes the person will go to hell because it is only through Jesus will he find life.

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Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 11:14am On Jan 31, 2017
To the MUSLIMS... I like how zealous you can be in worshiping God. I heard that the Muslims are very religious (owing to the way you pray 5TIMES A DAY),I wish we Christians could also pray that way. But I want to reveal something you are missing out. In all the prophets mentioned in the Quran I believe Moses, Noah, Abraham, Jesus right? Which of them was killed and didn't die a natural death?

Moses died of old age so did Noah and Abraham even Mohammed died of fever. None of them had their blood shed or spilled. Don't you think Jesus' own was for a reason. We all know the power in blood.
'When Cain killed Abel, God said that Abel's blood cried unto him from the ground' Blood speaks. Every blood speaks.
' Israelites she's blood as a sign of atonement' Blood Cleanses. So king David said ' wash me by thy blood and I will be clean' Blood washes away iniquity.
God stopped Abraham when he wanted to spill the blood of his only son. God hate the spilling of blood but in all his prophets, only the blood of Jesus was spilled. A blood so powerful, why was he killed? He could have lived to 90 years and dies. He could have ascended to heaven like Enoch and Elijah which he actually did until his blood was spilled. Why did he spill his blood? ASCEnding to heaven could be a great sign to the Israelites that he had great power but he chose to be killed first by men. He did great miracles than the other prophets, this proves that he had great power so why did he decide to die rather than vanishing one early morning back to heaven.

Op claimed he was Zeus or whatever, if he were why would he teach people how to be righteous, how to become God's own and how to make it to heaven and gain eternal life, why did he teach them Almighty God and not the roman gods. Why did he use the words and the prophecies of the prophets of God to teach and not even that of the roman gods, why did he pray to God in loud voices and not just perform magic and walk away. Op you are certainly seeking knowledge from the wrong side.

To all, the blood of Jesus was spilled to cleanse away sins of the world. When he died, it was a sign of baptism to the remission of sins. He shed his own powerful blood even as just a prophet that performs such miracles for a reason. Till you understand the power in blood, you will understand the power in that powerful blood that was shed. He shed it to buy us all to God/Allah. He is not just a prophet but a prophet of the prophets, he is the saviour.

I can teach you more about Jesus, see his miracles and his teachings, he did it all by the Father who sent him (God), Jesus is truly from God do not be decieved. All those are made to decieve believers. I read once that Paul was an antichrists and they gave proofs. I nearly believed buy when I sought knowledge from God himself, I understood the great works God used Paul for. Yes, God taught me himself through his spirit, so op, once Again seek your knowledge from God and not what you read. I read all those you are reading but now I know the truth. Those things will only confuse you the more, and the more you seek to understand the more confused you are until you are tangled up. I also had a note of all the things I read trying to find knowledge because it was all confusing. But now I feel completed, I have found the truth.

To my beloved Muslims, I still admire the way you oray and how often you participate in religious talks but I pray and ask you to try seeing Jesus not just a prophet. Among the prophets read meaning to the blood that was shed, God sent him to die so his blood which had the power and spirit of God will wash away sins. Unlike the other prophets, he was the only one with God even before the creation of the world. ' before Abraham I was' in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. He really died for a reason rather than teach the works of God, performed miracles and die,,he alone among the great prophets of God recorded spilled his blood.

'I will see the blood and I will pass over you'
There is power in Blood. Even in human blood like you and I. The book of revelation recorded that the blood of the saints that was killed constantly cried up to God from the ground for vengeance. Blood speaks, Blood cleanses, Blood washes away sin, if the blood of humans even animals could do all this, how much more the blood of Jesus. Let God Almighty bless us all.

Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory, honour, power and Majesty. Now and forever amen.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 10:21am On Jan 31, 2017

The best thing that has ever happened to me is JESUS. I cannot feel the level of joy and happiness I feel without him. I really pity all those who have not got him in their lives.

I sound this as a warning to all, the words you hear will stand against you in judgement. It is evident that we all have heard about Jesus even the op but chose to disobey God's word. Remember that your words can save you and your words can also condemn you. Please be careful of the things you say, blasphemy is a sin that will never be forgiven. Eli's children blasphemed against God not just by words but by ignoring his words. Yet God chose for himself another priest, he can do without blasphemers.

