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Politics / Re: What Us The Fate If A Northerne Christian Child In Politics by mrsmith11(m): 11:08am On Feb 13, 2023
Right now in Kaduna, a northern Christian child can't even aspire to be ordinary deputy governor with what El Rufai introduced.

Muslim Muslim ticket also means a northern Christian child can't aspire to be president it vice.

How about minority Muslim in the south?

As we speak all southern governors are Christians. Apart from lagos is there any hope for a southern Muslim governor .
Is there any hope for a southern Muslim president or vice after now ?
Politics / Re: APC Chairmen, 3,000 Members Defect To PDP In Edo by mrsmith11(m): 7:19pm On Feb 05, 2023
The same omosede wey lost her election back to back. She moved from Pdp to Apc and still lost.
Person wey no fit deliver her ward for ize iyamu in the last Governorship election.


Travel / Re: LASG Set To Construct New Airport On Lekki-Epe Axis by mrsmith11(m): 6:05pm On Oct 07, 2022
Good development.

London Heathrow
London Gatwick

Ikeja Airport
Lekki Airport

London Stansted airport
Travel / Re: Untold Truth About Why Immigrants Are Leaving Canada by mrsmith11(m): 7:44pm On Aug 27, 2022
Canada is equivalent to sweden except the language advantage ���

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Politics / Re: Why Is No One Talking About Atiku by mrsmith11(m): 1:01pm On Jul 01, 2022
In my opinion I think ibos prefer atiku wins to tinubu because atiku presidency make ibos have another shot to presidency in another 4-8years while tinubu presidency will make them wait for another 16 years.

Do not forget ibos vote majorly for PDP until the emergency of OBI
Politics / Re: 2023:PDP/APC Muslim, It Is A Total Disrespect For Christians-Pastor Sarah Moakwu by mrsmith11(m): 11:14am On Jun 20, 2022
Another nonsense....people dentity is based on there ethnicity and not religion.

Today you can be Christian and tomorrow a Muslim but you can't be a yoruba today and tomorrow an igbo Man.
Politics / Re: Nobody Is Taking About Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Again! by mrsmith11(m): 2:44pm On Jun 18, 2022
Everywhere you go now Obi is the talk. People have replaced DP's of Mazi with that of Obi what is happening? Have our people thrown Mazi under the bus?

They soon stop Monday sit at home. The power of election. It shows that all the agitation has been all about power struggle.


Politics / Re: Tinubu's Achievements As Lagos Governor by mrsmith11(m): 6:44pm On Jun 13, 2022

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Travel / Re: Cost Of A Nigeria International Passport by mrsmith11(m): 11:23am On Apr 29, 2022
Please do anyone know any social media of the immigration services?
I need to call out Edo state immigration as they refuse to print people passport except those pay extra 30k through third party officers
Travel / Re: A Swedish Man I Met Online Wants To Marry Me by mrsmith11(m): 8:56pm On Apr 11, 2022
He can invite you for visit but I don't think he can marry you here even if he can....the immigration will ask you to leave and apply for resident permit (family reunion) from your home country.
Also since you guys haven't live together before then it takes an average of 2 years for approval but if you lucky it can be less than 2yrs on rare cases
Travel / Re: Information About Sweden Visa by mrsmith11(m): 7:33pm On Oct 14, 2018
Education / Nysc Exemption Certificate by mrsmith11(m): 8:29pm On Jul 11, 2018
Please with this kemi adeosun wahala am beginning to think of my exemption certificate.
I graduated (part time) 2013 and immediately I left the country without processing my nysc exemption certificate...

Please does anyone has an idea on how to process it.

Family / Re: Update on : Has My Wife Finally Moved On by mrsmith11(m): 9:17pm On Apr 23, 2018
Hello thanks for your time, I would have choosen not to reply , but I think we need to get somethings clear.Romania and Uk, are two extremes.UK is not mainland Europe, Romania with due respect is mainly Eu by name.
Talking about going to other Scandinavian country,the counselor and I reasoned that leaving to any one of them does not portray seriousness from me. The whole Idea was for my leaving to make a serious impact on my wife. If I go to any other Scandinavian, it will have no effect, because Copenhagen in Denmark is less than 20 minutes to malmo in Sweden,Sweden and Norway share many similar towns, so we in Scandinavian see these countries as almost one.
The other reason I want to Malta was because of my Job, I am a Pharmacist, it is easiest to get a job in Malta than any other EU country. I am just doing odd jobs before I obtain licence in Malta, this takes three 4 months. The ideal thing would have been to do the registration before going to Malta, but the problem on ground made me leave earlier.

