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Romance / Re: FREE Graphic Design Training by naomishmuel(f): 9:20pm On Jul 01, 2022
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nigerian Army SSC And DSSC 2016/2017 Forum by naomishmuel(f): 6:22pm On Jun 21, 2022

I contacted our LGI, and he said they don't normally issue that type of letters to serving corps members.
What if I go with my PPA posting letter and my ID card since our POP date is boldly written on them.
Hi there!
We're you able to go?
How was it?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nigerian Army SSC And DSSC 2016/2017 Forum by naomishmuel(f): 6:17pm On Jun 21, 2022
Faced the board this morning... I was asked two questions from my discipline and two current affairs questions....

God really stood for me today he gave me the needed confidence, to the point that the chairman of the board asked me if i was Soldier.

I am currently on my way back to my base.... I pray the good lord completes the good work that he has started... Jaji loading

Over and out
I've been following your replies here and I must say, you're doing a great job. May God see you through the rest of the process.
I'd love to reach out to you... I can't send you a direct mail from nairaland

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NYSC / Re: NYSC: Where Did You Do Your PPA? by naomishmuel(f): 7:46pm On Aug 31, 2021
Currently at the Federal Ministry of Water Resources... Sokoto State
Religion / Re: Reno Omokri: What Boko Haram Is Doing, The Church Did 10 Times Worse by naomishmuel(f): 6:30am On Aug 08, 2021
Comparing The Church and this current terrorist Boko Ha ram is Unfair, At least the Church gave you a chance to accept or be killed, however Boko Ha ram bombs people en mass with no chance to say yes or no to their religion.
Are you justifying the killings? You asked me to join something and I refused because I don't want to... So, why should I be killed? Perhaps you should read more about the killings of the church. This is only the tip of the iceberg

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NYSC / Re: Call Up Letter by naomishmuel(f): 5:13pm On Jul 24, 2021

Congratulations dear
Thank you


NYSC / Re: Call Up Letter by naomishmuel(f): 8:52am On Jul 24, 2021
Anyone traveling from PH to Sokoto?

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Politics / Re: Israeli Filmmakers Arrested In Nigeria Over Alleged Contact With Separatists by naomishmuel(f): 8:40pm On Jul 13, 2021

U really know ur onions
I do...

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Politics / Re: Israeli Filmmakers Arrested In Nigeria Over Alleged Contact With Separatists by naomishmuel(f): 8:29pm On Jul 13, 2021

That's interesting

Can u pls shed light on the Judaism and the Igbo connection

I use to think only Hebrews or Israelis can be Jews
The Jews are scattered all over the world; they went on exile severally and some didn't return home. Anyways, one can either be a Jew by birth or by conversation (that's the religious aspect). Judaism is not just a religion sha, but a way of life. Nevertheless, the Igbos are of the opinion that they have their roots entwined with the Jewish people (like they came from Gad). I don't know much about their speculations; that's what the "We were never lost" movement is all about, as they seek to learn more about Jews in places they never knew such persons existed...


Politics / Re: Israeli Filmmakers Arrested In Nigeria Over Alleged Contact With Separatists by naomishmuel(f): 8:17pm On Jul 13, 2021

Thats awesome

U can tell me more

First of all, Judaism has nothing to do with Biafra (because such speculations was the cause of Rudy and his team's arrest), and the Sefer Torah was brought for the Nigerian Jewish Youths. This is not the first Sefer Torah in Nigeria (we actually have many) and it was supposed to come earlier but was delayed due to the COVID. So, this "documentary" trip was an opportunity to finally bring the long-awaited Sefer Torah for the Nigerian Jewish Youth movement.


Politics / Re: Israeli Filmmakers Arrested In Nigeria Over Alleged Contact With Separatists by naomishmuel(f): 8:11pm On Jul 13, 2021

Oh yeah
I later googled it too

Are u Jewish, never met a Jew before
Yea, I practice Judaism. There are lots of Jews in Nigeria...
Politics / Re: Israeli Filmmakers Arrested In Nigeria Over Alleged Contact With Separatists by naomishmuel(f): 8:04pm On Jul 13, 2021
I knew this was gonna happen the day they brought that shiviti

What is a shiviti and what does it do anyway

The Shiviti (Shivisi) is a decorative piece composed of Psalm 16:8. It often has the menorah (candlestick stand) and the holy name of God. In some homes and synagogues, it is placed over the podium where prayers are said


Family / Re: This Baby Face Something Is Not Working For Me by naomishmuel(f): 11:22pm On Jul 10, 2021

I'm reserved too. But I watch what I put on. I discovered in a rude way that you 'll be addressed the way you dress.
Your low cut hair is a strike against you. Make your hair and you'll get some "respect".
Hear more, speak less.

