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Food / Re: See The Oha Soup My Female Neighbor Brought For Me This Morning. by Mrnairalandd: 7:02pm On Dec 15, 2023

Okay. Let tribalism be to your detriment and miss out on nkwobi and isi-ewu ngwo-ngwo. Even white people like nkwobi.

You r a fool! Do they use goat brains for Nkwobi too? Jesus Christ! I still bought that shit thinking it is free of goat brains
Politics / Re: "If I Come Back To This World, I Would Like To Stay In Anambra State" - Adegbola by Mrnairalandd: 10:23am On Dec 13, 2023
Stupid Igbos paid one Yoruba man to come and disguise as … We want to see his salary record for that 27years.

The Yorubas can show you 10 igbos in Lagos civil service

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Food / Re: See The Oha Soup My Female Neighbor Brought For Me This Morning. by Mrnairalandd: 10:13am On Dec 13, 2023

Melted cocoyam in soup sounds, tastes and looks 1000000000 times better than grinded beans turned to soup that looks like diarrhea from a kindergarten.

Beans is protein!

Yorubas don’t add it to soups

Just like we have Rice Pudding, Beans soup in Europe/America, the sophisticated Yorubas have their beans soup called Gbegiri.

Now, let’s come to you Igbos, it’s only animals or human-flesh eating creatures/zombies like the Igbos ll use Goat brains(This is zombies and sickening) to make what the Igbos called ISI Ewu. Only pigs ll consume such disgusting and chest-irritating vomit called Isi Ewu
Food / Re: See The Oha Soup My Female Neighbor Brought For Me This Morning. by Mrnairalandd: 10:04am On Dec 13, 2023

Why do Yorubas stir ewedu with broomsticks? Is that healthy or even normal?

Is ewedu even soup?

So many African countries used a newly made broomsticks for all sort of soups in Africa but we don’t have in Africa is bunch of human-eating barbaric animals called the Igbos using Goat brains(Disgusting) to make Isi Ewu(Spit on you Igbos)… You Igbos are truly clif Orji
Sports / Re: Salah Over Osimhen: Amuneke Responds Strongly Amidst Barrage Of Criticisms by Mrnairalandd: 9:59am On Dec 13, 2023
What do you expect from an Igbo man?

Very useless animals…

They are naturally jealous and hateful hence their failures at everything and backwardness

Very treacherous people.

Chest-beating Cowards.

If Osimehin was an Igbo boy, the foolish wailing wailers called the Igbos wouldn’t have allowed the rest of the country to enjoy peace with their nuisances since yesterday.
Food / Re: See The Oha Soup My Female Neighbor Brought For Me This Morning. by Mrnairalandd: 4:22pm On Dec 08, 2023
That yeye disgusting soup… Why do Igbos put coco yam or pounded yam in their soups? Unhealthy
Culture / Re: Top Five West African Languages Spoken In The United States - 2022 by Mrnairalandd: 12:40pm On Dec 08, 2023

Struggle to believe that, men.

Always thought:

UK - Yoruba
US - Igbo

This is coming from someone that has lived in UK, US and Ireland, trust me, the Igbo population is not even close to 1/4 of Yoruba population in USA, UK and Ireland. I am 100% sure of this…

98% Nigerian businesses in UK, USA, Ireland, Australia are owned by the Yorubas.

If you go to gym, schools, churches, universities even Asia stores, all you ll be hearing is a Yoruba language. 100% truth!

It got so good in UK and some places in USA that the hospital leaflets are written in Yoruba, French Arabic, Chinese as well as English Language


Politics / Re: Eko Row: Benin People ‘Owned’ Lagos, Awori Paid Royalties To Them - Erelu Abiola by Mrnairalandd: 9:46pm On Dec 03, 2023

You migrated from Oyo, Osun etc you are now claiming another man's land, Are you guys not ashamed. The authentic owners of Lagos will soon take over their ancestral lands

Lmao! You guys are pained… It is our land! All representatives are Yorubas, governors, commissioners, official language and streets are in Yoruba language. The Bini with their useless Oba can only roar from far otherwise we ll take over the Bini and turn it to a local government under Ondo state. Why they not in Benin language? You and your fellow Igbos can jump into Lagoon
Politics / Re: Eko Row: Benin People ‘Owned’ Lagos, Awori Paid Royalties To Them - Erelu Abiola by Mrnairalandd: 8:07pm On Dec 03, 2023

Erelu Kuti IV of Lagos, Erelu Abiola Dosunmu, a direct descendant of the progenitors of Lagos kingship, is not a bonafide aboriginal lagosian?. You, who are you please?. She told you her fore father's were of Benin descent and that Aworis migrated from Ife, and were paying Royalty to the Benin kingdom.