Probably you misunderstood me.....I was saying moving far away from Norway will not help and I guess it has not .
There is saying that out of sight can be out of mind but been close to your family especially your children when you can see them at any time would ve been better.

Probably you would ve used your birthday as opportunity to take everyone out for dinner and things like that rekindle or refresh memories that can heal wounds.

I live here in Europe n family is in Nigeria so I know the challenges and vacuum distance between partners can create.

I will advice you go back to Norway n face the issue if for nothing but to be close to your children.
Family / Re: Update on : Has My Wife Finally Moved On by mrsmith11(m): 7:48pm On Apr 21, 2018
I know a lot of Nigerians will say the same thing about the councillor, but moving to another country here in EU of you are an EU citizen is nothing really.

I do not agree with you ....so if a UK citizen need a temporary separation from the wife then the best suggestion is to leave the UK to Romanian abi?

The best you would ve done is to move into another apartment in the same city where you can easily reach your children weekends until you find a lasting solution to your challenges. .....why will you leave a well paying job to Malta that has the lowest wages in Europe.
Y u no go any of the Scandinavia countries that is even close to Norway. Abeg tell us another reason
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 9:05pm On Feb 17, 2018

She's not here to defend herself over u saying she didn't put ur pic on her whatsapp, but u still went ahead to create a thread about it, so u ain't got no argument there. Since u cannot explain what other issue there is between u two, there's probably none or nothing major to warrant leaving her. Since the issue is her not putting ur pic up on whatsapp, u probably just want to leave her... maybe because u no longer love her or have found someone new to be with, otherwise I don't get why u want to leaver her now!! At this point u should be thinking about getting both of them to be with u in Europe, in fact u should've done this already by now if u love both of them by now and want them to be with u in Europe! But u want to leave her over her not putting ur pic on her whatsapp, u are not telling the truth

Well, you're still obligated to be sending her money, at least for your son. You can't be complaining about that, you were the one who got her pregnant when you visited naija

I don't want to talk about other issues but there are previous cases that has to do with whatapp.

Do you know that I don't even know how many whatapp she has?
Last year February about this time,a strange number from Nigeria flashed my fone then I added the number to my Samsung n check the number on whatapp .the whatapp was active but no dp then I sent a msg the person read n didn't reply so I put a normal call through and it rang and the person didn't pick then I forward the number to a friend in nigeria to call n record the voice then send it to me ....Guess who? I called my girl on her normal number she picked and my son was crying at the background after enough interrogation I found she was beating him becos while my son was playing with d tab & he mistakenly dialled my number......she gave excuses why she downloaded the whatapp n also using d sim ......after quarel she deleted it.......two months later in April while I was transferring contacts from my old abandon BlackBerry to my Samsung I discovered that my girl elder sisters fone number or sim she left while travelling abroad to join her husband was active on whatapp with my son picture and status updated. ...Guess who was using it?.....I confronted her she gave her normal explanation and excuse then she deleted.

NOTE;she has 2 official numbers that I know and both had whatapp.....y she always delete her mtn whatapp to download and use other sims is still a misery and once she gives you a reason whether acceptable or not she expect i accept it and move along.

Right now i don't even know how many whatapp she has or downloaded.

Probably am over reacting abi?

Probably you should also help me examine this circumstances maybe stress has been making me react.

For the past 2yrs I usually goto bed by 10/10:30pm but 4weeks ago...I was coming home very late around 10:35pm and I walking home so I decide to ping her on whatapp she was online but not replying then I whatapp call her but engage on a whatapp call ....Iater she replied n said she was talking with old classmate. I got home past 11pm I decide to let her know have reach home but wouldn't reply then I called ..she was on d call past 11......I asked where is ur son.....You couldn't discuss all this during day time...we argue then I went to bed. .

Last 2 weeks Tuesday,I already told her good nite around 10:30pm off my fone n went to bed but while on d bed sth told me to go n check on her....I put on the fone around 10:45/50 ....I called her whatapp...she was on a call......then i asked her if this her night calls is coincident or it has been going on.......she replied me and said *if there is a closing time for whatapp* I just off my fone n went to bed

2weeks later am asking her to use my pic as Dp on Valentine day and she can't
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 8:05pm On Feb 17, 2018
Can't believe a grown man's fighting his fiance for not putting his pic as her dp, like are you fckin kidding me right now?! U who put her pic on ur dp, does this mean u are faithful to her there in europe, the 5 yrs u've been there u haven't or aren't seeing anyone else there now? Wouldn't be surprised if u are cheating or seeing someone, men who're too quick to get upset at their woman over something like not putting ur pic on their dp are the ones cheating or seeing someone else. Abegi, grow up and stop being childish.