Always remember that Jesus is the word of God made flesh ' and I saw him riding on a horse... And his name was the Word of God' that was John's revelation. Jesus is the messiah, he came and died for our sins and asked you to believe in him and he will save you by his own righteousness, how hard is that? Jesus is the son of God just as we all are children of God through him as it is written 'for as many as believe, those has been given power to become the sons of God'
Jesus came to fulfil the laws and the prophets to buy us eternal life. Only through Jesus will you be truly saved. We don't worship Jesus as another God (trinity) but we believe that Jesus is in God and God is in Jesus, as Jesus are the words of God. The word of God is God such as your own words can save or condemn you. There is power in the word and God honors his word more than anything 'heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will never pass away' God created the world by his word, you can see how important the word of God is to God and how powerful the word is when spoken. God gave up this word in order to save you and I and made him flesh to come and buy life for us 'for I have come to give life and give it more abundantly)

Life after death is only through Jesus because whether you believe it or not, Jesus is life ( he is the bread of life, eat and be filled. He is the truth, the way and the life),if you are seeking eternal life but you are here speaking I'll of the life you seek, you cannot find it. As long as Jesus has died and bought our sins and awards life to his, no matter how righteous you think you are, you cannot gain eternal life.

For op, it is evident that she is looking for proof to Prove that Jesus is not what is said of him, but I put it to you as a warning... Remember the abomination that causes desolation, don't aid devil in his works. I have advised you earlier to find wisdom and knowledge from your bible. It is written that the scriptures are inspiration from God and the power of God but you have chosen to find it outside the word of God, sister you are on your own on this and heaven bears me witness. But I pray that after this stage in your life that you finally find the truth and it shall set you free. I wait earnestly for you to find Christ and know him. Test him and you will never ever believe otherwise. You have the time to find him now. I was like you, I read all those books for insights until I finally found the truth I seek and it is all in the Christ. I like you for your search for knowledge and knowing beyond human understanding but I put it to you that if you are actually in the right relationship with God ( he will redirect your path) continue praying and seeking knowledge from God If you even believe he is God and not just an annanukai. Search for the true power of God and when you find it, in the next 3 years, I promise you that you must know the truth which you already know and is avoiding. And just like me, you will share your experience with knowledge seekers like us. Keep seeking knowledge but it all comes from God. Don't believe Ill about Jesus cos no matter how hard you try to cover it, he is Life. You cannot gain life without Jesus.

To other believers in the house, please try to find more faith. If you have not been baptised in the name of Jesus please endeavor to do so. Being a Christian is not a guarantee to heaven, knowing Jesus is not a guarantee. You must belong to him to be saved!

May God help us all

Let those who have ears hear

Do not ignore your heart, give it a chance towards God and there you will find Jesus always waiting for you.
Religion / Re: Must Read! Secret About Life by mostelected: 8:53pm On Jan 29, 2017
Nice write up bro!
Kindly reply my email, i will like to get in touch with you.
OK. Thanks
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 8:16pm On Jan 29, 2017

So if i believe in God and worship him everyday but don't go through Jesus, i will end up in Hell but a MURDERER that killed 200 people can repent today, accept Jesus and make heaven? You people better stop interpreting what you don't know. Live and let live. Believe in God, worship him and you will make heaven regardless of what anyone here interpretes.

There is something you are missing out on. When you understand that thing, you will be able to answer your own questions.
Can I ask you some questions so I can understand your belief. Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God? If no, then I understand your view and why u r saying this but if yes then do u think God is stupid to sacrifice his son when you can actually come to him with your own leg?
And lastly I ask you again what is righteousness? You pray to God blah blah does not make you righteous please. You need to understand the concept of righteousness and then you will know the right answer to ur question.

Jesus is not a way you must follow to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus is Messiah that bears our sins to make us eligible for the kingdom. Since we can do all u claim to do, Jesus makes it easier for us as he has already paid for our sins, so when a murderer accepts Jesus is sins are atoned for by Jesus. But if u know what righteousness truly means and challenge God that you can be holy and righteous then more grease to your elbow. Then discourage those of us that have chosen the lighter burden. If you can be righteous not just by praying and helping your neighbors then go ahead.but u might b calling God a liar and u can not believe in God if u don't even believe in his word. So I don't get ur righteousness but more grease to ur elbow on it
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 7:39pm On Jan 29, 2017

All this epistle and you didn't answer the question. The question is if someone believes in God but not Jesus and worships GOD day in day out and doesn't commit sin, will he go to hell simply because he didn't go through Jesus. If you are not going to answer, don't bother writing any literature novel. I didn't ask you to judge whether one can live a righteous life. The question is IF ONE LIVES A RIGHTEOUS life!!