What are you on? 😂

Erelu is not a Lagosians. We determines who are Lagosians. Don’t worry, as we move into future, we the Yorubas ll separate a real son from those who are foreigners. The game is on…

Everybody knows that the Benin came to settle down in the 16th century… It is on record! How can you come to settle in our land and begin to claim ownership. Does it make sense to you that the tiny Benin jumped over Ondo state and other SW state to own Lagos. The Ijebus, Aworis have been on ground before the Benin came to live with us. So the Bini cut Yorubaland in the middle cos we have the Yorubas on the other side of Lagos state as well in Benin republic. How come Bini people are not on the other either sides but only in d middle of the Yorubaland
Food / Re: See What Someone Bought With An Hour Minimum Wage In The UK £10 by Mrnairalandd: 11:59pm On Dec 02, 2023

So how much does it take to go out and have fun?
Fortune right?
I bet you are not in the Uk or you are an illegal immigrant here

You can’t even read… What a dumbass! I said i am coming to UK next week for two weeks, let’s have fun, come to 805 to while away time but got attacked in return.
Food / Re: See What Someone Bought With An Hour Minimum Wage In The UK £10 by Mrnairalandd: 11:25pm On Dec 02, 2023

Dont listen to this guy I swear.
I arrived in UK August this year. Its the best desicion I ever took.
If UK is that bad why is the net migration to UK going on the rise year on year?
Here you see people from Iran, South African, Nigeria, Poland , Asians etc
My 1 hour wage can take care of my meal for at least 2 days....How many people are coming to Migeria as immigrants? If people are running to UK, then there's something pleasant about the place. How many people dey go Russia, Latvia etc
If you are actually in the UK please return to Nigeria and I will take you serios else close your mouth and stop spreading lies

If your life in UK is good as you claimed, i am coming to UK next week for two weeks visit, i ll like to pay you a visit. Please don’t say no… Let’s go out and have fun. Deal!

Send me your details. I ll get in touch.


Food / Re: See What Someone Bought With An Hour Minimum Wage In The UK £10 by Mrnairalandd: 11:20pm On Dec 02, 2023

Dem go come tell you how you are defending tinubu government now... cheesy

Life abroad is not easy. I know people who live abroad. It takes them years before they can say 'I have arrived'.

P.S By the way, there is nothing wrong with Lidl or Asda bread or stuff. Even UK folk earning decent salaries shop there to save costs there.

Nothing is wrong with their bread except it tastes like a wood. The British eat that shit cos that is what they grow up eating(no choice) unlike we Nigerians who are used to our very delicious and tasty Agege bread with beans or fried eggs…

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Food / Re: See What Someone Bought With An Hour Minimum Wage In The UK £10 by Mrnairalandd: 11:05pm On Dec 02, 2023
I just dey laugh at the foolish Nigerians who are being misled by their fellow UK based dumbass… If you like, resign or dump your business and travel abroad, my brother, you go suffer.

They don’t listen until they get to Europe/America and realise things are not the way it seems. If God want to punish you, you ll travel with your wife and children, this ll mark the end of your destiny. Your powerful village people have finally nail your destiny in the mud grin.

Let me give you 1000% insight into what await you, if it is easy like your fellow dumbass with Lidl or Asda bread(That bread in the trolley taste like Igi Afara), it is not like your usual nice Agege bread. Nigerians business in Europe/America make their own Agege bread which taste similar to the one here in Nigeria. Nigeria Agege loaf of bread cost you 3 x more that what you pay in Nigeria. This is a typical example of what those lying bastards don’t tell you until you get there and find out why 90% Africans hardly go back home. If 80% of people abroad are successful like they make you believe, African airports ll be filled with Africans arriving from Europe /America on a daily basis but sadly opposite is the case.

Let me quickly go back to those who bring their wives and kids, if you going to renew your wife and children(assuming 2kids) visa at every 2yrs and half, it ll cost you guys about £15,000 including lawyer fees. You ll do this for 10years before you r qualify for permanent residence. Did they tell you this grin?