Thanks for the advice
Religion / Re: The Story Linking A Particular Sefer Torah To Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Is Wrong by naomishmuel(f): 2:04pm On Jul 08, 2021
Anything about Biafra is fake
Judaism is a religion on its own and it's time for folks to stop dragging it into politics. Most persons who claim that they are fighting for Biafra knows nothing about Judaism. So, I'm surprised that people would be tagging a religious event as something Nnamdi Kanu is propagating when it's not true
Religion / The Story Linking A Particular Sefer Torah To Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Is Wrong by naomishmuel(f): 1:34pm On Jul 08, 2021
The Story Linking A Particular Sefer Torah To Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Is Nothing But FAKE NEWS!

Contrary to the news trending on social media as reported by some blogs and online media- the arrival of a Sefer Torah to Nigeria has nothing to do with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB). Our attention has been drawn to the information currently being circulated through Facebook by individuals who are hell-bent on twisting the whole story to gain cheap media publicity by deceiving members of the general public. Therefore, it has become important to officially refute these mischievous claims that have no element of truth whatsoever but only intended to be used to ferment trouble and paint a different picture of those practicing Orthodox Judaism in the country.

Firstly- the Sefer Torah in question was donated to the Nigerian orthodox Jewish communities in 2019, and scheduled to arrive in 2020, but was delayed due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions. Hence, all those propagating FALSE INFORMATION by linking the Sefer Torah to mazi Nnamdi Kanu are completely ignorant of the fact that there is no such connecting link.

Secondly- there are over 5 Sifrei Torah in Igbo-land, and thus this is not the first time a Sefer Torah has arrived from Israel. It is therefore laughable for a group of outsiders to deceive the general public by claiming that a broadcast by the leader of IPOB made sometimes last year is the reason for the arrival of the Sefer Torah.

Thirdly- a Sefer Torah is nothing but a part of the Jewish Bible containing the first 5 books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) and written on a traditional scroll parchment. This Sefer Torah donation is meant to encourage and boost the faith of the Jewish Youth Association and was never meant for the general Igbo public or in any way connected to the current agitation/secession. It is therefore surprising for anyone or group of people to openly mislead the public into believing that the arrival of a single Torah scroll from Israel has become the Game Changer in the ongoing struggle.

Finally- the WeWereNeverLost movement is primarily focused on highlighting and projecting the orthodox Jewish community activities of some practicing Igbo Jews, helping to create a more cordial relationship with Israeli Jewish communities, while giving back to the Jewish society through training on media acquisition skills, and the Sefer Torah donation.

Based on this, the general public is hereby kindly advised to disregard the purported claims by numerous Fake News peddlers who are posting all sorts of unverified stories on their blogs, YouTube and Facebook, in an attempt to hijack an event they know nothing about, and putting great effort to twist the whole story to score cheap political points and satisfy the collective interest of their target audience.


Moshe Ben Yehudah

Orthodox Jewish Association in Nigeria


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Family / Re: This Baby Face Something Is Not Working For Me by naomishmuel(f): 2:48pm On Jul 07, 2021

Truth be told
You look like a jamb bite but it's good for a woman.
Swears! I'm loving the look
Just that some younger folks would want to start misbehaving. But when they notice my friends around and how they respect me, they get amazed and start showing great respect
Family / Re: This Baby Face Something Is Not Working For Me by naomishmuel(f): 2:45pm On Jul 07, 2021

Wow! You look exactly like a Jambite.

My own is that even though I look younger (way younger than my age actually), my carriage and expression will let you know I am not exactly "young".
Good for you... I'm reserved so I don't think anyone would see that kind of "expression" that'd make the think I'm not a teen
Family / Re: This Baby Face Something Is Not Working For Me by naomishmuel(f): 9:24am On Jul 05, 2021

Sure, you look like a teenager, plus the low hair cut makes you look younger. BTW, you're beautiful and I like your smile.
Thanks for the compliment
I've decided to start making my hair... Perhaps that would help


Family / Re: This Baby Face Something Is Not Working For Me by naomishmuel(f): 9:05am On Jul 05, 2021
You're not alone
I graduated from uni 2019... I was at my mom's shop last week and one man was like why didn't you go to school today (I even though he knew I was in uni). So I told him I graduated 2019.
Hmm my people, the next thing I heard was "now that you have your WAEC are you not thinking of writing JAMB?"