And in those literatures I just pointed out to you that no one can live a righteous life without Jesus. And your answer is yes he will to hell. Then read the epistles to find out why? They are so many reasons why he will go to hell, I can still write more epistles for you on those reasons. But since u just need an answer, that's your answer and never criticise it until you find out why. God bless you
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 5:54pm On Jan 29, 2017

1) By the way, even now, the Israelites do not believe in Jesus. Why? Maybe it's because they know something we don't know.

b. If God does not delight in blood of rams and bulls as you've said, while should He delight in the blood of a man - His only 'begotten' son for that matter?

2) I doubt the history of Jesus does not mean that I don't like the ideals he represents, i.e. His teachings, wisdom, love, etc. however, I think he is a concoction of the Romans to corrupt the true ways of God. His story is patterned after the Roman and Babylonian gods which existed thousands of years before Jesus.

As I also said, you v to determine where you actually want to go. The Israelites(some) does not believe Jesus does not mean they will go to heaven... Remember the bible qualifying them as those a banquet was prepared for but they did not come, so the rich man asked his servants to invite beggars and commoners in. Your fate must not be like theirs. Jesus said a prophet is not recognized in his homeland. Let's assume they know something else, what do you think it is that has not spread to the world to now? Was he a son of a criminal or wait, was he actually crucified for being a thief? The truth lies in your bible if you are a Christian. I will throw a parable and a question to u, if you see your neighbor all of a sudden performing miracles, will you instantly believe him and why?
Isaiah said that they will have eyes but will not see and ears but they will not understand. I put it to you that they know nothing else. They actually believe that Abraham is their father, so they don't need Jesus to be saved cos the kingdom of God through the lineage of David is for them the Israelites, I am already God's why do I need Jesus. But you and I are neither Israelites but gentiles, so we need him more than you think. And them the Israelites needs him more than they know.

2) I never said God delighted in the killing of Jesus or that he enjoyed seeing the blood but it was a sacrifice a painful sacrifice he had to offer because of his love for us.

3) Do you serve God or the roman gods? If you do serve God why not pray for insight. And don't say they existed before Jesus because whether you belief it or not, the world was created through Jesus. The stories might alike to confuse many even the elect but let them who have ears hear. Read the books of the prophets of old, even Enoch wrote about Jesus before he ascended to heaven. Read the book of revealations and then you will understand if jesus was patterned after the roman gods or if the roman gods were pattened after Jesus.

All knowledge comes from God, again avoid the internet and focus on the bible and your own revelations and the teachjng s of ur pastor... You don't know the spirit teaching you on the internet.

If Jesus was a mere confusion against the will of God, then God wouldn't have led me to him nor would I have known him . just try and know him first then you will know the truth. Please, trust me on this, Jesus is not what u think or read from the internet. There is more u need to know and God Almighty will lead you dear Amen
Religion / Must Read! Secret About Life by mostelected: 5:27pm On Jan 29, 2017
I don't know if it is right to share this secrets here but one thing I believe is that it will help many.

In the world today,15% doesn't believe that God existed, 30% believe there is God but nothing like Jesus. 55% believe there is God and Jesus but only 5% knows the truth am bout to share. This 5% are known as the elect... They are few, many are called but fee are chosen. How did they become they elect. Because they knew the truth.

Knowing bout Jesus alone can not save you. Believing in Jesus alone can not save you. Obeying the commandments alone can not save you. Having faith in Jesus alone can not save you. You can only be saved if you follow the secrets am about to reveal to you. It is very important that you understand all am about to reveal, not by my power but by the power of God as he has revealed to me through the scriptures.

I'm sorry I won't jump straight into the truth without starting from the roots, this is to increase enlightenment, reduce questions and critisms by non-believers. By the grace of God, I will take it step by step until the whole truth is revealed bout God and Jesus and how to be saved. Don't think your belief in Jesus will save you cause they is more to it that can actually save you and not just your belief.