Let’s go back those chalks(tasteless) called foods in the trolley, that packaged chicken you see inside that trolley are chicken breed with chemical so they break up like Corcoran/cooked yam or new yam grin, they are absolutely tasteless compare to what you r used to here in Nigeria. Here is d truth again about chicken, you can get African hard chicken with the same taste like what you r used to in Africa but one is £4 unless you go for those ones that look like prematured foetuses for £3. My brother, this is just 1% of what they r hiding from you …

Just before i go, let me open your eyes with this, if you want to live one room Bariga/Okokomiko/Orile/Abule Egba/Mushin life, it dey, just like the Op but make sure you come with a lot of tissues and soap to self-service grin for years cos nobody ll date you in that state. However, you ll get a room for £700(cheapest), food, transport and other bills are excluded oooo before you blame me…

The only person i ll advise to go and hustle abroad are those who are used to unrefined poverty(proper penury) here in Africa but if you are average guys, chai! You ll cry and cry ooo grin

If you want to be called uncle London/America grin by your nieces and nephews without money/house home and abroad after 30yrs in abroad, my guy, look well oooo. Don’t join your predecessors who r trying to lure you to join their association in Europe/America.


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Politics / Re: Don’t Use Benin Kingdom To Catch Cruise – Kabaka Warns by Mrnairalandd: 9:53pm On Nov 29, 2023

Stop lying to yourself, Kudirat Abiola was killed in Ikeja while driving, what did your people do about it? what about the husband who was murdered in prison after winning 93 election? can you beat your chest and assure me you can install Oba in Ilorin? Yes, Yorubas are the weakest tribe in the whole Nigeria. this is an open secret grin grin

And your lazy ass Igbos have to beg few Yoruba men to lead you in d civil war while your worthless Hero and his ragtag soldiers.

Without the Yorubas the igbos are absolutely worthless.
Politics / Re: Don’t Use Benin Kingdom To Catch Cruise – Kabaka Warns by Mrnairalandd: 5:15pm On Nov 29, 2023

Stop chest beating una no get liver, remember what IBB said in 1993 😆😄

If Yorubas were cowards like the igbos who always eat leftovers of the North and the military rules, all Nigerians ll be living under military rule today. The Yorubas bravery fought for what all Nigerians are enjoying today.

We are the only tribe that can take any tribe to the cleaner.
Politics / Re: Don’t Use Benin Kingdom To Catch Cruise – Kabaka Warns by Mrnairalandd: 1:53pm On Nov 29, 2023

Normal Yoruba noise making, once a slave, always a slave, you want to strip oba of BINI for telling you the truth😂😂😂 Jokers, no wonder Yoruba has a lot of skit makers, even una so called small small obas are skit makers😂😂 do you guys have obas? Those Yoruba Kings are low budget chiefs na😁😁 until you retake kwara state from your Fulani emir, which you can't even do😂😂 you guys will continue to remain slaves to us🥰🥰

What a coward! Stop hiding behind the Bini to spew rubbish. I dare you to come out with your full chest and tell us your tribe
Politics / Re: Don’t Use Benin Kingdom To Catch Cruise – Kabaka Warns by Mrnairalandd: 9:33am On Nov 29, 2023

Most foolish gibberish I’v ever come across, tell us when are you going to liberate your people in Kwara state and install Oba of Ilorin?

We ll take over the Bini Kingdom first and send that worthless lowlife called Oba of Bini to where he belong just like his worthless forefathers. That ll do in due time.
Politics / Re: Reno Omokri Knocks People Gazette Post's On Diversity In LASG Appointments by Mrnairalandd: 9:28am On Nov 29, 2023
Even though southeast authorities are guilty of some of these accusations,but then,how many yoruba and Hausa live,work and pay taxes in the east .. how many yoruba and Hausa kids do you find schooling in the southeast, and making meaningful contributions there?


I'm confused by the quotes I'm getting here.. some are saying why should other people leave their prosperous region and come to barren southeast with no federal presence..some are saying easterners are hostile to even themselves how much more outsiders ...while some are saying that there are millions of Yorubas n hausas in the east.. abeg which one make I take?

Alright I'd plot a graph..or better still do some bar charts to determine which to take

You worthless Igbos always have excuse for your tribalism but get mad at others when they do the same shit to you worthless beings.

It irritates me to high heaven when i see pigs like you giving excuses for your heavenly endowed gift-unrefined tribalism. I think it’s high time the Yorubas need to come together and see your Igbos as enemies.

The early the Yorubas realise this and educate the younger ones to see you igbos as evils, the better for the Yorubas.

It’s now we need to put conservatives among us into strategic political position in Lagos and other part of Yorubaland so as to expunge all Igbos from our political and social life. This i can assure you as we move forward…

The likes of Tinubu started this stupid trend of appointing the igbos but those days are long gone, henceforth, we ll put house in order so as to stop all these nonsense.