I was speechless! My mom heard it and was like Oga wetin you dey talk? A whole BSc holder bla bla bla
Abeg, I can't shout! I still prefer my looks jare I wouldn't want someone to think I'm older than my age

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Phones / Re: Let's See Your Phone Home-screen (screenshot) by naomishmuel(f): 2:05pm On Jun 29, 2021
Here's mine

Phones / Is UMIDIGI A9 Pro A Good Choice? by naomishmuel(f): 9:36am On Jun 08, 2021
Hi, fams
Please, I want to get a new phone and I need your assistance in making the right choice. I need a phone with good battery life and other excellent features. So, I found this UMIDIGI A9 Pro, and learned that it has:
RAM: 6GB (LPDDR4X dual channel)
ROM: 128GB (up to 256GB (VFAT format)
Battery: 4150 mAh (10W)

The camera seems good too but I want to get a proper review from folks who have used this phone. I want to be sure it's truly good
Family / Re: What Are The First 3 Words You See In This Photo? by naomishmuel(f): 3:05pm On May 26, 2021
Romance / Re: The Trend Of Public Proposal Amidst It's Dicey Nature by naomishmuel(f): 2:22pm On May 26, 2021
I am a Lady but I'm not comfortable with this stunt... Imagine the stares! I like serious things like this to be discussed in a comfortable environment.
Family / Re: The Shocking Things Children Say by naomishmuel(f): 10:20am On Jan 22, 2021
My little cousin saw me dressing, and she was like "Aunty I love your bra, please get me a bra and pant so that I can wear them when I grow like you!"

I also remembered this little cousin of mine calling me a "girl," and I told her that I'm a Lady and not a girl. She simply said that she can't address me as a Lady since I have no kids(funny). She was like "or is there a baby in this your small tummy?"


Family / Re: Cockerels For Sale by naomishmuel(f): 7:11am On Dec 03, 2020
Sure pictures.
I've added one
Family / Re: Cockerels For Sale by naomishmuel(f): 7:09am On Dec 03, 2020
It's 3k...
Family / Cockerels For Sale by naomishmuel(f): 11:59am On Dec 02, 2020
Its another festive season and you wouldn't want to miss out on this opportunity! Get healthy and mature cockerels for 3k only.
Location: Port Harcourt
Contact: 08065211642

Agriculture / Cockerels For Sale by naomishmuel(f): 11:51am On Dec 02, 2020
Its another festive season and you wouldn't want to miss out on this opportunity! Get your healthy and mature live cockerels at affordable rates.
Location: PH
Travel / Re: Ethiopia Just Entered 2013 While The Rest Of The World Is In 2020 - HistoryVille by naomishmuel(f): 7:53am On Sep 17, 2020
Ethopians has the real Hebrew calender, Hebrew bible, and ancient Hebrew Israel's true identity and history...

According to Daniel 7:25, Lucifer used his religious and political beasty land of the Vatican-Roman Catholic to alter and change the true calender of God of the ancient Hebrew Israelites..

The months in the current calendar are demonic names of gods and goddesses connected to Nimrod i.e Babylon, the founding father of one world order and Sun worship called BAAL, scientifically called HELIOCENTRISM OR SOLAR SYSTEM and philosophically called BIG BANG..

They all sets the time and masonic mathematical formulas according to the evolution of the sun i.e the world and the inhabitants worships Satan through the sun? GOD FORBID!!

Satan has deceived the whole human race(rev 12:9).. But thank God through Jesus Christ for the prepared new world i.e new Israel or new Jerusalem or city of David or bossom of Abraham or kingdom of God where it needs no alteration..

You are wrong...the Eithopeans do not use the Hebrew calendar. As it is, the Jewish people would be celebrating their new year on sunday - YEAR 5781
Pets / Re: Have You Been Chased By A Dog Before? Share Your Experience. by naomishmuel(f): 4:00pm On Jul 31, 2020
My own, na cow pursue me grin grin grin

Back then in Uni,I was going to school with my friend and we very late so we decided to take shortcut which was a bushy path.

As we were going, we saw a herd of cows coming towards us, so we moved to the other side of the road and continued walking fast only for us to hear rapid steps behind us.. I looked back and saw one of the cows coming towards us.. naso I pick race o, we just dey run..the aboki come dey laugh is con call his cow back.. my heart just dey beat.. After that day I no dey ever follow that path again..
You're lucky o

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