First of all, I will want to start with the 15% that doesn't even believe in God. In my next lecture, I will share the secrets about God and what you do not know bout him

In other words, I will like to group this teaching into the following topics
A) introduction ( everything you need to know about life and God) that will be the secret of life

B),the secret bout salvation ( how you can truly be saved)

So please, I urge you to follow this thread as I will post them every Sunday evening. You can ask questions etc but I might not be able to answer them on here cos am not always online. But you can always join our teachings and discussions on Whatsapp.

To join kindly drop your number

Email me for counselling or advise.

By the grace of God that strengthens me... I will try my possible best to help you and guide.

May God guide us all...
Please forgive me for not sharing the secrets now, I would like to take it one after the other. But if you are in a hurry to know, you can drop your number with a message 'share with me' so we can chat on Whatsapp.

If you want to give your life to God or you need guidance in your spiritual life or prayer life please do the same with a message 'guide me'

You can drop your number too for counselling partaining your spiritual life, marriage or relationship, health etc with a message 'conselling'

I am sure to contact you and pray with you. But before I leave,
Always remember that God is real, Jesus is real, Jesus can save you but believing in him is not enough. There are things written in the bible that you must do before you can be saved by Jesus. Always pray for wisdom too. Share your revealations and messages with us too. This thread is created to lead people to eternal life. Please no matter what, follow up and have patience. I can't type all at once let's make it every Sunday evening for new topics.

To join discussion on Whatsapp drop ur number
In a hurry to find the truth ( drop ur number and message share with me) you must be a believer to do this, if you are not please kindly follow this thread and let's take it one at a time.
For counselling ( drop number and message counselling) I will answer all your questions, guide you and pray with you. Let's work together to gain eternal life.

I am just a believer, an evangelist and by the grace of God, I believe I am one of the elect. My name is Sylvia the most elected. I love u all, God loves us most. Please share your view before I go on. Thank you
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:59pm On Jan 29, 2017

So if the poster believes in GOD, prays to him everyday, does good to his fellow man, lives a righteous life without sin, he will go to HELL for not GOING through JESUS?
You are telling me that GOD, that we all know is merciful, will PUNISH someone for believing in him?
What is a righteous life and life without sin? Do you know ignoring the word of God is sin? How can you say you've lived a righteous life and not sinned? Who on earth can abide by the 613 laws from God. If you can do that and prove you can then and only then will I believe you are leading a righteous life. But if you can't then bear it in mind that u v disobeyed the laws of God and can never say u lived a life without sin. Praying to God, helping the poor etc as you mentioned does not meaning righteous. So show me the pastor that is righteous before God but not by Jesus.

Psalm 23 ' he leads me in the path of righteousness for his name sake' you can only be righteous through Jesus for his own name sake (when he is your shephard) by obeying a simple will of God or you can be righteous by obeying the 613 laws of God and constantly atone for your mistakes by offering rams, so then can you show me a righteous man without Jesus?
Or can you actually teach me what righteousness really means if you think am mistaken.
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:40pm On Jan 29, 2017

Thank you. I think we are getting somewhere. So christianity as we come to believe and practice is a 'creation' of the Romans now sold to us Africans. The contradiction beomes clear now. But how where dis guys so clever as to be to able to mix the whole thing i.e. their ideologies to construe such a believer plot. E.g. I learnt that the word 'Jesus' in spanish is 'Iezeus' meaning 'Hail Zeus'.

You heard, I have not heard. But I head that God is a gold digger only seeking gold on earth and not even our souls. I have heard that God is not real, I have heard so many things on the internet but how do you verify the truth? God is an annukai in a planet whatever? Lol. How do you know the truth then, but I will tell u how to detect lies.

1) truth are viral lies are hidden . you heard that but I have not. If it was true someone who have been bold enof in churches to preach that.
2) truth lasts but lies fades easily.

While researching something on the internet, I saw a website asking us to fear demons in the second heaven that they are too strong for us. Its funny, fear them? A religious website? Quoting scriptures? Its a clear sign that there will be many antichrists.