Properties / Re: General Topic Thread-To Discuss Anything And Everything in Building Construction by Mrnairalandd: 9:19am On Nov 29, 2023
Can you Chat me Up or so I can share some Videos with you of my Recent work of the External Doors

Don’t worry brother, just leave your phone number here, i ll get in touch as soon as i am free to chat u up.
Politics / Re: Don’t Use Benin Kingdom To Catch Cruise – Kabaka Warns by Mrnairalandd: 9:12am On Nov 29, 2023

Lol. So much noise about a tribe a drug lord has rubbished everything sacred about. No value left, no dignity, nothing. That you're all now ranting like rodents online shows how depraved the once acclaimed sophisticated tribe has become. The day is coming in this country when you folks will dance naked to your own songs. At every turn, you've made enemies of everyone. A tribe whose progenitor fell from the sky ( the first of its kind in the history of mankind). SMH!

It could only be your dream to see the Yoruba race in such state but let me burst your bubbles, we the Yorubas have gone too far to find ourselves in such situation, no tribe in Nigeria can match us in everything of life. Take Nigeria out of equation, other tribe like the igbos or these tiny Binis ll look like a local government to us. If the Yorubas slow down for 20yrs without doing anything, Bini kingdom or the most worthless tribe in Nigeria called igbos can not march one local government.

We whipped your worthless forefathers ass before in civil war, allowed Hausa/Fulanis to rape your useless mothers and daughters, then roast your forefathers ass with bullets. If you like, go and look for more tribes in your journey of no return, we ll put you where we put your worthless forefathers.

As for the Binis, we once saved those tiny things when d worthless tribe called the Igbo attacked and invaded their land, we ll take over the Bini kingdom and turn it to local govt if care is not taken.

As for the useless Oba of Benin, that little thing is finished in Yorubaland. What happen to his forefather might end up happen to this fool called Oba of Bini. We ll catch him like his forefathers and strip him naked on the street… As for Lagos Ownership, we don’t need to argue with your likes cos we the Yorubas make laws, govern all our states. Our streets and obas in Lagos state bear our names…

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Properties / Re: General Topic Thread-To Discuss Anything And Everything in Building Construction by Mrnairalandd: 9:02pm On Nov 19, 2023
Hello house in a case where an amendment is to be done in a bungalow. I am insisting on moving the visitors toilet entrance to be inside the sitting room rather than in the varrender. So we need to both extend the v.t and put a wall to close out the varrender.

Would it be necessary to put a beam before setting the blocks or would the weight sit well on the German floor when casted?

And would an extra beam be needed on the lintel level too or we can just raise the blocks to leveling level?

This is exactly what i did, i moved the toilet from the veranda to the living room. Initially, my siblings kicked against it but happy after the work was done.

The builder blocked the entrance to the toilet at the veranda and created a new entrance from the living room. It is beautiful. Those who kicked against it suddenly fell in love with it when the toilet was moved to the living room.

You ll eventually love it…


Properties / Re: General Topic Thread-To Discuss Anything And Everything in Building Construction by Mrnairalandd: 8:54pm On Nov 19, 2023
Right Now Full HDF Door (3 ×7ft) with Complete Accessories and Installation is N145,000 - N160,000, cost Varies due to Colour of Boards and the Type of Key Used.

Why Mahogany Door (4×7ft) with Complete Accessories and Installation is N350,000 - N650,000. Cost Varies to designs (toughness, bulletproofing) and types of Locks Used. Fingerprint,Card, password and Facial recognition. Regular Solid Keys Used.

CONTACT: OX Furniture for your Home Furnitures and Doors.

09090040008, 08066377733.

I intend to buy the main external door from you. Did you make this one in picture. Upload few you made in recent months or years
Foreign Affairs / Re: Israeli Army Says It Finds Tunnel, Weapons At Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital by Mrnairalandd: 10:27am On Nov 17, 2023
I knew Israel ll come up with these lies…

Israel told the whole world that there is a tunnel under the hospital and that’s what we are all waiting to see…

I knew it ll be difficult for Israel to start digging a new tunnel under the hospital so as to justify their irrational and illegal bombing of innocent people in Shafi hospital…

Lies from pit of hell

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Foreign Affairs / Re: US: Mass Shooting At Lewiston, Maine. 22 Dead, 60 Injured, Shooter Still At Larg by Mrnairalandd: 8:49am On Oct 26, 2023
This is just 1% of people getting killed in USA on daily basis. Living in USA is like living in Kabul, Afghanistan. Everyday seems to be your last day in USA but their media knows how to hide news like this cos of USA image.