Lool. ..I know it difficult for women to believe even Some times I wonder how have been able to hold on considering my person way back ....I swear on my father grave not even a kiss from any woman here.
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 8:02pm On Feb 17, 2018

This is one of the pitfalls of long distance relationships, every disagreement can be blown out of proportion.. nothing beats face to face communication when sorting out relationship issues.

You two should be having video calls (it's more intimate than just typing or voice calling), until you get to see again.
At least if you're going walk away from the relationship, you should do it face to face when you see her.

There is always network problem with d video calls except on very few occasion.

I can't walk away face to face becos i love my son so much .....i just need to stay away for now and think over the whole issues
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 7:57pm On Feb 17, 2018
do not be deceived, I'd tell you the blatant truth, your lady is absolutely cheating on you. Also, I have this very weird feeling that your so called son may not be yours after all. Even though it's possible to conceive on first attempt, a normal thinking woman would avoid it since she's unsure of your availability. I think it'll have been a different story if you were based in Somalia or one havoc ridden country. You're more or less a meal ticket. And I sure do hope you don't realise this mistake when it's already too late. Whenever you come over to the country, insist on a DNA test and do it at a place you choose .

Well I don't think so.......I was in Nigeria from Dec till end of January and she gave birth September. She was with me all through my stay at that time
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 7:00am On Feb 17, 2018
Why Leave A Woman Alone For 5years? So Because She Refused To Use You As Her Dp Means She's Cheating? And That Is The Reason For You To Divorce Her?
You Have Anger Issues, Work On That. Even Your Fellow Man Couldn't Find A Fault In Your Post... You Are Not Ready For Marriage

I have visited twice and was suppose to be in Nigeria last December but had isssue with my passport.

Not using my pix on her Dp on Valentine is sth I shouldn't worry about? I remember how she made me do something in 2016 valentine day when I was in Nigeria with her but today it doesn't mean anything to her?
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 6:53am On Feb 17, 2018

It seems this issue of WhatsApp DP isn't the first you both are having...just a thought

Nope . There is always an issue but I wouldn't want to go into because it would be unfair to her when she is not here to defend herself but she is that woman who is always right, sees no wrong in what she does as far she has an explanation or excuse for it.
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 6:44pm On Feb 15, 2018
Five years in Europe and your son is three years old, how come

Visited twice. It was my 1st visit she took in

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Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 6:39pm On Feb 15, 2018
She may or may not be cheating, you can't be sure of that.
What is certain is that it means nothing to her to make use of your photo on her dp, and she certainly doesn't care how that makes you feel.

Either way, there is fire on the mountain.

Look for someone you trust enough to shadow her movements and report to you if it really means that much to you.
Remember she's not your wife yet, you still have time to rethink.

I don't have the energy to ask anyone to monitor her instead am walking away from the affair
Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 1:02pm On Feb 15, 2018
Op no offense but this is childish. If you have any suspicion of cheating then investigate. Using of pictures as dp does not equal faithfulness or love. There are deeper issues you guys need to work out especially how to come together as a family instead of long distance.

How do i investigate her when am thousands of kilometres away. If she can always chnge her Dp to celebrate others even co-tenant and my son school teacher so she can't celebrate me on lovers day when everyone is showing appreciation to there loved ones. 5years in Europe I never cheated on this woman and have always make sure they don't lack anything. .....I don't deserve to be celebrated? I need to ask for it?

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Family / Re: Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 12:51pm On Feb 15, 2018
Okay, you feel she's cheating on you because she failed to use your picture as DP on Val day?

What if she used your picture and still proceed to cheat on you? How would you have known?

* i wouldn't know but it will be a joke in her becos i believe most men wouldn't take a woman serious who display another man in her Dp and same having fun with u* if she decide to respect the man and becos of that didn't show love to me on her Dp then her loyalty or feelings is somewhere else* Y should i be working hard to keep roof over her head,put good on her table and money in her pocket and she can't celebrate me just this once in a year*

See, there is no proof that your girl is cheating on you. However (and truthfully), I think her mistake was failing to listen to you. Knowing that the relationship is a long-distance type, she ought to have uploaded your picture since that was clearly going to make you happy. Relationship is not always about one person, "me" but what makes the other happy.