So sister, don't believe everything u hear or read or the world will be too complicated for u. The truth is that there is a truth and a path. And until you find it, your mind will always be wondering in darkness and confusion. One thing u must know is that not every one believes in God, many on earth are not even humans like us so don't be deceived. Only find truth in God, ask God to open up ur heart to the truth. When I study the word of God I almost avoid the internet cause you will see contrary and confusing things set by Satan. Rather I stay for days begging and asking God to show me the way and show me things unsearchable. I pray for wisdom to find answers in the scriptures and knowledge to understand the scripture. My advise, if you want to find the truth and the path, don't ask the internet ask God himself. The internet can be written by anyone after all Satan quotes Bible. But God siad' ask me things that are unsearchable to men' Whatsapp me don't call let's have a chat, I think I have answers to most of your questions... Please let me help u 08137139663
Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:26pm On Jan 29, 2017
3) there is huge difference between heaven and the kingdom of heaven so figure out the one you want to be going to. But from my point of view, you might not be going to either. After all, heaven and earth will pass, but the kingdom of heaven(God) ruled by Jesus will be an everlasting kingdom. Since u don't believe in him, it is evjdent that they is no hope for you into the everlasting kingdom where Jesus is the ruler. You might not understand since you don't BELIEVE THE JESUS STORY. So maybe there might be hope for u in heaven then but that hope is very minimal because you are disobeying the word and the will of God who sits in heaven by not believing in Jesus... Ouch! I just pointed out, no hope for u even in heaven.

4) Jesus revealed he is the only way to the father (who is in heaven) so how do you plan to sneak into heaven if u don't enter through the gate. Please if u v found another way in, reveal it to other theives who might be interested in sneaking in and not going through the gate.

Lastly, what harm has Jesus done to you that you don't believe him? You believe what the scriptures said bout God bout not bout Jesus? Why? He only came to save you by fulfilling all the laws. You don't even believe in the revelations? I will give u a way out, why not try asking Jesus to reveal himself to you. I can help or guide you please. If u make this decision now not to believe in him, you might be losing your soul forever. Lemme help you, contact me or join our Whatsapp group to learn more about Jesus and how he can help you. I can guide u in prayers so he can reveal himself to you hopefully not the way he did to Saul (Paul) Jesus is so sweet, believe me you will like him if you get to know him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. God help us all in Jesus name.

To all Christians in the house, please ensure you are baptised. It is very important! Join my teaching to see the signifance of baptism and if the one you partook is accepted by God. Thank you.

I still have more points to prove that Jesus can save you and make it easier for you. Please join my conversations or contact me with questions

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Religion / Re: Can I Believe God But Not Jesus And Still Make Heaven? by mostelected: 4:08pm On Jan 29, 2017
Dear Brethren, in Exodus 4:22 God Himself said, "And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn". And in John 3:16, a mere man by the name of John said: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". Who are we to believe?. I love God and want to serve Him according to His way, and not by the concoctions of men. I want to believe God ONLY, but will I go to hell for not believing in Jesus as I doubt his story? Bible scholars should please me out. Thank you.

To tell you the honest truth, it is not possible to go to heaven, this are my reasons:

1) in the olden days before the coming of Jesus as flesh, the Israelites (BELIEVED ON GOD ALONE) often offers the sacrifice of atonement for the remission of their sins. In that process, they would bring a ram, lay hands on it to transfer their sins on it and then slaughter it to God to atone for their sins. Thus, for sins to be forgiven, there must be blood shed. Jesus Christ came to the word as that lamb, took all our sins on himself and was slaughtered. Whether you believe the story of Jesus or not, I am not Here to convince you but believing that he was the lamb and has died for ur sins will benefit u more than harm. If you don't believe he died for u, then brother go and buy enough rams and slaughter them for your own god, because God said be does not delight in the blood of those rams and so I don't think he will accept your sacrifice. So a big NO, you won't be going to heaven but maybe u can try slaughtering rams or easily believe in the already slaughtered ram. THERE MUST BE A BLOOD SACRIFACE TO ATONE SINS.

2) not believing in Jesus is a sin already, why?,because you have ignores the word of God and in other words might be blaspheming against God, a sin that can never be forgiven. For it is written in the bible that the will of God is that u shall believe in his son Jesus. If u don't believed Jesus, u must atleast the prophets of old like Isaiah etc read them and see what they said about Jesus and how he will save the world then u will know whether u r doing the will of that God u chose to believe in. If you believe in God, u must believe in the one he sent and if u don't believe in the one he sent you simply don't believe God even,, so my brother you are on ur own don't decieve itself

More reasons coming o

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