If you escape random shootings like this one, serial killers are just around the corners. USA has more serial killers than the number of people living in any two states in USA.

If you escape those aforementioned ones, then Police or your wife/husband might get your ass killed.

Terrorists are not left out cos you might be at the wrong place at the wrong time just like 9/11.

Drugs dealers drive around shooting at their potential rivals but innocent people including children playing on the streets usually get caught in the middle…

Schools are d last place you want to be in USA cos your white mate could decide that enough is enough just cos he was reprimanded by his parents or school teacher for not doing his school work or trivial thng, and the next thing is shooting and killing his school mates and teachers .

Church and Synagogues are not left out too.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Hamas Terrorists Interrogation Video by Mrnairalandd: 9:47am On Oct 24, 2023
You took their lands and turned them to prisoners in their own country. I wished Israel could take South East of Nigeria and subject the Igbos to the same thing Palestinians are going through today.

I blamed Yakubu Gowon who could have easily turned the South East corridor to Gaza Strip with full blockade by Nigeria Army after the civil war… It would have been very nice to see the Igbos in that camp today rejoicing and jubilanting….
Celebrities / Re: Mr. Ibu: Bukola Saraki Foundation Clears Bills Of Ailing Actor by Mrnairalandd: 6:56pm On Oct 20, 2023
Yorubas always helped these ingrates called d Igbos…

I can’t count how many Igbo lives we Yorubas have saved in recent years…

Useless tribe


Politics / Re: Save South East From Collapse, Okonjo-Iweala Tells Governors by Mrnairalandd: 4:18pm On Sep 29, 2023

I don't indulge idiooots like you who peddle bigotry, I only engage intelligent minds. Now get lost

Intelligent minds you said! Unfortunately your write up says opposite…

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Politics / Re: Save South East From Collapse, Okonjo-Iweala Tells Governors by Mrnairalandd: 10:33am On Sep 29, 2023

I know you to be an ardent supporter of Obi, note this, southeast is not landlocked as falsely peddled by mischievous individuals. Don't help them by pushing this narrative, how is southeast landlocked when there's River Niger in Onitsha, Oguta lake in Imo and several water bodies in Enugu and Ebonyi.

It irritates me to high heaven when you Igbos go around peddling lies among yourselves, calling black white in broad daylights.

Malawi is a landlocked country but accepted her fate without twisting it.

The Igbos have one big problem; lies and propaganda. Jeez! See how you are lying about South East not being landlocked in a public forum like this…

What you have in South East are mere Rivers as shown in the picture.

Sea ports are built by the Sea coast or estuary, not Rivers.

All Igbos can get is inland port-Harbour through South South-Niger Delta if they agree but remember your economy ll literally depends on Niger-Delta. Sadly, d Igbos are too arrogant(Inferiority complex and victim mentality syndrome hidden in arrogance) to survive such arrangement with South South for too long… It ll be a disaster eventually.

Sea ports are not built on Rivers but by d sea coast which Igbos don’t have.

Here is Nigeria map

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Travel / Re: The Lagos Red Line Train Is Set For Completion - Seyi Law by Mrnairalandd: 9:17am On Sep 09, 2023

What part of Yorubaland is blessed do you not understand? grin

Ibadan is a West African pride. Osogbo has the Osun shrine which is a tourist attraction and destination for people from all over the world... each town is significant in its own way.

London is the pride of the English people. You don't hear English people from Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester e.t.c crying over that fact. Same way you won't hear people from iragbiji or Ibarakpa crying over Lagos.

You just knocked out that disgusting Iyamiri-Igbo… Keep educating those retarded illiterates just like our forefathers educated their worthless forefathers.


Education / Re: Mmesomma Ejikeme Met With The Anambra State Commissioner For Education by Mrnairalandd: 12:58pm On Sep 04, 2023
The most useless tribe that celebrate nothing but fraud, money rituals and corruption.
Politics / Re: Tinubu Appoints Mojoyinoluwa Dekalu-Thomas As NELMCO MD/CEO & Executive Director by Mrnairalandd: 8:38pm On Aug 25, 2023
Igbos started it under Jonathan… I saw this coming… I actually predicted this under Jonathan here on Airaland but the Igbos attacked me as usual, now let the Igbos keep their mouths shut cos they started it.


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