Nevertheless, your action is way too drastic. Unblock her like you've always done. I'm sure this is not the first time you're blocking her, so go ahead and resolve your relationship issues.
Family / Opinions/comments Needed by mrsmith11(m): 7:38am On Feb 15, 2018
I have a fiancee who lives in Nigeria with my son (3yrs+) and am pratically responsible for there welfare ranging from housing,feeding to school expenses.

Xday been Valentine I got a happy valentinr message from my so called fiancee then I used her pic as my Dp on whatapp and I was suprise she didnt do the same. I asked her y she not celebrating me on her Dp on whatapp......all she said was that *putting me on her Dp is for children doing Valentine * we argue back n forth about on way to work. After work xday when I put On my fone I was surprise she didnt really use it.

Last year she use my pic as Dp but something happened.....her both fones were switch off till 7:30pm in d evening saying her fone went off when she went for an exam.

So xday evening I deleted her and said am done with her.
Family / Re: I Caught My Husband Chatting With A Lady On Facebook & WhatsApp & Confronted Him by mrsmith11(m): 5:53pm On Jul 31, 2017
And to all the men that are pretending that men are not same,who can come out that he can travel and leave his wife for a year without cheating on her,my advice to all women is to pray for their husbands not only give their husbands sex only,is more than that,to the op the most important for u is to take the advices not minding them.thanks

I know you are trying to be realistic that alot of men cheat but there are still some very discipline ones.

I can boldly say that I had only visited Nigeria twice in d last four and half years (41/2) have been away and I have never kissed nor touched another woman (sexually).

So alot of us are still much faithful to our partner

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Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 11 by mrsmith11(m): 8:53pm On May 17, 2017
Please what the difference between standard epassport and official epassport
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 11 by mrsmith11(m): 1:35pm On May 03, 2017
Please when can I apply for passport renewal that will expire Oct 29th
Travel / Re: I Got Married To A German Woman by mrsmith11(m): 11:42am On Apr 20, 2017
Check German website for correct information but I think the following is necessary

International passport with validity more than a year
Birth certificate. ... (maybe you need to legalize it )
Marriage certificate (legalise in Abuja )
Passport photograph
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 11 by mrsmith11(m): 7:50pm On Apr 18, 2017
Visa Approved this morning....
Hi everyone, I want to thank those that continue to support the movement and purpose of this thread. My Visa interview was for 6:30am this morning, I was feeling uneasy all through the night, I woke up around 4am, left my house by 4:55am, I was driving like a snail I didnt even want any stories. I finally got to the embassy like 5:35am, I paid for parking, about 5 guys just rushed me and started telling to arrange my document staple this and that make copy of my passport page that the rules have changed, but as a product of this thread I didn't even answer them, I was the 4th person to be interviewed, it was barely up to 5 mins sef, see my transcript below;

VO; Good morning, how are you
Me; Good morning Sir, I am fine
VO; Pass me your passport and 1-20
Why are you going to the US
Me; I am going to the University of Connecticut for Masters in Business Analytics as Big data is the new wave in Africa and I want to be one of the forerunners of understanding data mining and how Business can (I cant even remember what I said..lol)
VO; oh Uconn, that’s great. Where do you work?
Me; Senior Consultant atXXXX (International Company)
VO; Oh that’s a great Company, hope you enjoyed your time working there?
Me; Yes I have..its being a great time, we have won a couple of employers satisfaction awards in the last few years.
VO; oh really, they would never win that in the US, they are really tough u know ( I just knew my visa was approved from this point)
ME; yes when some of them come to Nigeria, they always want to stay back.
VO; how are you going to pay for your studies?
Me; I got a loan from Prodigy finance and my brother is also sponsoring me
VO; ok… I see you are a genuine student and I would be approving your visa. He returned my 1-20 and the collection ish
Me; Thank you Sir.

The three guys that went before me were still talking to the VO. I just started singing praises all the way to my car, people were just congratulating because it was soo obvious I just got my visa approved.

Big congrat
Travel / Re: General U.s.a (student) Visa Enquiries-part 11 by mrsmith11(m): 8:09pm On Apr 13, 2017

Sorry for your denial....
Did you prepare at all ?
Did you read pass transcript to learn a thing or two especially since you are going through Community college route

I sent u a mail

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